Friday, August 12, 2022

WWE NXT Level Up 8/12/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 8/12/2022

Myles Borne vs Ikemen Jiro

Jiro cartwheels early and Borne does a dirty break. Jiro pats him on the head and rubs it. Borne shoulds him over then Jiro armdrags him and side slams him. Borne drops him with a forearm. Jiro comes off the top an gets dropkicked for 2. Borne belly to belly suplexes him and hits a nice dropkick. Borne suplexes him and holds on and rolls into another suplex.

Jiro is thrown hard into the buckles then Borne bow and arrows him around the post. Jiro taps out but it doesn't count since he's on the post. Jiro spinning heel kicks him.  Jiro hits some forearms then dragon screws him. Jiro kips up then hits jacket punches. Jiro spinning jacket punches him then running enzugiri's him and wins it.

Myles was a total heel here and he did decent with it and Jiro picked up the win. It was short and couldn't be that special because of it.

Sol Ruca is interviewed. She said everyone works hard at NXT and wants to make a name for themselves. She said she is no different. She said Elektra Lopez isn't prepared for the way she see things and says she will turn her her world upside down. She then handstand walks out of the interview in a pretty cool moment.

Sol Ruca vs Elektra Lopez

Sol slingshots in then handstands with leg kicks. Lopez is wearing a blue short dress in that seems new. They lock up and Sol rolls through a wristlock. Sol kips up while in the wristlock then takes a side headlock takeover. Sol handstand walks out of a headlock. She is sent into the buckles, jumps off the 2nd buckle then slingshot sunsetflips in. Lopez stops her though and drops her knee on her. Lopez does a deep and painful looking cravate.

Sol gets out then hits some offense with a flying shoulder and a dropkick. She leg sweeps her and tries a standing moonsault but Lopez gets her knees up. Lopez then wins it with a blue thunder bomb.

This was short and nothing special. This was the best Lopez has ever looked, though she didn't get to do a ton. Sol is still a little green but didn't blow anything here.

Andre Chase and Bodhi Hayward vs Bronco Nima and Lucien Price

This is Nima's and Price's debut. Nima and Price have the same hair style and skin and honestly look like they could be related. They are two big dudes and are former NCAA football players. They slingshot over the top rope to get in at the same time.

Chase is thrown into the buckles off the lock up then trips Nima. Chase armbreakers him then Bodhi gets in. Chase double axe handles Nima's arm from the top and gets his crossbody caught. Nima powerslams him.

Price gets in and Chase is whipped into a stiff clothesline from him. Bodhi gets in and football tackles Price then runs him over with a shoulder. Bodhi splashes him. Bodhi tries to football tackle him and Price tries to jump over him but misses and both go down. Nima backdrops Bodhi then steps on him and does a little dance before dropping an arm on him. They say Nima's nickname is "Giant" and impy that Price is crazy.

Bodhi takes a double back elbow then PRice clubs his back. Nima chops Price as he holds Bodhi then Nima side headlocks Bodhi. Bodhi backdrops Nima and Chase gets the hog tag in. Chase hits punches on both opponents and Price drops down and hits his head off the apron for a sell on it. Chase top rope crossbodies Nima then does the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps. Bodhi puts Nima on his back and Chase hits "the fratliner". Bodhi's mouth is busted open but he makes the pin here.

Nima and Price didn't get to do a ton here but did their part minus the one botch. It was short and wasn't anything real special.

Overall thoughts: Nothing really must see here though Myles Borne working heel was interesting. Nima and Price didn't get to do a ton for their debut and we'll have to wait and see to get a better look at them.

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