Dramatic Dream Team 12/27/2020 - DDT D-Ou Grand Prix 2021 The Final!
I'll be doing selected matches here. I'm not really into the comedy matches.
Hideki Okatani vs. Toi Kojima
岡谷英樹 vs 小嶋斗偉
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This may be Toi's debut.
They did some amateur wrestling to start. Oka hits a big back body drop and some forearms. Toi hits some bad chops, though Oka helps him with good selling on the third chop.
Toi fights out of a crab attempt and trades chops for Oka's forearms. Toi then starts to fire up. Toi hits a flying kick and does a full-nelson slam. Oka hits a nice chest chop and the northern lights him for 2, then wins immediately with a high angle lion tamer.
This wasn't too bad at all for a rookie match. They let Toi do a lot more than other places would. I liked his firing up spot and maybe they can work with that.
Chris Brookes, HARASHIMA, Keigo Nakamura & Shinya Aoki vs. DAMNATION (Mad Paulie, Soma Takao, Tetsuya Endo & Yuji Hino) (w/Daisuke Sasaki)
遠藤哲哉, 高尾蒼馬, マッド・ポーリー & 火野裕士 vs HARASHIMA, クリス・ブルックス, 青木真也 & 中村圭吾
They start off with low energy as Damnation throws out their opponents. Back in and Keigo gets beaten up on. Takao does a dropkick into a kip-up. Hino gets in and Keigo makes the very big mistake of trying to trade with him. Hino effortlessly does a fallaway slam on Keigo. Keigo tags to Harashima. He step kicks Endo while he sits at the top. Paulie tries to electric chair him and they blow a poisonrana. Harashima goes back up and superplexes Endo.
Hino and Harashima trade forearms and the visual on that is pretty bad as Hino's so much bigger than Harashima. Harash hits a real nice chest kick on Hino then gives him more as Hino dares him to do it. Harash starts to get to Hino and Hino lariats him.
Endo and Brookes get in there and while Endo is leaning over, Brookes sentons his back. Endo's ankle went in a weird direction on that and that move looked real ugly. They trade forearms and Endo does an ugly pele kick. Takao then gets in and gets a cutter from Brookes. Aoki and Takao trade shots and Aoki puts him in a hammerlock. Paulie splashes Aoki in the corner hard and then gets on all fours so Endo can moonsault off him, then Takao double stomps off him.
Keigo tries a bunch of forearms on Hino but gets nowhere and then runs right into him and falls down hard. Endo does a near perfect twisting flying space tiger to the outside. Hino then wins it with a NASTY frogsplash on Keigo. One of the hardest frogsplashes I've ever seen. I legit feel bad for Keigo for having to take that because that did not look safe at all.
This was a weird match. Too many different people were in it and there were a lot of different styles that didn't match up.
KO-D Six Man Tag Team Title Match - Akito, Kazuki Hirata & Shota (c) vs. MAO, Shunma Katsumata & Yuki Ueno
KO-D6人タッグ選手権試合 - 彰人, 平田一喜 & 翔太 vs 勝俣瞬馬, MAO &上野勇希
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This should be pretty good. Hirata and Ueno do your usual indy face-off spot here. Akito's team is all outside. All three of Mao's team goes to dive. Mao fakes out his dive then Shunma clears them with a tope con giro. Shota puts a single leg crab on Shunma. Hirata runs the ropes and tries to baseball slide Shunma, but he jumps up and double stomps him. They tried to double team Shunma but he pushed the one into the other and hit a senton/dropkick combo. Hirata stands and Mao does a legdrop to him off the top while standing. Mao and Hirata trade and Hirata flurries him.
Mao and Akito go at it and Mao does a standing moonsault double knee on Akito. Akito tags to Shota who takes triple dropkicks then takes an outside to inside split-legged moonsault. Ueno's team criss-crosses each other with splashes on their opponents. Ueno tried for a backslide then Shota reversed it to win. As I expected, this was fast paced with some dives and quick moves but the finish didn't really fit here and was an odd way to end this.
D-Ou Grand Prix 2021 Final Match - Jun Akiyama vs. Konosuke Takeshita
D王GRAND PRIX 2021優勝決定戦 - 竹下幸之介 vs 秋山準
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They start off slow. Takeshita avoids an irish whip and starts selling his bicep big-time which was weird. Jun then started working it and Takeshita stalls. Jun then goes to work on the arm, headbuting it and curb stomping it. Jun hammerlocks it and extends it backwards on the post, then wraps it around a rail. Jun worked the arm more on the inside, then he ran for a running knee and Takeshita turned it into a dragon screw, then did it again. Takeshita then rammed the knee into the post, then wrapped Jun's knee around the rail.
Then Jun got a dragon screw off the apron. Jun got back in and took a missile dropkick to the knee. Then Takeshita dropped him on his own knee then blue thunder bombed him. Takeshita then legged locked him but he hit the ropes. They forearm battle and Takeshita does a reverse dragon screw then puts him in the figure four. Jun makes the ropes.
They get up and Takeshita does his flipping clothesline. He takes his eyes off of Jun and gets a rough armbar and has to rope break to escape. They trade forearms and Takeshita takes an exploder. He german's Jun and then hits some great forearms. Takeshita no sold a superplex which I didn't like then lariated Jun for 2.
Jun then took a lariat, a running knee and a german for 2. Jun gets grabbed from behind and rolls into a hammerlock to submit Takeshita for the win! Jun wins the 2020 DDT D-Ou Grand Prix.
This was a pretty good match. Takeshita lost focus a little near the end but most of it made sense and they stuck with working the injuries they had.
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