Thursday, June 13, 2024

TNA Impact 6/13/2024

TNA Impact 6/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

You could tell it was taped as the picture showed it was night time in Cincinatti when it was still light out.

Zachary Wentz vs Mike Santana

Mike corner spears him and pounds on him in the corner. Wentz eye rakes him then Mike back elbows him. Mike back body drops him. Mike chases him around the ring and takes a 2nd rope moonsault. Wentz running ssp's Mike then hits mounted punches.

Wentz step up knees him in the corner then chinlocks him. Wentz atomic drops him. Mike sunset flips him and Wentz rolls through with the PK. Wentz chokes him on the ropes then Trey Miguel chokes Mike on the ropes. Mike hits some shots then backrolls into a cutter. Wentz rolls out and gets tope'd. Mike enzugiri's him then hits a nice death valley driver while Wentz is in the air.

Wentz hits a strike combo then superkicks him. Wentz double stomps his back  then top rope swantons him for 2. Wentz superkicks him and they trade shots. Wentz hits a snapmare driver. Trey gets in while the ref isn't looking. Steve Maclin comes down and decks Trey. Wentz handsprings and is lariated in the gut in mid-air and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was an okay opener here that helped out the PPV match some tomorrow. I thought Wentz had a better showing than Mike did though.  

Mustafa Ali is interviewed. Ali says he's walking the path of the x-division forefathers to greatness. He says he wants to make the division great again. Ali is asked about cheating. Ali says he's all about rules and regulations. Ali's bad deeds are brought up and he wants to talk about all the good he brought. He claims to still be undefeated. He is asked about ducking Mike Bailey and Ali and Champagne Singh end the interview.

The System talk in the back. Eddie says bad things happen at The Hardy Compound and says there's no way this ends well. Moose says he wants to break bones and isn't worried about Matt. Alisha says it's not a good idea. Masha Slamovich walks up to Alisha. She says shouldn't she focus on the match. Alisha says now is not the time. The Hex walk up to Masha and says it's the tag team that's not getting along and not on the same page. The Hex says they would never and says she will lose the title if they don't fix it. Masha talks in Russian and leaves. 

Masha Slamovich vs Marti Belle

They shove each other. Masha side headlock takeovers her and MB headscissors her. Masha side headlocks her. MB wristlocks her and Masha headflips out then armdrags her. MB shoulders her over then forearms her over. Masha hits a nasty looking lariat for 2.

MB hits shots on the ropes then Allison Kay chokes Masha on the ropes. MB kicks Masha for 2. MB corner lariats and corner hip attacks her. Masha facekicks her and koppo kicks her for 2. Masha nails Kay on the apron. MB rolls her up with help from Kay and wins.

Masha was good here with her offense looking great. I almost like The Hex as it's something different than usual.

Xia Brookside talks to Steph de Lander in the back. Steph said she will give PCO her answer tomorrow. First class walks in, takes Steph's rose and moves on. PCO then walks by and goes after First Class.

First Class are interviewed. AJ Francis says friends are supposed to have your back. AJ also says he has the Digital Media title. AJ says he got the rose from a fellow admirer backstage. The lights then go out and PCO appears. PCO nails AJ. PCO goes to get the rose and Swann hits shots on him. PCO decks him with a shot and security comes to break it up. PCO then grabs the orse and smells it.

Tasha Steelz vs Dani Luna

Dani is with Lars and Jody Threat. They lock up and roll on the ropes. Dani shoulders her over. Tasha superkicks her in the gut. Tasha comes off the 2nd buckle and is explodered. Dani hits a sliding lariat. Dani falcon arrows her and Tasha pulls Dani into the buckles. Tasha PK's her.

We return from PiP break. TS and Dani trade shots and take shots on the ropes. They then try to dropkick each other at the same time. Dani flying dropkicks her. Dani powerbombs her for 2. TS flips out of a backdrop and looked like she landed on her head. She then does a rings of saturn to Dani. Dani does a slingshot blue thunder bomb on TS for 2.

Dani hits a luna landing and wins.

Thoughts: There were some good things here with Dani's offense looking good. I thought it went a little longer than it needed to but it was okay overall.

Joe Hendry is interviewed. He said you can't beat The System and The System beat him. He says he will shatter the glass ceiling in TNA to become the best. He said he enlisted someone to help him and Ace Steel walks in. He says he has an eye for noticing talent and he believes in Joe Henry. He says he will help him destroy the glass ceiling he speaks of.

Frankie Kazarian comes out. He said Joe tried to destroy everyone's thunder last week. Kaz said he put on a clinic last week and Joe says if that was a clinic, the patient died as he lost. Kaz questions how helpful Ace could be and Ace says to put your money where your mouth is and do Kazarian vs Hendry.

We see The System head to The Hardy Compound. Eddie Edwards says it could be a trap and to go around back. 

The System arrive. They see a painting and ask who did that. Moose says that's definitely Jeff and then he is told not to say it.

Matt greets them from the balcony and said they should have known they would have been detected. Matt talks about his family. Moose says he doesn't care and says he will beat his @ss in front of them. Matt says to be careful as Moose will set off a trap of booby. Fireworks then start shooting off. Brian Myers picks up an action figure and he ends up in Hardy's house by doing it.

Brian chases after a kid then goes into the weight room where he grabs another figure. He sees a cardboard cutout of Matt and thinks it's real. He then sees one of the kids and chases him.

Brian ends up in the ring area and Matt yells over a speaker. Brian finds skulls dressed up in wrestling attire. Brian says the one figure is a rare one then one of the skeletons dances and spears him. Hardy's kid climbs a ladder and legdrops him.

Eddie runs into Hardy's kid Wolfgang. Eddie looks at the moon and becomes a werewolf. 

Alisha walks around the house and runs into Hardy's wife playing a piano. Reby asks how she enjoys the compound. Alisha says her family is a bunch of freaks and she wants to get out of here. She says she just wants to find The System. Reby tells her not to move the kid. Alisha tries and has some kind of confetti explode in her face.

Moose walks around outside and tells Matt to show his face. One of Matt's kids touches him and tells him to follow him to see his dad. Moose goes to Senor Benjamin's house and we see Senor watching a movie in the movie theater.

Moose goes through Matt's childhood home and says he's one weird dude. Matt shows up behind Moose and bangs his head off the wall. Matt pushes him in a chair of wheels. Alisha is trapped in a guillotine and says Reby is psychotic. Reby drops the blade on the guillotine and we cut away.

Matt throws Moose into the lake of reincarnation. Moose comes out wearing fotball gear and asks what Matt did to him. Matt says he reincarnated him to his best version ever. He says he wants him at his best when he beats him for the title. Moose says he won't make it to the PPV. Moose goes to tackle him then Vanguard 1 locks onto Moose. Matt hits a twist of fate and The System all teleport outside of the compound. Moose says Matt is a dead man and says he will kill him.

Thoughts: Well, this was something alright. Definitely more of a movie than anything wrestling related. I'm not sure how you follow this or even try to explain it but the show still has 45 minutes left so they will have to. It wasn't believable and they didn't try to make it believable either.

Ash by Elegance vs Jada Stone

George interviews Jada and asks where she is from. George tells her and the ref to get out as it is sacred ground. Jada then leaves. Rosemary watches from the balcony. Jada slaps Ash's hand away. Ash slaps her and stomps on her. Ash headflips and poses at her. Jada flips out of a wristlock then splits out of a lariat. Jada bridges out of a lariat and dropkicks her. Ash talks to George outside and nails Jada with a forearm as she dives out. Jada does a nice sell for it and Ash suplexes her on the floor.

Ash hits mounted forearms on Jada then hadnspring back elbows her. Jada sunset flips her. Ash back elbows her then Jada kicks her from the ropes. Ash gets her knees up on a top rope moonsault and lariats Jada. Ash top rope swantons Jada and wins.

Thoughts: Jada was given a shot here to show what she could do and she showed up big. She did some creative escapes and some flying that other girls on the roster can't do. This was a squash but it helped out both girls here.

We get a Jonathan Greshman video. He's all dressed up and shows a clip of DMTV. He says Sami Callihan makes him laugh and says the jokes on me. He says he beat him once and asks why they should do it again. Jon says it's him vs his immune system and says thumbs up and thumbs down.

Thoughts: It was short but it was a good promo from Gresham.

ABC vs Nic and Ryan Nemeth

Ryan and Bey start us off and go for takedowns. Ryan takes him down and does a fireman's carry takedown. Bey shoulders him over then armdrags him. Nic rolls up Bey and grabs his leg. Bey ropebreaks. Bey armdrags him and does Nic's gyration taunt.

Nic hits a nice dropkick on Bey then gyrates at him. Nic wristlocks Ace. Ace rolls through it and side headlocks him. Ace rolls, trips him and kicks him while he's down. Ace la magistrals him and armdrags him.

Nic escapes an armlock and throws Ace overhead. Bey double stomps Nic's back. Bey forearms Nic down. We go to PiP break and return. Nic is trying to fight out of the corner then takes corner spears from Ace. Nic takes a double japanese armdrag and a double basement dropkick.

Nic hits shots on Bey then headbutts him. Bey flying back elbows him. Ace backdrops Nic. Ace headscissors Nic. Bey jumps off of Ace's back with a euro on Nic then elbow drops him.

Ryan is tagged in and hits lariats on Bey. Ryan flying lariats Bey then neckbreakers him. Nic hits a jumping cutter on Bey for 2. Bey takes a double lariat. Bey and Ryan double lariat each other down. Ace gets in. He russian legsweeps and legdrops Nic. Ryan is booted by Ace in the corner then Ace 2nd rope diving bulldogs him. Ace helicopter kicks Nic for 2. Nic takes a head kick + brainbuster for 2.

Ryan jumping ddt's Ace then Bey cutters Ryan. Nic superkicks Bey. Ryan is thrown out and plancha'd by Bey. Nic rolls up Ace then Ace rolls him up. Ace kicks him in the head and drives his head into the mat. Ace misses a plancha outside and goes down hard. Nic hits a danger zone on Bey and wins.

Thoughts: It was rough early. It was touch as both teams were faces yet they tried to do the heat segment on Nic which didn't get over like it would have with a heel team. It was just by the numbers for the most part and fine but not great.

Overall thoughts: All of the matches were fine here but nothing was too great. I don't even know where you start with The System's stuff in the compound. It was basically a movie that can't be explained or justified in any way as being realistic and it's a shame they had to go so far over the top when they could have still made it special but made it believable. Wrestling's hard enough to explain and figure out as is yet alone when they do completely fake things like they did in that segment. I don't think this was successful as a go home show though for the PPV. The PPV is a weak show and this didn't do much to get me hyped for it. It was your usual TNA show with a lot of in-ring action that wasn't awful but also wasn't amazing either.

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