Big Japan Pro Wrestling 12/20/2020 - Death Mania VIII 2020
Death Match - Abdullah Kobayashi, Jaki Numazawa & Ryuji Ito vs. Drew Parker, Kankuro Hoshino & Yuki Ishikawa
Drew dives onto everyone on the outside and then we skip ahead. ito hits Hoshino in the head with a concrete block but it wasn't a good shot and not worth making a gif of. Ito superplexes Hoshino onto a bunch of chairs then backdrops him onto a sideways chair. Ito does his top rope splash on Hoshino to win it in a match that was clipped hard. We saw about 1/3rd of a 10 minute match.Tag Team Match - Daisuke Sekimoto & Yasufumi Nakanoue vs. Brahman Brothers (Brahman Kei & Brahman Shu)
Sekimoto's team takes double powder to the face to start and the Satos tried to end this early with a pin on Nakanoue but can't. The Sato's accidentally hit a rolling cooking log into the other. We cut ahead and one of the Twins turns a double suplex into a double neckbreaker.
They stick Sek's head into Nakanoue's crotch, then put a suitcase in front of Sek's crotch and roll a bowling ball at it. They grab some kind of metal looking tubes, stick their arms into them and try to hit Sekimoto with it, but hit each other, then Sek puts them on his arms and lariats them. Sek them puts them in the corner and puts the suitcase in their crotch and throws a bowling ball at it. Sek and his partner got hit with a suitcase and a sign then had blue powder thrown at them.
Nakanoue then won this with a lariat soon after at 10:32. This was clipped I think but it was fun. The only complaint I had is that they were tagging in and out in a no rules match.
Six Man Tag Team Match - Kosuke Sato, Kota Sekifuda & Yuya Aoki vs. Strong Hearts (CIMA, El Lindaman & T-Hawk)
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I've been missing my monthly Lindaman hookups now that Wrestle-1 is gone. Yuya and Linda trade shots to start. Sato hits a big dropkick on Cima and Cima gets triple-dropkicked as does Linda. They try it on T, but he holds the ropes and avoids it. Linda bridges Sato on the ropes and then Cima double stomps him from the top. T gets suplexed. Aoki handsprings into the ropes and back elbows Cima then Linda tries to dropkick him, but he moves. Aoki and Kota double dive the SH's. Stronghearts flips Kota around then triple dropkicks him. Kota almost steals a pin on Linda but Cima breaks it up then Sato brainbusters Linda for 2. Sato then gets pinned after a back double stomp, a reverse sitout slam and a nice german by Linda. This was real quick but fine for being an undercard junioors match.
BJW Tag Team Title Match - Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura) (c) vs. Twin Towers (Kohei Sato & Shuji Ishikawa)
Abe and Sato go to the mat to start. Sato and Abe purposely hit each other with weak punches while they put each other in simple holds. Nomura tries to slap Shuji and gets slapped twice as hard for it. Nomura gets a few more slaps in then some kicks. Shuji stomps on him and drops him clean with a big forearm. Shuji then hits him with a flurry of forearms and double stomps him for 2 and the two duel forearms again.
Abe gets in and he misses a hurricanrana that Shuji rolls for anyway. Abe then surprise dropkicks Sato who is in the corner. He puts an octopus stretch onto Shuji and Sato headbutts him for the dropkick. They trade more forarms and Shuji headbutt flurries him then suplexes him. Sato gets in, as Abe bleeds from the head and falcon arrows him.
Nomura punishes Sato with kicks and gets an armbar on him which Shuji breaks up. Astronauts double team slap Shuji which I've never seen before but Shuji comes back and double lariats them. The Towers lock in double submissions but Astroanuts gets out. Nomura gets double knees then Abe flies in with a shining wizard, then wind-up punches Shuji. Nomura trades shots with Sato and gets downed with a forearm. Astronauts tied up both Towers with submissions and Nomura won with an armbar on Sato.
Good match here. They didn't do too much, it was stiff and it was fiery, just as I like it. I thought the Towers went down a little easy here, but this was a good one.
BJW Strong World Heavyweight Title Match - Yuji Okabayashi (c) vs. Hideyoshi Kamitani
They ram each other's shoulders into the other to start. Kami hits some forearms and sends Yuji out, before ramming him into the post. They lift up the mats on the outside and Kami charges into Yuji before getting slammed on the ground.
The video cuts to them back in the ring and who knows how much time was cut out. When we return, Yuji charges and falls outside the ring. Kami runs off the apron and shoulder blocks Yuji. Kami goes up top and nails a big elbow on Yuji then does an even harder one. Kami headbutts him a few times and Yuji comes back with a powerslam.
Kami hits a shoulder and a suplex for 2 then hits him with a stretch plum. Yuji hits a powerslam from the top for 2 and goes for a top rope splash but Kami gets his knees up. Yuji gets back up sooner after though hitting a suprise lariat then another lariat. Yuji tried for something but Kami turned it into a backdrop. Kami hit a big standing lariat for 2 then another lariat. Yuji then hit a big lariat and powerbombed him. Yuji then won at 19:13 and it looks like about 5 minutes were cut out.
It's always hard to rate matches with pieces of it missing. It got a little better towards the end but wasn't anything too special. I didn't think Kami brought that much and didn't have the offense to look like a real threat.
BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title Thousand Needles Death Match - Minoru Fujita (c) vs. Yuko Miyamoto
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They do technical wrestling to start which is unusual for BJW. Fujita gets thrown into the barbed wire ropes and Yuko does as well. Fujita gets his head put in thumbtacks and Yuko makes him do a headstand on them. Fujita is hung on the barbed wire ropes and Yuko does a weak dropkick to him on the ropes. Miyamoto spills out a bucket of kenzan's - I don't know what purpose they serve, but they are a collection of sharp spikes in a steel circle. Fujita gets slammed on them but none of them stick.
Fujita russian legsweep's Yuko onto the thumbtacks and grabs a concrete block with pencils or something similar sticking out of it. Yuko tries to trip Fujita on them but he gets out, then he evades a Yuko senton on them. Fujita stabs him with one of the pencils then DDT's him on the thumbtacks, but mostly put himself on them. Yuko goes under the ring and grabs these wooden balls with spikes on them that grow from trees in Japan. I forget the name of them but they are either fruits or nuts. Yuko wears a backpack filled with them and is promptly back body dropped onto it.
They gets up and start forearming and headbutting each other, though none of the shots looked that good. They each then wrap barbed wire around their heads and ram each other with the barbed wire on their heads. Then they wrap a second strand around their heads and ram each other. Then they put yakitori sticks in each other's heads and ram each other.
They reverse each other's tombstones for 2. Fujita pours the thumtacks out around the ring and Yuko rolls him in them. Fujita ends up also getting yakitori sticks stuck on him during this. Yuko puts more sticks in Fujita's head as he grabs an abdominal stretch.
Yuko tries to handspring into the ropes but fails to and then backflip kicks Fujita. Yuko hits a fire thunder on Fujita on the sharp spikey balls. Fujita sets up a two layer barbed wire board on the buckles and Fujita tombstone's Yuko through both boards. They don't sell it for long though and Yuko kick combo's him. Yuko then moonsaults him the top and Fujita doesn't sell it much either. Fujita then wins it with a spear and a tombstone at 24:52.
This wasn't good at all. A lot of no-selling and they didn't build at all to the various weapons. There was no real wrestling here and some of the spots took forever to set up with neither person trying to attack the other.
Overall thoughts: I skipped the two opening matches but the matches being clipped hurt this show. This is 2020 and it shouldn't happening. The BJ deathmatch crew has not been impressing me much lately and failed to do so here. I thought the Astronauts vs Twin Towers match was by far the best match on this show with the Oka/Kami match being the 2nd best. I wouldn't go out of my way to see this, though the undercard had some okay stuff.
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