Saturday, June 29, 2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 6/28/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 6/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

From 6/16/24 Arena Mexico:

Lightning Match - KeMalito vs Tengu

They lock up and Ten throws him down. Ten leapfrogs him and Ke headlock takeovers him. Ten takes him down by the arm. Ke front facelocks him then Ten armdrags him. Ten dropkicks him then spins him around by the neck.

Ten basement dropkicks him then 2nd rope splashes him. Ten throws him by the neck again. Ten catches a springboard twisting crossbody and backbreakers him. Ten shoulders him over. Ke climbs the ropes and splashes him for 2. Ke flying headscissors him then twisting crossbodies him outside off the 2nd rope. 

Ke roughs him up and corner lariats him. Ten corner lariats him. Ten misses a corner charge then Ke 2nd rope leg lariats him. Ke corner lariats him then back body drops him. Ke butt drops him then vader boms him for the win.

Thoughts: It was short and the mini's did what they could here. It wasn't great or anything but it had it's charm to it and was about the best you were getting out of KeMalito. 

Copa Dinastia 2024 Seeding Battle Royal - Felino Jr. vs. Soberano Jr. vs. Valiente Jr. vs. El Hijo de Octagon vs. Hijo De Blue Panther vs. Mascara Dorada vs. Hijo de Stuka Jr.

Lots of fighting to start between the wrestlers. Val Jr. is hiptossed out by Blue. MD is thrown out by Stuka. Felino clibs the ropes and is thrown out by Sob. Oct dropkicks Stuka then Blue pushes Stuka over the top by the throat.

Oct misses a splash and Sob hits superkicks. Sob poses and is eliminated.

Octagon Jr. vs Hijo de Blue Panther

Blue ties up Oct's mask in the ropes. Oct gets out, hiptosses him over the top and topes him. Oct springboard plancha's him and Blue rolls through it for a 2 count. Blue is hurricanrana'd and rolls with it. Oct flips over him in the corner then does a nice northern lights suplex and pins him.

Thoughts: I have no idea what the purpose of it was but they matched up well together and Oct went all out for the little time they had.

Copa Dinastia 2024 Quarter Final Match - Valiente & Valiente Jr. vs. Mascara Dorada & Panterita del Ring

MD = Mascara Dorada, Ring = Panterita del Ring

Val Sr takes down MD. MD trips him and they stand off. Val Sr knocks him over and thye roll on the mat before standing off. Ring and Val Jr. go at it. Val Jr. wristlocks him then Ring trips him. Val Jr. crucifixes him then armdrags him. They stand off.

Val Sr. hits Ring from behind then Ring takes a double spinebuster. Ring's legs are split and he is stomped on. Ring is dropkicked in the knee and Val Jr. springboard lariats him.

Ring is double hiptossed into the ropes and double armdrags off of it. Val Jr and MD handspring into the ropes together. Val Jr pop up facebusters him. MD flying headscissors him then tope con hilos him outside.

Ring boots Val Sr then is back body dropped. Val Jr springboard dropkicks MD. Val Sr hits a fast tope on Ring. MD top rope diving armdrags Val Jr then is thrown over the top. Val Jr double blind springboard moonsaults him outside. Ring is dropped onto Val Sr's knees and pinned.

MD springboard hurricanrana's Val Sr and pins him. Val Jr does something like an angel's wings on MD for 2. MD is tilt-a-whirled into a backbreaker for 2. Val Jr moonsaults into MD's feet. MD top rope ssp's him and pins him to win the match.

Thoughts: It was a shorter and fast paced match. They filled the time well with various dives and didn't waste much time at all.  It was cool to see Val Jr do Val Sr's blind double springboard moonsault.

Copa Dinastia 2024 Quarter Final Match - Felino & Felino Jr. vs. Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Stuka Jr.

HS = Hijo de Stuka Jr, SJ = Stuka Jr, FJ = Felino Jr

Fel Sr takes down HS. Fel Sr snapmares him. We get a few kicks and HS is tripped into double knees then double stomped on the back. FJ corner lariats SJ. SJ is thrown off the 2nd rope and basement dropkicked.

HS double armdrags The Fel's off the ropes then The Stuka's do stereo topes outside. The Fel's are whipped into each other and both are thrown down. The Stuka's do stereo top rope splashes and win the match.

This one was too short and a waste of all of these guys. 

Copa Dinastia 2024 Quarter Final Match - Euforia & Soberano Jr. vs. Los Divinos Laguneros (Blue Panther & Hijo De Blue Panther)

HB = Hijo de Blue Panther

Sob and HB start us off. Sob trips HB then is armdragged. Sob single leg crabs him. Sob crucifixes him then HB spinning headscissors him. Euf facekicks HB. Blue Sr is put on the 2nd rope and he flying hadscissors Euf off of it. Blue Sr is stomped by both opponents.

Blue Sr is kicked in the leg in the corner. Blue Sr double facebusters his opponents. Euf spears the post when Blue Sr moves. Blue Sr cannonballs off the apron and HB tope con hilos on Euf outside.

Euf is spinebustered and Sob is headscissored off the top onto Euf. The Panther's climb the buckles and both dive outside onto their opponents.

HB is 2nd rope powerbombed by Euf. Sob suplexes Blue Sr and pins him. HB is pinned and Euf/Sob win.

Thoughts: It didn't get enough time and wasn't that great because of it. The wildman Blue Sr still got two dives in somehow.

Copa Dinastia 2024 Semi Final Match - Mascara Dorada & Panterita del Ring vs. Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Stuka Jr.

MD = Mascara Dorada, Ring = Panterita del Ring, HS = Hijo de Stuka Jr, SJ = Stuka Jr

MD and Ring do dives early on with both running the stage. MD does a nice armdrag on HS then tonrillos him outside. Ring topes SJ. HS stomps on MD. Ring and SJ trade double chops then they double lariat each other. Ring shoulderbreakers HS. MD  is backbreakered then takes a codebreaker from the side. HS and SJ pick up pins and win the match.

Thoughts: It was another one that was too short. This was the shortest match of the night so far and I was surprised The Stuka's won.

Copa Dinastia 2024 Semi Final Match - Euforia & Soberano Jr. vs. El Hijo de Octagon & Octagon

Hijo = El Hijo de Octagon

Oct takes down Euf then hiptosses him. Oct armdrags Sob then arm throws Euf. Oct flips Sob then armdrags Euf. 

Sob and Hijo go at it. Hijo messes up a handspring then spinning armdrags Sob. Hijo walks up the buckles and diving headscissors Euf. Hijo is then thrown into an armdrag on Sob. Oct topes out and Hijo tope con hilos out. Oct la escalera's Euf and Sob breaks it up. Oct spinebusters Euf and Hijo hits a canadian destroyer on Sob for 2. Sob fire thunders Hijo and pins him while Euf pins Oct off a flying lariat.

Thoughts: It was short and not that good as expected due to Oct being pretty limited and slow.

Copa Dinastia 2024 Final Match - Euforia & Soberano Jr. vs. Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Stuka Jr.

SJ = Stuka Jr

Euf slams Hijo on the ramp then Sob dropkicks SJ. SJ is popped up and kicked. Hijo's head is banged off the buckles. Euf unties SJ's mask. Hijo is thrown out and SJ is sent into the rails. SJ takes a kick to the leg. Sob pump kicks Euf on accident then Hijo topes Sob between SJ's legs. SJ then asai moonsaults out.

Euf powerslams Hijo then drops SJ on him. Euf 2nd rope splashes SJ for 2. Sob brainbusters SJ. Hijo 2nd rope hurricanrana's Euf then SJ top rope splashes Euf. Hijo hits a bladerunner style ddt on Sob for 2.

Euf boots SJ out. SJ is beaten up on. SJ rolls Sob up and pins him while Euf isn't looking. Euf back rolls SJ and taps him out with a chinlock on the knees. Hijo airplane spins Euf. Euf rips at Hijo's mask. Hijo rolls Euf for 2 then hurricanrana's him for 2. Euf stupidly rips Hijo's mask off in front of the ref and is disqualified. The Stuka's win the Copa Dinastia.

Thoughts: The finish was completely stupid. Is Euf room temperature IQ or something? And to make things worse, his partner didn't even seem to care that match either after wasting his time wrestling 2 other matches and a battle royale tonight. The match wasn't anything too special and the finish ruined whatever good will the match garnered.

The Stuka's are beaten up after.

Overall thoughts: I'm never a fan of CMLL tournaments as they do all the matches in one night plus other matches so everything ends up being short and not that good. That's what happened here. Had they spread this out over a few nights, this would have been a lot better. The finish to the tournament was super dumb with Euforia getting DQ'd for ripping a mask off. I would have thrown a fit if I paid for this one.

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