Sunday, February 28, 2021

Dragon Gate Truth Gate Day 7 2/21/2021

Dragon Gate Truth Gate Day 7 2/21/2021

R.E.D. (BxB Hulk, Eita, KAI & KAZMA SAKAMOTO) vs. Natural Vibes (Genki Horiguchi, Kzy, Susumu Yokosuka & U-T)

Natural Vibes did a dance for their entrance. Watching a couple of near 40 year olds do that looked very wrong.

Eita and Susumu go at it to start and Susumu armdrags him. UT and Kai traded forearms and UT hit a nice dropkick to the face of a kneeling Kai. Kzy hit a running blockbuster on Hulk. Kzy slingshot senton'd in on Eita then Vibes did a 4 person attack sequence.

Hulk put Genki in a high texas cloverleaf as RED blocked Vibes from breaking it up. Vibes starts up an H-A-G-E chant for Genki and he powers up with a hurricanrana. Vibes abd Red do a 2 person corner charging sequence which Vibes wins. Hulk carthweeled out of an irish whip then did a kick combo on Susumu. Susumu ducked a spinning high kick so he sweeped him on the go around then standing moonsaulted him. UT hit a slingshot codebreaker on Hulk then Kzy did a running euro on Hulk.

Kai lariated two members of Vibes down at the same time off the ropes then UT took some corner lariats. UT took a hard powerbomb from Eita but his partners saved him from pinfall. Kazma jumping knee'd UT then did a hard running knee to get the win. Nothing wrong with this opener. It was a little slow to start but then it picked up.

H.Y.O vs. Shun Skywalker

Shun flips Hyo over with a running dropkick then does a big sitout butterfly bomb. Hyo gets picked up for something then turns it into a rough looking spinning ddt. Kai gets on the apron and Hyo takes off the turnbuckle pad and hits Shun with it. The ref was distracted again and Shun was hit with a box in the leg. Hyo kicks around Shun with his boot at 5 minutes then he stands on his stomach and pulls on his arms.

Shun hits a nice pump kick on Hyo then Hyo goes high for a monkey flip. Shun hits a big dropkick off the top. Hyo takes a spinning rock bottom. Isihida of RED blatantly comes in and hits Shun and the ref with a box lid for the DQ in a very lame finish. This was only a few minutes long and most of it had RED shenanigans.

Dragon Kid & Keisuke Okuda vs. R.E.D. (Kaito Ishida & SB KENTo)

Kid dropkicks Kento before the bell rings then he hits a christo on Kento. Okuda punch combos Ishida then stands on his shoulders as he is on the mat in the corner. Kid and Ishida trade leg kicks then SBK grabs Kid off the ropes and chokes him with something.

Ishida and Kid traded more leg kicks. SBK forearm flurries Kid in the corner. Kid tries to make a comeback with strikes but a rake in the eyes stops it. Both tag out after a Kid suplex on SBK. Okuda gets in and hits a nice snap fisherman suplex on Ishida and the two trade arm kicks. They have a nice sequence where they do it back and forth then both high kick each other at the same time. Kid comes off the 2nd rope with a hurricanrana on SBK. SBK catches his 619 then SBK hits an awesome spinebuster. SBK tries to put the sharpshooter on and Okuda kicks him then punches him straight in the face to break the hold.

Ishida hits a death valley driver on Okuda for 2. Then he goes up top but Kid follows. Kento sits on Okuda's shoulders then Kid hurricanrana's him off. Kento takes a 619 and a nasty knee from Okuda. Ishida and Okuda have a nice strike flurry on each other and Okuda does a nice running high knee on Ishida. Hyo interferes and throws salt or chalk in Okuda's face and Ishida pins him. Crappy finish to what was a fun little match otherwise. As always, when Okuda and Ishida go at it, good wrestling is to be had.

Open The Triangle Gate #1 Contendership Tournament Semi Final Match - R.E.D. (Dia Inferno, Diamante & HipHop Kikuta) vs. MASQUERADE (Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & La Estrella)

Masquerade gets jumped during their entrance. Estrella top rope crossbodies Diamante then Estrella handsprings out of the corner. He then does a spinning armdrag and a pop-up hurricnrana. Estrella then flip dives onto multiple RED members. Estrella puts his knees on the top rope then flip sentons onto Inferno.

Dia does a soul foot to Lee's face then Lee and Kikuta trade forearms. Minoura hits some hard forearms to Inferno and then gets bit in the neck by him. Diamante hits a neat hammerlock northern lights like suplex onto Minoura.

Diamante puts Minoura in an armbar as RED patrols, but Minour hits the ropes for a break. Minoura catches Diamante and hits a nice waterwheel drop. Lee fights out of a RED 2v1 and hits a nice tornado ddt on Inferno. Lee rolls into a strike combo on Kikuta then Kikuta pump kicks him. Estrella gets flipped over from the wheelbarrow position but catches him then springboard reverse tope's Inferno. Inferno takes a top rope 619 then Minoura hits a cross-legged suplex for 2. Minour holds up Inferno for a Lee DDT but he kicks out.

Kikuta butt bumps Lee then Diamante tilt-a-whirl drops him from the reverse rack position. Kikuta hits a great spinning lariat on Lee after Lee gets his foot pulled on by a member of RED and wins it. Fun DG spring here with a lot of fast paced action and cool moves. Not much story here at all but the action was good.

Open The Triangle Gate #1 Contendership Tournament Semi Final Match
Kagetora, Shuji Kondo & Yosuke Santa Maria vs. Team Boku (Bokutimo Dragon, Punch Tominaga & Ryo Saito)

What a group of misfit toys we have here. Boku and Kagetora hit nice armdrags on each other. Punch tries to froearm Kondo but Kondo just needs one each time to knock him back. Punch throws him into the middle rope then kicks the rope on his throat.

Yosuke gets beat up on and takes a Punch and Ryo double team that ends in a Punch headbutt. Punch is sat on the middle rope then Kondo stomps him down hard. The match slows down as Ryo gets beat up on. Yosuke did some weird thing where he mooned Ryo while Ryo was in the camel clutch then dropkicked him off the ropes.

Yosuke and Ryo exchange slaps then Ryo is suplexed. Kagetora gets in and takes an overhead suplex. Boku does his headlock takeover and headscissor combo on Yosuke/Kagetora. Punch then asai moonsaults to Kagetora and Yosuke on the outside. Punch does his slingshot headbutt on Yosuke for 2. Punch coms off the 2nd rope with a battering ram style headbutt into Yosuke's chest then Kagetora does a nice kick combo into a shinging wizard.

Boku pops up Yosuke who turns it into a legdrop on a standing Boku then Boku pops up Yosuke into a german. Punch gets catapulted into a headbutt on Yosuke, Ryo double jump splashes Yosuke then Punch moonsaults on Yosuke. Ryo then picks him up like a backbreaker but slams him down chest first. Punch takes a double lariat and enzugiri then Kondo does his big spear and Kage elbows him off a springboard for 2.

Yosuke runs up the ropes and dives on Boku on the outside. A little later, Punch reverses a bridge attempt then does his own on Yosuke to win it. This just went too long and I don't know why they put some of these usual opening card guys in the main event.

Overall thoughts: Mixed bag here. As usual, RED ruined a lot of the stuff they were involved in. The crew put out a good effort for a smaller show but the booking hurt them.

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