Thursday, June 20, 2024

Big Japan Pro Wrestling 5/19/2024

Big Japan Pro Wrestling 5/19/2024

There's very few people here for this one. They claim 316 people came to this and I'm skeptical of that.

Necro Butcher is brought out in a wheelchair. He stands up and says he can't fight today. Pondo thanks the crowd and said Necro says he loves them all. Pondo says he will bring Necro around to sit with the fans. They then do a Necro Butcher chant.

Kaji Tomato & Kankuro Hoshino vs. Isami Kodaka & Zeke Andino

Hoshino does the Tomato dance with Kaji in an entertaining moment.

Zeke takes down Kaji then armdrags him. They trip each other and try to dropkick each other at the same time before standing off. Hoshino goes up and over Isami. He goofs around on an STO attempt then is STO'd. Kaji dropkicks Isami. Hoshino and Kaji hit running corner charges on Isami then goof around.

Kaji STO's Isami after a good minute of fooling around. Isami does a bad hiptoss move on Kaji. Zeke flying lariats Kaji then springboard lariats him. Kaji leg lariats Zeke then Hoshino flying lariats Zeke. Hoshino sentons Zeke for 2.

Kaji and Hoshino are pulled into each other then Zeke double lariats both. Hoshino rolls up Zeke then Isami kicks him in the head to break the pin. Isami tope con hilos Kaji. Hoshino spinning ofrearms Zeke then Zeke pepsi twists him for 2.

Zeke top rope swantons Hoshino and wins at 6:32.

Thoughts: It was pretty much all comedy here which is a shame as the match would have been good on its own. Zeke tried, but it felt like a night off for everyone else. 

Daisuke Sekimoto, Ryota Hama & Yasufumi Nakanoue vs. Jacob Crane, Kazumasa Yoshida & Yuko Miyamoto

YN = Yasufumi Nakanoue, Sek = Daisuke Sekimoto

Yuko and Hama go at it. Yuko tries to shoulder him over but can't. Hama knocks him over. Yoshida side headlocks YN. Crane and Yoshida go at it. Crane machine gun chops him. YN gets in and knees Crane in the gut. YN slams him. Sek gets in and chops Crane.

Crane chops back on Sek. Hama comes in and chokes Crane on the ropes. YN gets back in and vader bombs Crane. Crane forearms YN then high kicks him. Yuko and YN shoulderblock battle. Yuko knocks him over. Sek gets in and takes a bad flying headscissors from Yuko.

Yuko hits shots on YN then spinning heel kicks him. Yuko suplexes YN. YN back body drops Yuko. Sek gets in and collide with Yuko as they lariat each other. They mess up up another spot and Sek knees him. Sek misses an enzugiri and Yuko rolls him up. Sek running lariats him then YN handspring back elbows him.

Hama takes a 2v1 as Yoshida and Crane work him over. Hama double clotheslines them and elbow drops YOshida for 2. Hama splashes Yoshida and wins at 10:51.

It wasn't good. They kept tagging in and out which made it hard to follow and made it hard to get any momentum going. Sekimoto was terrible here as he botched multiple moves and moved like he was walking on a trampoline.

Kazuki Hashimoto & Kota Sekifuda vs. Kosuke Sato & Satsuki Nagao

Sato and Kota start us off. They lock up. Kota knocks him over then Sato dropkicks him. SN and Kaz square off. They trade forearms then Kaz lariats him down. Kota cutters SN over the top rope then slingshot double stomps him. Kota splashes him then SN STO's him.

Sato comes in and corner dropkicks Kota. He then hits a regular dropkick on him. Sato germans him then PK's him for 2. SN hits a nice dropkick on Kaz then Kota top rope dropkicks SN. Kota backdrop backbreakers Sato.

Kaz and Sato trade forearms. Kaz headbutts him in the chest then running kicks him in the corner. Kaz neckbreakers Sato for 2. Sato and Kaz trade forearms at a fast pace. Kaz death valley drivers him for 2. Kota pulls SN over the top then corkscrew dives him.

Kaz and Sato trade headbutts then Sato does a mean looking guillotine choke. Kota triesto break it and SN stops him. Sato drops Kaz with the choke and the ref stops it at 8:24.

Thoughts: This was really good. Nagao had a great night here and Kota/Sato always match up well together. The guillotine choke finish looked great here. I really liked this one.

Sato and Kota get on the mic after. Sato says something that causes the ring announcer to react. I think Sato and Kota set up a match against each other after.

Concrete Block Death Match - Dale Patricks & Mad Man Pondo vs. Masaya Takahashi & SAGAT

Pondo gets on the mic beforehand. He says him and Dale are happy as they are together with Necro. Pondo says they are "baka gaijin".

The Japanes run in and the fight starts. Necro is hit with a broom and MT hits Dale with the ring mats. Dalte hits MT with a cement block and they end up breaking it on the post. Sagat's head is raked on the cement and Dale is hit in the leg with a broom.

Pondo holds MT for a punch from Necro. Pondo cuts MT's head with a blade. Sagat gets help from Hoshino and they lift up Dale with a broom that's under his crotch. Dale then nails Sagat with the broom. Dalte hits Sagat in the back with a broom and MT swings a ring mat at Dale.

Sagat comes off the apron and nails MT when Dale moves. Sagat hits an F-U onto Pondo on cement. Dale is double hiptossed onto cement blocks. Pondo has cement blocks put on his back then Sagat slams a cement block on them.

Pondo is irish whipped into Sagat's cement block. MT takes a cement block to the gut from Dale. Dale then chairs him in the back. MT low blows Dale on the buckles then throws him into a two unfolded chairs with cement blocks on them.

Pondo breaks up a pin with a stop sign then nails Sagat with it. Sagat has cement blocks put in his crotch and Pondo hits them with a sledgehammer, though gets nowhere near his crotch. 

MT is put in tree of woe. He has a stop sign in front of his face and Pondo throws a cement block at it in a dangerous spot. Sagat chairs Dale then Dale chokeslams him on cement blocks to win it at 8:42.

Thoughts: It was good for what it was. It was chaos from the start and they used a lot of weapons on each other. No, it wasn't smart. No, there was not any actual wrestler, but it was violent and crazy. Most of the weapons shots looked okay here.

Pondo and Dale pose with Necro Butcher, who in a wheel chair, after. The Japanese throw cement blocks in the ring after. MT tries to throw a mat in and is  pulled to the back. 

Pondo and Dale get on the mic after. Pondo says this is their last match in Japan until July. They say they don't know when Necro will return but they will always be baka gaijin.

Dale and Pondo do a promo after. They say Dale is the new member of Baka Gaijin. Dale says it's not the last time you will see him. He says "to be continued". Pondo says "teach us how to lose" and Necro says "teach us how to be crippled in a wheelchair forever".

Barbed Wire Board & Missile Board Death Match - Abdullah Kobayashi & Ryuji Ito vs. Kazumi Kikuta & Yuki Ishikawa

The missile board is just a spike board. Ito and Yuki trade forearms. They try to send the other into the boards in the corners. Abby rakes Kikuta in the head with a weapon outside then Yuki and Ito fight outside. Yuki dropkicks Ito then Yuki is sent into the barbed wire board. Abby sends into the barbed wire board. Ito bangs the board into Yuki with a kendo stick.

Ito pushes Yuki's head into the spikes. Abby and Yuki try to push each other's heads into the spikes. Yuki's head maybe goes into it and he sells it. Ito foot chokes Yuki in the corner. Yuki and Ito trade forearms

Abby hits punches on Yuki then drops him with one. Ito chair shots a chair onto Yuki. Yuki top rope dropkicks him into the barbed wire board. Kikuta comes in and superkicks Ito. He hten corner dropkicks him. Kikuta 2nd rope kneedrops a barbed with board into Ito.

Ito splashes Kikuta then northern lights suplexes him for 2. Ito throws a chair at him then Kikuta enzugiri's him. Abby gets in and lariats Yuki. He then hits a shining wizard. Yuki flying elbows him then top rope dropkicks him. Abby takes a sandwich enzugiri and a double superkick.

A spike board is bridged on chairs. Abby's shirt i s taken off and he is double suplexed through the board. Abby gets a spike board double stomped on him from the 2nd rope by both opponents. Ito tries to help out but is knocked down by Kikuta. Abby headbutts Yuki then throws him down backwards on the spiked board. Abby sits on Yuki on the spikes with a bad crab and wins at 12:49.

Thoughts: It wasn't great but it was unoffensive. The weapons spots looked good and nobody did anything too stupid. I didn't love it but just not being bad is almost enough to be good for BJW's deathmatch crew. The spike boards were pretty cool looking here and were not the usual spike boards.

Takuya Nomura & Yuya Aoki vs. Okami (Daichi Hashimoto & Hideyoshi Kamitani)

Kami = Hideyoshi Kamitani, Hash = Daichi Hashimoto

Yuya takes Kami down then armlocks and headlocks him. Yuya headlock takeovers him, Kami headscissors him and they stand off. Hash and Nomura go at it. Nomura wristlocks him then Hash reverses it. Nomura elbows the arm. Hash takes a double shoulder then Yuya works his arm. Hash and Nomura trade shots and Nomura stomps his arm into the mat.

Hash blocks a PK then dragon screws him. Hash shoulders Nomura over then pulls on his leg. Kami bangs Nomura's leg off the mat then Nomura hits forearms on him. Kami kicks him in the leg then 2nd rope elbow drops the leg. Hash 2nd rope elbow drops Nomura's leg.

Hash pulls on Nomura's leg and slams him. Hash knee drops him then leg kicks him. Nomura misses a dropkick then Hash kicks him in the leg. Nomura dropkicks him. Kami and Nomura go at it then Nomura slams him. Yuya chop flurries Hash then handspring back elbows him.

Yuya tope con hilos then springboard dropkicks Hash. Hash low blows Yuya then running facekicks him for 2. Kami comes in and shoulder shoulders Yuya in the back. Kami then hits a nasty spinebuster/spear for 2.  Hash no sells Yuya's 2nd rope hurricanrana then Hash shoulders him over.

Yuya suplexes Hash. Nomura and Hash go at it. Nomura suplexes him for 2. Hash running facekicks Nomura then hits some slams. Hash running step up knees Nomura for 2. They trade chest kicks. Nomura exploders him off a kick then Hash uranage's him.

Nomura and Hash trade forearms on their knees. They get up and trade. Hash drops him with a forearm then falcon arrows him for 2. Nomura armbars him. Nomura hits kicks on Hash's arm. Hash slaps him then Nomura slaps back. Hash spinng legsweeps him. 

Kami shoulders Nomura over then 2nd rope shoulderblocks him for 2. Nomura takes a double suplex and a double kick to the back for 2. Kami slams Nomura then top rope elbow drops him for 2. Nomura then crucifixes him for 2. Nomura germans him  then Hash germans Nomura. Yuya exploders hash then Kami lariats Yuya over. Nomura lariats Kami over.

Yuya top rope dropkicks Kami in the front and back for 2. Nomura lariats Kami over then Kami lariats Yuya for 1. Kami top rope splashes Yua for 2. Yuya backslides Kami with a bridge for 2. Kami suplexes Yuya for 2 then brainbusters him for 2. Kami running lariats Yuya. Yuya presses him down on a backdrop and lariats him. The time limit then expires.

Thoughts: The leg work on Nomura killed this match. Okami did a fine job working the leg, then Nomura tagged out and it was forgotten about. This made that whole part of the match useless and hurt this one. And it's a shame because it was a decent 30 minute draw otherwise with good looking offense and stiff shots between guys who work each other all the time.

They all talk on the mic after and the BJW theme song plays. They then pose together for photos.

Overall thoughts: The first two matches sucked. The Kosuke Sato tag was really good and the deathmatches weren't bad. The main had good work but they spent a large portion of it on legwork that went nowhere which brought it down. I really couldn't give this more than a 5-6 out of 10 when it could have been much higher on another day.

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