Thursday, June 27, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 2/9/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 2/9/1991

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper are our hosts. We're six weeks away from Wrestlemania VII. They talk about the Savage vs Warrior career vs career match. Piper says it's for Americans by Americans. Tugboat faces Earthquake tonight and we see them warming up.

Tugboat vs Earthquake

We know Tugboat will become Typhoon at some point. I'm thinking this is it. No, I don't want to know if it's not. Tug boots and side headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Quake poses. Quake side headlocks him and they ram shoulders. Quake running lariats him.

Quake footchokes him and headbutts him in the chest. Quake jumping kicks him and clubs his back. Quake running lariats him. Quake hits headbutts and takes a corner splash. Tug running lariats him, getting him caught in the ropes.

Jimmy Hart gets on the apron and Tug grabs him. Quake hits Tug with the megaphone right in front of the ref and is DQ'd.

Quake hits elbow drops and a butt drop after.

Thoughts: What we got made sense but it wasn't super exciting. The finish was lame here but that's early 1990's WWF.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Bobby Heenan and Mr. Perfect talk. Heenan says there's a lot of trouble in The Heenan Family. He says they parked the car and girls jumped in then girls came in through the back door at a hotel. Perfect says he's a champ and says everyone in the WWF wants to be one. He says he has the ability, knowledge and looks to be champ. He says he is Perfect.

Rick Martel talks in French and says we aren't as intelligent as he is to speak two languages. He tells Jake Roberts to stay away from him as he had a taste of what he could do. Rick says it could be more dangerous and says 1991 could be a dark year for him.

The Nasty Boys vs Mike Williams and Reno Riggins

Jimmy is in Nasty Boys attire with a motorcycle helmet and The Nasties no longer have the rapping over their song. Piper calls The Nasties "Scaggs and Norbert".

Knobbs hits forearms on Reno then clubs on him. Saggs kicks Reno in the arm and hammerlocks him. The Nasties do a promo. They say they are here and say to get ready to be nastizisized. Jimmy says they are nasty as they want to be and they want to be real nasty.

Knobbs hits a running jumping single-arm ddt on Reno. Knobbs stomps Reno. Saggs pump handle slams Reno for 2. Knobbs elbow drops Mike. Mike's head is banged off the buckles then Knobbs hits a nice corner splash. Knobbs powerlsmas Mike then Saggs top rope elbow drops Mike to win.

Thoughts: The Nasty's dominated this one as expected. They were fine with their rough style and moved well here.

Knobbs says they want to be tag champs after and Jimmy says, "as nasty as they wanna be".

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene talks about the rumors of Macho vs Warrior career vs career. Gene calls it a bizarre clash.

Macho King and Sherri do a promo. Macho says Warrior made a big mistake and must accept hte consequences. Macho says Warrior lives in his shadow. He says Warrior was a champ but isn't anymore. He says he's the champ forever and the greatest champ. Macho says it's a bumpy, bumpy road to LA. He says he won't be denied and says Warrior lives in his shadow. He says Warrior's career is little compared to his. He says he's the Macho King.

The Ultimate Warrior does a promo. He says Macho knew the plan all along that he had created. Warrior says there lies a piece of both of them in the WWF Title. He said he asked him to find the madness he once controlled. He says Macho found the madness and he's the wildness. He says he's the one who will end his career.

Thoughts: Warrior was really toned down here and a lot easier to understand than usual.

The Warlord vs Tom King

War clubs Tom's back then flying shoulders him. War gutwrench suplexes him. Slick tells him to go in for the kill. War backbreakers him then hits a hard lariat. War then full-nelsons hi mfor the win.

It was the usual squash with Warlord's opponent getting nothing in.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Kerry Von Erich says he's gunning for Ted Dibiase and Mr. Perfect. He says Perfect isn't so perfect as he pinned him. He says Dibiase cost him the title so he's coming for him first. He says he will give him something money can't buy - a good ol' fashioned Texas butt kicking.

Mr. Fuji and Demolition do a promo. Fuji says his men train hard. Smash says they started out hating Fuji's workouts, but they did it because of The Legion of Doom and The Rockers. He says the only way you can win is to hurt people and that's their objective.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Tony Burton

Tony wristlocks him and shoulders him over. Jake hiptosses him and knee lifts him. Tony hiptosses him then Jake hits a nice punch. Jake hits a nice short arm clothesline. Jake then hits the ddt and wins.

Jake puts Damien on Tony after.

Thoughts: It was another short squash but at least Tony got a couple of things in.

The Brother Love Show

Love basically says he predicted Sgt. Slaughter would be champ and brings him out. General Adnan talks in his language. Sarge said he made a pledge to all of us and said he would become champ. Sarge says it doesn't matter how he become champ as he is champ. He says some think his ways are too cruel. He says we are playing under new rules now, Sgt. Slaughter's rules. Sarge says Hulk is next on his list to be destroyed. He says he will be champ for a life and says that's an order.

The Wrestlemania Report

Gene says it's his favorite time of year. We see Hulk visiting military bases. Hulk Hogan does a promo. Hulk says he got real serious when he saw how Sarge treated his opponents. Hulk said Sarge's chair shot on him was like a scud missile. He says he will beat him, put him on his harley and bury him under a tank in a bunker. He says the Hulk missile will be shot out by an F-14. He says ashes to ashes, dust to dust, now that Hogan's the champ, it's The Hulkster and God we still trust, brother.

Mean Gene says Rick Martel didn't read the fine print on his Wrestlemania contract as it will be a Blindfold match vs Jake Roberts (this was just announced here). Rick Martel does a promo. He says it's not fair and isn't happy about being in a blindfold match. He says he doesn't like it a bit and will fight back.

The Undertaker vs Jimmy Snuka and The Big Boss Man vs Mr. Perfect are also set.

The Big Boss Man said he beat up every Heenan family member including Heenan. He says he will take the only thing Heenan has left - The Intercontinental Title.

The British Bulldog vs The Warlord is also set. Gene says there will be an instant replay debate at Wrestlemania VII and says Willie Nelson will sing, "America The Beautiful".

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Len Wagner

Ted avoids a charge by Len and still has his entrance gear on. Ted lariats Len then back elbows him. Ted hits another lariat then million dollar dream's him for the quick win.

Thoughts: This was so quick that Ted didn't even bother taking off his entrance gear.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean says Ted has no one left to watch his back with Virgil gone. Power and Glory do a promo. Herc says there's not a second you won't find them in a gym somewhere. They say their goal is to be tag champs. Slick says they are not respected but cannot get total respect until they get the tag titles.

The Big Boss Man does a promo. He says he made a vow to stand tall for law and order in justice. He says his handcuffs and stick are instruments of justice. He says Heenan and his family are on top of the most wanted list. He says it's a bottomless line of people who need to be dealt with. He says he's the man who is big and bad enough to do it.

Next week has a rare tag team battle royale. 

The Hart Foundation talk. They say the battle royale is because it's the only way that they can figure out who challenges them at Mania. Bret says they are the best there is, ever was and ever will be.

Overall thoughts: I haven't been a big fan of this show so far in 1991. The jobbers haven't been getting much in at all and the squashes have all been super short. There hasn't been a lot of angles either and when you get down to it, there's just not a lot of substance to this show. I really wouldn't recommend this one as the only real things that went down were announcements for Wrestlemania VII.

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