Saturday, August 3, 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling 7/20/2024 Summer Action Series 2024 Day 3

All Japan Pro Wrestling 7/20/2024 Summer Action Series 2024 Day 3

ActWresGirl'z dance before the show.

Kyoka Iwai & Yufa vs. Nagisa Shiotsuki & Natsuki

NS = Nagisa Shiotsuki, Nat = Natsuki

Nat and Yufa lock up. Nat wristlocks her then headlock takeovers her. Yufa headscissors her. Yua poses and Nat boots her over. Nat slams her. Yufa takes a boot, is tripped from behind then takes a double elbow drop.

NS puts Yufa on the 2nd rope then NS and Nat stands on her there. Iwai breaks it up. Iwai hits a double stunner and footchokes Nat. Iwai rubs nat's eyes on the ropes and facebusters her. Iwai takes a dropkick from Nat. NS slams Iwai then sharpshooters her. Iwai gets out of it quick.

NS dropkicks Iwai against the ropes for 2. NS backcrackers Iwai and hits chops. Iwai headlock takeovers her. Yufa grabs NS in the corner for a back elbow from Iwai. Iwai legdrops NS for 2.

NS double chops Iwai. Nat gets in and dropkicks Iwai. Nat flying knees her in the corner then hits kicks to the back. Iwai stomps on Nat and dropkicks her in the knee. Nat hits chest forearms on Iwai then takes a russian legsweep. Nat does an interesting takedown on Iwai and does like an anaconda vice with a bridge.

Iwai back elbows Nat on the ropes then Nat flying knees her. Yufa double stomps Nat's back and throws her down by the hair. Yufa basement dropkicks Nat then slams her. Nat's head is banged off the mat for 2. Nat gets her knee caught over the top rope by Iwai. Yufa straight bombs Nat for 2. Nat cuty specials Yufa for 2.

Yufa and NS trade forearms. Yufa dropkicks NS then NS dropkicks her back. NS sharpshooters Yufa and Iwai breaks it up. Yufa rolls up NS for 2. They try more pins on the other. Yufa trips NS into a pin attempt for 2. NS codebreakers Yufa then NS does something like a tequila shot for 2.

NS takes a forearm from Iwai then a straightjacket bomb for 2. Iwai stunners Nat then Nat high kicks her down. Yufa is bridged on the 2nd rope and NS top rope double axe handles her. NS hits a unique wristclutch one-armed sitout powerbomb and wins.

Thoughts: It went too long like almost all these AWG matches do. It was average and the offense didn't look that great. Natsuki was by far the best person in this one.

All Asia Tag Team Title Match - MUSASHI & Seiki Yoshioka (c) vs. Naruki Doi & Senor Saito (MAZADA)

MS = Musashi, Maz = Mazada

Mazada came out with The Saito's wearing a red mask. Seiki and Doi go at it. Seiki headlock takeovers him, Doi headscissors him and they stand off. Maz nails MS with something when he locks up with Doi.

Maz and MS trade forearms. Maz falls down and kicks him low on accident. Maz pulls on MS' face in the corner. Maz eye rakes MS' face on the ropes. MS takes a double back elbow then a double basement dropkick for 2.

MS trips Doi and hits a basement dropkick. Seiki gets in. Seiki runs the ropes and flying kicks Doi. Seiki hits a knee and enzugiri in the corner on Doi. Seiki the running kicks him in the front and back. Doi rolls up Seiki then Seiki step up enzugiri's him. Doi hits doi fives and Seiki does some kind of flying kick on him.

Maz and MS go at it. MS step up enzugiri's him then exploders him for 2. MS grabs Maz by the mask. Maz single arm ddt's him then armdrags him. Maz hits something like a blade runner and lariats him for 2. Maz dragon sleepers MS.

Maz eye rakes Seiki. MS and Seiki hit corner attacks on their opponents and Doi and Maz have a discussion about this. They get back into place then end up being thrown into each other.

Maz takes corner attacks then a double suplex for 2.  MS goes for a top rope splash but Maz gets his knees up. Doi hits doi fives on MS and MS takes a german from Maz off of it. Maz standing falcon arrows MS then does a sitout torture rack bomb for 2.

Seiki uses Maz to tornado ddt Doi. MS running running forearms Maz then Maz takes a double superkick. Maz takes more usperkicks then MS falcon arrows him for 2. Seiki asai moonsaults outside then MS hits a landslide slam on Maz. MS top rope splashes Maz and wins.

Thoughts: I hated this. It went too long. Maz is slow and couldn't really keep up. They did too much here with torture rack sitout bomb kick outs and they did that goofy stop where Doi/Maz had a discussion about a double irish whip. This was bad.

Seiki and MS I think point towards the owner after and he seems to approve of their win. Doi has some words with them and MS talks more after.

Aizawa NO. 1, Cyrus, Hokuto Omori, Jack Kennedy & Kuma Arashi vs. Hideki Suzuki, Kuroshio TOKYO Japan, Ryo Inoue, Seigo Tachibana & Shotaro Ashino

Jiro does his long entrance where he goes into the crowd. The heels grab him and beat him up in the stands. Everyone but Seigo and Cyrus fight in the stands.

Cyrus gets behind Seigo. Jiro tries to warn Seigo. Seigo tries a forearm and is knocked over. Cyrus gorilla press slams him. Jack fallaway slams Siego for 2. Seigo is picked up by 4 guys and dropped. Kuma misses a senton on Seigo then Ashino comes in and karelin's lifts him.

We get a multi-person headlock spot and Cyrus bodyblocks Suzuki, knocking everyone over. Kuma misses a top rope senton. Ryo and Aizawa go at it. Ryo gets tripped by Omori from the outside. Cyrus does a double powerbomb on Seigo and Jiro while thye are on the buckles. Cyrus is thrown out then Omori double dropkicks Ashino and Suzuki.

Ryo takes corner lariats then a corner cannonball from Cyrus. Aizawa running lariata Ryo for 2. Ryo dropkicks Aizawa then spin kicks him for 2. Ryo regalplexes Aizawa and wins.

It was a fun muilti-man tag. It was entertaining with Seigo being the whipping boy and the heels being heels. There was nothing wrong with this.

Cyrus carries a young lion around after.

Dan Tamura, Suwama & Takao Omori vs. Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) & Masanobu Fuchi

Jun and Omori go at it. They shoulder battle and Jun knocks him over. They each miss elbow drops. Rei and Dan get in. Rei shoves him over. Dan side headlocks him and hits elbows and knees. Suwama gets in and shoulder battles Rei.

Suwama running lariats Rei. Rei knees him on the ropes. Fuchi gets in and dropkicks Suwama. Suwama sleepers him. Fuchi rakes the eyes and slams Suwama. Fuchi slams him again then hits closed fists on Omori and Dan.

Omori is held by The Saito's. The Saito's force Fuchi to attack Omori and Fuchi dropkicks Omori. Dan top rope diving shoulders Rei then corner shoulders him. Rei corner lariats Dan then Dan back body drops him. Dan hits lariats on Rei. Rei hits a big slap on him. Rei corner splashes Dan. Fuchi backdrops Dan and Rei splashes Dan. Rei chokeslams Dan and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short and fun tag here with Fuchi getting some shine. 

Kyohei Wada is given flowers after. Fuchi gets on the mic.

Shiro Koshinaka and Masao Inoue come out for the ceremony and they take a photo.

Triple Crown Title #1 Contendership Match - Yuma Aoyagi vs. Ren Ayabe

They lock up and clean break. Ren rubs Yuma's head around and is booted for it. Ren shoulders him over. Yuma sits on the top rope and is dropkicked down to the floor. Ren sends Yuma into the post. They trade forearms outside and Yuma goes into the rails multiple times. Ren slams Yuma on the apron.

Ren forearms Yuma and back body drops him. Ren crabs Yuma and Yuma ropebreaks. Yuma misses a 2nd rope dropkick then flying forearms Ren. Yuma corner forearms him then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Yuma does his guillotine + armhold and Ren ropebreaks.

Ren throws Yuma off the top. Ren running facekicks Yuma for 2. Ren flying neckbreakers Yuma. Ren facekicks Yuma then Yuma rock bottoms him for 2. Yuma does his guillotine + armlock to Ren. Ren suplexes him out of it and dropkicks him for 2. Ren hits a nice dragon suplex for 2. Yuma cradles Ren into hits guillotine + armlock. Ren is out and the match is stopped. Yuma wins.

It was as long as it should have been but it was a decent match here. Yuma worked his guillotine + armlock submission multiple times and finally won. I didn't like Ren losing here since he's being pushed and likely is going to be used in bigger roles going forward. Ren's offensive section wasn't the best as he still is kind of wooden.

Kento Miyahara vs. Rising HAYATO

They lock up. Kento clean breaks him. Rising wristlocks him and Kento reverses it. They trade hammerlocks and Rising chest chops him. Rising spinning headscissors him and dropkicks him off the apron. Rising misses a plancha outside. Rising sends him into the rails then is dropped on the rails throat first.

Kento headbutts him. Rising hits chops then takes another headbutt. Kento facelocks Rising around the post. Kento facelocks him then dropkicks him in the knee and the side of the head.

Kento facekicks Rising in the corner. Rising dropkicks him twice and facebusters him. Rising springboard plancha's him. Rising springboards in and meets a kick from Kento. Kento pumping knees him then Rising slingshot ddt's him on the apron over the middle rope. Rising springboard guillotine legdrops the back of Kento's neck.

Rising misses an asai moonsault. Kento step up knees him in the corner then Rising falcon arrows him for 2. Rising is caught on the ropes and german suplexed. Rising dropkicks him then Kento flying pumping knees him.

Rising escapes a straightjacket german then hits superkicks. Kento flying pumping knees him then Rising hits a package tombstone for 2. Kento gets his knees up on Rising's moonsault then Kento bridges him on a pin and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent favorite vs underdog match here. It would have been nice to see Rising win, but it wasn't going to happen. Rising got some hope spots in before being put down. 

Rising and Kento talk on the mic after.

Triple Crown Title Match  - Yuma Anzai (c) vs. Ryuki Honda


Honda has all red hair here and I think new red hair. Yuma wristlocks him. Honda side headlock takeovers him, gets headscissored and they stand off. They trade forearms and Honda shoulders him over. Honda hits a nice lariat.

Yuma is sent into the rails. They trade forearms outside. Yuma jumps off the rails and gets caught with an exploder on the floor. Honda chokes him on the ropes and counts along with the ref to break it. Honda back elobws Yuma.

Yuma hits forearms and pull Honda over the top. He flying knees him off the apron. Honda is sent into the rails outside. They trade forearms on the floor.  Honda's head hangs off the apron and Yuma running knees it.

Yuma flying knees him in the corner in the ring then belly to belly suplexes him. Yuma sleepers him. They trade forearms and Honda suplexes him. Honda spinebusters him for 2 then does a camel clutch variation.

Yuma hits a nice dropkick. They trade forearms on the buckles. Both end up falling off the buckles. Yuma goes for a springboard and is pushed out. They trade forearms on the apron. Yuma dragon suplexes him on the apron. They trade forearms inside after a while. Honda lariats him in the back of the neck. They german each other several times and no sell it, then eventually fall over at the same time.

They trade forearms. Yuma flips out of a lariat then takes a lariat. Honda hits a nice running lariat for 2. Yuma jumping knees him in the corner and dragon suplexes him. Yuma hits a flying knee for 2. Honda keeps falling over due to exhaustion/innjuries. Honda signals that he's playing possum. Yuma gets caught on a flying knee then Honda hits a big one armed powerbomb for 2. 

Yuma release germans him then is lariated. They forearm each other and Yuma flying knees him. Yuma running knees him in the chest for 1. Yuma germans him for 2.

Honda hits a strike combo and takes a headbutt Yuma powerbombs him while Honda is on his shoulder and wins.

Thoughts: The two matched up well together as expected. I didn't like the german no sells here and I would have preferred the apron dragon suplex wasn't done. Honda playing possum was cool and I liked the one-armed powerbomb catch off the flying knee. It was still a good match despite its issues but wasn't the classic I was hoping for. 

They shake hands after and Yuma talks on the mic after. Rei Saito comes out to challenge Yuma.

Overall thoughts: It was a pretty good show from AJPW. I liked everything but the first two matches. Nothing was must see but I would recommend it.

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