AEW Dynamite 1/20/2021
Last week's show is here with pics and gifs:
They had a birthday cake for -1, the son of Brodie Lee. While it's a nice gesture, I'm not sure if they should be doing this. They sang happy birthday to his kid.
Luther interrupted and said this place is becoming a daycare center. He called out Brodie's kid who said Luther looked stupid a few weeks ago. Luther said he was the stupid one for hanging out with the Dark Order. Luther said The Chaos Project does not like The Chaos Project. They promised to ruin his birhtday. Then the D-O and TH2 beat up on Luther and Serp. Adam Page then came out and dove on everyone. This led into...
The Hybrid2 and The Chaos Project vs The Dark Order
Luther hit a butterfly suplex onto Silver. Luther slammed Serp onto Silver, then did the same with Evans. Luther then bulldog'd Angelico's head onto Silver. Page got in and took out most of his opponents. Serp dove onto Page, got caught and got flipped overhead. Colt did a flying butt bump onto Serp. Page messed up a kip-up then dove outside.
Silver flipdove onto Evans then euro uppercut Page. Reynolds then did a flip dive to the outside then Page moonsaulted from the top onto everyone on the outside. Colt put Silver and Reynolds onto Page's back so he could fall back on his opponent, but Page collapsed into the ropes. Sept hit a DDT on Reynolds then Jack did a springboard 450 onto him. Page powerbombed Evans over the rail onto Angelico.
Luther tried to powerbomb Colt onto the cake but -1 stopped it and then Luther got flapjacked into the cake. D-O then did a big triple team combo onto Serp to win. Page messed up some stuff and this was really just a lot of spots and cool moves one after the other. And of course, Luther went through the cake. Not a ton of story here but it kept moving.
-1 then nailed Serpentico for trying to screw up his birthday and threw papers at Serpentico.
Adam Page was asked if he would join the Dark Order. He said he couldn't and the D-O threw a celebration, then had to cancel it. Page said he got forced to go along with this and did the group thing before and didn't like it.
MJF was interviewed. He asked Chris if he was worried that the IC might be split up after tonight due to the match they will have. Jericho said they made a rule that they will move on together after, then MJF said him and Jericho will win.
Sting was coming out to congratulate Darby for keeping the TNT title last week. He said he sees a lot of himself in Darby. He said he didn't mean to interfere last week then Team Taz got on the tron. Taz said Sting fights dirty. Starks cut in at the wrong time and blew the promo. Taz said they should take to the streets. Darby said to be careful what you wish for because it just might happen.
Marvez met up with the Bucks at Kenny Omega's house for a meeting. The Bucks pointed to a poster on the wall of Kenny and Callis shirtless. Callis said he had it commissioned for Kenny's birthday. The Bucks yelled at Callis for what happened last week with The Good Brothers. Callis said Kenny was unable to attend and said they may have had the wrong number. Callis called the Buck's Kenny's old friends and asked Nakazawa to take Marvez to "the dungeon", which he said was a wrestling room.
The camera got left there though after the cameraman was kicked out. Callis said Kenny was busy and didn't have time to hang out like before. He then gave them some checks. Callis said The Bucks were holding Kenny back. The Bucks ripped up the checks they were given and said the checks were probably bogus. They were about to fight when the camera cut.
Peter Avalon vs Cody Rhodes with Arn Anderson
Cody started this out with a Cross Rhodes, then music hit. Jade Cargill then came out. Avalon low blowed Cody as Cody was distracted. Cody was then superplexed from the top. They did a picture-in-picture break which I hate where Avalon was mostly in control. Avalon missed a top rope moonsault. They botched a leapfrog or did a spot that made it look like they botched a leapfrog. Cody was thrown out then was dived on into the barricades.
Avalon ran the ropes and Cody did a cutter, a running forearm and a powerslam. Cody put the figure four on and Avalon rolled over, but then got rolled back. Avalon slapped Cody and tapped out rather than getting slapped in the face. This was a weird match.
FTR and Tully did a promo. They said they were #1 in the rankings but needed the belts. Jungle Express then came in. Dax and Jungle Boy agreed to a match and Luchasauras said he would be at ringside to make sure nobody gets involved.
Nick Comoroto vs Jon Moxley
Nick has been on Dark a couple of times. They said Nick was the only one who would sign the open contract to face Jon. Nick hit a running slam on Mox and a running back elbow in the corner. Nick then backbreakered him and stretched him over the knee. Nick flipped him over for a neckbreaker over the knee then ran into the corner and missed Mox.
Mox hit some nice kicks to his chest as he was downed. Nick was pushed into the ropes then was german suplexed from behind. Nick picked up Mox but Mox hit a grounded sleeper and won it. AEW's tradition of making the big men lose their first big match continues here. They clearly gave Nick a lot of time to try and get over here and I'm sure he did to a degree. He just needs to get a name that fits his look.
Moxley said he didn't know who was in AEW or wasn't anymore. He said he is cool with Kenny bringing his friends in because then its more people to hurt. He said all roads lead through him.Eddie Kingston was asked about his match with Lance Archer next week. Eddie said he doesn't prepare. Archer then came in and said they would fight and it'll be one on one. Jake told Eddie to come face to face with him without his friends.
Kenny Omega was interviewed. Kenny met up with Callis, whose eye was injured. He wanted to know who did this and Callis said the Bucks did it. Marvez was then kicked out.
Matt Sydal and Top Flight vs Matt Hardy and Private Party
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What was this? |
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The finish |
We start out with some dropkicks. We had a triple leap frog and double go over into a dropkick. TF did some convulted move that they messed up. TF and Sydal rolled up PP into a double boston crab. Marquen did a springboard into a splash on a downed Sydal. Matt Sydal was beat up on during the whole picture-in-picture segment.
Sydal hurricanrana'd both PP members at the same time. Darius did a standing spanish fly and then tope'd Hardy hard into the rails. One of PP was bridged between a TF member and the ropes and the other TF member jumped onto their back. It's not a new spot but it has never had a name despite dating back to the 50's.
Matt hit a side effect on all 3 members of the other team then tried to pin all 3 but it didn't work. Marquen did some stupid dancing spot that ended in an enzugiri. One of TF then did a flip into Marquen who was sitting on top then hurricanrana'd him. Darius had a hard fall off the 2nd rope and Dante got chaired in the ribs by Isaiah. Marquen then did an SSP for the win.
This was what you would expect with a ton of flips and spots with little else. TF and PP then fought after with Hardy hitting a twist of fate on his opponents.
MJF and Wardlow went to most of IC minus Jericho. Sammy got up in his face. MJF said he respects Sammy because he isn't afraid to speak up. MJF said he isn't a sociopath and wants what is best for his group. Sammy wouldn't pound fists with MJF.
Penelope Ford vs Leyla Hirsch
Leyla rolled around Ford early. Ford kicked Leyla in the knee. Leyla did a kip-up and Chuck Taylor tripped Leyla. Ford did a handspring and landed into an armbar. Leyla went for Kip on the outside then got pump kicked. Ford suplexed Leyla during the picture-in-picture break then did a cartwheel into a back elbow on her. Ford had Layla on the apron then jumped off the 2nd rope then dropped knees on her.
They had a nice strike exchange. Ford got dropped into a split then was hit with knees. Then Leyla deadlift german suplexed her. Leyla avoided a flipping axe kick which would have sucked to take. Layla ran the ropes then did a flip dive onto Kip and Chuck. Kip held Leyla's feet near the ropes and Ford won it. It looked like a decent match but picture-in-picture just kills everything.
Miro called in "Charles" aka Chuck Taylor. He told Chuck he needs to grab the mic and tell OC that Miro is his best friend now. Chuck did it and OC was sad. I don't know why unless he is somehow too stupid to figure out what is happening here.
The Good Brothers and Kenny beat up Penta backstage. Kenny was wearing boots with big heels that looked like women's shoes then shoved it into Penta's eye.
Santana and Ortiz vs MJF and Chris Jericho vs Sammy Guevarra and Jake Hager
The actual Sammy Hagar put over Sammy and Hager which was cool.
Sammy flipped out of a wristlock and got slapped. Sammy backfliped over Jericho and dropkicked him out of the ring. Jericho then got catapulted into a Hager forearm. S&O double backdropped Hager then did a big combo on Jericho that ended in a moonsault. We went to picture-in-picture again where Ortiz hit a cool submission that we couldn't really see. Sammy took a double team suplex. Jericho ended up going crotch first into the middle buckle. Sammy hit a springboard cutter and clotheslined Jericho over the ropes.
S&O did double dives on both sides of the ring then Sammy did a corkscrew dive. Sammy hit a poisonrana on MJF then a spanish fly from the top on Ortiz. Jericho grabbed his bat and Hager chest kicked Jericho. MJF then got his ring to hit someone with but Hager dropped him. Hager lariated S&O then Sammy did a running SSP onto Ortiz. Jericho botched a lionsault after an MJf powerbomb on Sammy. Jericho was then flipped around by S&O and hit a codebreaker on Ortiz. Hager did a Vader Bomb and Sammy did a swanton but no pin. Sammy botched a move on Jericho and MJF won it with a roll-up with tights as they went over time and the show ended. I wasn't really a fan of this one. It was just a spotfest mostly and Jericho almost died twice.
Overall thoughts: Rough night for AEW. A lot of botches and the show ran too long and we almost didn't get a finish. They have to stop picture-in-picture too as it is is hard to watch and doesn't give you a break.
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