Tuesday, August 9, 2022

WWE NXT 2.0 8/9/2022

WWE NXT 2.0 8/9/2022

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2022/08/wwe-nxt-20-822022.html 

Trick Williams talks about his rounds match tonight with Wes Lee. He said he will knock out Wes Lee. Wes says he is coming out swinging and says he will prove Trick's jaw is made of glass.

Cora Jade says she will put Zoey Stark where she belongs, just like Roxanne Perez. Zoey says nothing will stop her from taking the title.

Tony says Santos cost him two titles and said we'll see what he has to say when he's face to face.

This was a cool little intro.

Kiana James vs Nikkita Lyons
Nikkita shoulders her down early then takes an elbow and a knee. Lyons gets her leg wrapped in the ropes and Kiana drops a knee on it. They go outside and Lyons kicks the steps and sells her knee after. Kiana puts her in a toe hold then Lyons hits osme kicks. Lyons german suplexes her then misses some bronco buster.

Lyons misses a kick and is rolled up then Lyons spin kicks her and does a jumping split to win it.

Kiana spent most of the match working the leg and then Lyons kind of did her usual kick offense anyway and won it which didn't work for me.

Kiana decks Lyons with a briefcase after and knocks her down.
We see clips of The Creeds watching footage with Apollo Crews. He says he sees things they don't pick up on. Roderick Strong walks in. He asks what is this? They ask where he was last week. Strong says he wasn't there as it was a test. He says he is proud of them and The Creed's said they don't approve of what he did. Apollo says it was shady. Strong says he can't be in Diamond Mine and Crews said they should review the footage where he lost. Strong says he should beat him up tonight and said the Creed's will be in his corner.
 Lash Legend is on the phone with someone asking wher they are. Lash talks to Malik Blade and asks where Edris is. Lash starts talking up Malik and they cut away.

Rounds Match - Trick Williams vs Wes Lee

1st Round - They are wearing boxing gloves here, but they say this is not a boxing match since you can win by pin or submission. Trick does a lot of showboating early. Wes hits some gut shots, Trick STO's him and then they trade punches. They each hit body punches and Trick knees him in the gut. Trick flurries him in the corner then Wes comes back with shots. Wes hits a bunch of punches and Trick is saved by the bell after being knocked down.

Round 2 - Both men take their gloves off. Wes monkey flips him and hits armdrags. They then both armdrag each other and Wes lariats him over the top. Wes then plancha's him outside. Hayes holds Lee's legs as he tried to get in. Wes then walks into a pump kick and is pinned. Trick is up 1-0.

Round 3 - The round starts during the break. Trick slams him for 2. Wes sunset flips him an goes for a crab. Hayes loads up a glove and hands it to Trick. Trick doesn't know at first but figures it out. Trick hits a gut kick and takes a sunet flip. Wes hits leg kicks and avoids punches. Wes crucifixes him and grabs the fall to tie it up at 1-1. Trick then hits him with the glove after and Wes is out.

Round 4 - Trick flying clotheslines him for 2. Trick pops him up into a mostly missed euro uppercut then suplexes him. Trick hits a running Mcguillicutter for 2. Trick misses a face kick then takes tep up enzugiri's. Wes punch combos him then hits a bulldog. Wes then grabs the loaded glove and knocks out Trick to win.

This wasn't any good. We missed most of the 3rd round and it wasn't clear why they were wearing gloves despite it not being boxing.

Andre Chase is talking to Arianna Grace. Thea is accused of hitting her in the eye and she says it is on accident. Chase says they will settle their differences in a one on one match. Arianna said she was thinking of a lawsuit. Chase says they settle their differences in the ring and says he can make this because this accident happened on university grounds, which are under his jurisdiction. Thea then shakes Andre's arm too hard and makes him fall into the desk.

Carmelo Hayes does a promo. He said he is upset too about Trick losing. He talks about Nathan Frazer. He said he stepped up and got stepped on.

Nathan Frazer's music hits but Giovanni Vinci arrives. He said Hayes was lucky that Frazer took his spot. He said he will deal with him when the time is right but tells him he wants to face him at Heatwave next week. Vinci said he isn't the "A-Champ" but "a guy". Hayes says Frazer saved him from Vinci. He said he will put Vinci on a t-shirt. They go at it and Hayes is about the get powerbombed when the refs stop it.

JD McDonagh does a promo and says to never bet against an ace. We see Bron saying JD has his attention then we see Bron working out. Bron says the title attracts all kinds of competitors. He said JD is driven by pain. Bron says he is in store for a lot of pain. JD says to never bet against an ace.

Lash Legend is still talking to Malik Blade then Edris Enofe walks in with a red hat.

Thea Hail vs Arianna Grace

Thea armdrags her early then Grace avoids another one. Thea gets her head banged off the top buckle then is flipped over Grace's back. Grace ties up her arms and rubs her forearm on her face. Thea makes her comeback with forearms then corner splashes her. Thea flipping neckbreakers her and shakes the ropes. Thea then standing moonsaults her for 2.

Thea drops her with a forearm and Grace yells about her eye. The ref grabs Thea then she face kicks Thea. She then hits Wade Barret's wasteland finisher and wins it.

It wasn't great or anything but it made sense and was short. Thea did okay with her energy here.

We see Apollo Crews in the back and see him having visions about Diamond Mine being left laying.

Solo Sikoa is being worked on in the back and will be out 4-6 weeks. Cameron Grimes walks in and congratulates him. He says he wants the N-A title and says he needs to get the gold for guys like them. Grimes walks off and doesn't seem thrilled.

Apollo Crews vs Roderick Strong

Diamond Mine is not with Strong. Crews works a wristlock early then is waistlocked. Strong side headlock takedowns him. Strong gets his back and slaps him in the back of the head. They push each other and Strong trips him. Crews hits a dropkick and Strong forearms him in the back then backbreakers him.

They trade chops and forearms then Strong backbreakers him. Crews goes for a 2nd rope move and is dropkicked in mid-air. They go outside and lariat each other on the floor as we go to break. We return with Strong doing a nasty looking STF. Strong suplexes him. Apollo is crotched on the top.

Apollo begins to make a comeback with kicks and clotheslines. Apollo then top rope blockbusters him for 2. Apollo hits some german suplexes then pops Strong up. Strong goes for a cazadora and is countered with a wheelbarrow german. Apollo goes over the top and is knee'd over the 2nd rope. Strong then backdrops Crews on the top rope. Strong boston crabs Apollo then Apollo powerslams him. Apollo hits a gorilla press gutbuster then does an interesting spinebuster to win.

I wasn't too into this. It was an indy style match with a lot of moves and action and not so much story.

Lash is still annoying Enofe and Blade in the back. Enofe tells Lash she lost against Alba Fyre. Pretty Deadly then walk in. they say Lash should never be interrupted when speaking. They saythey will wipe the floor with Blade and Enofe. Blade says he has pent up aggression after hearing Lash talk for the last hour.

We gut to Santos Escobar talking and driving. He says if anything goes down, he will give his boys a signal.

Chance/Carter run into Feroz/Leon/Sanga backstage. They saythey will cross paths again and defend the titles against them. Sanga says Feroz/Leon reminds him of them as they kept trying and became champs. Sanga says they will come with him next week to find balance.

Kemp and The Creed's are in the Diamond Mine watching footage. The Creed's are looking for an error in a match and can't find it. Strong comes in. He says he lost to Crews due to the Creed's not being out there. Julius implies Strong caused them to lose the 8-man tag. Strong asks why they are talking to outsiders and calls Crews an idiot. He then slams the laptop on the floor.

Santos Escobar and Tony D'Angelo meet up somewhere on their own. Tony tells him to sit down. Tony said he hit him with brass knucks and is lucky he is still breathing. Santos says he is full of surprises and says last week was payback for hospitalizing him. Tony tells Santos that he works for him. Santos insults him by asking if he's champ. Santos says their arrangement won't work. Tony says he wants Santos to come back to work and do his job. Tony said he called this meeting to get Santos' head on straight, but instead it is straight up his @ss. Santos offers one final match. He says next week, he will leave if he loses against him. Tony says he gets to keep the sheep though, who Santos says are his familia. Santos says if he wins, then LdF is free from Tony. Tony said this won't be a normal match and will be in a street fight. They shake hands. Santos says we will find out who is the leader of leaders and Tony tells him to say goodbye to the Legados because he rids NXT of them next week. 

Tiff Stratton is walking around in the back. She goes into her dresssing room and Wendy Choo is there. She turns off the lights, put on some kind of x-ray vision goggles and we see Tiff laying with a chair on her.

Pretty Deadly vs Edris Enofe and Malik Blade

Blade leapfrogs Elton early then armdrags him. Elton is tripped and then takes a combo of moves from his opponents. He throws Blade off then Blade is popped up into a euro uppercut. Kit drops a knee on Blade and hits shots to his gut. Blade then takes a fireman's carry into a gustbuer from Kit. PD mock Briggs and Jensen's slide into a double punch outside then do gestures to mock them.

Briggs and Jensen comes out. Pd gets in the ring and Enofe gets the hot tag in. Enofe beats up on PD and dropkicks Kip. Enofe does a reverse sling blade on Kit then top rope elbows him. Enofre tope con hilo's Elton as Elton throws a chair in. Kit and Briggs ifght over the chair, Enofe goes into the chair then Blade is pushed into the post. Enofe then takes the bearhug into a neckbreaker and PD gets the win.

This wasn't at all. It was short, action packed and the built up the Briggs/Jensen and PD feud.

Lash Legend then comes out and pump kicks Fallon Henley.

Grimes runs into Javier Bernal and Hank Wilson in the back. Bernal makes a joke about him being careful going through the door. Joe Gacy and The Dyad then walk in. Grimes says he is going home and Joe asks, "to who?".

Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark talk in the back. Lyons says it is Zoey's time to get a W tonight and they do a handshake. 

Gigi and Jacy do a promo. They said they held the tag title near and dear and Jacy talks about liking rokc music. Gigi is shown at a bar and says she thrives doing things her way. They say they shatter full realities.

Apollo Crews is interviewed. He celebrates beating Roderick Strong. He talks about stacking up wins then Gayson Waller walks in. Waller asks why he is here and Waller says Apollo is not welcome here. Waller says he ran one person out of here and has no problem making him next. Apollo dares him to do it now and Waller walks away.

Cora Jade vs Zoey Stark

Cora goes to slap her and gets blocked then Zoey is rolled up. Zoey rolls her up then hits armdrags. Zoey lariats her and Cora hits a stiff forearm. Zoey fisherman suplexes her then does a neat corkscrew slingshot press on her to get in. We go to PiP break and return to Cora missing an attack on the ropes. she bounces back and is rolled up for 2. Cora stays in control and is pulled off the ropes.

Cora grabs a weapon then takes a wild release german. Zoey makes her comeback with lariats then baseball slides her. Zoey hits a release half-nelson suplex and then superkicks her for 2. Cora hammerlock ddt's Zoey for 2 then hits a sliced bread #32 for 2. Cora goes near the ropes and sees Roxanne Perez with her stick. Zoey superkicks Cora then flips her backwards into a knee for the win.

This one was decent with some stiff suplexes and them doing some athletic stuff.

Roxanne tries to hit Cora with the stick and ends up chasing her out. Mandy Rose sneaks up behind Zoey then is flipped into a knee.
Overall thoughts: Not one of NXT's better episodes. The Rounds match was not good at all and this one didn't have a ton of highlights or interesting moments.

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