Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling TOKYO JOSHI PRO '21 1/3/2021
Up Up Girls performed to start the show
Suzume vs. Arisu Endo
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Arisu Endo |
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Suzume |
This is Endo's debut. Endo tries to roll out of a wristlock but Suzume goes with her. They do basic stuff early. Suzume forearms her in the corner then dropkicks her in the corner. Suzume dropkicks her.
Endo gets a back elbow in and dropkicks her. Suzume misses a crossbody from the top then Suzume camel clutches her. Then Suzume hit a cutter for the win.
Endo didn't look bad here for her debut.
Haruna Neko & Pom Harajuku vs. Moka Miyamoto & Yuna Manase
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The finish |
Pom does a shinkick to Manase and tags out. Neko then climbs on Manase's back with the sleeper and it turns into a sunset flip that they got a 1 count on. Neko and Pom try to double clothesline Manase but she cartwheels through it and bops them on the head. Manase splahes Neko in the corner and Moka slams her for 2.
Mao blocks a Neko punch with some karate. Neko clotheslines her and tags out. Pom does another shin kick and an armdrag. Pom does a horrible run of the ropes armdrag and a weak dropkick. Manase kicks Pom in the back and does a weak butt drop for 2. Manase does a full flip for a shin kick which was silly. Pom then does a leg keylock until Manase hits the ropes. Neko does a roll through into a codebreaker and Pom does a backwards roll into a headscissors. Manase then wins it with a sitout full nelson slam in a bad match.
Red & White Rope Rename In The Capsule Match - Shoko Nakajima vs. Hyper Misao
The loser of this gets re-named. The various names are in gacha capsule balls on the ropes. Once you get two of the correct gacha, you win. They are also tied to each other by a rope and there's no DQ or pins.
The rope had nots in it to start and they asked people to wait while this gets fixed. Misao immediately gets a capsule but it's no good. Shoko goes to get one and gets jerked back. They grab a bunch of capsules that are no good. Shoko ties Misao to the corner but she's still able to get capsules. Shoko hits a neckbreaker combo and gets more capsules. Shoko grabs a winning capsule. They go outside and Misao pulls her into the post. They do tug of war and Misao lets go.
Shoko grabs her kaiju toys outside and pours them into the ring. Misao got slammed on them. Shoko goes up top and gets pushed back onto the toys then Misao throws a box of toys at her. Misao then gets thrown onto the toys. Shoko hits her with some toys.
Shoko goes up top and gets a coconut crush from the top. Misao tied up Shoko wth the rope and the rope broke. Misao then found the other good capsule and won. This was bad comedy.
Aja Kong, Mizuki, Raku vs Miu Watanabe, Nao Kakuta, Mirai Maiumi
Mizuki and Mirai go at it to start then Raku gets in. Raku hits a terrible head chop and Mizuki struggles to get Nao over. All 3 girls lay next to each other and the girls stomp on them like a bridge, though Aja goes super slow for comedy.Aja team then all sits on their opponents. Raku sits on Mirai's back with a double reverse armbar and then rolls out. Aja gets in and kicks Mirai in the back and the ribs. Mirai tries to fight back but goes down to a forearm.
Nao and Mirai duck each others shots. Nao gets in and face kicks Mizuki. She then does Masato Yoshino's headscissors over the top rope and brings Mizuki's throat over it. Mizuki stomps on Nao's stomach. Miu tries to shoulder and forearm Aja but it goes nowhere. Aja goes up top and Miu slaps her in the butt multiple times but can't powerbomb her.
Raku gets in and does her bad chop to Miu's head for 2. Raku puts her in a choke and Aja comes in and starts hitting people with trash can shots. Mirai drops Aja with a lariat and Mirai takes a bump to the outside. Mizuki hits a nice dive on her from the top. Raku hits a cute slingblade. Miu then picked up the win over Raku. Not good. Real short for having so many people involved and this wasn't believeable at all.
Sakisama & Mei Saint Michel vs Hikari Noa & Sena Shiori
Saki chokes out Noa with her legs in the corner. Saki and Mei double team Sena then Saki starts choking Sena with her legs. Saki teases a front kick on Sena then just kicks her in the back instead when she covers up.
Noa comes in and dropkicks Saki multiple times. Saki grabs her by the hair and Noa does the same. They trade some forearms. Noa does a nice sell on a Saki boot. She does a nice yakuza kick and kicks her in the back. Noa hits a real nice exploder on Saki but Saki doesn't sell it and does a nice yakuza kick to her face.
Mei comes inand misses metal tray shots and the ref sees her with it. She tries to hide behind it and Noa bops her on the head. Mei put the tray down and Noa slipped on it. Mei grabs Noa's arm, springboards off the ropes then another before armdragging her.
Sena gets in and single leg crabs Mei. Mei crossbodies Sena for 2 then drops double knees on her back. Saki hits a nice running kick to Sena's chest Noah hits a missile dropkick from the top and Mei takes a 2v1.
Mei slams Sena and Saki suplexes Noa on top of her. Then she assists Mei with a springboard doublestomp onto both girls. Saki assists Mei with a sliced bread #2. Mei misses a jumping double knee on Sena. Mei then sits on Sena's back with something like a single leg crab to win. This was fine and I like the Mei/Saki team.
Maki Itoh vs Miyu Yamashita
Maki does a nice little performance on her way to the ring and Miyu does not look like she is in the mood for that.
Maki slaps her to start then gets push kicked at the bell for it. Miyu takes her down and kicks her front and back. Maki puts her knee in Miyu's back while she is standing and brings Miyu down with her knee which probably hurt.
Maki hangs Miyu on the middle rope and ddt's her good. She then grabs Miyu's leg and stretches it while Miyu lays on her back. Miyu does a weird spin kick to Maki's stomach as she lays on her back. Maki then wraps up Miyu's arms and DDT's her. Miyu hits a high knee to Maki's face like a kick then she charges in with another knee and Maki rolls her over into a crab.
Maki hits a tornado DDT and Miyu plants on her head for Maki. Maki does a headbutt from the top rope but mostly all misses it then does a lion tamer to Miyu but Miyu hits the ropes. Maki ties up Miyu's legs but Miyu headbutts her. Miyu then release german's her after a knee. Miyu hits some hard chest kicks on Maki and high knee's her. Miyu teases going into the ropes, but wraps around and triangle kicks her off the other set of ropes.
Maki gives her the finger but Miyu headkicks her for the knockout win. Lame ending for what was a really good match up to that point.
Princess Tag Team Title Match - Nodoka Tenma & Yuki Aino (c) vs Yuki Kamifuku & Mahiro Kiryu
Yuki and Kiryu double team Aino early and Fuku chokes her on the ropes. Fuku's team double stretches Kiryu. Nodoka splashes Kiryu for 2. Kiryu takes a double hiptoss then a double splash. Kiryu gets worked on for a bit and Aino does something like a vader bomb from the 2nd rope, though not on the buckles.
Fuku does some nice jumping Yakuza's to Aino and octopus stretches her. Fuku handstands but Aino knocks it down and sentons her back. Aino hits some decent forearms to Fuku. She jumps off the top but Fuku dropkicks her into the buckles.
Fuku kicks Nodoka while on the mat and does a nice jumping yakuza to her. Kiryu put her in the boston crab but she gets out and headscissors her. Kiryu holds up Nodoka and Fuku hits a flying yakuza to her.
Fuku gets up on Aino's shoulders and Nodoka did a top rope bulldog to her. Nodoka hit an unprettier to Kiryu and won it.
Princess Of Princess Title Match - Yuka Sakazaki (c) vs Rika Tatsumi

Rika grabbed a headlock early. Rika worked the leg and tied her leg up on the rails where she dropkicked the leg. Yuka then grabbed her and threw her into the other set of rails.
They get back in the ring. Rika hits a butt bump. Rika then hit a super butt bump from the 2nd rope. Rika hits a nasty dragon screw on Yuka and figure fours her. Rika tries a butt bump but gets caught in the ropes and Yuka spears her out. Yuka hits the three amigos. Yuka did a nice forward roll into a leg lock. Yuka then hits Yoshino's headscissors choke over the top rope. Yuka climbed the 2nd rope and Rika dropkicked her making her hang off of it. She then stunnered her and hit a butt bump to the face.
Yuka and Rika did a forearm exchange with Yuka hitting some good ones and they had a nice strike exchange. Yuka hit some but Rika blocked it with her butt then enzugiri'd her. Rika hit a top rope butt bump and put the sleeper on Yuka. She then made it into a dragon sleeper and Yuka rolled out. Yuka hit a hard sliding lariat to the front and back. Yuka jumped off the third rope and caught herself on a 450 attempt then Rika figure four'd her. Yuka hit a heel hook while in the figure four but Rika rolled out of it. She kept it on and the ref stopped it giving Rika the win. I liked the attempts to work the injured leg storyline here and the second half was better than the first half.
Yuka cried after and they hugged.
Overall thoughts: The two main matches had odd finishes and there's a lot of bad wrestling and comedy on these shows, but there were some good moments.
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