Pure-J Climax 2020 12/13/2020
Daily Sports Tag Team Title Match - Hanako Nakamori & Rina Yamashita (c) vs. Chie Ozora & Makoto
Makoto and Chie double shoulder then take turns with double stomps on Hanako. Hanako gets tied up in the ropes and dropkicked. Makoto rolls out of a wristlock and trades armdrags with Hanako. She then takes a kick and dropkick combo.
Makoto bridges out of a pin and does a springboard crossbdy onto Rina. Chie tries her luck against Rina but gets bullied, then Hanako bullies her around too. Hanako puts Chie in an abdominal stretch on the ropes and Rina comes back in.
Chie tries to fight off Rina but can't. Chie hots some awful mongolian chops on Hanako and Hanako puts her in a grounded stretch muffler. The beatdown goes on forever until Makoto hits some face kicks to Hanako. She ddt's and spears both opponents and puts Hanako in a grounded octopus stretch. Chie gets back in and you know the drill. Rina hits some nice face kicks on her. Chie gets some dropkicks in and tries to put Rina in a bad leglock. Makoto gets back in and pump kick's Rina, then the two trade forearms. Hanako kick combo's Makoto when she gets in and does a running kick and shining wizard to her.
Makoto tries to german Hanako but she drops down and kicks her in the head. She and Hanako forearm each other at the same time then high kick each other at the same time. Makoto hits chops while Hana does kicks and Makoto drops her with a kick to the chest. Chie gets back in and hits some weak shoulders, then reverse double armbars Hanako on the buckles. She runs at Hana and runs into a reverse sto then gets missile dropkicked. Hanako does a perfectplex for 2 and headbutts her. chie tries some roll-ups but can't put Hanako away. Makoto pump kicks Hanako and does a death valley driver to her and Chie hits a perfectplex for 2. Hanako highkicks Chie but Makoto saves her. Hanako finally wins this one with an enzugiri. Rina went to check up on Chie and they got into it a little.
So, starting shows with 23 minute matches isn't a good idea. It gets you tired from the start. And putting rookies with limited offense in for the majority of 23 minute matches is also not a good idea. There's really only so much beating down you can do on someone before you should be able to beat them. Getting past that, the match wasn't too bad, just it could have had 10 minutes cut out of it and been better.
2 count falls - KAZUKI vs Suzu Suzuki
First person to get a 2 count wins. Both go for the win early and Suzu hits a dropkick but Kazuki rolls away when she tries to pin her.
Suzu hits a dropkick to the head and back. Kazuki puts Suzu in the corner then gets on the second rope and does rapid knees to her head. Kazuki ramps up the crowd and gets dropkicked from behind then Suzu poses. Kaz drops double knees on Suzu's chest for a nearfall and hits her with more knees. She does it again and hits some good ones. Suzu clenches her first and Kazuki dares her to try it and she thinks about it. Suzu limbos out of a lariat and does a spear where she rolls forward. She then does a weird head and arm grounded hold. Suzu gives her a nice dropkick to the head and a dropkick from the top for 1.
Suzu hits a nice elbow but gets a TKO for 1. Kaz then does a vader bomb with her knees. Kaz misses a top rope knee and they trade nearfalls. Suzu does a great rolling pin but Kaz counters it for 1. Suzu does a leg trip for 1 and takes a big knee. Suzu hits a great german and wins it.
Not a bad match at all with the 2-count stipulation making the pin attempts more meaningful.
Suzu got some title and talked to Bolshoi after, but I really have no idea what it was about.
Chihiro Hashimoto & Sareee vs. AKARI & Rydeen Hagane

Rydeen and Chi battle shoulders to start and Chi goes down. Akari does a nice armdrag from behind on Sareee and Rydeen splashes her in the corner and does a regular splash on her. Akari dropkicks Sareee and she bounces back into the ropes on a dropkick on her. Chi then hits a flip senton on Akari.
Sareee flips Akari by the hair and hits a very high indian deathlock. Chi hits Karelin's lift on Akari for 2 at 5 minutes. Akari puts an armbar on Chi and when Chi rolls, she rolls with her. Rydeen splashes both of her opponents in the corner, then tries again but gets nothing but buckles. She gets double teamed but turns it into a double backdrop. Chi and Rydeen trade chest forearms and Chi hits some nasty forearms ot her face. They double lariat each other 6 times in a row and Chi drops Rydeen with a 7th lariat.
Sareee comes off the top with dropkicks on Rydeen and gets planted on a move from the wheelbarrow position. Saree goes up top and Chi hels launch her with a flip on Rydeen. Rydeen hits some lariats and does a Vaer bomb with her back on Sareee. Sareee tries some elbows but gets take down with one and Rydeen does a release Saito suplex. Rydeen tries a moonsault from the top but gets no one and is lariated back into her corner for a tag.
Akari hits a dropkick from the top for 2. She pump kicks Saree and Rydeen german's Sareee. Akari hits a great northern lights suplex for 2 and then Akari hits a painful looking single leg crab. Sareee hits a great dropkick to the face of Akari then Chi sentons her from the top and Sareee double stomps her from the top.
Akari does a great trip into a flipping pin. Sareee hits a spin kick to the face of Akari then does a nice german on her which Rydeen breaks up. Sareee hits a great uranage and wins it in a good match. They didn't do too much and they hit a lot of good looking stuff here.
PURE-J Openweight Title Match - Leon (c) vs. Moeka Haruhi
They evade each others stuff early and Moeka stops Leon by holding her boot up as Leon charges in. Moeka tries a crossbody and gets caught, then turns it into a ddt, then double stomps Leon several times. Meoka gets put in the tree of woe position and Leon dorpkicks her in the head. Leon flip sentons her for 2 and puts her in a crab. Harhuhi sits on top and manages to do an armbar to her over the top rope. Leon climbs the top rope with Moeka on her and Moeka does an octopus stretch to her while she's up there then crossbodies her on the way down. Moeka puts her in a strangle hold, then does it through the middle rope on her. Moeka keeps her tied up and hits a running knee.Moeka hits a running hurricanrana then double stomps Leon while Leon is on all fours. Moeka then hits triple northern lights suplexes for 2. Moeka comes off the ropes and goes for a headscissors but is backbreakered at 10 minutes then is tilt-a-whirl backbreakered. Moeka gets thrown down hard like a spinebuster and Leon does a nasty head, arm and leg surfboard on her.
Leon appears to do some kind of boston crab on her while in the ropes but there's only one camera and the ref is in the way. Leona hits some dropkicks from the top and tries a spinning slam, but Moeka rolls out with a double stomp. Moeka then takes a spinning slam. Leon goes for a spider german and ends up hanging off the top rope. Moeka then stomps her down and double stomps her from the middle rope twice, then the top rope.
Moeka puts a stranglehold on Leon and rolls with her as Leon tries to roll out of it. Moeka goes up top and hits a double stomp to her back which seriously has to hurt. Moeka goes up top again and turns her back to her for no reason and takes a wild spider german. Leon then hits a top rope frogsplash for 2. Moeka hits two headbutts and they trade forearms on their knees.
More forearms and Leon spears her as she bounces off the ropes. Moeka does a really cool roll-up pin attempt and tries a backslide for 2. Moeka hits some knees to the head and jumps over her back from the middle rope with a roll-up for 2. Leon runs the ropes and spears her for another 2. Leon hits some kind of fisherman's bomb and hits a schwein for the win.
Good match. Leon didn't get quite enough in but it was one of the better matches I've seen Moeka involved in. Moeka did do a little bit much here and this probably could have had a few minutes shaved off of it.
Overall thoughts: As usual, a pretty good showing from Pure-J. The semi-main was probably the best match on the show and the main was good too.
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