Pro Wrestling NOAH 6/16/2024 Grand Ship 2024 in Yokohama
Super Crazy vs. LJ Cleary vs. Ninja Mack
We get a double headlock spot. LJ and Mack are shouldered over. LJ and Mack's heads are banged together. Mack chops Crazy then LJ. Crazy chops LJ then LJ chops him. Crazy kicks LJ in the back then Mack chops Crazy.
LJ slinghsots over crazy then springboards using Mack and dropkicks him. Mack is pulled over the top and LJ tope con hilos Mack and Crazy. Mack is sent into the rails then LJ is sent into the rails.
LJ hits kicks on Mack then dropkicks Crzy through the ropes. Mack goes for a ninja special and Crazy backdrops him down. LJ springboard dropkicks Mack. Crazy slams both opponents. Crazy corkscrew elbow drops LJ for 2.
Crazy takes corner lariats. LJ step up enzugiri's Crazy. LJ springboard canadian destroyers Mack then Crazy 2nd rope moonsaults Mack. LJ ushigoroshi's Crazy and wins.
Thoughts: It wasn't as fast paced as you would expect and was just a short little spotfest. There wasn't anything too special about this.
Akitoshi Saito, Atsushi Kotoge, Go Shiozaki, Hi69 & Mohammed Yone vs. REAL ZERO1 (Chris Vice, Hide Kubota, Satsuki Nagao, Takuya Sugawara & Yasu Kubota)

Yasu has the blonde hair. Vice and Saito go to stat us off and Saito is hit from behind. Saito takes 3 and 5 person beatings. Nagao boots Saito and hits forearms. Saito knees him in the gut.
Nagao takes corner attacks for 2. Yone slams and legdrops Nagao. Kotoget boots Nagao then trade forearms with him. Nagao headbutts him then dropkicks him. Kotoge takes a russian legsweep and baseball slide. Kotoge takes a spinning side slam + legdrop combo.
Go hits chops and forearms out of the corner then is thrown out. Takuya slaps Kotoge around and is pump kicked. Saito and Vice lariat battle. Saito and Vice trade forearms for chops. Go comes in and hits chops before being thrown out and Yone hits a double clothesline. Vice takes a double team and a claw slam from Saito. Vice lariats Saito.
69 asai moonsaults Vice and hits a forearm flurry. Vice suplexes him then package piledrivers him to win.
Thoughts: It was a short and nothing match. They had nowhere near enough time for this and 69 going down to a package piledriver was pretty weak here. Go barely did anything in this one and it was a total throaway. Z1 getting the win was a shock.
Shuhei Taniguchi & Titus Alexander vs. Hiroki Inaba & Masa Kitamiya
Shu and Inaba do some amateur wrestling. Inaba side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Inaba slams him and elbow drops him. Titus gets in. Titus side headlocks him and rolls him up for 2. Masa shoulders Titus over. Titus enzugiri's him and dropkicks him. Titus topes him outside then top rope crossbodies him for 2.
Titus and Masa trade forearms. Masa shoulders him over then slams Shu. He sentons both opponents. Titus dropkicks Masa then Shu gets in. Shu corner lariats Masa then takes a ocrner lariat. Shu powerslams him then slams Inaba on him twice.
Shu and Masa trade forearms. Shu headbutts him and spinebusters him. Masa spears him. Inaba flying shoulders Shu then suplexes him. Shu sledgehammer shots Inaba over then Titus upkicks Inaba. Titus handspring cutters him then double underhook backbreakers him for 2. Titus takes a lariat + spear combo then takes corner lariats. Titus takes a backdrop + elbow drop combo for 2.
Inaba hits forearms on Titus then blue thunders him for 2. titus superkicks him then is flipped with a lariat. Inaba final cuts him for 2. Titus dropkicks him in the back and pumping knees him. Titus suplexes Inaba for 2. Titus hits a chaos theory german on Inaba and wins.
Thoughts: Inaba losing to a junior was burial here. They did what they could with the time but they didn't really have enough time to go all the way with this. This caused it to not be as good it could have been. I like the Inaba and Masa team and would like to see more and I'd be up for a rematch.
AMAKUSA, Hajime Ohara & Junta Miyawaki vs. Eita, Shuji Kondo & Yu Owada
Yu flips out of a wristlock then puts his own on Ohara. They mat wrestle and Ohara ties up his legs. Ohara does cattle mutilation and pulls his arms back. Ohara does an abdominal stretch variation and it's broken up.
Yu flips off of Ohara then back body drrops him. Yu hiptosses him and dropkicks him. Ohara slams him and Yu wristlocks him. Junta and Shuji get in. Shuji forearms him down then is dropkicked out.
Eita shoulders Ama over. They trade armdrags and Eita dropkicks him. Ama takes a double back elbow and double basement dropkick. Eita hits a double dropkick then Junt triangle springboard plancha's out. Junta top rope dropkicks Eita.
Junta is pulled off the 2nd rope then Yu crossbodies Junta. Yu top rope crossbodies Junta for 2. Junta suplexes Yu then Ama springboard back elbows Yu. Ama corkscrew lariats him off the top. Shuji hits a bulldog + neckbreaker combo then Ama hurricanrana's him off the pop-up. Ama then corkscrew tornillos onto Shuji. Ama botches a springboard and michinoku drivers Yu for 2.
Ama spiral taps Yu and wins.
Thoughts: It was mostly filler and was designed to put Ama over. Ama did some okay flying here and that was about all that happened in this one.
Takumi Iroha vs. Great Sakuya

Great stares at her then TI lays down on the mat. Great dances and spits mist. Great gets out of a hold and dances more. She headflips out of a lariat and tilt-a-whirl armdrags her. TI misses a headkick and Great slides out. Great goofs around outside playing with her nails.
Great stomps on TI's hands then splits her fingers. TI spin kicks Great then stomps her hands. TI sharpshooters her. TI hits kicks and they trade forearms. Great spin kicks and superkicks her. TI superkicks her on the buckles. Great throws her back and dances then flipping sentons her for 2.
Great slaps her and takes a strike combo. TI suplexes her and Great 2nd rope hurricanrana's her. Great does a step up poisonrana then asai moonsaults her for 2. TI gets her knees up on Great's top rope moonsault. TI does a runing powerbomb but Great hurricanrana's her out of it. Great spin kicks huer and gets a 2 count. TI spinning forearms her. Great misses a green mist attempt and takes kicks. TI hits a running razor's edge and wins it.
Thoughts: This gave memories of bad Muta matches, only with dancing and playing with fingernails. This wasn't good.
GLG (Jake Lee, Tadasuke & YO-HEY) vs. All Rebellion (Alejandro, Cristobal & Kenoh)

Ken and Jake lock up. Ken hammerlocks him. Jake throws him down off the waistlock. Ken slaps him then Jake spits at him. Yo and Cris go at it. Cris side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Cris armdrags him and poses.
Cris ducks a lariat then flying double chops him. Ale springboard headscissors and dropkicks Tada. Tada takes a double elbow and a two person double chop. Tada ddt's Ale. Jake atomic drops Ale then puts him in a paradise lock. Ken rolls Ale out of it. Jake does it again and Ken rolls him out again. Jake does it a third time then Ken rolls him out a third time.
Yo snapmares Ale then basement dropkicks him. Ale slingshot splashes him. Ken is double whipped into the ropes and facekicks Jake off the apron. Ken germans Jake when he gets back in and PK's him inside.
Yo flying kicks Ken then Tada gets in. Tada is chest kicked by Ken then Cris dropkicks Tada. Cris neckbreakers Tada for 2. Ale jumps off of Cris' back and back elbows Tada. Cris cradles Tada for 2 then Tada throws Criss off the buckles.
Jake facekicks Ken off the apron then facekicks Cris in the corner. Jake then pins Cris.
Thoughts: They made you want to see Jake vs Ken here but didn't accomplish a lot else with this one. It was far from what it could have been and Cris went down too easy here.
Jake says GLG will break up at the next big show as he says he has other things to do..
HAYATA & Ryohei Oiwa vs. Ulka Sasaki & Yoshinari Ogawa

Oiwa and Ulka start us off. Ulka hits armdrags and Oiwa headlock takeovers him. Ulka headscissors him and they stand off. Oiwa armlocks him. Ulka flips out using the ropes. Ogawa gets in. Ogawa trips him into an armlock. Ogawa hiptosses him.
Haya gets in. Ogawa side headlocks him then dropkicks him. Haya dropkicks him out then handspring kicks Ulka. Haya then plancha's both opponents outside. Oiwa goes for a dive and his opponents move.
Oiwa misses a dropkick then Ulka hits knees to the gut. Oiwa shoulders him over then armdrags him. Haya works Ulka's arm then Ulka wristlocks him. Ulka goes for the armbar and Haya ropebreaks.
Haya boots Ogawa out of the corner, comes off the 2nd rope and lands his crotch on Ogawa's knee. Haya handspring double back elbows his opponents. Oiwa hits dropkicks on his opponents. Oiwa slams Ogawa and splashes him.
Oiwa and Ogawa trade forearms. Ulka hits knees on Oiwa then trips him and tries some holds. Oiwa dropkicks Ulka. Haya atomic drops Ulka then flying kicks him from the side. Ulka rolls him into a leg lock. Ulka slams Haya then Ogawa ddt's Haya. Ulka suplexes Haya for 2. Ogawa backdrops Haya.
Haya enzugiri's him. Haya boots him then Ulka flying armbars him. Ulka flying kicks Haya for 2 and Ogawa throws Oiwa out. Ulka hits a kick combo on Haya and cutters him for 2. Haya tries a pin on Ulka for 2 then rolls him for 2 again. Ulka heel hooks him and submits him out of nowhere.
Thoughts: This was stupid. The finish was completely out of nowhere with no real build to it and the rest of the match was nothing special at all. This was very disappointing and poorly put together.
Ulka challenges for Haya's title after.
GHC Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Daga (c) vs. Starboy Charlie

Daga side headlocks Star. Daga shoulders him over and Star kips up. Star cartwheels over him then Daga flying headscissors him. Daga is hiptossed into the ropes and armdrags him off of it. Star headscissors him and they stand off.
Star hiptosses him, dropkicks him and running ssp's him. Daga sentons Star's back for 2. Daga topes him. Star's back is rammed into the post and he is exploder suplexed on the floor. Star drops down and Daga double stomps his back.
Daga dropkicks him. Star is laid on the top rope and Daga top rope dropkicks him. Star kips down and up into a pele kick to duck Daga's lariat. They trade shot. Star spin kicks, leg sweeps and standing corkscrew ssp's him.
Star superkicks him out then fosbury flops him outside. Star's throat is pulled down over the top rope. Daga goes up top and takes a cartwheel pele kick. Star springboard triangle ddt's him on the apron.
Daga hits kicks and backdrop backbreakers him for 2. Star cradles him for 2 counts. Daga rolls him up and tries a bridge pin. Daga flips him with a lariat. Daga counters a pele kick with a superkick. Daga elbow slices him down for 2. Daga double underhook codebreakers him and wins it.
Thoughts: I'll never really get what Noah sees in Daga. He's not a great worker, he's not a great bumper and he's not a great personality. Charlie needed to be tortured more here then he could have made his comeback. He then probably should have lost on a fluke or something to save him some face. It was average and it was mostly on Daga.
Amakusa wants a title shot after. Daga says he's hungry and he's more food. He accepts his challenge and tells him he better be ready. He says he will break his legs.
GHC Tag Team Title Match - Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura vs. GLG (Anthony Greene & Jack Morris)

Jack and Sugi start us off. Jack ties his legs up into a pin attempt. They shoulder each other and Jack shoulders him over. Sugi throws Jack out. Ag and Maru go at it. They boot each other at the same time and catch each other's boots. Maru cartwheels and is lariated over. Jack stomps on Maru then maru dropkicks him.
Sugi is thrown into the rails outside and held for a Jack tope. Sugi is beaten up on in the corner. Jack slams him and Sugi takes a double bck elbow. AG chinlocks Sugi. Sugi throws AG on a slam and knees him in the gut. Maru takes a double boot then lariats both opponents.
Maru hits Kawada kicks to AG. Maru avoids a double team and hits hook kicks. Maru then takes a backdrop + neckbreaker combo. Maru hook kicks AG. Sugi corner facekicks and corner knees Jack. Sugi 2nd rope brainbusters Jack then crabs him. Sugi backdrops Jack and takes some shots.
Maru chops Jack. Jack takes chops and forearms from both opponents. Maru pumping knees Sugi on accident and Jack backdrops Maru. AG chinbreakers and neckbreakers Sugi. AG walks the top rope and twisting crossbodies Sugi.
AG rolls up Sugi then takes a knee to the gut. Sugi running knees him for 2. Sugi takes chops from both opponents. Jack tiger drivers Sugi then AG twisting reverse ddt's Sugi. Maru jumps off of Jack's back and pumping knees AG. Jack double knees Maru and all four men are down.
AG hits superkicks on Sugi then Sugi olympic slams him for 2. Sugi lariats AG down then olympic slams him for the win.
Thoughts: It was a very average match and nothing special whatsoever. I kept waiting for a big moment or something here and we never got it. We didn't even get much of a finishing stretch on this one.
GHC Heavyweight Title Match - Kaito Kiyomiya (c) vs. Gabe Kidd
They start off fast. Gabe shoulders him over then is shouldered over. Gabe corner lariats him. Kaito armdrags and dropkicks him. Kaito plancha's him outside. Gabe is sent into the rails outside. They go into the crowd and fight. Kaito's head is banged off the seats. Gabe gets sent into the seats.
Gabe pushes the ref aside to grab a chair and Kaito dropkicks the chair into his face. Kaito hits corner punches but Gabe pushes his head into the post. Gabe chops Kaito off buckles and busts his own head open with headbutts. Kaito gets bloodied too and Kaito is thrown out.
Gabe grabs the English announcer and throws him over the rails. Gabe then suplexes the announcer on the floor. Kaito hits forearms then Gabe hits a headbutt flurry on him. Gabe hits footslaps and chops. They trade forearms and Gabe bites him. Gabe hits lariats to the front and back then Kaito dropkicks him.
Kaito hits running shots and dropkicks him. Kaito hits corner punches then basement dropkicks him. Kaito poisionrana's Gabe while he's talking trash and not looking. They fight on the apron and Kaito dropkicks Gabe into the post. Kaito tiger suplexes him on the apron.
Gabe slap flurries Kaito then bangs his head off the buckles. Gabe hanging guillotines him and brainbusters him for 2. Gabe backdrops him and germans him. They trade germans. Gabe flips out of a german and lariats him. Kaito hits an elevated reverse ddt.
Gabe grabs the ref and low blows Kaito. Gabe stomps him i nthe corner and spits on him. Kaito takes him down, hits punches and spits on him. They slap flurry each other then Kaito does a tope con hilo on him outside. Kaito top rope tiger suplexes him for 2.
Gabe blocks a shining wizard and hits a slap combo. Kaito flying knees him. Kaito knocks him down with forearms then walks up the buckles and knees him. Kaito shining wizards him in the back of the head then the front of the head to win.
Thoughts: It was a pretty simple heel vs face match. Gabe did mostly all strikes here and beat up on Kaito for most of this. Kaito eventually made his comeback and won. We got some blood here as well. 5-10 minutes could have been cut off of this easily but it was a good main.
Kaito talks on the mic after and says he will raise the value of the belt. Yoshiki Inamura, who is now YOICHI, comes out after with a new look and gear. Yoichi challenges for the title and Kaito accepts.
Thoughts: Inamura didn't need to change his name or look. He just needed to actually win matches and be booked strong, which is something Noah could never accomplish. Yoichi goes to shake his hand after and hits a muso like a jerk. If I were Kaito, I'd take away his title match for that. Yoichi says he's coming for the belt.
Overall thoughts: The main was good but not much else was worth seeing here. The show went over 3 hours yet the undercard didn't get enough time. The tag title match was disappointing and a poor way to end GLG's reign. Daga/Charlie was okay but not great. Ken and Jake's tag had nice fighting between them but was only a little over 10 minutes. Zero-1 shockingly got the win over Team Noah. The women's match was bad with Great Sakuya bringing out some of the worst of old Muta matches and then dancing on top of it. I wouldn't recommend this one.