Actwres girl'Z Color's Vol. 17 12/20/2020
アクトレスガールズ / Actwres girl'Z 2020.12.20(昼)Color's Vol.17 新木場大会
Actwres girl'Z is idol promotion in Japan. It's not that serious and most of the girls are models or wannabe models. Color's is kind of like their sub promotion with a lot of the girls who aren't that good yet.
Everyone does a song and dance in Santa costumes.
Ayumi Hayashi vs Yuko Sakurai
林亜佑美 vs 櫻井裕子![]() |
Yuko Sakurai |
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Ayumi Hayashi |
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The finish |
Hayashi has a super annoying entrance song/chant. Sakurai tries to clean break but Hayashi starts forearming her. Sakurai puts her in the camel clutch and grabs her nose with it then mocks Auymi's entrance song/chant. Hayashi then picks up Sakurai and grabs her by the nose. She then grabs Sakurai's arms and forces her to do the chant.
Hayashi crossbodies her and later surfboards her. Sakurai goes for a suplex but Hayashi piggybacks her and puts her in a sleerp. Sakurai breaks by grabbing the ropes and gets dropkicked in the back. Sakurai puts her in the octopus stretch and Hayashi gets out and puts her in an indian deathlock but Sakurai won't give up.
Hayashi charges in and gets slammed then they trade chest forearms. Sakurai gets a shoulderblock for 2 and then Hayashi hits a nice northern lights for 2. Hayashi then hits a spine buster and a nice roll-up for the win at 9:44. This wasn't anything too interesting or special, but they didn't mess up anything.
Mari & Waka Tsukiyama vs. Ayano Irie & Madeline
茉莉 & 月山 和香 vs 入江 彩乃 & マドレーヌ
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Madeline |
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Ayano Irie & Madeline |
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Waka Tsukiyama |
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Mari |
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Mari |
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Ayano Irie |
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The finish |
Waka has abs of steel and wears a devil's costume. Mari has an samurai/budo type of gimmick with a cool katana. Madeline has a ton of spunk and personality and Irie ran around the ring for her entrance.
Mari's team goes for pins at the opening handshake and then they pose over Madeline tied up in the ropes. Waka does a double reverse armbar to Madeline at the same time as Mari does an octopus stretch to Irie. Irie grabs a baton and her and her partner use it on Mari(which should be a DQ) before stomping on her. Madeline mocks Mari and gets tripped for it. Madeline gets kicked in the back, gives Mari one back then dares her to do it again. She begs Mari to get down so she can kick her back and Mari gets a good one when she obliges. Then do it again and this time Madeline grabs a choke instead.
Mari lays on the top rope and does a kick to Irie then rolls her with a neat head and double arm lock. Mari does some spinning side slams to Irie and samoan drops her. It all breaks down for a little with everyone interrupting the second anyone gets anything going. Waka gets Madeline in the crab but she hits the ropes. Irie then kind of out of nowhere does a pendulum submission on Waka without the arms and wins it.
This was a comedy match. Madeline really has a lot of potential and this was alright for a little but the whole finishing stretch wasn't good.
Sareee vs. Misa Matsui
Sareee vs 松井珠紗
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Misa Matsui |
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The finish |
Sareee is one of the best joshi girls on the scene. Sareee is promoted here as representing WWE...and maybe she will actually wrestle for them at some point. Misa hits a big dropkick to start and armdrags Sareee down before taking a dropkick. Sareee throws Misa by her hair for a 2nd time but she cartwheels out of it in a cool spot. Misa pulls Sareee's hair and Sareee returns the favor. Misa goes for a crossbody and Sareee throws her down then indian deathlocks her.
Misa hits some forearms to the chest but Sareee only needs one to knock her down each round. Misa has Sareee's back on the bottom rope and crossbodies her, then double stomps her from the buckles. Sareee gets put in the octopus stretch and almost hits the ropes, but Misa rolls her backwards into it again. Sareee sells big for a top rope missile dropkick and punishes Misa with some dropkicks of her own while Misa is on the ropes.
Sareee footstomps her from the 2nd rope and Misa almost steals it with a pin attempt. Sareee hits a fisherman's suplex for 2 and then a slow german suplex for the win at 9:05. A short but good match with a crowd who was really into it.
Yuna Manase & Yuna Mizumori vs. Mii & Rina Amikura
まなせゆうな & 水森由菜 vs 未依 & 網倉理奈
Rina power clotheslines down both opponents. Mii hits some dropkicks on Manase but it doesn't phase her. Then she beats her over the head with a teddy bear and while Mana plays with it, Mii dropkicks her down. Mii takes a stiff yakuza kick from Manase. Mizu plays around with Mii. Mizu tries to do something on the top rope but slips and falls. Mizu misses a big punch and gets slapped for it and hits a stiff dropkick on Mii at 10 minutes. Rina gets in and changes the tide. She hits a senton and takes a splash and a butt drop. Then the Yuna's do a double submission on her which Mii breaks up with a stuffed animal attack. Mii then does a nice spin kick to the face on Mizu. Mii goes up top and crossbodies both opponents then Rina hits a weird suplex and misses a 2nd rope senton.
Mizu does a handstand flip onto Rina. Mana hits a slow spinning clothesline on Mii and then Mizu wins it with a rough 2nd rope splash at 14:30 on Rina. this was fine. Mizu has a ton of personality and Mii does as well which carried this idol comedy match.
Mizu and Mii shake hands and Mii slaps her which creates a pull apart brawl.
SAKI vs Hikari Shimizu
SAKI vs 清水ひかり
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Hikari Shimizu |
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Slow start with SAKI grabbing the arm and doing a wristlock with it. Saki hits a shoulderblock and Shimizu kips up and out of it. Shimizu dropkicks her and she rolls out. Shimizu then dives on her from the top to the outside.
Shimizu handsprings coming off the ropes into a slam from Saki at 5 minutes. Saki stomps on her and does a high boston crab. Saki slams her and does a bottom rope Vader bomb. Saki then single leg crabs her. Saki lays her on the top rope then knees her and walk up the buckles Vader bombs her.
Saki gets stuck on the top rope and Shimizu powerbombs her down at 10 minutes. Saki hits a hurricanrana and Shimizu comes back quick with a springboard shining wizard. Saki hits a big kick to the face for 2.
Shimizu tries some chest forearms but doesn't get far and they trade forearms, which Shimizu loses. Saki puts Shimizu in the sharpshooter but Shimizu of course makes the ropes. Saki facewashes her while she's down there some but shimizu comes back with a PK to the chest for 1. More chest kicks to the downed Saki and she still can't get anywhere. She hits la silla from the top rope on Saki then a running knee for 2.
Saki hits two enzugiri's but still can't put her away. Shimizu goes up top and is superplexed. Shimizu tries more attempts at a pin but can't and takes a hard yakuza kick. Saki tries it again and takes a gamengiri. Shimizu ends up taking a swinging slam for 2 and then Saki runs with her in the suplex position and falls back for the win at 17:49.
Saki didn't give Shimizu enough here to really make her seem like a threat and the crowd wasn't there enough to help her. This wasn't even or a squash, but it was somewhere in between.
Overall thoughts: This is Actwres girl'Z. It's idol wrestling. A lot of the girls are green and not very good but most of them have decent looks and some personality which helps them get by. This is certainly not for someone looking for 5 star matches but it was better than I expected and trust me, this could have been bad.
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