Friday, June 28, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 6/28/2024 Season 2, Episode 15

 Mid-States Wrestling 6/28/2024 Season 2, Episode 15

Last week's show is here:

Stephen E welcomes us to the show. Ateu vs Johnny Lightning and Jason Jones and Iron Mountain vs The Fraternity and Wrex Amadeus are our matches tonight. 

Ateu vs Johnny Lightning

Ateu misses a splash and takes chops early. JL top rope double axe handles him. We go to break and return. JL hits corner punches then step up enzugiri's him. JL boots him out of the corner. Ateu catches a 2nd rope crossbody and swinging side slams him down.

Ateu hits punches and Garvin stomps him. JL hits some punches and is pulled down by the hair. Ateu chokes him on the ropes then step up knees him in the corner. Ateu splashes him. Ateu ducks a superkick and JL pounces on him. Ateu lariats him then misses one and gets a neckbreaker for it.

JL hits some lariats then slams him. JL top rope elbow drops him. JL nearly superkicks the ref and is low blowed. Ateu spears him and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a match. I thought Ateu should have been more of a heel in the beginning here to get more heat and to explain JL seemingly being more aggressive with him than usual.

Jason Jones and Iron Mountain (Handsome Jack and Diamond Duke) vs The Fraternity (Alan Jefferson and Cannonball Matthews) and Wrex Amadeus

NOTE - The name of Diamond Duke's partner has been a mystery for a while. They said his name was Hotbody Jack Hickory here. If you look online, it says his name is Handsome Jack.

CM = Cannonball Matthews

Duke has the tassles on and Jack has the gold and black shorts on. Jones hits elbows on Wrex's arm then back elbows him. Wrex's head is banged off the buckles and Jones chops him. Jones hiptosses him then Wrex takes a double lariat. Wrex takes a double hiptoss and Iron Mountain do push-ups.

Duke wristlocks Wrex. Alan gets in and is spinning slammed by Duke. Duke gorilla press drops Alan. Alan 2nd rope diving codebreakers him then chokes him on the ropes. CM and Wrex then help out.

Duke is double clubbed on. CM low lariats him. Duke is triple team backbreakered with Wrex putting up his knees for Duke to land on. Wrex russian legsweeps Duke then elbow drops him. Alan is catapulted into Duke in the corner then Alan legdrops him.

CM hits shots on Duke. We go to break and return. Jack is tagged in and hits shots on all 3 opponents. The ref isn't looking and Jack gets hit with a cookie sheet or briefcase. "Mr. Saturday Night" Michael Barry then comes in and hits The Fraternity with a chair. Jones and Iron Mountain are disqualified.

Thoughts: This is a follow up from the 6/14/24 episode where The Fraternity tried to jump Barry and Iron Mountain came to his aide. The match was fine but the finish wasn't that good as the face used the chair on heels and got the other faces disqualified. The better way to do this would have been to have the heels cheat and have Barry come out to even things up. Then Barry could have stopped them from cheating somehow and got busted.

Michael Barry apologizes after and said he got carried away. He says that felt really good.  Barry runs the ropes and says he's feeling good. He said he has never held the MSW Tag Title and says he doesn't know if he can ride off into the sunset until he holds it. Barry says he will return next week and wants to challenge for the tag titles with Jones. Jones asks how they will be able to take the Fraternity with Wrex in their corner when they don't have anyone in their corner. Jones says he'll call Jimmy Hart and have him manage them.

Overall thoughts: There were only two new matches as usual here. There were mic issues and it was hard to hear the commentators at times in both matches. We actually did get a follow up from an angle here and they built something for a future show which was appreciated. It was just an average show and I wouldn't really recommend it.

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