Thursday, March 17, 2022

WWE NXT UK 3/17/2022

WWE NXT UK 3/17/2022

Last week's show is here:

Due to daylight savings time, NXT UK is now on at 4PM instead of 3PM. They put through a law to not change the clocks anymore and we'll see if that goes through. Personally, I'd rather have the clocks go back to what they were as NXT UK and various Japanese shows are easier for me to catch. Ideally, I'd love to be on Hawaiian time as a 12pm Japanese show is on at 6PM there.

The fans are back after they were kicked out for an empty arena match and never returned.

Roderick Strong is in the house tonight and will fight Wolfgang.

Tyler Bate vs Oliver Carter

Tyler rolls out of a wristlock then OC flips out of a wrist throw. Bate tries a leapfrog but OC rolls him up. They each try dropkicks at the same time and then headflip up. OC flips off of Bate in the corner and sidekicks him. Bater dropkicks OC over the top.

OC hits a nice lariat and a dropkick, then hits a very nie drokick off the buckles on Bate. Oc misses a springboard dropkick then Bate exploders him. Bate then running SSP's him for 2 then airplan spins him. Bate puts him in an octopus then hits a punch combo on him. OC hits a nice superkick.

OC hits a koppo kick then Bate hits one back. Oc flips off the 2nd rope and Bate bounces off the top rope and lariats him. Trent Sevent and Ashton Smith are outside and start pushing each other. Bate comes off the 2nd rope for a euro and OC reverses it into a backslide for the win.

This was the best match OC has ever been in and he honestly looked on pair with Bate at times here. This was a real good match and followed up on the story of these two teams a little as well. Just real fast paced action with hard hitting moves.

A-Kid was hit up by a camera guy in the back and Saxon Huxley was going nuts during a photo shoot. He asked if he remembered him and Kid said he needs him to be his partner. Saxon said he would.

We see Wild Boar saying he holds Eddie Dennis responsible for a hard year and says he is coming for revenge.

Nina Samuels vs Emilia McKenzie

As usual, Emilia will be referred to as "EM" for this review. EM wrestles her down to start. Nina cartwheels out of a wristlock and EM hits armdrags. EM hurricanrana's her off the 2nd rope and Nina hits a nice back body drop. Nina hair throws her and chokes her on the ropes and stays in control.

Nina really gets back body dropped hard then EM hits some lariats on her. EM back body drops her for 2. EM hits a nice german suplex then topes Nina on the outside when she rolls out. EM goes up top and gets thrown down by her hair. Nina misses a top rope moonsault then gets speared for the win.

This was longer than it needed to be and Nina just didn't have enough interesting offense to fill the time. 
Mark Coffey was shown coming out of Sid Scala's offense. Joe then talked to him and he got a rematch for the Heritage Cup. Joe seemed kind of surprised by this.

Kenny is asked about Sam Gradwell. Sam leaves a note on his locker saying he has made a lot of enemies and calls him a cockroach. Kenny laughs and says of course he does.

Eddie Dennis, T-Bone and Primate come into Sid Scala's office. Sid says Wild Boar wants a match with Eddie. Eddie says he is a manager these days and Boar is a wild man. Eddie suggests T-Bone or Primate fight Boar instead. Sid says he will have to make a call.

Aleah James vs Stevie Turner

I think Stevie's hair is more blue than usual here. Aleah cartwheels out of a wristlock and dropkicks her. Aleah limbo's out of a lariat then headscissors her for 2. Stevie comes back with a Thesz press then kicks her in the face.

Aleah gets put in a hold and comes back with some flying double chops and a flying crossbody. Stevie then catches her with a side effect and Aleah rolls her up out of nowhere to win.

This wasn't any good. Aleah's limited and Stevie isn't much better and this maybe went 7 minutes plus the finish was out of nowhere.

Sha Samuels is in the back then Noam Dar comes in. Someone calls in to put money on Mark Coffey and he offers to make the odds even higher for him since he thinks Mark has no chance. Sha says they are about to make a lot of money.

We get a little video on Isla Dawn vs Meiko Satomura. Isla says the old Isla is gone and Meiko says she is different. Isla says Meiko doesn't know what she has in store.

Roderick Strong vs Wolfgang

Roddy is in NXT UK from NXT. Roddy throws his jacket Wolf and gets him mad.

Roddy stalls early and Wolf hits a leg lariat after headlocking him. Wolf wristlocks him and throws him overhead. Wolf then lifts him up by the wrist and then does another throw on him. Roddy goes outside and rams Wolf's back into the apron. He then backdrops him on the rail.

Roddy pounds on him for a while and they trade shots. Wolf hits a back elbow then hits some hiptosses. Wolf splashes him in the corner then double axe handlers him off the top. Wolf then powerslams him for 2. Strong takes a suplex then hits a jumping knee for the win. Strong's eyebrow got busted open near the end.

This was disappointing. It only went about 9 minutes and they just didn't match up as you would think. They kept it very basic and Strong I guess decided not to the backbreaker variations as Wolf is too big.

Strong said he isn't here for a long time, here's here for a good time and some big money fights. He said everyone knows who the big money fight is and he wants Ilja Dragnuov. He then tells him the ball is in his court.

Overall thoughts: It started off hot and stalled out from there. I really only liked the opener and wouldn't recommend the rest.

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