Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Reality of Wrestling 8/5/2024 Episode #407

Reality of Wrestling 8/5/2024 Episode #407

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/reality-of-wrestling-7282024-episode-406.html

We see Danny Limelight and Lexis King arrive together and knock over someone's magazine. We also see some other wrestlers arrive.

Ryan Davidson comes into the GM's (Andrew Jackson) office. He talks about Danny screwing him out of a title and Lexis costing him a match. He asks him to make things straight tonight. He says he wants a handicap match vs Danny and Lexis. Andrew Jackson says we are all frustrated and said he can't have him in a handicap match as it is bad for business. He says a tag team match is good for business though if he can find a partner. Matty agrees and says he will find a partner.

Josiah Jean vs K Toomer

I've seen K wrestle in Memphis before and they talk about him being from Memphis. They lock up and JJ is backs up in the corner. They go for leg kicks. JJ rolls out of a legsweep. JJ superkicks him then K hits a slingblade.

JJ cartwheels off the ropes and hits a jumping knee. K splashes him in the corner then corkscrew kicks him. K cranks his arm back. JJ tries to do an up and over but his arm hurts too much. K superkicks him in the arm.

JJ sits on top and is high kicked. K has him on his shoulder and spins him into a ddt to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't that long and had them doing a lot of kicks here. It wasn't anything special. K moves well for his size.

Promise Braxton is interviewed. She said it blows her mind that the company isn't kissing her feet. She said she won a tryout in japan and is coming back to disrespect. She said she will become a 3x Diamond champ tonight and asks the announcer what her name is.

Promise Braxton vs Jada Stone


Jada has appeared in TNA and Braxton has appeared for ROH. They lock up. PB backs her up into the corner. PB waistlock takedowns her then Jada rolls her up. Jada does another roll up and PB tries a pin. PB side headlocks takeovers her. Jada does a nice headflip out of a side headlock. Jada cartwheels out of a snapmare.

Jada drops down and takes a boot. PB walks up the buckles and armdrags her. PB hits forearms in the corner. PB blocks an up and over then Jada armdrags her off of it. Jada flying headscissors her. Jada is flipped then bridges out of a lariat. Jada dropkicks her.

Jada chops her. Jada sunset flip rolls her out of the corner then meteora's her. Jada basement dropkicks her for 2. Jada goes for a handspring and gets kicked. 

PB hits mounted forearms. PB slams her for 2 then pulls her arms back. Jada sunset flips her and PB's head is banged off the mat during it. PB germans her on her head and side headlocks her. They trade forearms.

Jada slingblades her. Jada kicks her from the ropes then does an arabian moonsault for 2. Jada northern lights suplexes her then PB hits a nasty ddt out of a suplex attempt.

PB goes up top. Jada superkicks her then hurricanrana's her off the buckles for 2. PB gutwrench bombs her and wins.

Thoughts: This was a good match. Jada can really move and has potential as an underdog face. She seems better than some of the TNA, NWA and ROH girls already but still could improve her look and hit her offense a little cleaner.

We see clips of Booker T being interviewed by Chris Van Vilet. Booker gets a call. He says he hasn't been calling someone as they haven't gotten the job done. He says his office hours at 9-5.

Ryan Davidson goes up to Jay Alexander and asks if to team with him. He said he wasn't his first choice. Jay says he's nobodies second choice and needs to look out for himself.

Cameron Cole vs Matty Ice

Chris Van Vilet is on commentary for this. Ice side headlocks him and shoulders him over. CC hiptosses him then Ice side headlock takeovers him. Ice misses a dropkick then CC dropkicks him out. CC Goes for a dive and gets hit. CC drops him face first on the apron then Ice suplexes him for 2.

CC elbow drops him and chinlocks him. Ice pulls him down then misses an elbow drop. CC throws him over his back and facelocks him. Ice rock bottoms him for 2. CC lariats him over the top then topes him. CC slingshots into a codebreaker for 2.

CC hits some shots and goves up and over. CC running forearms him and slingblades him. CC does a slingblade bulldog for 2. CC sits on top and takes an enzugiri. CC tope rope hurricanrana's him but Ice rolls through for 2. They try pins and CC bridge pins him to win.

Thoughts: It was an average match that maybe got a little more time than it needed. 

They shake hands after.

Lexis King and Danny Limelight are interviewed. Danny says Ryan needs to figure out which bozo he teams with tonight. He says Ryan won't do a d@mn thing. King says he doesn't need time. He's been teaming with Danny for a long time and they have chemistry. He says it'll be the same old song and dance when the two biggest stars in the building come out.

Danny Limelight and Lexis King vs Ryan Davidson and Zilla Fatu

Zilla and King lock up. Zilla pushes him back and does "the one" taunt. King trap holds him then side headlocks him. King side headlock takeovers him and chinlocks him. Zilla headscissors him then side headlock takeovers him. Zilla uses the ropes to side headlock takeover King.

Ryan shoulders King's arm. King takes a double headbutt from the faces. Zilla goes for another headlock takeover using the ropes and is dumped out by King. King stomps on Zilla. King slams Zilla and Danny slingshot swantons Zilla.

Danny rolls over Zilla's back then russian legsweeps him for 2. Zilla hits a double suplex. Ryan gets the hot tag in. Ryan atomic drops Kings then knee lifts him. Ryan lariats King for 2. Ryan tries to suplex King in but Danny blocks it. Danny then flatliners Ryan for 2.

Ryan's head is banged off the buckles then King double foot chokes him. King chops Ryan. Danny corner lariats Ryan for 2. King armlocks him. King running knees Ryan in the back of the head.

Danny jumps at Ryan in the corner and is backbreakered. King stomps on Ryan and armlocks him. King stops Ryan from making a tag with a backdrop. Ryan powerslams King.

Zilla gets the hot tag in. He hits nice lariats on the heels and full-nelson twisting slams King. Zilla nearly kills Danny on a botched back body drop. Zilla then dives a suicide dive over the top.

Ryan enzugiri's Danny in the corner, suplexes him and fist drops him. King superkicks Danny on accident on a failed double team. Zilla superman samoan spikes King then Ryan falcon arrows Danny for the win.

The match went longer than it needed to but it was good. Ryan and Zilla both had good hot tag segments. Zilla looked like the next big thing here. He looks like someone you'd see in prison, he's got fire and he is athletic. He's basically a second Jacob Fatu. Ryan was good here as well. The crowd got really into this one which helped things out.

Overall thoughts: The women's match and the main were good here. Everything except the opener kind of ran a little longer than it needed to. I had no problems with this one and I liked it overall.

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