Monday, August 12, 2024

NWA Main Event 8/5/1990

NWA Main Event 8/5/1990

Jim Ross and Missy Hyatt welcome us to the show. Lex was attacked last week and JR says the evidence points towards The Horsemen. Missy says Lex tripped over his own ego.

3 Match Series, Match 1 - The Fabulous Freebirds vs The Wild Eyed Southern Boys


Hayes side headlocks Steve then hits punches on him. Hayes takes a back body drop and Steve hits nice dropkicks. Hayes goes out to stall. Garvin tells him it'll be alright outside.

Garvin gets punches in on Tracy then takes a back body drop. Tracy side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Tracy hiptosses and armdrags him. Tracy side headlocks Hayes then Hayes hits a nice punch that sends Tracy out. Garvin lariats Tracy on the outside and laughs.

Tracy is dropped throat first on the rail. Tracy is then whipped into the rails. Tracy's throat is pulled down over the top then Tracy is knocked into the rails off the apron. Hayes then cheapshots Tracy outside.

Tracy sunset flips Garvin then Garvin lariats him. Hayes hits an elbow drop on Tracy, poses on him and is rolled up for a pin attempt by Tracy. Hayes punches him. Hayes sleepers Tracy and Tracy jawbreakers him. Tracy is thrown over the top then ref isn't looking.

Tracy flying back elbows Hayes and JR says he needs to make a hot tag. Hayes makes a hot tag to Steve. Steve pounds on Garvin and Hayes then is thrown out. Steve recovers and top rope diving lariats The Birds. Hayes takes double shoulder as does Garvin.

Garvin is lifted in the air and takes a flying back elbow. Garvin is pinned and The Boys win it.

Thoughts: Tracy took a pretty cool bump going into the rails off the apron. The Boys' double shoulderblock looked good. I thought the finish could have been a little better here but I liked it.

Missy says The Steiner's are stupid and bullies. She says the video will show Rick bullying one of The Samoan's.

Scott Steiner vs Fatu

Fatu is Rikishi. Scott has some music I don't recognize. This should be good. The Steiners do an inset promo. Rick says who care about The SST. He says they take care of business and that's all that matters.

Fatu nails Scott from behind then powerslams him. Scott's wearing rare green and gray then he powerslams Fatu. He hits clotheslines on Fatu and sends him out. Fatu offers a handshake. 

Scott hammerlocks Fatu and Fatu ropebreaks. Scott does a headlock and shoulders him over. Fatu leapfrogs and is caught with an atomic drop. Scott suplexes him. Scott charges at him and goes over the top. Fatu throws him into the rails and superkicks Scott.

Fatu headbutts Scott then short arm lariats him. Scott bangs Fatu's leg off the apron then sends him into the rails. Scott's head is banged off the rails and superkicked. Fatu trap holds Scott. 

Fatu bends over, gets his head banged off the mat and no sells it. Fatu lariats him for 2. Scott belly to belly suplexes Fatu then Scott hits a frankensteiner. Scott goes for the pin then the other SST member hits Scott with a shovel. Scott gets hanged over the top with a skirt while getting hit with the shovel. Rick Steiner comes in and breaks it up.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with a lame finish. It wasn't the best they could have done but it's 1990 TV. Scott got roughed up some in the beating after.

We get a Wrestling Hotline promo with Rick Steiner and one of The Samoan's pretending to be cavemen.

The Danger Zone

Paul E. Dangerously says he tells you how things really are. He says there's a situation with The Rock and Roll Express and The SST that The Steiners got involved in.

We see clips of a Rock and Roll Express vs SST match. Morton hits a flying double clothesline. Gibson hits a back body drop then puts Fatu in a sleeper. All 4 fight in the ring then The SST are thrown into each other. The Express hit a double back body drop and double dropkick. Doom then run in and force the DQ. The heels group up on Morton and Teddy Long even gets shots in. The Steiners make the save.

Paul says Lex Luger tripped in the parking lot. We see Sting and Junkyard Dog talking about playing dirty. Tommy Rich comes in and says someone got Lex and he's beat up. Tommy doesn't have any more details. JYD blames The Horsemen. Lex Luger comes in the ring with ripped clothes and a weapon. Sting then gets in the ring with Lex.

Paul E. Dangerously interviews Tommy Rich and The Junkyard Dog. Paul asks if Tommy saw The Horsemen jump Lex. Tommy says he didn't. Paul says JYD has to wonder who is next and JYD says he always wonders that. Paul says he thinks Lex tripped. JYD says The Dudes with Attitudes are always coming for The Horsemen.

Thoughts: This wasn't a good segment. We didn't see what happened to Lex and Lex wasn't beaten up too bad because he was still walking around, so it's hard to get invested in this one.

Missy and JR talk. Missy says Buddy Landell cheapshotted Tommy Rich last night.

We see Tommy Rich and Buddy Landell talk the night before. Buddy says he will give him a rematch to let him prove himself. Tommy says he will show him what kind of man he is. Tommy slaps him and they start fighting. Buddy runs off.

Buddy Landell joins Missy and JR. Missy says she's sure he will get revenge on Rich. Buddy says Missy is the sweetest woman in wrestling. Buddy says he was being a good sportsman and Tommy sucker punched him. He said he will take his head off. He said Missy promised him that if he beats Tommy twice, she will take him out in her limo. Buddy says that's his inspiration. He says he will stomp a mudhole dry in Tommy.

Thoughts: I didn't see what lead up to this, but it sure did come across like Tommy sucker punched Buddy.

The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair and Arn Anderson) vs Joe Defuria and Tim Hughes

Joe is in the blue and Tim is in the black. Arn knees Joe in the gut then snapmares him. Arn stomps Joe's head and chokes him on the ropes. Arn rakes Joe's face on the ropes. Joe is whipped into Ric's knee. They call Joe a terrific young prospect.

Ric chops Joe and stomps him.Ric back elbows Joe then Lex luger comes out. Arn and Ric stare at Lex and Ric tells him to come. Arn ddt's Tim and wins.

It was just a quick squash here with the jobbers going down easy.

Ric gets on the mic and tells Lex to come. He says he has no guts and says not to walk away from him.

Doom vs Tim Hughes and Chris Powers

LOL Tim is back for his second match in a row. Who put this show together? Chris looks like a shorter and fatter Greg Gange. Ron hits a nice powerslam on Chris and headbutt drops him. Chris gets his head banged off the buckles. Long says The Rock and Roll Express will never hold the tag titles.

Reed hits a nice lariat on Tim then hits shots to the gut. Reed hits a nice lariat out of the corner. Reed flying shoulders Tim. Tim is lifted and takes a flying lariat off the buckles from Ron. Ron gets the pin.

Tim is stomped on after.

Thoughts: Reed wore short trunks here. Doom looked good. I liked Ron's slam and their finisher looked good.

"Nature Boy" Buddy Landell vs "Wildfire" Tommy Rich

Buddy goes after him while he's on the apron. Buddy hits shots while Tommy has his jacket still on then Buddy chokes Tommy with the jacket. Buddy hits shots outside and chokes Tommy with the jacket. Buddy bangs Tommy's head off the steps. Tommy boots him out of the corner and hits punches.

Tommy hits a punch and is chopped down by Buddy. Buddy kneels on Tommy's throat. Buddy bangs Tommy's head off the buckles. Buddy armlocks Tommy. Tommy hits corner punches on Buddy. Buddy boots him in the gut and elbows his neck. Buddy chops Tommy down for 2.

Buddy and Tommy trade shots on their knees. Buddy then bangs Tommy's head off the mat. Buddy rakes Tommy's eyes on the ropes. Buddy hits shots on Tommy and pushes the ref out of the way. The ref falls down, Buddy is pushed and trips over him. Tommy then pins him and wins.

Thoughts: This wasn't much. It was all one-sided with Buddy getting most of the offense in before being pinned in a fluke.

"The Big Kahuna" Sir Oliver Humperdink talks about Bam Bam Bigelow vs Tim Horner on The Power Hour (which aired after this). He says Tim will get squashed in the corner and there's nothing he can do about it.

JR is with Flair and Arn. Arn says every crook and Viet Cong is trying to get a shot in on Lex. He says everyone wants to be World and US champ and says it's on Sting and Lex's heads if the undercard guys get roughed up more than usual. Flair says you don't see anyone jumping on him or The Horsemen. He says to cry on someone else's shoulder as they are the real deal.

Thoughts: That had nothing to do with anything and didn't answer any questions about this attack on Lex.

Overall thoughts: It's 1990's TV so even if we did get some name matchups, they had screwy finishes. The "Who Attacked Lex?" mystery was not solved here and with Lex not even being seriously injured, it's hard to really care. Someone screwed up here as Tim Hughes was shown in two matches right after each other which shouldn't have happened. The in-ring work here was decent but the booking wasn't. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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