Big Japan Pro Wrestling 6/27/2022 - Bloody Musou Tournament Opening Round
Drew Parker left BJW and they are having a tournament for his deathmatch title. It seems like a lot of the best deathmatch guys from BJW end up in Freedoms these days and Drew was one of their better guys, so they will miss him.
I saw 5 of the 7 matches.
Weapon Bringing Death Match - Jaki Numazawa & Yuichi Taniguchi vs. Masaya Takahashi & Ryuji Ito
Tani charges at Ito and runs away from his giant nail brush. Ito puts him into the post and avoids a barbed wire kendo stick shot. Jaki and Masaya go at it then Masaya hits him with a barbed wire bat. Jaki chinbreakers him with the barbed wire bat and hurts his own head. Jaki then gets pushed into a gusset plate and carpet strip cross.
Masaya hits him with the cross then Ito hits punches on Jaki. Ito uses his giant nail brush on Jaki then chairs him. Masaya uses the barbed wire bat on Jaki then Ito footchokes Jaki. Ito uses the nail brush on him and punches it into him. Jaki hits headbutts on Masaya and Masaya eyerakes him.
Jaki and Ito trade forearms and Ito northern lights suplexes him. Masaya spears Tani then flipping sentons chairs on him. Tani eye pokes him and hits double throat thrusts on both opponents. Tani then northern lights suplexes Masaya. Tani walks the ropes with Masaya's hand then is thrown off the top.
Ito hits his own partner with the barbed wire kendo stick then Tani hits Masaya with it. Tani thend oddly puts the barbed wire kendo stick under Masaya's arms and pulls with a reverse full nelson and wins it.
The ending was surprising and weird. There wasn't much to this except for weapons shots.
Barbed Wire Board Death Match - Abdullah Kobayashi & Takumi Tsukamoto vs. Daiju Wakamatsu & Yuki Ishikawa
Abby gets beat up 2v1 to start and is whipped into a barbed wire board. Yuki dropkicks Takumi and tries to run at him with a barbed wire board but Takumi shoves him. Daiju then hits Takumi with a board over the head. Abby whips Daiju into a barbed wire board then Abby throws a piece of the board at him from inside to outside.
Abby and Daiju trade shots. Takumi chokes Daiju with barbed wire then Abby cowbells him to the head. Takumi does a vader bomb style elbow on a barbed wire board on Daiju then Daiju sentons himself on the board for some reason. Daiju slams him on the board then spinning heel kicks him onto the board.
Yuki dropkicks and flying forearms Takumi then sentons the board on him but takes the barbed wire part and doesn't sell it. Takumi hits Yuki in the heard with the board then suplexes him. Abby lariats Yuki then shining wizards him. Abby takes a double suplex onto a barbed wire board then Daiju sentons the board on Abby. Yuki top rope footstomps the board on Abby for 2 then enzugiri's him. Abby then does a surprise roll-up out of nowhere to pin Yuki. Daiju beats up Abby after.
I didn't like this. I didn't like them hitting themselves with the weapons and they looked like idiots going into the weapons purposely and no selling them.
BJW Tag Titles - Astronauts (Fuminori Abe and Takuya Nomura) (c) vs Strong BJ (Daisuke Sekimoto and Yuji Okabayashi)
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Yuki Okabayashi's mouthguard comes out after a slap |
Nomura and Sek test of strength which Sek wins. Nomura backrolls though to get an advantage. Nomura headscissors him then Sek rolls out and locks up his legs. Sek strangleholds Abe then Abe gives it back to him. Oka and Abe go at it then Oka shoulders him. He goes for another but is thrown over the top rope then both Sek and Oka end up on the floor. Abe kicks Oka from the apron then Sek is suplexed on the floor.
Oka then double suplexes both opponents on the floor. Oka hits some kicks and stomps to Abe and Abe knocks his mouth piece out of a slap. Oka then chops him down then Sek and Oka take turns slamming Abe. Oka splashes Abe for 2 then Abe dropkicks Oka. Nomura forearm flurries Oka in the corner then single arm butterfly suplexes him for 2.
Nomura then gets spinebustered. Sek samoan drops Nomura then Nomura slams him. Abe gets in and dropkicks Sek in the knee then facekicks Oka off the apron. Abe then dragon screws him and figure fours him. Oka splashes Abe to break it up then corner lariats Abe. Abe and Oka suplex each other then Oka crabs him. Nomura breaks that up then Abe hurricanrana's Oka. Abe gets sent out but holds on and goes for a baseball punch but is lariated.
Nomura forearm flurries Sek then Sek machine gunchops Nomura. Abe and Nomura double team Sek with slaps then sandwich PK him. Nomura whips Sek then takes a rare shotgun dropkick from him. Nomura suplexes him at 20 minutes then eats a big lariat. Abe slaps Oka and gets a slap flurry for it then step up enzugiri's him. Oka then hits a nice back body drop on him.
Sek spears Nomura then sharpshooters him. Abe then octopus stretches Sek while he does it but Oka suplexes him out of it. Nomura hits a nice dropkick on Sek. They trade forearms and Nomura slap flurries him. Nomura then release germans him amd takes one from Sek. Oka runs over Abe with a shoulder and then Sek and Oka stereo torture rack their opponents. Both Nomura and Abe get out then stereo octopus stretch them. Oka then lifts Abe and swings his feet at Nomura's head.
Oka and Sek running lariat Abe then Oka 2nd rope powerslams Abe for 2. Oka is pushed into Sek then Oka is german suplexed. Nomura beats Sek on the lariat attempt. Sek goes to dragon suplex Nomura but Oka picks up his own partner and germans him to do it. Oka lariats Abe in the back of the head then powerslams him. Oka then lariats him for 2. Abe puts an octopus stretch on Oka.
Abe baseball punches Oka then takes a stiff lariat for it. Oka top rope frogsplashes Abe, but Abe gets his knees up. Oka lariats Abe then Abe hurricanrana's Oka. The time limit then expires.
This went to a 30 minute draw. It was a pretty good one with them not taking it easy nor slowing down the action. It was clear they weren't going for a short match here, but they didn't make it obvious it would be a draw. The 4 matched up well as expected and they did do the big man vs little man storyline to some degree.
Oka kicks Nomura after and then Abe wants some too. Nomura then yelled on the mic at his opponents after as Abe did squats.
Bloody Musou Tournament First Round Pushpin Death Match - Michio Kageyama vs Yuko Miyamoto
have a board with tacks on it and some kind of thin board perhaps with
tacks. They both try to throw each other into the tacks then Kage gets
double stomped almost into them. Yuko picks him up by his legs and tries
to force his face into them. Yuko then slams him onto the tack rug.
They trade forearms and Yuko elbows him in the head. Yuko then fist
drops him.
Kage hits a gamengiri then kick combos him into a
ddt. Kage rolling fireman's carries Yuko on tacks for 2. Yuko then belly
to belly suplexes Kage. Yuko puts tacks in Kage's mouth and
chinbreakers and slaps him. Kage does a nice roll into a pin combination
on Yuko then Yuko suplexes him. Yuko leg rolls Kage around where they
both kind of role in tacks.
Yuko takes a falcon arrow on the
tacks for 2. Yuko gets rolled up then dropkicks him in the knee. Yuko
then hits a nasty powerbomb on him through the board with tacks and
corkscrew moonsaults him for 2. Kage then rolls up Yuko on the tacks and
wins it.
The use of the roll ups into the tacks was creative and helped make this one an interesting match.
Bloody Musou Tournament First Round Rain Over Sky Death Match - Hideyoshi Kamitani vs Isami Kodaka
We have some weird board with multi colored squares and tubes up on the ropes. Kami gets hit with the tubes in the head. They shoulder each other and purposely drive themselves into tubes for some reason. Kami then hits Isami over the head with a bundle of tubes. Kami headbutts Isami then sends him into the tubes on the ropes. Isami then does the same to him then is whipped into them again.
Kami slams Isami on some tubes and they trade chops. Isami flying kicks Kami in the corner then 2nd rope hurricanrana's him onto tubes. Kami fires up then runs at him with a stack of tubes to make them break. Kami then top rope elbows Isami but Isami catches it with an armbar.
Kami chases at Isami and goes over the top rope then takes a tope con hilo. Isami brings in a ladder and swings it at him. Isami then top rope double knees tubes into Kami's chest. Isami then climbs the ladder and Kami joins him. Kami then top rope superplexes him off the ladder.
Kami spinebusters Isami hard into a tack board for 2. Kami forearms him. Isami hits some slaps back and Kami forearms him. Isami facekicks him and brainbusters him for 2. Isami climbs the ladder and Kami follows, but is knocked down. Isami then double knees him off the top of the ladder for 2. Isami axe kicks him in the back of the head then buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Kami then suplexes Isami and totally misses a lariat that is sold anyway. Isami pumping knees him then double knees him off the ladder again for 2.
Isami axe kicks him in the back of the head again, breaks tubes over his own head then is lariated. Kami then lariats him again and hits a back suplex for the win.
The finishing stretch of this was just just stupid. Isami did two top of the ladder double knees that didn't end the match and Kami missed a lariat. Isami also hit himself with tubes for no reason and it ruined and otherwise decent match.
Overall thoughts: The tag title match was a good one and the Kageyama/Miyamoto match was decent for deathmatch standards. I definitely recommend checking out the tag title match if you can.
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