Thursday, June 27, 2024

WWE Main Event 6/26/2024

WWE Main Event 6/26/2024

Last week's show is here:

Akira Tozawa vs Joaquin Wilde

Both are wearing baby blue here. This is their first ever singles match which isn't too shocking since they've rarely ever been in the same promotion or brand. Toz rolls out of a wristlock and side headlocks him. Toz shoulders him over. Wilde rolls and trips him then spinning headscissors him from the mat. Wilde seated springboards off the buckles and armdrags Toz over.

Wilde twisting elbow drops him. Toz 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's him and dropkicks him. Wilde headscissors him over the top rope then springboard dropkicks him. Wilde topes him then snap suplexes him for 2.

Toz rolls him up and Wilde knees him in the gut. Toz is popped up and hurricanrana's him. Toz shining wizards him then top rope dropkicks him for 2. Wilde rolls him into a pin attempt then kicks him in the gut. Wilde facebusters him then flying armbars him. Wilde ddt's him.

Toz spin kicks him then corkscrew kicks him. Toz top rope sentons him and gets the win.

Thoughts: Wow, Tozawa picks up a win for a change. It was an athletic juniors match as expected. There was nothing wrong with this one here and both guys looked good.  

The Authors of Pain vs The Creed Brothers

Both of these teams deserve better than this. They fought on 5/20 and 5/27 with both being shorter matches. This may end up being the last Creed's match as faces as they are supposed to team with Gable, but who knows.

JC trades with Akam. Akam hit shots on the ropes then Akam running knees JC. Razar elbows JC in the back of the head then knee chokes him on the ropes. JC holds Razar for a top rope double axe handle from BC. BC hits forearms on Razar then Razar takes knees from both opponents. Razar takes a double gutbuster and is lariated over the top rope by JC. Akam is pulled out as well and JC plancha's both AOP outside.

We go to break and return. Razar hits a high one-arm spinebuster on JC. Razar hits hammerfist shots. Razar punches JC. JC fights out of the corner then takes a side slam + 2nd rope legdrop combo for 2. Akam hammerfists JC.

Akam knee chokes JC on the ropes. Akam back elbows him then Razar grinds his heel into JC's gut. Razar short arm lariats JC. JC step up enzugiri's Akam. BC gets in and hits shots on both AOP. BC does a nice northern lights suplex on Akam. BC standing moonsaults BC.

JC is thrown out then Akam slams him. BC takes a neckbreaker + sitout powerbomb as expected.

Thoughts: Like last time, it was just a short sample of what these guys can do. They sometimes let people do a little more than usual on Main Event, but they haven't been granted that luxury. What we got was okay but it wasn't anything you really need to see.

Overall thoughts: There were only two new matches as usual. Both were fine and something for hardcore fans but neither were must see.

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