Thursday, August 1, 2024

WWE Main Event 7/31/2024

WWE Main Event 7/31/2024

Last week's show is here:

Isla Dawn vs Ivy Nile

Isla hits corner spears and is rolled up off a missed cornercharge. Ivy does a pin attempt and armdrags her into an armlock. Isla trips her and Ivy bridges out of the pin. Ivy rolls her up and armlocks her. Ivy catches Isla's crossbody, squats her and does a fallaway slam for 2.

Ivy suplexes Isla. Isla headbutts her in the chest then throws her down backwards. Isla chinlocks her and tries to block a sunset flip. Ivy flying shoulders her and throws her back. Ivy flying headscissors her then flying kicks her in the corner. Ivy germans her. Ivy catches her with a dragon sleeper and Alba Fyre gets on the apron. Ivy kicks her then is rolled up. Isla gets the win.

Thoughts: It was an average match with a lame finish here. Ivy looked so dumb giving up her hold to get Alba.

LWO (Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro) vs The Authors of Pain

Razar hits corner spears on Cruz. They botch an up and over spot. Razar lifts Cruz and is dropkicked. Razar is dropkicked in the knee. Cruz springboard crossbodies him and tags out. Razar takes a double dropkick out. Akam is pulled out then The LWO do tope con hilos out.

We go to break and return. Razar rams Cruz into the buckles. Paul Ellering chokes Cruz on the ropes. Cruz is lifted by Akam into a knee from Razar. Razar trwists Cruz's neck.

Akam misses a corner charge on Cruz. Wilde is tagged in. Wilde flying forearms Akam then facebusters him. Wilde tornado ddt's Akam for 2. Cruz rope walk dropkicks Razar. Akam uranages Cruz. AOP hit a super collider and win.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything special and was far from either teams best work. They just mailed this one in and nobody really tried hard here. This could have been really good.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual here. Neither were good and I wouldn't recommend this one. The LWO vs AOP tag was a lazy effort by both teams.

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