Tuesday, August 2, 2022

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/2/2022 G1 Climax 32 Day 10

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/2/2022 G1 Climax 32 Day 10

I just saw the G1 climax matches:

G1 Climax 32 Block B Match - Tomohiro Ishii vs Great O'Khan

Khan goes for the armbar early. They mat wrestle and Ishii shoulders him over. Ishii hits chops and rolls him into a legbar. Khan then legbars him, Ishii reverses it then Khan shoulders him. Khan mongolian chops him and they trade forearms. Khan then drops him with one. Khan suplexes him then Ishii gives him one. Khan shoulder throws him and hits a shotgun dropkick and lariat.

Khan running lariats him and reverse chokeslams him on the buckle. Khan puts him in the sheepkiller chinlock then is german suplexed. Ishii then lariats him. Khan pump kicks him and Ishii dragon suplexes him at 10 minutes. Ishii then hits a lariat for 2. Ishii back enzugiris him and sliding lariats him for 2. They trade headbutts then Khan backbreakers him into a sheepkiller chinlock. Ishii ramming headbutts him and Khan hits a TTD tombstone. Khan then claw slams him and wins it.

It was a fun little match. The two matched up pretty well trading lots of hard shots and high impact moves.

G1 Climax 32 Block A Match - Toru Yano vs Tom Lawlor

This was comedy crap with both guys and Royce Isaacs pulling down their tights to reveal other tights, people getting taped to the guardrail and Tom and Yano exchanging dvd's. There was interference, turnbuckle pad games and all kinds of other nonsense. Tom won here.

G1 Climax 32 Block B Match - SANADA vs Tama Tonga

Tama his armdrags early then dropkicks him. Sanada rolls out. Sanada sunset flips him into a paradise lock. Sanada suplexes him then hits some punches. Tama then lariats him and hits a nice dropkick. Tama headbutts him then Sanada hits a dropkick after leapfrogs. Sanada then plancha's him.

Tama then counters a TKO attempt with a twisting neckbreaker. Tama misses a corner splash and then rolling fireman's carries him on the side. Tama then top rope splashes him. Sanada springboard dropkicks him then hits a TKO for 2. Tama gets his knees up on Snaada's top rope moonsault then Sanada counters his jumping cutter with a dragon sleeper.

They trade forearms then Tama bodyscissors him into a ddt. Sanada blocks his jumping cutter then Sanada avoids his twisting neckbreaker. Sanada backrolls him for 2 then takes a jumping cutter for the Tama win.

This wasn't bad. They matched up well and it had a lot of action and countering of each others moves.

G1 Climax 32 Block C Match - Hirooki Goto vs KENTA

Kenta hits some punches in the corner early then is shouldered over. Goto reverses him into a hiptoss and Kenta goes outside and Goto bangs his head off the rail there. Kenta then grabs the bell and hits him with it. Kenta then pounds on him out there.

They go back in and Kenta kicks him in the back then walks on him. Goto hits some chest chops and is spin kicked and facekicked. Goto then spinning lariats him. Goto spinning heel kicks him in the corner then bulldogs him for 2. Goto forearms Kenta on the apron then Kenta powerslams him. Kenta then hits a top rope clothesline.

Kenta kicks him in the chest then bridging ddt's him. Kenta dropkicks him in the corner then Goto lariats him. They trade forearms and Goto chest kicks him. Goto neckbreakers him over the knee then Kenta ddt's him. The ref goes down. Kenta tries to hit him with Goto's stick then Kenta grabs the ref when Goto goes to use it. Kenta then hits a clear blow in front of the ref who somehow doesn't see it to the point that Lance Archer has to ask "how?" on commentary.

Kenta is bridged over the middle buckle and hits Goto with the stick. Kenta top rope double stomps Goto for 2. Goto puts him in the fireman's carry and is knee'd. Kenta then baisaku needs him for 2. Kenta then hits a go to sleep and wins it.

I wasn't a big fan of this. Kenta doesn't really care anymore and the weapons shots and ref stuff did little to improve this one. It would have been a real good one 10 years ago, but that was a long time ago.

G1 Climax 32 Block D Match - Will Osperay vs David Finlay

They forearm flurry each other to start then Finlay lariats him over the top and goes with him. They fight outside and Will has his head banged off the apron then he is put into the rails. They go inside and Finlay is chopped while sitting on the top rope. He then rolls down to the floor. Will then drops him back first on the apron.

Will bullies him around, spits on him, then stomp flurries him. Will cobra twists him and is hiptossed. Finlay then back body drops him and running forearms him. Finlay then 2nd rope euros him. Will then handspring back enzugiri's him and plancha's him. Will springboard forearms him for 2. Finlay then uranage backbreakers him.

They go up top and trade forearms then Finlay top rope superplexes him. Will then hits an os cutter on him on the apron and both end up on the ground. Will springboard dropkicks him then hits an os cutter for 2. Will hook kicks him then Finlay catches him with a cutter during his os cutter attempt. Finlay runs up the buckles and cutters him. Will hook kicks him and Finlay lariats him.

Will pump kicks him, then Finlay evades a hidden blade and neckbreakers him over his knee to get it.

This was a solid match. They quick and aggressive and they had some nice counters here. Easily one of the better matches Finlay has been involved in.

Overall thoughts:
3 good matches and 2 bad matches here. I liked the main and Tonga/Sanada more than I expected and Khan/Ishii was a decent match as well.

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