Wednesday, August 21, 2024

WWE Speed 8/21/2024

WWE Speed 8/21/2024

Last week's show is here:

NOTE - WWE has a weird way of formatting this tournament. They have 8 people in it and usually, that goes from 8 people to 4 people to 2 people to one person. The winner then moves onto a Speed Title match. However, they count the Speed Title match as part of the tournament which makes this a quarterfinal match even though everyone else would call it the semifinal match.

#1 Contender's Tournament Quarterfinals - Pete Dunne vs Joaquin Wilde

Wilde flying headscissors him to start. Wilde walks up the ropes and flips off with an armdrag. Wilde does a flying armbar takedown. Pete stomps Wilde's arm into the mat then sitout powerbombs him. Wilde does a sitout bomb on him for 2. Wilde superkicks him then takes a rebound german.

Pete stomps Wilde's hands and buzzsaw kicks him. Wilde hits a ddt off a bitter end attempt for 2. Wilde back elbows him and rolls then catches a basement dropkick. Wilde poisonrana's him for 2. Wilde misses a top rope 450 then Pete hits a bitter end and wins at 2:36.

Thoughts: It was a short one here. They got as much action as they could out of it but there just wasn't much time to do more than that. Pete won here as expected.

Overall thoughts: There was only one 2:36 minute long match. The wrestlers did what they could with it but the time limit really prevents anything from being that great. I wouldn't recommend this.

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