Friday, June 28, 2024

Ring of Honor TV 9/28/2013

Ring of Honor TV 9/28/2013

Last week's show is here: 

Nigel McGuinness says the war on SCUM is over and ROH prevailed. Nigel McGuinness says the ROH Title is vacant due to Jay Briscoe being injured. Nigel says a new champ will be decided via a tournament. Adam Cole, Kevin Steen and Michael Elgin make their cases for why they will win the title.

Adam Cole says the stakes don't get any higher tonight as it's him and Ciampa in the semifinals of the ROH Title Tournament. He says Ciampa deserves to be in here after recovering from injury but he is not going through rehab (after being injured), he's facing him. 

ROH Title Tournament Semifinals - Adam Cole vs Tomasso Ciampa


They shake hands. TC charges him with a boot and stomps on him in the corner. Cole pump kicks him then topes him outside. TC spears him into the rails. TC running knees him outside against the rails. TC powerbombs Cole on an unfolded chair outside then running knees him against the rail.

TC pulls the ring mats up then suplexes Cole on the hard floor. We go to break and return. TC of course only gets a 2 count after all of that. Cole dropkicks him in the knee and shining wizards him for 2.

Come ushigoroshi's him for 2. TC knees him from the apron then Cole slingshot ddt's him onto the apron. TC knees him in the face then hits a sitout burning hammer for 2. TC running knees him in the corner. TC hits a 2nd rope air raid crash for 2. 

TC is on the 2nd rope and is superkicked in the knee. TC's leg is banged off the post then Cole figure fours his leg around the post. Cole goes for the figure four and is cradled. Cole then figure fours him.

They trade forearms and Cole running knees him for 2. Cole running facekicks him then pump kicks him. TC spinning lariats him then powerbombs him on the knees for 2. Cole hits oblivion for 2 then figure fours him. They slap each other and Cole kicks him in the head from the figure four position. TC is knocked out and Cole wins.

This was awful. The mighty Adam Cole was just so strong here that suplexes on the floor and 2nd rope air raid crashes weren't enough to put him down. Then they had a dumb finish with Ciampa being knocked out from boots to the head while in the figure four. 

We get a promo for the 10/5/13 show. Red Dragon does a promo. Fish says Elgin and Lethal are top stars but not the well oiled machine they are. Kyle says they are not the cohesive squat-thrusting unit they are. Kyle looked 16 here.

Michael Elgin says a lot has changed in the last year between him and Kevin Steen. He said he knows how good he is and says it's time for him to be serious. He says this match brings him one step closer to the ROH Title.

We see clips of the Steen/Elgin feud. Steen says Elgin won't beat him in the tournament. Elgin says Steen beat him 10 months ago and it won't happen again.

Kevin Steen does a promo. He says it's a big night. He's wearing some stupid shirt with a tuxedo drawn on it. He says he's one step closer to getting his title back. He says he's not a rebel or angry anymore, he's just nice and will be the champ we deserve.

Veda Scott walks in and complains to Larry Mercer. She said this TV time should be hers so she can talk about the oppression her and Marshall are suffering.

ROH Title Tournament Semifinals - Michael Elgin vs Kevin Steen


They lock up and Mike backs him up in the corner. Steen rolls him down and front facelocks him. Mike wristlocks him then Steen headlocks him. They shoulder battle. Steen monkey flips him and curb stomps him.

Steen hits headbutts and chokes him with the knee. Mike forearms him down then 2nd rope moonsaults him for 2. Mike hits forearms then black hole slams him.

We go to break and return and Mike is ddt'd over the 2nd rope for 2. Steen top rope crossbodies him for 2. Mike flying shoulders him and does a corkscrew off of it. Mike enzugiri's him then hits a big lariat for 2. 

Mike hits lariats on the ropes. Steen is sent into the post shoulder first then Mike crossfaces him. Steen tope rope swantons him for 2. Mike corner uranages him then Steen gets his knees up on a top rope corkscrew senton. Steen then does an F-5 for 2.

We go to break and return. Steen misses a cannonball then Mike deadlift germans him. Mike then crossfaces him. They trade forearms. Mike hits a pump kick and uraken then is pop-up powerbombed. Mike deadlift powerbombs him then buckle bombs him. Steen sharpshooters him.

Mike crossfaces him and gets 2 counts on him. Mike forearms him in the back of the head then takes a short arm lariat. Steen sleeper suplexes him for 2. Steen does two more sleeper suplexes and
Mike lariats him. Mike does a cool crossface out of a package piledriver attempt and taps him out. Mike wins.

The selling could have been better as they were throwing each other around pretty good. The last match was so bad though selling wise that it made this seem a lot better on that front. I was okay with the finish as Mike went for it a few times and the actual finish was pretty cool. They went for a classic here and while it wasn't, I still think enough of the idea was there to make this somewhat good.

Overall thoughts: There were only two long matches here with almost nothing else happening. I really thought Cole/Ciampa was awful indy garbage and Steen/Elgin just barely scraped by to get a good rating from me. The audio was not good on this one and the arena looked dark. I wouldn't recommend this.

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