MLW Fusion #118 1/20/2021
Last week's show is here:
The announcers welcome us to the show and announce ACH was attacked outside of the gym. They said ACH will still wrestle though. St. Laurent says Tom Lawlor should be getting the shot instead at the MLW Title instead of ACH because he won the Opera Cup.
The promise us the Jordan Oliver vs Simon Gotch match we didn't get last week.
Daivari vs. Zenshi
Daivar is bald now and very ripped. They showed Daivari ripping up Reed's chest protector. Daivari does a headlock takeover. Zenshi does a cartwheel over a laying Daivari and then takes some clotheslines, including a good lariat. Zenshi gets beaten up and takes a back body drop. Daivari then puts an armlock on him.
Daivari throws Zenshi into the buckles shoulder first and stands on the arm. Daivari then does a hammerlock slam on Zenshi's arm and goes to a hammerlock. Daivari hammerlock slams him on the ring apron when they go on the outside. Zenshi beats the count in and knocks Daivari's head off the buckles, 180 la silla from the top. He goes for a 450 off the top rope but Daivari puts his knees up, then hammerlocks him and does a huge clothesline for the win. This was all squash here with Daivari doing a good job of sticking with the armwork.
Myron Reed does an interview. He said Oliver is getting ready and says Contra is not stepping on them. He told them to keep the chest protector because Contra will get some much deserved justice.
Savio Vega did a promo next to a portrait of him. He said Richard Holliday stole the Caribbean title last year and Savio said it is time to solve the problem. Savio said they will have a Caribbean strap match with the same strap he used in his strap match with Steve Austin. Savio said they would deliver the contract next week and to sign it.
Grudge Match: Simon Gotch vs. Jordan Oliver
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The finish |
We saw clips of Gotch attacking Oliver from behind a while back. They trade forearms to start and Gotch does a slap flurry. Oliver then comes back with his own forearms and slaps and they trade more.
Gotch backdrops Oliver and Oliver comes back with a german. Oliver hits a suplex. Gotch slaps him and they go outside. Oliver gets his foot stuck on the apron and gets kicked in the back. Gotch then drops an elbow on Oliver on the floor from the apron. Gotch kicks Oliver from the apron and hits a knee/enzugiri knee to Oliver for 2.
Gotch flips over Oliver into an armlock but Oliver hits the ropes then Gotch hits a crossface shot an nasty looking elbow to the back of the head. Gotch grounds Oliver with submissions and Oliver rolls one into a pin attempt for 2. Oliver fights from out of the corner and runs the ropes into a shining wizard. Oliver hits a facekick for 2. Oliver comes off of a springboard and gets put out with a sleeper and a Gotch style piledriver. Gotch pushes the ref out and drops some elbows. The match wasn't bad at all and Gotch looked good here with rough strikes.
Atout said Azteca Underground Inc now owns Promociones Dorado. She asked Selina about this and she was mad. Selina said what was more important was that she wanted Mil Muertes to win some gold and left. Atout said she would get to the bottom of this and didn't like how Selina never does interviews with her.
They announced Savio Vega vs Richard Holliday with a ? in a possible Caribbean Strap match next week. They showed clips of Holliday beating Vega for the title.
Holliday was at Martha's Vineyard. He said he was on a real island compared to the cesspool he calls Puerto Rico. Holliday said he was warned not to sign the contract for the title match. He said he is 12 steps ahead of Savio and can't wait to whip Vega with it. He said he will leave welts on his back to remember the day that Vega thought he was even half the Caribbean champ Holliday is.
MLW World Heavyweight Championship: Jacob Fatu (c) vs. ACH
Daivari is with Fatu. Fatu rushes ACH and headbutts him, then pounds him in the corners. ACH cartwheels and backflips out of an irish whip into a dropkick on Fatu. He plancha's Fatu and Fatu runs his injured ribs into the post.
Fatu keeps yelling "CONTRA CONTRA" and butt drops him on the ropes. Fatu hits a samoan drop. Fatu continues to pound on ACH. ACH goes for a slam but can't with his hurt back. Fatu went for something in the corner and ended up hung up on the middle buckle. ACH made a comeback with a dropkick to the head the kicked Fatu while he was on the apron. ACH then does an over the top rope neckbreaker. The last two spots were done in the Oliver match.
Fatu popped-up ACH but took an hurricanrana and an enzugiri. Fatu came back with a pop-up samoan drop and a double jump moonsault for the win.
The match was fine and made sense, just the Fatu beat down went on a little too long and ACH was purposely hitting weaker strikes to sell his injured ribs so his offense didn't look great.

Fatu then said Contra Unit is here to stay and said Hail Contra. Daivari started talking and their security guards hit them with flags. The guards were Reed and Oliver and Gotch/Mads quickly put a stop to that beat down. Oliver and Reed really only got one shot in before getting chased off.
Overall thoughts: Not a bad episode of MLW at all with a lot going on and the matches getting enough time.
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