Friday, June 28, 2024

WWE Smackdown 6/28/2024

WWE Smackdown 6/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

We are at Madison Square Garden today. Jade Cargill arrives.

We see Paul Heyman watching The Bloodline arrive. Jacob Fatu isn't with them and Paul asks where he is. Solo just pats him on the chest. The Bloodline heads to ringside. We see Cody, Orton and Owens arrive and go face to face with Bloodline. They all fight.

Orton hits headbutts on Tama and Owens uses production equipment on Loa. Owens swantons off the seats onto Loa through a table. Nick Aldis and security come down to break things up.

We go to break and return. Security surrounds the ring around the faces. I think Orton RKO's Michael Facade (an indy wrestler) and the rest of security are beaten up.

Owens says Bloodline is dumber than they look if they think they are waiting until MITB. Orton says they put Bloodline down for good at MITB. Cody says Bloodline sees three victims but he doesn't see it.

Cody says he sees a sold out MSG and says he should be defending his title here otnight but instead is fighting a war he thought he finished at Mania. Aldis comes out with police. He says he doesn't see a head of the table in Solo, he sees a seat filler.

The police escort Cody, Orton and Owens to the parking lot where a truck takes them away. Poor Orton's going out in his underwear essentially.

Women's MITB Qualifier - Tiffany Stratton vs Jade Cargill vs Candace LeRae

Jade is double teamed. CL steps up on her back and sentons her. Jade takes a double suplex. Jade flips out of a double suplex and hits a double lariat. Jade swinging backbreakers CL then superkicks Tiff. Jade gorilla presses CL outside onto Tiff. Nia Jax comes out and we go to break.

We return and Jade is beaten up on the ropes. CL lariats Tiff. Bianca is now out there too. CL ddt's Tiff. Tiff handspring backflip back elbows Jade and misses one on CL. CL is thrown into a Jade spinebuster then Tiff dropkicks Jade for 2.

jade hits corner spears on Tiff then splashes CL. Jade misses a corner splash and goes out. Bianca puts her hands on Nia then Indi Hartwell pushes Jade into the post. Bianca chases Indi away.

Tiff gets her knees up on CL's asai moonsault then hits a prettiest moonsault ever to win.

Thoughts: It was a short threeway but they made the best of it that they could and pushed two other feuds in the process. 

Bayley talks to Naomi in the back. Naomi says if she wins MITB she may have to cash in on her. Bayley says they will talk about it later. Blair Davenport walks in and mocks them. She says Naomi isn't winning tonight and says Bayley's days as champ are numbered. Naomi says she will make her pay for that.

Michin tells Aldis that Nia jumped her and she wants a match with her.

B-Fab and The Street Profits talk to Aldis. They say they need to get their hands on Bloodline tonight. Aldis says they can talk about it for next week. Pretty Deadly come in. They say they are inspired by NYC and said they want to do "Pretty Deadly: The Musical". Dawkins isn't impressed and Ford says how about, "Pretty Deadly vs The Street Profits: The Beatdown". Aldis says he likes that idea.

Paul Heyman talks to Solo Sikoa in the back. He says Owens, Cody and Orton have been removed from MSG. He asks Solo to let him serve as The Wiseman. He asks what they are doing tonight and asks where Jacob Fatu is. Solo says he understands and says what's the point of having a wiseman if he doesn't take his advice. He says Jacob isn't here and won't be here. He says that's why he's his wiseman. He says he will make it official tonight. Paul looks confused.

Logan Paul comes out. He says he brought out Tyreke Haliburton, an Indiana Pacers player, who he says knows how to actually win. The announcers call it a trolljob. He stares down Jalen Brunson of the NY Knicks, who is seated in the front row. 

Men's MITB Qualifier - Santos Escobar vs LA Knight vs Logan Paul

LA goes after Paul and hits corner spears. He lariats Santos then Santos spears him and hits mounted punches. LA is double stomped on. Paul gutwrench suplexes LA. LA dropkicks Santos through the ropes. LA slingshot shoulderblocks Paul.

LA hits mounted punches on Paul. Paul alley oops LA. Paul planchas LA then Santos topes Paul. Paul's head is banged off the apron. Santos 2nd rope hurricanrana's Paul for 2. Paul alley oops Santos onto LA.

Paul and LA trade. LA hits a punch flurry then russian legsweeps him. LA ddt's Santos and Paul splashes Santos. LA backdrops Paul then Santos flying knees LA. LA does a cool tilt-a-whirl slam on Santos. LA elbow drops Santos then stomps on Paul.

Santos flying double knees LA then hits a cradle shock for 2. Santos chops Paul. Santos and Paul are up top. LA jumps up to the top and backdrops Santos. Paul top rope swantons LA for 2.

Paul calls for help from Tyrese. Tyrese grabs brass knucks from Jeff. Jalen Brunson hops the rail and argues with Tyreke in a fun moment. The refs get bwetween them. Santos double knees Paul in the corner then misses one on LA. LA BFT's Santos. Paul backrolls LA, LA rolls him back and wins it.

Thoughts: Oh man this was a super fun three way and maybe the best three way on TV all year. It was real fast paced and they had a built in storyline with Paul vs La. They did some nice spots here and the Brunson vs Tyrese thing was fun.

Paul and Tyrese get in the ring after. Tyrese gets brass knucks. Brunson grabs a chair and the two sides talk trash. Paul and Tyrese then back off.  

Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews talk in the back. Baron says he hopes LA knows what he's in store for at MITB. Crews is happy Santos has no chance of winning and Baron calls it karma. Carmelo Hayes comes in and Corbin asks if Carmelo Anthony is here. Melo says he wants to make a shirt that says, "Melo in the Bank". Crews says it's good he's confident, but he's in over his head. Melo says he pinned Orton last week. Melo says people should have their money on him and to take that to the bank. Corbin says he has no shot.

We get a tribute video on Sika.

We see some shots of various WWE shows at The Garden.

Andrade does a promo. He says MITB is a match where careers are made and dreams are destroyed. He says it's destiny for him. He says he fights to destroy not to win. He says he's here to take over. He says he's not just taking the briefcase, he's taking everything.

Women's MITB Qualifier - Blair Davenport vs Indi Hartwell vs Naomi

Naomi dropkicks both to start. Naomi slides out of a double clothesline and hits a double kick. Naomi is dropped down on a crossbody attempt and Blair rolls up Indi. Indi swings Naomi into Blair then powerbombs her. Blair double stomps Naomi while she's bridged on the apron.

Blair sends Indi into the stairs then double stomps her off the stairs. We go to break and return. Blair chinbreakers Indi. Naomi neckbreakers Indi and forces a ddt on Blair in the process. Naomi top rope double crossbodies her opponents.

Naomi 2nd rope twisting kicks Indi. Naomi split drops both for 2. Indi spinebusters Naomi then spinebusters Blair on Naomi. Naomi bulldogs Indi into Blair. Naomi split legged moonsaults Indi. Blair falcon arrows Naomi for 2.

The girls trade forearms. Blair hits a superkick then is facekicked by Indi. Naomi knees Indi then hits a heatseeker piledriver over the 2nd rope. Naomi kicks Blair off the ropes then misses a split legged moonsault. Indi pulls Blair out and swings her into the steps. Indi throws Naomi into the rails.

Jade Cargill comes down and hits forearms on Indi then throws her into the post. Naomi high kicks Indi, drops her on her butt and pins her.

Thoguhts: I wasn't a big fan of this. They tried some creative spots but couldn't hit them cleanly and that hurt things. Naomi dropping Indi on her butt looked dumb and it was hard to love Naomi for her basically getting help to win.

Byron Saxton interviews DIY ahead of their tag title match next week. Ciampa says they have a lot of history in Toronto. He says they will return to the same building where they won their tag titles. Austin Theory comes in. He said he thought about what they said. Austin says him and Waller will show up next week. Austin calls Waller his friend and Johnny says he's not his friend. Waller jumps Johnny from behind and throws Ciampa into a box. Waller pounds on Johnny and Austin pulls him off.

The Bloodline come out. Paul talks and Solo asks for the mic. Solo then brings out "The Samoan Werewolf" and his enforcer, Jacob Fatu. Fatu comes out and we go to break and return.

Solo asks MSG to "acknowledge me". Paul is shocked. Tama talks in Samoan and says he acknowledges him when Solo tells him to. Loa also acknowledges him. solo tells Jacob to acknowledge him. Jacob does and says he loves him. Solo tells Paul to acknowledge him and says it's his one chance. Loa gives Paul a necklace to put around Solo's neck. Solo says to acknowledge him.

Paul says he loves him and says he acknowledges that Solo is not his tribal chief. Solo samoan spikes him  and drops him. Paul spits up stuff. Fatu top rope headbutts Paul. Pau lthen takes a triple powerbomb throguh the commentary table and really slides down it on the landing. Solo yells at him then Fatu puts the necklace on Solo's neck.

The Bloodline then does the one finger point taunt and thye close the show. Nick Aldis is seen behind them.

Thoughts: It was a great angle here. Paul went the extra mile by not shaving, rubbing his eyes to make it seem like he cried and by taking a big bump. The angle perfectly sets up Roman returning as a face and was a real 10/10. The bad news is that Fox muted the sound for a lot of this, ruining the moment.

Overall thoughts: It was a pretty good show overall. We got a good brawl to start things off. LA/Paul/Santos had the best three way of the year. The stuff with the NBA players was good and the main event angle was good. Fox was not good though. They blackout the screen when they see something they don't like and did it multiple times here and they muted the audio a bunch of times, totally hurting the big angle at the end of the show.

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