Sunday, December 27, 2020

WWE 205 Live 12/25/2020

 WWE 205 Live 12/25/2020

 Chase Parker vs Samir Singh

Parker got attacked early and then hit a leg lariat. They had a female ref here which I think is silly and non-sensical. Parker gets thrown out and gets attacked by Sunil Singh. Sunil tries it again and Parker's partner Matt Martel, decks Singh first. Sunil tries to interfere again and Samir drops Parker's neck over the ropes while he tries it. Parker then gets suplexed on the floor.

Samir hits an elbow from the top onto a standing Parker. Samir rides his back with a sleeper hold but Parker gets out. Samir charges in and ends up going chest first into the turnbuckle. Parker hits a combo chinbreaker and head kick. He then jumps over the top from the apron and hits an elbow on a downed Samir. The Singh's try to swtich places, but they don't look alike and the ref catches them. Sunil then charges Parker from behind but nails his brother instead. Parker stunguns Sunil onto the top turnbuckle and wins.

This had shenanigans from start to finish and was barely a match in my opinion. It was a little too much and hard to buy that a ref would let this go on without doing anything. And Martel looked like an idiot for letting his partner get 2v1'd the whole time.

Curt Stallion said he earned the cruiserweight title and called out Escobar for another title match. It was really hard to hear what he was saying and the promo was super cringe.

Mansoor vs Raul Mendoza

The finish

Mansoor tries to go after the leg early but Raul gets out. Mansoor traps the arm and hits double lucha armdrags. Mansoor then 619's through the ropes for another armdrag. Mansoor got ramped into the apron and barricades and then dropped on the apron on his back. Mansoor got thrown into the buckles and did a big sell for it. Mansoor goes on the 2nd rope and gets pulled off onto his back.

Raul took control for a while, cobra clutching Mansoor. Mansoor was in the corner and Raul charged in and hit the post. Mansoor made a comeback with some forearms and clotheslines. Raul was standing and Mansoor bulldog'd him from the top then tope'd him. Raul made a comeback after a reversal and asai moonsault'd Mansoor's back. Mansoor hit a tilt-a-whirl into a reverse DDT and then put Raul into a unique version of the scorpion deathlock.

Mansoor went for an electric chair move, but his back hurt too much and Raul turned it into a spinning neckbreaker. Raul went for a phoenix splash but Mansoor moved and he caught himself. Mansoor then hit an outside to inside neck breaker for the win.

It wasn't perfect, but I appreciated both trying to sell the leg and the back during the match. Not bad at all.

Overall thoughts: Well, what can you say about a show with 2 matches, really? The main event wasn't bad but the opener was a mess.

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