Saturday, August 10, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/10/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 14

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/10/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 14

Day 13 is here:

Be-Bop Tag Team (Hiroshi Tanahashi & Toru Yano) & Katsuya Murashima vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Francesco Akira & Great-O-Khan)

Akira wristlocks KM then KM slams him. Yano gets in and takes off a turnbuckle pad. The ref gets hold of it and Akira dropkicks Yano over. Akira stomps on Yano. Khan double chops Yano then sits on his neck on the buckles.

Yano pulls Akira down by the hair. Tana gets in and flying forearms Akira. Tana dragon screws all 3 of his opponents. He slams Akira then 2nd rope swantons him. Akira trips Tana then double stomps his back.

KM gets in and flying forearms Akira. Akira takes corner attacks then KM shoulders Akira over for 2. KM misses a dropkick and Akira headkicks him for 2. Akira crabs him and KM taps out to a single leg crab.

Thoughts: It was your usual opener that just existed to get people on the show and not much else. It wasn't anything of note.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Gabe Kidd, Gedo & Jake Lee)

Bushi and Gedo go at it. Bushi is hit from behind by Gabe. Bushi hits a double hurricanrana on Gedo and Gabe. Bushi grabs Gedo by the beard and Naito knocks Bushi's arm down while he holds it. Shingo then gets in on it. Naito and Shingo are sent into the rails outside. Naito is thrown into the seats as well.

Gedo pulls on Naito's hair. Jake slams Naito for 2. Gabe gets in and Naito tornado ddt's him. Jake takes a baseball slide and Shingo is tagged in. Shingo hits punches and chops on Jake then corner lariats him.

Shingo shoulders Jake over for 2. They trade forearms. Jake knees him in the gut then takes a dragon screw. Shingo hits downward elbows and is tripped. Shingo suplexes Jake.

Bushi dropkicks Gabe in the knee then Jake forearms Bushi. Jake lifts Bushi with a choke and throws him down. Bushi step up enzugiri's Jake. Jake high kicks him then guillotine chokes him. Jake then taps him out to win.

Thoughts: It was another short one here and the finish made Bushi look weak. 

Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo & EVIL)

The heels attack before it starts like usual. Shota takes boots from Evil and Togo. Shota gets out of a double team and hits dropkicks. Honma comes in and hits forearms on Togo. Togo boots him out of the corner. Honma shoulders him over and misses a falling headbutt. Evil rakes Shota's back outside. Evil sends Honma in the rails, knocking the announcer over.

Togo stomps Honma then clubs his chest. Togo fist drops Honma for 2. Evil gets in. Honma hits some shots then does a ddt + flatliner combo to his opponents at once. Shota running forearms Evil then suplexes him. Evil eye rakes Shota then throws him into the exposed buckle.

Togo hits shots on Shota. Shota powers up then takes corner attacks. Evil fisherman suplexes Shota for 2. Togo chokes Shota with a chain and Honma breaks it up. Honma sends Evil into the exposed buckle. Shota exploders Togo and Honma falling headbutts Togo. Shota double underhook ddt's Togo and wins.

Evil throws stuff in the ring after in anger. 

Thoughts: It was your usual HoT tag and was nothing of note. Togo lost as he is the pin eater for HoT.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Konosuke Takeshita vs. Oleg Boltin

Oleg takes him down then KT throws him down. Kt hits a hard forearm then Oleg belly to belly suplexes him out. KT facekicks him off the apron then tope con hilos him. KT ddt's him on the apron then chinlocks him.

KT flying clotheslines him. They trade forearms and Oleg hits a slam. Oleg shoulders him over and splashes him. KT flying knees him and is thrown down. KT grabs him from the buckles and blue thunders him. KT suplexes him then Oleg karelin's lifts him.

Oleg hits a vader bomb for 2. They lariat each other at the same time. Oleg flips him with a lariat then finlay rolls him for 2. KT germans him then Oleg germans him back. KT germans him and Oleg germans him back. KT forearms him over. Oleg release germans him.

Oleg catches his knee and F-5's him. Oleg finlay rolls him and wins.

Thoughts: I liked this. Oleg doesn't do all that flippy stuff and kept KT in line here. Both guys did their usual offense and it worked. Oleg getting the win was a big upset and a huge slap in the face to Takeshita for losing to such a low ranked guy in NJPW.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - HENARE vs. Ren Narita

Ren nails Henare on the ramp before it starts then bangs his head off the apron. Ren bangs Henare's head off the buckles. Henare no sells it then Ren eye rakes him. Henare shoulders him over.

Henare pounds on him and misses a step up knee. Henare is thrown over the top. Henare is sent into the rails. Ren chairs Henare's leg outside. Ren stomps and butt drops the leg inside. Ren then twists the foot.

Ren eye rakes Henare then running facekicks him. Henare berzerker bombs him. Henare hits forearms then corner lariats him. Henare sentons him for 2. Henare chest kicks him for 2.

Henare lariats him then takes an exploder. Ren fling kicks him and suplexes him for 2. Ren ankle locks him. Henare lariats him. Henare tries to full nelson Ren, Ren grabs the ref and the ref ends up slapping Henare. Henare is then pushed into the ref and clipped. Henare kicks the push-up bar into Ren's face and samoan drops him. He tries to pin him but the ref is out. 

Ren hits him in the leg with the push-up board and leglocks him. Henare avoids a facebuster then PK's Ren. Henare slams down Ren for 2. Ren low blows Henare and knees him in the head. Ren facebusters him and wins.

Thoughts: This was garbage from the start. Henare got attacked before the bell and the match went on. Henare got hit chairs and the ref didn't care. The ref even actually hit Henare on accident. It was just awful and disgraceful.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Hirooki Goto vs. El Phantasmo

ELP clean breaks him. Goto shoulders him over and is dropkicked. They trade forearms and Goto larias him over the top. Goto chinlocks ELP. Goto is sent over the top and ELP plancha's him. ELp moonsaults him off the top outside. He then does his swanton into a moonsault inside. Goto lariats him.

Goto spinning heel kicks him in the corner and backdrops him. ELP hits forearms then Goto lariats him. They trade forearms. ELP running lariats him. ELP bridges him and elbow slides him down for 2. ELP suplexes him. ELP burning hammers him then top rope splashes him.

Goto ushigoroshi's him then hit a GTW for 2. ELP backslides him then superkicks him. They trade pin attempts and ELP wins.

Thoughts: I liked the first part of it but then they just started spamming moves in the 2nd half without selling them much. It kept things moving but it was meaningless stuff. 

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - David Finlay vs. Jeff Cobb

Cobb shoulders him over and DF hits forearms. Cobb dropkicks him. DF pounds on him. DF surfs on his back and buttdrops it. DF hits an irish curse for 2. Cobb fallaway slams hm.

CObb flying shoulders him then flying euros him in the corner. Cobb throws him off the backdrop. Cobb spinning backdrops him. Cobb is pushed into the post then DF spears him through the rail door.

DF hits crossface shots then lariats him in the back of the head. Cobb throws him. DF hits a dominator for 2. Cobb hits a big forearm, slams him then hits a falling shot on him for 2. Cobb standing moonsaults him for 2.

DF hits a shiranui off the buckles for 2. Cobb hits a big lariat. DF powerbombs him for 2. DF hits another powerbomb. DF hits overkill for the win.

It had the usual issues DF's matches have with him throwing around and overpowering people he shouldn't. DF should never be throwing around Cobb yet he threw him around more than Cobb did. It went longer than it needed to and they just kind of ran through the last part of this without any real meaning or story.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Yota Tsuji vs. Yuya Uemura

They do some mat wrestling. Yuya wristlocks him then is put in a side headlock. Yuya trips him into an armlock. Yota tries to roll out of an armlock and Yuya rolls with him.

Yota hits a big forearm and chops him on the ropes. Yuya shoulder throws him then bangs his arm off the mat. Yuya basement dropkicks the arm. Yuya hammerlocks him then bridges while doing it.

Yota hits back elbows then Yuya armdrags him. They go out and Yuya keeps the armlock on. Yota hits chops then Yuya hits chops. Yuya goes up and over then armdrags him. Yota hits a knee to the gut then gutbusters him. Yota splashes him for 2. Yuya tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him then crabs him. 

Yota and Yuya each hit dropkicks. Yota gets his knees up on Yuya's top rope splash then Yota topes him. Yota alabama slams him for 2 then does a double leg lock on him. Yuya headbutts him.

Yuya hits a nasty lariat then hits a marlow crash for 2. Yuya armdrags him and crucifixes him for 2. Yuya hits headbutts and Yota hits him back. Yuya cradles him off a suplex attempt and wins.

Thoughts: I thought Yuya oversold here. The finish was just not satisfying and it felt like there should have been another 10+ minutes of this. The match ended before they really even stopped doing the basic submissions you do at the start of the match. 

Yuya talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts:  I didn't like this one at all. The main was dud. Finlay's match was his usual so-so match with him overpowering the bigger Cobb. They didn't sell enough for me in Goto/ELP but Takeshita/Oleg was okay. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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