Friday, January 1, 2021

WWE 205 Live 1/1/2021

WWE 205 Live 1/1/2021

Last week's episode with pics and gifs is here:

Mansoor vs Jake Atlas

We see an exclusive with Mansoor in his home country eating, working out, riding a quad and going to a women's exercise facility for some reason. Jake Atlas gets none of this lol

Mansoor flips out an armlock and ends up headlocking taking down Atlas. Mansoor slaps on a headlock, Atlas headscissors him and he kips out of it. Atlas backflips out of a headlock and takes Mansoor down again. Mansoor goes through the ropes with an armdrag and Mansoor arm drags him with his leg. So a legdrag I guess?

Mansoor slaps on a single leg crab. Atlas pushes Mansoor off of him with his leg and Mansoor hits his head off the buckle. Atlas puts Mansoor on the middle rope, swings him around and clubs him in the back, then Mansoor falls.

Atlas backflips, tweaks his leg then Mansoor dives on it and crabs him, then does a version of the scorpion deathlock on the leg. Atlas does a weak neckbreaker. He hits a brainbuster. Atlas struggles to get up the ropes and Mansoor dragon screws him. Then he does a roll-up with the leg and wins it. Not bad at all with Mansoor focusing on the leg and it playing into the finish. Atlas and Mansoor shake hands after.

Curt Stallion was interviewed, asking who he wants to win between Metallik and Escobar but didn't really answer. He said he got some studs in Everrise for the match against Daivari and the Bollywood Boyz tonight.
Curt was called a cowboy and objected and they said Everrise rules.

Curt Stallion and Ever-rise vs Ariya Daivari and The Bollywood Boyz

Nigel tried to do the Bollywood Boyz dance and Curt tried to photobom during the Boyz' entrance but was moved by the ref.

Ariya hits a knee that makes Curt fly early. Ariya told the Boyz that he would not be tagging them because he didn't need them. Martel hits a double clothesline and they knee Sunil in the head. Rise and Curt triple fist drop Sunil.

Martel took a double suplex and the Boyz tagged each other in over Ariya. Sumir jumped from the top and bulldogged Martel. Ariya tells to get tagged then tags himself in. Martel and Ariya double clothesline each other. Stallion then gets in and combo's one of the Boyz. Stallion hits a DDT for 2.

Martel gets on all fours and is used for his partners to jump off from with elbows. Stallion hits a crossbody from the top and is rolled up for 2. Sunil hits a spinning heel kick for 2 as Ariya begs for the tag. Ariya flurries on Curt and tags in Sumir, who accidentally nails Ariya with an elbow. Ariya then walks out but the Boyz argue with him. During this, Curt dives on all 3. Sunil takes a double flapjack and a running headbutt for the loss.

This was pretty decent here with Ariya and his partners not getting along and it playing a role in the finish. They timed this about right too and the faces looked good.

Overall thoughts: They had two matches and both were decent. Not a bad 30 minutes of wrestling at all.

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