AEW Dynamite New Years Smash Night 2 1/13/2021
Last week's show with pics and gifs is here:
We get a little video package with Kingston/Pac and clips of Kingston's crew jumping Death Triangle last week. Kingston did a promo and said he's busting Pac up and Pac ain't coming back.
Eddie Kingston vs PAC
Pac runs down and dropkicks Eddie then does a twisting dive on him. Pac pump kicks Eddie then missile dropkicks him of the top. Pac hits some knees and drops a knee on the back of Pac's head from the 2nd rope. Bunny then rakes Pac's eyes outside and Eddie does an exploder to Pac on the floor.
Eddie hits some corner chops on Pac. Pac shoves him into the ropes and hits a german suplex on the rebound. Pac goes some chest kicks to Eddie. And Eddie comes back with a backhand, an enzugiri and a backdrop suplex. Eddie sits on the top and gets an enzugiri then Pac superplexes him. Eddie hit a nice lariat. He went for a DDT but Pac hung onto the ropes and then dropkicked Eddie. Pac hit a black arrow and then won it, then put his brutalizer on Eddie after before both men's crews jumped in.
Chuck Taylor is Miro's Butler for 30 Days if he loses - Chuck Taylor with Orange Cassidy vs Miro with Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford

Chuck got way too much in early, making the supposed monster Miro look like a jobber and not doing him any favors. Miro then grabs Chuck by the hair.
Jericho said they need to get rid of steam and animosity and says they will have a 3 way tag to determine who is the official tag team of the IC. It's Jericho and MJF vs Sammy and Hager vs Ex-LAX. Jericho says, "Sammy and Hager, that's funny" and Sammy doesn't get it. MJF then says they are the IC and are better than you and you know it then they all do the middle fingers.
We do a video on the Allyn vs Cage match. The story here was that Taz formed Team Taz after Allyn rejected him for an interview.
Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers vs The Varsity Blondes and Danny Limelight
Omega's team attacked at the bell. DL hit a double jump into an armdrag and a dropkick. Then Gallows nailed him with a face kick. The VB's dropkicked Gallows and clotheslined him over the top. Kenny hit an over the back legdrop on Limelight and he took it right on the head in a good sell. Anderson then threw Limelight into the corner and he bounced off of it. They went to picture-in-picture and Omega's team kept control. The Elite hit a bad triple splash that mostly missed during it.
Limelight got put into the corner and walked the middle rope into a springboard hurricanrana. Limelight got a running enzugiri in then Pillman did a springboard clothesline. Griff held up Anderson and Pillman did a top rope blockbuster for 2. Griff missed a splash in the corner and took a triple attack then they did a three person reverse 3D. Anderson then did a flying face kick for 2 on Griff. Limelight came in and ran up the ropes but jumped into a spinebuster. Then he took a magic killer for The Elite win. Limelight probably came out the best looking out of all of this has he got a bunch of stuff in. I did not think this was super effective as a squash since the Elite did not get much in.
Moxley appeared at ringside and he dove into a 3v1. The Elite beat up on him then Fenix and Penta helped out. The locker room came out to clear Moxley and Omega and Moxley hit a ddt on Mike Verna. Moxley then dove on everyone including Omega. The Young Bucks then came out and tried to stop this. Penta and Fenix then came up behind them with superkicks and the battle continued on then Omega and Callis left.
Jade said Cody did a huge favor by taking Brandi off tv and said she would beat that @ss if Brandi returned. She then shoved Cody. Red Velvet then came up to her and is a good foot shorter. She slapped her and they went at it, with many coming to break it up. Cody let with Red then we jumped to the back with the angle with Britt dumping water on Thunder Rosa. Why? No idea.
FTR takes back control as we return from picture-in-picture. They did a massive stungun on him during the break. Dash puts Marko in the Gory Special and since he is so small, he can grab his arms and legs at the same time. JB gets in and hits some shots on Dax. JB hits some lariats and a backstabber on Dax. JB runs the buckles and hurricanrana's Dax then suplexes him. JB superkicks him and then throws Marko on him. Marko goes for sliced bread #2 and gets thrown then takes a hard lariat. Marko then hits sliced bread #2. Tully throws Mark on the outside and JB gets lariated out there then thrown into the rails. FTR then hits a 3D Codebreaker for the win. Marko getting anything in makes his opponents look bad and this did nothing for FTR or JB.
NWA Women's Championship - Serena Deeb vs Tay Conti
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The finish |
Serena hits some armdrags early and rolls Tay into a pin. Tay does a judo leg trip and heel hooks Serena. Tay does a shoulder throw and Serena does a little escape into an wristlock. Tay kips up and then triangles Deeb back down. Serena hits like a sliding d/sliding shoulder block. Take does a great step kick and Deeb takes a wild fall out. We go to picture-in-picture and Deeb ducks a kick but gets one on the way back.
Tay throws around Deeb and chest kicks her. Tay monkey flips her then Tay does a bad full nelson into a stunner. Deeb hits a stretch muffler and Tay makes the ropes. Deeb has Tay on her shoulders and throws her up and drops her on her knee. Debb does a gory bomb off the 1st rope for some reason. Tay hits another step kick. They botch something and Deeb does a straight jacket pedigree for the win. They had some mess ups but also did some good moves.
AEW TNT Championship - Brian Cage (c) vs Darby Allin
Taz said a rule was made that they can only have two people at ringside. I have a feeling this rule won't apply to other groups and will be forgotten within a week.
Darby topes Cage to the back of his head early and bangs his head off the barricade. Then he topes him but Cage catches him and suplexes him. Darby slaps Cage and gets lariated for it. Cage gorilla presses Allin and throws him through a table on the outside. This should be an immediate countout win or the end of the match, but this won't be the case. Cage then picks him up from the suplex position and throws him in the ring after walking up the steps. Darby starts bleeding during this.
Cage then just picks up Allin and slams him. He launches him on a release german. Cage throws Allin at the buckles and he just bounces off of them almost landing on his head. Then he pounds on Allin's head. We do another picture-in-picture which I hate. Darby makes his comeback during this but gets nailed back down. Cage hits a great overhead belly to belly but you can barely see it on picture-in-picture. Back from break and Darby takes a giant F-5...but he kicks out.
Cage ripcords him into a triple powerbomb with the last one being a release powerbomb. Darby gives him the finger. Then he gets powerbombed from the ring to the ramp. Cages does his deadlift outside to inside suplex because he has to do this every match and Allin kicks out at 1, which is awful. Cage tried to powerbomb Darby on stairs but Darby bit his hand and Cage fell on the steps. Then he did a coffin drop to Cage while he was on the steps. Allin slapped Cage and springboarded onto him but got caught. Then he bit Cage. Darby took off his belt and tied up Cage then pounded him. Darby hit a code red and a John Woo. He tried to pin Cage near the ropes and Cage threw him up to the 2nd rope, where he came back with a double stomp. Team Taz then came in to interfere and the lights went out with Sting nailing Starks with a bat. Allin hit a crucifix drop from the top to win. They did some cool stuff here, but the match should have ended with the table spot. That move should take someone out for weeks or months and it took Darby out for minutes. They did too much here unfortunately and the idea of Darby being able to do anything to Cage is laughable. I'm concerned about where Cage goes from here. Big men/monsters really shouldn't lose unless you have to and Cage has now lost to Darby and Mox.
Overall thoughts: I think the AEW faithful will really love this. I personally hated them not selling enough/doing too much in the main and I really object to Stunt being on TV. The picture-in-picture commercials also did a number on this show.
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