Thursday, March 31, 2022

GCW 3/31/2022 - Joey Janela's Spring Break 6 Part 1

GCW 3/31/2022 - Joey Janela's Spring Break 6 Part 1

GCW Tag Team Titles - Second Gear Crew (Matthew Justice & Mance Warner) vs The Briscoes vs Nick Gage

Gage put on a bunch of weight and his partner for this (Matt Tremont) was unable to make the show, so he's fighting alone.

The Briscoes and SGC butt heads and fight then Mark dropkicks MJ through the ropes. Mark and Jay throw chairs at MJ's head then Jay neckbreakers Mance. Mance chokeslams Jay through a door bridged on chairs. MAnce sits in a chair and Jay flip dives him while he sits on it. Nick spinebusters Mark then Nick spears Mance through a door. Nick then drops an elbow vader bomb style on a door on Mance.

Nick stabs Mance in the head with a table shard then Slade comes out. He throws Nick a pizza cutter and says he will be Nick's partner. Nick carves up Mance. Slade then gets a pizza cutter and uses it on Mance. slade then cuts his own head with it and wipes Mance's blood on his head. Mance then gets a double pizza cutter to the head. Jay facekicks Nick then Slade takes a neckbreaker/powerbomb combo.

Another door is brought out and bridged on chairs. Nick uses a staple gun on Mance, stapling Mance's tongue to a door. Nick then piledrivers MJ off the 2nd rope through a door and Nick odly tries to pin Lance for 2. Nick then piledrivers MJ off the apron through a door but misses most of the door in a nasty bump.

The Briscoes beat up Mance and hit a jaydriller  and then Mark hits a froggybow for 2. Slade takes on the Briscoes 1v2 then takes a hard Jay lariat. Slade then takes a doomsay device for the Briscoes win.

It was what you would expect with some crazy spots, some blood and some hardcore stuff. I thought it was entertaining. It didn't drag and they didn't overdo it. the piledriver off the apron was sick and I like Slade, so I was cool with him coming in.

Mickie James vs Allie Katch

They got off to a faster pace and traded some chops. MJ trapped her head with her legs in the corner then got pulled out and powerbombed. MJ runs in the corner then Allie lifts her body up and buttdrops her chest. Allie then corner cannonballs her.

Allie finds a door under the ring. The door gets bridged over chairs and MJ barely is able to flapjack her through it. Allie and MJ both grab each other below the belt then headbutt each other. Allie then piledrivers her for 2. MJ kisses her then jumps up for a ddt and wins it.

This wasn't much of a match. It was mostly just here for the shock factor and sleaze and definitely accomplished that one.

Allie cuts a promo after, telling the crowd to respect Mickie and not boo her and says she had the first women's match on Spring Break. She promises (or threatens) that there will be more.

Scramble - Nick Wayne vs Jordan Oliver vs Jack Cartwheel vs Ninja Mack vs Gringo Loco vs Alec Price vs Jimmy Lloyd

Everyone hits kicks to start then Ninja misses a corkscrew. Everyone tries a flip and they do a 7 way stand off.  Prince hits some pumping knees on people then took a triple superkick. They messed up a triple dive then Gringo tope on hilo'd everyone. Gringo hangs from the top rope and Price double stomps him off the top and Jordan then slingshot cutters Price. Lloyd hits a spinning high kick and a release back body drop on Oliver. Jack does a weird slingshot splash on Lloyd.

Mack chops Gringo in the gut then Wayne dragon suplexes Mack. Price picks up Wayne like a burning hammer but bangs his face off the top rope. Llow and Price then exchange canadian destroyer style flip moves. Wayne and oliver trade strikes. Price jumps up for a hurricanrana but is powerbombed down. Mack does a nice corkscrew flip on Jack.

Mack takes a top rope sitout powerbomb from Gringo then Gringo does a fosbury flop on the outside. Wayne does a roll into a code red on Gringo. Jack sideways flipping fireman's carries Lloyd then does a flying space tiger drop on everyone. Wayne then does a top rope 630 off the top to the outside. Wayne then wins it with a springboard cutter on Lloyd.

It was going to be total insanity and spot-fu and it was. Tons of dives and crazy moves here. Little logic, but it accomplished what it was designed to do.

X-Pac vs Joey Janela

Joey is wearing Razor Ramon tights and the announcers argue over whether it is to honor Razor or to anger x-Pac with them.

JJ beats up Pac in the corner and evades a spin kick. JJ goes for a hurricanrana but gets si-out powerbombed. Pac then hits la silla off the apron. Pac then gets popped up into the post. JJ beats up on Pac for a bit then Pac tornado ddt's him off the 2nd rope. Pac hits a nice spinning high kick then a spinning heel kick. Pac then hits a bronco buster.

JJ avoids a facebuster then JJ death valley drivers him on the apron. A door gets set up between two chairs on the outside and Waltman somehow ends up flipping onto it, but it wasn't clear. Pac hits a canadian destroyer and hit a facebuster. They clothesline each other at the same time. A door is bridged between two chairs in the ring. X-Pac facebusters JJ off the top through them but honestly goes through it more than JJ does. JJ of course kicks out.

JJ brainbusters Pac off the top for 2. JJ then top rope double stomps a door onto Pac for 2. JJ goes up top and gets chaired then falls off onto a bridged door on the outside. Pac chairs JJ in the head. JJ then knees him i nthe nuts and wins it.

This was not good. They kicked out of and did way too much and the finish was just stupid. It started out okay and could have been decent if it was cut half-way through, but it just got worse as it went on.

Pac says he let the people down after for losing. He says he loves to do this even though his body hates it. Pac says GCW is his family and he will take a bullet for the wrestlers on the roster. He says he will be back and isn't done yet.

GCW World Title: Jon Moxley vs. AJ Gray

Slow start here. and AJ spinning heel kicks him. They trade forearms and AJ hits a face kick. AJ then tope con hilo's him on the outside. AJ hits a chop outside and they brawl into the back of the arena. Mox bangs AJ's head off something and they head back to ringside. Mox knees him off the apron then suplexes him on the hard cement floor. AJ's head is bleeding and Mox brings in a barbed wire board.

Mox picks up AJ for a suplex and just throws him forward and hard on the barbed wire board. Mox has some kind of cutters or shears and stabs AJ with them. Mox wraps the barbed wire around AJ's leg and yanks it.

Mox hits some barbed wire punches then wraps the barbed wire around his head. Mox whips him with the barbed wire then Mox hits a barbed wire neckbreaker. Mox wraps the wire in AJ's mouth. Mox puts barbed wire on a door then AJ spears Mox through the door.

AJ hits some chops and an enzugiri then AJ moonsaults him off the top and lands on his head. Mox goes for a tope but AJ chairs him in the head. AJ top rope legdrops Mox as he hangs over the middle rope. A ladder is set up outside. Mox gets STO'd on the apron and put on a door bridged between chairs. AJ then elbow drops him off the ladder through the door.

They traded shots in the ring and Mox lariated him. AJ then lariated him for 2. AJ grabbed barbed wire light tubes. Mox cuttered him on them but actually ended up taking all of it instead. Mox then hit a piledriver...for 2. Mox then grabs more tubes and tries to paradigm shift ddt him on them, but misses the tubes and wins it.

The finish was dumb as Mox ended up in the tubes then missed the 2nd time. They didn't sell much and did too much but there were still some good points to this and they filled the time well for the most part. I thought some improvements could have been made here.

GCW Ultraviolent Title: Alex Colon vs. John Wayne Murdoch

JWM bangs a bunch of tubes over AC's head before he gets his intro. JWM then throws him into a door and tubes. JWM puts a gusset plate in ACs head and AC comes back with tubes. AC goes up top and gets thrown through a door with tubes bridged over chairs on the floor. Real fun start here.

JWM breaks tubes over AC's leg and carves his forehead with a knife. JWM then headbutts a tube on his head and stabs him with a tube piece. AC comes back with tubes and then gets thrown through a door in the corner. JWM puts a tube in AC's shirt then kicks it. AC meteora's tubes into JWM's chest then scrapes the pieces on JWM's head.

AC cuts up JWM's head with a knife. JWM puts AC in a chair and headbutts him, then lets AC do it to him. They trade headbutts and back in, JWM gets backdropped on gusset plates. JWM is then thrown into tubes on the ropes. AC then double knees him with tubes in the chest.

JWM is stuck on the middle rope. AC hits his back with tubes then puts some tubes on his chest and legdrops them from the top. JWM hits him with tubes and hits a short piledriver but AC pops up. AC then cutters JWM with a tube held behind his head. AC then tope's him with the tubes in front of him in a neat spot.

AC hits something on the side of the post and he starts really selling. They wrap a tower on his arm with tape and JWM flurry punches him. JWM suplexes him through tubes but AC kicks out. JWM hits him with a 2x4 in the arm then armbreakers him for the win. JWM rips AC after for talking trash. He said he crapped on him and told him he isn't as good as he thinks. He told him to pack his bags and said he doesn't belong here anymore

The injury seemed like a work. Maybe it wasn and maybe it wasn't, but it brought down the match if it was and ended the show on a sour note. The match wasn't great with the usual lack of selling and actual structure, but it started off well.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a great show. The top 2 matches had messed up finishes, the women's match was really raunchy, the tag title match got messed up due to travel issues and I didn't even bother watching the AR Fox vs Blake Christian match. It felt 100% different than previous versions of Spring Break and didn't have the special feel.

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