Sunday, July 31, 2022

National Organization Wrestling TV 7/30/2022 Sabados de Furia 10

National Organization Wrestling TV 7/30/2022 Sabados de Furia 10

Last week's show is here:

Luis Cruz talks with someone at a show. He talks about El Mariachi and seems to say he has the cure for solving the problem that he is.

Julio Jimenez vs Bad Blood

Blood is a masked man and probably just someone under the mask for this promotion only. Julio snapmares Blood and basement dropkicks him. He then hits some armdrags. Blood is thrown into the ropes, he holds on then throws out Julio. Julio takes punches and chops on the outside. Julio throws his opponent in and then his opponent tries to elbow drop him but Julio moves, making him look like an idiot.

Blood suplexes Julio in from the apron. Blood's manager Max Money chokes Julio and takes a free shot at him. Julio goes to chase him outside and is thrown back in. Blood slams and elbow drops him and Julio hits some back elbows to the gut. Blood dropkicks him then Julio powerslams him.

Julio takes off his shirt and pulls down his straps. He hits punches and double chops him on his head. Julio hits an atomic drop then double underhook ddt's him and wins it.

This really wasn't anything special with just very simple work. I had to wait days to figure out who the masked man was since there were no name graphics and he wasn't anything special.

NOW Title - Bandido vs DJ Pollito

They go face to face and Bandido gives him a clean break. DJ teases punching him on the break but  Bandido avoids it.  Bandido hits some clubs on his back the stands on him for a pin attempt. Max Money,  Bandido's manager, chokes DJ from the outside then  Bandido punches him low near the gut.  Bandido then steps on him/footchokes him.  Bandido bodyblocks him then DJ comes back with a lariat. He does kicks to him as he is down then goes to talk to the fans. DJ comes out and  Bandido eye rakes him.  Bandido chops him in the stands then DJ hits chops on him in the stands.  Bandido then running double axe handles him in the back.

Bandido throws him into a door then bangs his head off a flatbed truck. Bandido hit a clear low blow in front of the ref then Max Money got some shots in on DJ. DJ hits some punches then is superkicked.  Bandido then pins him with his feet on the rope. DJ says Bandido has his feet on the ropes during the pin. The ref asks the fans and they agree.

Bandido goes up to the ref, who pushes him over DJ for 2. Bandido does a bad flying kick then wins it.

This really was super average and they did very little here. I didn't like  Bandido getting away with the low blow and I don't know how either man wasn't counted out. The restart and quick finish with Bandido winning was also stupid. 

We see clips of the 3-way tag title match where The Star Brothers lost their tag titles.

El Mariachi does a promo in the ring with an older guy. He talks about them trying to put an event together with all of the wrestling champs of Puerto Rico. They said they can't give out all the details now.

Luis Cruz and his crew comes in. Cruz calls a fan in the crowd old. Cruz and Mariachi argue over who should be the president of the company. Mariachi says he wants Jay Justice's title and he says something about Abdul Farid. Cruz talks about Mariachi's kids then Cruz has his guys beat down El Mariachi. Cruz then slaps Mariachi as he is held down and Max Money gives hit a slap too. The Star Brothers come in and break it up, then they are beat down too. Luis Cruz talks trash on the mic while it happens then the Melendez Brothers make the save. They beat up Farid and Talos and send both out.

Mariachi calls Cruz a bendejo then one of the Brothers say Mariachi is not alone. The Brothers then call for a tag title match with Talos and Farid.

The Melendez Brothers do a promo after. They say they want the tag titles. They then mention LAWE, which is another promotion that is behind a paywall, so I haven't seen it.

Overall thoughts: Not a good one here. The two matches we got weren't too good and we had already seen clips of the Mariachi angle over the last few weeks, so it wasn't a surprise.

Stardom 7/31/2022 5 Star Grand Prix 2022 Day 2

Stardom 7/31/2022 5 Star Grand Prix 2022 Day 2

I just watched the GP matches here:

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Red Stars Match - Momo Kohgo vs Koguma

Tey both dance along with the crowds claps and pose together. Momo then tries roll ups then satellite armdrags her. Koguma then trips her into a basement dropkick and slams her for 2. Momo dropkicks her then Koguma blocks her 619. Momo slingshot double stomps Koguma's back then 619's her. Momo spins and whips her into the ropes then Koguma running cutters her for 2.

Koguma stands on the 2nd rope and Momo 619's her legs off of it. Momo then springboard dropkicks her. Momo fisherman suplexes her for 2 then they roll each other up. Momo goes for a la mistica and Koguma blocks her roll-up and pins here.

They had a lot of sloppiness here and even though it was sub 10 minutes, it still kind of felt a little long for this. The pace was very fast. 

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Blue Stars Match - Momo Watanabe vs Mina Shirakawa

Mina gets jumped on the stage during her entrance dance. Momo then suplexes her on it. Mina is hit with weapons outside from Oedo Tai. Momo ties her up in the ropes and kicks and double chops her. Momo hits kicks to the chest of a downed Mina then Mina comes back with a spinning elbow. Mina hits hard chest kicks and drops her with one.

Mina satellite's her into a russian legsweep then reverse ddt's her. Mina is rolled into a grounded chicken wing then Momo meteora's her. Momo then 2nd rope meteora's her for 2. Mina spinning elbows her then Momo hits a high kick. Mina then responds with a koppo kick. Mina hits more spinning forearms then bridging ddt's her. Momo hits a peach sunrise for 2. She then cradle tombstones her and Mina rolls her up. Mina is pushed into the ref and buzzsaw kicked then Momo gets a wrench.

Momo and the ref fight over then wrench then Mina step-up enzugiri's her, pushes her into her partner in the corner and grabs the roll-up win.

It was stiff and entertaining but it did go a little longer than it needed to. They matched up well together. The weapons/ref shenanigans didn't do a whole lot to help this.

Momo threw the ref out after.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Red Stars Match - SAKI vs Risa Sera

They trade forearms to start and Risa blocks a facekick. Risa does a reverse rocking horse to her then double kneedrops her back. Risa hits a forearm flurry on her then Saki suplexes her. Saki facekicks her through the ropes the running knees her. Risa swings her into a drop then 2nd rope kneedrops her.

Risa does a high crab on her. Risa slams her into the buckles then meteora's her. Saki facekicks her then Risa death valley drivers her. Saki comes back with a face kick then a kick to the back of the head. Saki then suplexes her then Risa schweins her and wins it.

The finish was out of nowhere and Saki's endless facekicks got old after a while here.

Risa goes for a handshake after and gets slapped.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Red Stars Match - Himeka vs Tam Nakano

Himeka gets a side headlock on early then running shoulders her. Himeka backbreakers her then racks her. Himeka then runs her over with a shoulder. Tam then blockbusters her and rolls her into an armbar. Tam puts her arm behind the rope and dropkicks it. Himeka lariats her then single leg crabs her.

Himeka hits a sitout burning hammer for 2. Himeka goes to the 2nd rope then is backdropped off of it. Tam spinning high kicks then hits a high bridge tiger suplex. Himeka then gets back up and running lariats her. Tam hits another spinning high kick then a buzzsaw kick. She then hits flying knees to the front, back and side of Himeka's head for 2. Tam then hits another nice tiger suplex and wins it.

I hated this. There was little selling and they did way too much.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Blue Stars Match - Giulia vs MIRAI

Mirai dropkicks her then shoulders her over. Mirai ducks a lariat then takes a very short kick as she runs. Giulia climbs over the top rope and armdrags her then satellites her into a roll-up. Giulia then armdrags and dropkicks her. Giulia then tornado ddt's her and northern lights suplexes her off the bearhug position. Giulia then catapults her neck into the bottom rope.

Mirai forearm flurries her then is dropkicked. Mirai drops her face first on the mat then half-nelson suplexes her from the wheelbarrow position. Mirai then corkscrew vader bombs her for 2. Giulia puts her in an octopus as she is standing and Mirai collapses then lifts her back up. Giulia top rope dropkicks her. Giulia octopus stretches her again and Mirai drops her from that position. Mirai hits a hard running lariat. Giulia backdrops her then slaps her and knees her in the face.

Mirai runs into a dropkick then lariats her for 2. They trade pin attempts and Mirai wins it.

It was going okay but the submission work near the end really kind of hurt the flow and the pin reversals at the end didn't help much either. Both are better at striking and had they just stuck with that, I think it would have been better. It wasn't bad or anything, just not as good as it could have been.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Blue Stars Match - Starlight Kid vs Saya Kamitani

They go face to face, Saya pushes her and is dropkicked. Kid moonsaults her off the 2nd rope then flying forearms her. Kid pounds on her with forearms then Saya hits a nice dropkick. Saya then springboard crossbodies her on the outside. Saya then slingshot splashes her for 2. Saya jumps off the ropes to evade her then is dropkicked in the back.

Saya pump kicks Kid then pounds on her with forearms. Kid rolling bombs Saya from the top then hits a lightning spiral for 2. Kid then top rope moonsaults her for 2. Saya spinning high kicks her then top rope dropkicks her. They try to roll each other up then Saya rolls her into a blue thunder bomb for 2. Saya dropkicks, pumpkicks then spinning heel kicks her. Kid then rolls her up from the hurricanrana and wins it.

The action was fast paced and they did a lot of athletic stuff, but they totally forgot about selling by the end and it was just a movesfest.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Red Stars Match - Syuri vs Utami Hayashishita

They trade forearms and Syuri facekicks her. Syuri shoulders her over then dropkicks her in the back of the head. Syuri shotgun dropkicks her then underhook suplexes her for 2. Syuri then codebreakers her as she hangs off the top. Syuri running knees her through the ropes. Utami hanging sleepers her off the top rope on the apron then dropkicks her off the 2nd rope on the apron. Syuri samurai drivers her on the apron then ddt's her on the floor. They forearm flurry each other at the same time then Syuri rolling armbars her.

Syuri bridging ddt's her for 2 then running knees her. Utami powerbombs her then release germans her. Utami schwein's her off the 2nd rope for 2. Utami dropkicks Syuri then Syuri codebreakers her. Utami forearms her then headbutts her and germans her. Utami then spinning rackbombs her and she no sells it. Utami starts bolo punching her then Syrui high kicks her. Utami hits more bolo punches then Syuri germans her. Utami lariats her for 2 then spinning razor's edges her and wins it.

I hated all of this. They did so many moves and none of it meant anything until the finish. Awful stuff.

Overall thoughts: I did not enjoy this show at all. It was just endless kickouts, dangerous moves and indy style matches.

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/31/2022 G1 Climax 32 Day 9

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/31/2022 G1 Climax 32 Day 9

I just covered the G1 matches here:

G1 Climax 2022 Block A Match - Lance Archer vs. Jeff Cobb

Lance pulled off a ringboy's facemask and slapped him. That was based.

Lance leapfrogs him and Cobb flips out of a hiptoss. Cobb jumping shoulders him and Lance hits a sloppy kip up into an armdrag. Lance hits a nice dropkick to send him out. Lance then cannonballs him off the apron. Lance pops him up into the ropes from the floor and then chokeslams him on the apron from the floor. Lance walks the top rope and is pulled down into a spinning backdrop.

Cobb jumping back elbows him then running suplexes him. Cobb stands on him, poses and sings his theme song. Lance tries to crossbody him, but is caught and turns it into a ddt. Lance then flying shoulders him for 2. Cobb dropkicks him then standing moonsaults him for 2. Lance then pounces him and black hole slams him for 2. Lance then chokeslams him for 2.

Cobb rolls him up and takes a boot to the face. Lance running back elbows him then runs up the buckles and knees him in the face. Cobb hits a couple of germans then a tour of the islands slam for the win.

Lance probably took too many bumps here as a giant, but they kept this one moving and they had a decent heavyweight match.

G1 Climax 2022 Block D Match - YOSHI-HASHI vs. Juice Robinson

Juice goes after him before the bell and pounds on him. Juice throws him into the rails and drops him throat first on the rails. Juice piledrives him and throws him out. Juice pulls up the mats outside and is hurricanrana'd into the post. Yoshi hits a whole bunch of chops in the corner. He hangs him over the top rope and dropkicks him then sliding dropkicks him.

Yoshi running blockbusters him then top rope blockbusters him for 2. Yoshi then fisherman busters him for 2. Juice pulls the tight on a pin and is caught. He pushes the ref, the ref pushes him back and Yoshi gets a 2 on a roll-up. Juice punches him thne Yoshi running knees him in the back. Juice spinning lariats him and Yoshi superkicks him. Juice hits a forearm then takes a dragon suplex. Yoshi running lariats him then half-nelson wrist-clutch drivers him to win it.

It was okay, but there wasn't any big meaning to it except for Juice heeling it up. Yoshi was a decent face here.

Juice throws a ringboy into the rails on his way out then throws down a rail.

G1 Climax 2022 Block B Match - Chase Owens vs. Jay White

Matches like these are the problem with these kinds of projects. I would skip this so fast if I wasn't doing the whole tournament.

They two sweet each other and Jay gives him an envelope with money. Chase goes to check it and Jay tells him not to, then gives it to a staff member outside. Chase grabs the money outside and starts counting. Chase then finds that most of the money is blank and throws it all over the place. Jay acts surprised and accuses the staff member of doing something to it. They argue and Jay gives him the fingerpoke of doom. Chase then tells him to pin him. Jay goes for a blade runner then is stopped, then Chase argues with Gedo and Jay pounds on Chase.

Gedo tries to make Jay chill out then Chase attacks him. Chase punches him on the floor and sends him into the rails. Chase gets his throat pulled down over the top. Chase goes for a pin then takes a hard lariat for 2. Jay ddt's him then twisting brainbusters him for 2. Chase then neckbreakers him and superkicks him. Chase shining wizards him for 2 and Jay back body drops him.

Jay flatliners him then backdrops him. Jay hits a uranage for 2. Jay hits chops then takes a jumping knee. Chase then hits a styles clash for 2. Chase pumping knees him and Jay bladerunners him for the win.

It was a comedic waste of time as expected with Jay winning as expected. If Chase is okay with losing matches, why even enter this tournament in reality? And why is Chase going to keep teaming with Jay going forward even though this guy just tried to stiff him on pay and showed he isn't a friend?

G1 Climax 2022 Block A Match - Bad Luck Fale vs Kazuchika Okada

Okada runs at him with forearms to start then hits some boots to the knee. Okada knocks him over with a shoulder and rolls him up. Fale hits a big back body drop and Okada rolls out. Fale stands on his back and bearhugs him. They trade strikes. Okada ddt's him and baseball slides him. Okada slams him and they go outside where Okada goes into the rails. Okada then ddt's him on the floor.

They go back in and Okada neckbreakers him over the back onto his knee in impressive fashion. Okada then top rope elbows him. Fale samoan drops him then spears him for 2. Fale elbow drops him for 2 then Okada dropkicks him. Fale lariats him and does a choke slam + thumb to the throat combo. Okada neckbreakers him and then taps him out with a money clip.

You know the deal here. Fale's immobile and hasn't been protected, so there was no reason to believe he would win this. He did not win this and it was a waste of everyone's time as Fale loses again and Okada beats an opponent in an unexciting match.

G1 Climax 2022 Block C Match - Tetsuya Naito vs EVIL

Naito tries to too sweet Evil, Evil goes after him and NAito armdrags him out. Evil is whipped into the rails. Naito does his tranquillo pose inside and Naito goes into the exposed buckle after Evil takes it off. Evil then throws Naito into the rails to knock the ring announcer over. Naito is thrown into the rails and goes over. Evil puts a chair around Naito's neck and hits it with another chair.

Naito atomic drops him into a dropkick on the knee. Naito armdrags him then sliding dropkicks him in the back. Naito then slingshot swinging dropkicks him. Evil goes for a chair shot and is pushed into the rails, then Naito chairs him in the gut. Naito then puts a chair around Evil's neck and chairs it. Naito goes to do corner punches on Evil and ends up hitting his face off the top buckle.

Naito is then driven into the rails and knocks over the announcer. Evil backbreakers him then hits a firemans carry sitout slam for 2. Naito flying kicks him then reverse ddt's him over the knee. Naito sits on the top rope and is lariated to the floor. Naito throws Evil into Togo outside then Evil does a nice flip when he is thrown into the rails. They go back in and Naito hits a destino. Naito is thrown into the ref and low blowed.

A table is set up outside and they do a sloppy spot where Evil is piledriven off the apron onto the table. Naito diamond dusts him inside. Naito is pushed into the exposed buckle then Evil flips him with a lariat. Naito kind of hits him with a koppo kick and flying forearms him. Naito tornado ddt's Evil off of Dick Togo on the apron. Naito messes up a northern lights bomb then hits destino for the win.

I wasn't a fan of this. Both guys should have been disqualified for weapons use and pushing the ref. Togo should have been kicked out as well. Evil has the same match almost every time he is out there and he did indeed do almost all the same stuff he always do. It went a little longer so he had to do a little more, but it's Evil and it's hard to get excited. And a piledriver off the apron through a table really should be the last move of a match.

Overall thoughts: I've been able to predict most of these matches in the G1 so far, and it's not shocking real easy to figure out what would be good and what wouldn't. This looked like a card with some good workers with some questionable opponents and it did end up being that. Archer/Cobb looked like it had a chance to be the best match of the night and it was and the main also looked like it had a chance, but they broke too many rules for me. I don't really recommend this one.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

WWC Superestrellas de La Lucha Libre 7/30/2022

WWC Superestrellas de La Lucha Libre 7/30/2022

Last week's show is here:

You can see this episode here:

We see clips from last week of Andrade saying he needs Ray Gonzalez as the ref in his match with Carlito.

Abel Durant and Axel Cruz are the commentators as usual. They said we may see if Ray Gonzalez accepts today.

Ray Gonzalez then talks. He said he accepts and has no problem with being the special ref.

Axel implies he said this would happens and says he will be a neutral ref. Abel reminds us that tickets are available for the 49th Anniversary Show.

We then go to a classic match:

Damien Sandow vs Shane the Glamour Boy 

Shane is a Puerto Rican legend and had a quick TNA run. He was basically their defacto foreigner ala Johnny Ace in All Japan, though he was more of an IWA PR guy. Sandow was "Superstar" Idol Stevens here, but they call him Sandow anyway.

Sandow jumps him early and hits a bunch of shots. Sandow back elbows him and Shane hits chops. Sandow shoulders him over then misses a jumping knee. Shane rolls him up for 2 and dropkicks him off the 2nd rope. Sandow comes back with a ddt for 2. Sandow grabs a chair and the ref takes it away then Shane backslides him for 2. Shane argues with the ref and is hit from behind and takes a russian legsweep.

Sandow misses a 2nd rope moonsault then Shane top rope elbow drops him. Shane gets the chair and takes a big boot for 2. Sandow grabs a belt, the ref takes it and disposes of it then Sandow chairs him and ddt's him on the chair. Sandow pushes the chair out then picks up the cheap win.

This was short and had a bunch of cheating from Sandow. It wasn't anything special.

Back to Abel and Axel. More hard sells for the PPV here then we go to:

Julio Jimenez vs La Seguridad #1

I don't know which Seguridad member this is since there's no name graphics. Julio ducks a punch and hits a bunch of his own. Julio dropkicks him and #1 goes out. Julio argues with La Seguridad #2 outside and Zion then takes his place in the argument. Julio then gets beat up by #1 when going back in. Julio blocks a bunch and hits a bad double chop. Julio then topes #2 for some reason on the outside. #2 grabs Julio's leg then #1 uses this distraction to hit a death valley driver for the win.

This was short and not good with Julio throwing some bad strikes plus interference.

Axel and Abel say we will have a super encounter with Luke Gallows and we go to...

Luke Gallows vs Matt Morgan

This may be from Warriors of Wrestling 9/13/2013, because Matt has been retired for a long time and Luke looks a lot younger here.

Matt goes for the test of the strength and turns it into a dance which angers Luke. Matt stomps on his hand and bangs his head off the buckles. Matt kind of leg lariats him as he is leaning over the top rope and both guys end up going out. Matt hits a headbutt on the outside and punches him.

Gallows' manager grabs Matt's leg on his way in then Luke uppercuts him. Luke hits punches and headbutts outside then bangs his head off the apron. Luke then splashes him for 2. Luke pulls at his face on the 2nd rope then Luke's valet slaps Matt.

Luke hits some elbows on him and chinlocks him. Luke hits a punch combo in the corner and we go to break. The match never continues after break and the good people of Puerto Rico will likely go to their graves wondering what happened in the classic battle between Luke Gallows vs Matt Morgan. Matt won if I am correct on the date.

The announcers talk more about Luke vs Sandow and then we get a Luke Gallows promo. Luke is in his pool. He says he is putting Sandow to the test and will use his boot to take Sandow's head off his shoulders. He said he will leave him with a lethal dose of "dangly".

Axel then accuses Mike Nice of being scared of his match at the Anniversary Show, then we get video on Mike Nice. They talk about some of the people who held the WWC Television title and WWC legends. They said Mike is young and has come a long way. They says he energizes the fans and is a showman. 

Mike Nice then does a promo. Mike says we have had a lot of important champions. He said he is the man who represents WAPA TV (the channel this is on). He talks about Bryan Idol. He says he comes in and leaves the champion then says he is "The Showman". 

Eddie Colon is interviewed virtually by Joel Torres. He says being champ has great advantages but great responsibilities. He talks about various legends and says he feels great pride in holding a title that various legends have held. He says he can win back the Universal Title.

We get a Intelecto 5 Estrellas work out video. Estrellas says he feels good and says he has been given a lot of motivation. He says he is tied of the Dynasty's crap. He said he doesn't like being underestimated.

The Dynasty does a promo minus Gilbert. Xavant says Gilbert has a meeting with Victor Jovica (the co-owner of WWC). He says his crew will all retain their titles at the Anniversary Show. He says God is not going to help Intelecto 5 Estrellas. He said Eddie Colon is the best of the Colon's, bu the will beat him. He said they will continue to have all the titles after the show and Gilbert will be the new director. 

I think we cut to Joe Bravo talking on the phone. He talks about Huracan Castillo Jr. He says Hurcan's career is finished and says he isn't a serious fighter anymore. He says the Anniversary show shouldn't be dedicated to him and says he (Bravo) is judged for telling the truth. He said he objects to Huracan having the 49th Anniversary Show dedicated to him. He said Bronco (who is currently in IWA), deserves the show more. He said if he shows up to fight Huracan, it's just to laugh at huracan's injured knee. He said he was limping in his last fight  and says he doesnt't fight hardcore like Huracan wants. He says it is the farewell of Hurcan's life for good at the Anniversary Show.

Axel says Gilbert will become the director of WWC at the Anniversary Show.

We then go to a clip of Gilbert in Victor Jovica's office. He is already putting photos of himself up en lieu of winning the directorship from Ray Gonzalez and putting his feet on the table. Victor Jovica walks in. Gilbert says he can have the photo as a gift. Victor says he doesn't need it. Gilbert says he will be the new director. I believe he says he will make Ray Gonzalez the janitor, but says he will immediately remove Ray from his special referee duties in the Andrade vs Carlito match. He said that match needs a ref with integrity like him. Victor then says to himself that Ray has to win the directorship as they cannot have Gilbert as the director. This was a little long but Gilbert was really funny here taking over Ray's office and threatening to make him the janitor.

Axel has a good laugh at Victor Jovica and then says he hopes Gilbert puts Ray in his place. They then tell us to tune in tomorrow for the Sunday show.

Overall thoughts: This was not worth seeing. We had one new match that was not good and one old match that we didn't see the finish of. There wasn't much to this except for a funny Gilbert segment.

Stardom 7/30/2022 5 Star Grand Prix 2022 Day 1

Stardom 7/30/2022 5 Star Grand Prix 2022 Day 1

I'm maybe going to cover the whole Stardom 5 Star Grand Prix. I believe this is a mistake on my part.

I just covered the GP matches:

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Red Stars Match - Mai Sakurai vs Momo Kohgo

Momo runs at her with forearms when she enters and they trade forearms. Mai facekicks her then is dropkicked on the ropes. Mai then facekicks her and takes a dropkick. Mai puts her in an stf then facekicks her near the middle rope. Mai puts her in a reverse ddt position and slices her with her leg. Mai then 2nd rope dropkicks her and Momo 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Momo hits a 619 then springboard dropkicks her. Mai tries to roll her up and gets countered then Mai facekicks her.

Momo powers up and takes another facekick then she powers up again to get facekicked again. Momo then dropkicks her and Mai slaps and spinkicks her. Mai then top rope elbows her for 2 and Momo superkicks her. Mai pumpkicks her and does a neat wrist-clutch northern lights suplex for 2. Mai then sitout gordbusters her and wins it.

This was an okay and fast paced opener.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Blue Stars Match - Ami Sorei vs Saya Iida

Ami faceshoves her to start and they bump chests. They shove other and trade chops. Ami chop flurries her and they try to chop each other at the same time. They shoulder battle and Saya rolls her up for 2. Saya puts Ami's arm around the rope and pulls then back elbows her. Saya then elbow drops her.

Ami runs her over with a shoulder then twisting samoan drops her for 2. Saya rolls her into an armbar and Ami rolls up her keylock. Saya hits a double chop then a running back elbow. Saya shoulders her off the top for 2 then goes for the armbar and keylock. Saya finally puts her in an armbar then Ami lifts her up and slams her down.

Ami hits a big running clothesline on her then Saya lariats her. Ami hits another clothesline and blue thunders her for 2. Ami then twisting brainbusters her and wins it.

It went a little too long but the beginning of this was good with the strike trades and battles.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Red Stars Match - SAKI vs Sayaka Unagi

Unagi refuses a handshake to start. Unagi goes oerver and takes a bad atomic drop. Unagi facekicks her then takes a facekick in return. Saki tries to shake hands again and Unagi grabs her arm this time. Unagi chinbreakers her then hits a facekick.

They trade facekicks more and more with both going down multiple times. Unagi axekicks her and they trade more facekicks. They grab each other by the hair then Unagi codebrakers her and legdrops her for 2. Unagi hits a stroke for 2. Saki knees her in the face and facekicks her for 2. Unagi hits a bladerunner and Saki hits more kicks for 2.

Saki michinoku drivers her then twisting suplexes her for the win.

This match was all facekicks. It was interesting for a little, but they ended up going too far with it and I lost some interest. It just went too long for a match with only facekicks and nothing else.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Red Stars Match - Risa Sera vs Maika

They grab each other by the hair to start and Risa pulls her down and out by it. Maika has her head banged off the apron then Risa hits some shots outside. Risa bangs her head off a table then throws her into a post. They head back in and Risa back elbows her and Maika follows with a nice suplex for 2.

They trade chest forearms and Risa does a neat swinging drop over the back. Risa does a high boston crab variation on her then swings her up and throws her into the buckles. She then meteora's her in the buckles for 2. Maika superplexes her and they trade forearms. Risa F-U's her for 2 then Maika hits a nice powerslam. Risa then falcon arrows her for 1. Maika hits a stiff lariat then Risa cradle shocks her for 2. Risa then running schwein's her and top rope knee drops her for the win.

This was fun. It was short and hard hitting. They some show hatred and spirit and I enjoyed this.

Risa stands on her face after and they pull each other by the hair and talk trash.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Red Stars Match - Syuri vs AZM

AZM attacks her before she even gets her coat off. She hits a boot in the corner and runs up the buckles but takes a kick to the face on her way down. Syuri running knees her against the buckles then ties her up in the roles and chinlocks her. she then kicks her while she is there for 2.

AZM back kicks her then Syuri gives it back. Syuri running knees her through the ropes and is high kicked as she lays on the apron. AZM then 2nd rope double footstomps her on the floor. AZM short hurricanrana's her into the mat as she is between the ropes then AZM hits la mistica.

AZM armbars her and gives it up then takes shots while up top. AZM high kicks her as she is on the 2nd rope then Syrui superplexes her. AZM is standing and Syuri does a single-leg legdrop on her neck. AZM high kicks her then Syrui STO's her. Syuri puts her in a scorpion deathlock and AZM legsweeps her off a buzzsaw kick attempt then rolls her up for 2. AZM buzzsaw kicks her then Syuri running knees her for 2. AZM tries to roll her up and gets real close to winning it. Syuri then drops her wit ha high kick and rolls her off an armbar for 2. Syrui then puts her in a sick stretch muffler with the arm tied up and wins it.

This was a sprint from start to finish with stiff moves and very fast action. Maybe it wasn't much for story, but for action, this was great. These two matched up so well and went 100MPH the whole time.

They then slapped hands after.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Blue Stars Match - MIRAI vs Mayu Iwatani

Mayu takes her down and is put in a side headlock. Mayu armdrags her and dropkicks her, then kicks her in the back. Mayu dropkicks her knee then leglocks her. Mirai slams her then runs at full speed with a shoulder. Mira hits a corner clothesline then another shoulder for 2.

Mirai locks her arm up and does a nice cravate. Mirai slams her and is put up top. Mayu top rope hurricanrana's her then 2nd rope shotgun dropkicks her. Mayu goes to tope her and Mirai moves then Mayu takes a bad fall to the outside. Mirai then gutwrench powerbombs her on the floor.

Mirai powerbombs her on the inside then pounds on her with forearms. Mayu superkicks her then top rope frogsplashes her for 2 at 10 minutes. Mayu drops her with a forearm and hits a forearm flurry. Mirai then hits a stiff forearm to the back of the head. Mirai lariats her and wheelbarrow germans her for 2. Mirai lariats her then hits a stiff lariat to the back of the head. Mirai spinning F-U's her and grabs the win.

They did too much here with Mayu taking a bad bump on the floor and then kicking out of a powerbomb on the floor and a powerbomb after. I think there was some story of Mirai trying to upset her and the work was very very stiff but they did too much.
5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Red Stars Match - Himeka vs Utami Hayashishita

They go for holds early then shoulder battle. They trade forearms and Utami running back elbows her. Utami then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Himeka shoulders her over then crabs her. Himeka running knees her against the ropes. They lariat each other at the same time and lariat battle then Himeka criss-crosses her and outlariats her. Utami then lariats her down and then gets lariated down.

They lariat battle more and both go down. Himeka backdrops her then sliding lariats her for 2. Himeka then hits a sitout burning hammer for 2. Himeka last ride powerbombs her for 2 then Utami hits a sick release german on her. Utami then straightjacket germans her for another 2. Himeka kind of short arm lariats her then hits another big lariat for 2. Himeka lariats her in the back of the head in the corner then running powerobmbs her for the win.

The sitout burning hammer kickout was too much. There wasn't a lot of story besides moves and rushing through things either but it was stiff.

5*Star Grand Prix 2022 Blue Stars Match - Hazuki vs Giulia

They charge at each other and trade forearm flurries to start. Hazuki really lets go on her then is exploder suplexed. Giulia facewash kicks her through the ropes and she goes out. Giulia drops her with a forearm outside.

They go up the stage and Haz is banged off the stage. Giulia then throws the ref down which should be a dq then jumps off his back to dropkick Haz. Giulia hurts her back doing it though as she lands on the hard stage. Giulia is then kicked down the steps and rolls backwards. Haz crossbodies her and attendants on the ramp.

Giulia tries to headbutt her against the post but puts her own head into it. Haz then topes her and does facewash kicks. Giulia top rope butterfly suplexes her. They slap each other and then trade chest kicks. They scream at each other and Haz jumping knees her. Haz then is tripped into the buckle and backdropped.

Giulia top rope dropkicks her and domes some bad dragon sleeper submission. Haz codebreakers her then codebreakers her as she is on the 2nd rope. Haz top rope sentons her then Giulia falcon arrows her. Haz brainbusters her and gets the win.

The ending kind of felt sudden and out of nowhere but it was a fast paced and stiff match with a lot of aggression.  Giulia took some big bumps here.
Overall thoughts: I liked the show but the matches were fast paced and stiff sprints. There wasn't a ton of variety, but it was good for the most part. I enjoyed this more than a lot of newer Stardom shows I have done and I do recommend this.

WWE NXT Level Up 7/29/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 7/29/2022

Last week's show is here:

Javier Bernal vs Myles Borne

They say JB has been irritable lately and not happy with some of his results.

Myles takes him down early and throws him off. Myles trips him and the announcers put him over as getting good reviews from the trainers and fans. JB goes out and re-groups then Myles holds the ropes open for him. JB kicks him as he does it and bangs his head off the buckles. JB then pounds on him and chinlocks him.

Myles sunset flips him and he is dropkicked hard in the face for 2. JB pounds on him again and goes back to the chinlock. Myles hits a nice belly to belly into a gator roll then holds it again into a suplex. JB pushes him into the ropes, rolls him up then grabs the ropes to win.

This was mainly to put over JB as a heel here. It was short and it did accomplish that, but there wasn't a lot else to it. Myles looked good in the little he got to do.

Quincy Elliot is interviewed. His partner Jiro is nowhere to be found. Quincy says he will be here. He says he demands attention and could be in a fashion mag or a catwalk. He says Enofe and Blade have no idea what they are up against. Jiro arrives and tells Quincy he looks amazing and says he is style strong.

Sol Ruca vs Fallon Henley

Nigel says Briggs and Jensen are bringing down the value of the NXT UK titles. Sol has surfer music, does a split onto the apron and is wearing a cut off off red shirt and shorts. She then does a handstand in the ring and Fallon gives her props.

Fallon side headlock takeovers her then Sol headscissors her. Fallon goes up the buckles to headlock takedown Sol. Fallon shoulder blocks her and Sol hits a nice leaprfrog. Sol avoids a headlock and cartwheels into a wristlock. Sol is whpped into the ropes, jumps off a rope then sunset flips her from the apron for 2. They collide heads and try pin attempts.

Sol slams her and armlocks her. Sol takes punches then Fallon swinging facebusters her. Fallon then does like a running knee/kick to the face and wins it.

I'm not sure if they were supposed to butt heads or not here, but I'm leanings towards not. There was also another sloppy moment, but Sol still looked pretty good here and seems like she's going to be someone.

Ikemen Jiro and Quincy Elliot vs Edris Enofe and Malik Blade

Quincy is wearing about as colorful as an outfit as you can get and he does his usual dancing and twerking on the post.

Enofe wiastlocks Quincy then he bounces his butt at him and disturbs him. Enofe tries to slam him but can't then Quincy hits a big hiptoss and a shoulder block as he is seated. Jiro does some push-ups to mock Enofe, as he did them earlier. Jiro then takes a kick and lariat combo from his opponents. Enofe top rope double axe handles Jiro's arm then Blade does the same.

Jiro tries to make a comeback with strikes then takes a nice dropkick from Blade for 2. Jiro takes a double shoulder then Enofe corner splashes him. Blade slingshot sentons Jiro and we get loud, "We Want Quincy" chants and counter "No, We Don't" chants. Enofe misses a corner move and both men tag out.

Quincy gets the hot tag in with shoulderblocks then flying back elbows Blade. He then splashes him for 2 and Enofe breaks it with a double stomp. Quincy double shoulders over both opponents. Enofe jumps off of Quincy's back and dropkicks Jiro then Blade and Enofe do a blockbuster + samoan drop combo.

Good match here. The crowd was really into it, it was fast paced and it looked like something that could have been in the main show. Quincy Elliot has something. I hate the gimmick, but he's getting over. He can move so well, he has charisma, he's big and he made a great face comeback here. I legitimately think he's got very high potential and it's just hard not to be impressed.

Overall thoughts:
It's Level Up. It's short and the matches are all short, but it's fun to see new wrestlers. The main was a good match, we saw a Bernal heel turn and both Borne/Ruca looked good for rookies. NXT is just killing it developmental wise and I can't believe they are thinking of changing it.

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/30/2022 G1 Climax 32 Day 8

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/30/2022 G1 Climax 32 Day 8

I'm just covering the G1 Matches:

G1 Climax 32 Block D Match - David Finlay vs Shingo Takagi

Shingo shoulders him over then takes an armdrag. DF dropkicks him and is then ddt'd on the floor. Shingo catapults him into the bottom rope. Shingo then ddt's him again. Finlay flying euros him and pulls him over the top. Finlay then plancha's him. Finlay hits a springboard crossbody for 2.

Finlay blue thunders him for 2 and Shingo comes back with elbows and a lariat. Shingo top rope back elbows him then STF's him. Finlay uranage backbreakers him then top rope superplexes him for 2. Shingo throws off his sliced bread attempt and forearms him in the lower back. Finlay does a nice roll through a waistlock and lariats him. Finlay comes off the bottom rope with a stunner then hits a sliced bread for 2.

Shingo comes back with a suplex. Finlay comes off the 2nd rope and takes a gori bomb then Shingo flips him with a lariat for 2. Shingo then hits a made in japan but only for 2. Shingo hits a forearm combo then sliding lariats him. Finlay comes off the bottom rope with a stunner and rolls him up for the win out of nowhere.

I wasn't a big fan of this. It just couldn't get a rhythm/flow going.

G1 Climax 32 Block A Match - JONAH vs Tom Lawlor

Tom throws his shorts at him and teases him early. Jonah then bolo punches him and is thrown out. Tom then running back kicks him outside. He tries it again and is pounced onto the apron. Jonah then gorilla press drops him on the rail. Royce Isaacs and Bad Dude Tito argue outside then Jonah stands on Tom inside. Jonah forearms him then makes him fly with a back elbow.

Tom is thrown in the buckles chest first and is lariated. Jonah slams him but misses a senton. Tom knees him while he cravates him over the middle rope. Tom running forearms him then is clotheslined. Tom evades a Thesz press and slides under with a single leg crab into an ankle lock.

Tom hits leg kicks then spinning heel kicks him in the back of the neck. Tom then zigzags him for 2 and they trade forearms. Tom ties his arm up and hits some forearms then enzugiri's him. Jonah hits a running bodyblock then Tom uranage's him off the 2nd rope. Jonah F-5's him onto the top rope and hits a stiff powerbomb. Jonah then top rope splashes him and wins it.

Went a little too long, but it made sense with the big man/little man theme.

G1 Climax 32 Block B Match - Great O'Khan vs SANADA

They go to the mat early and Khan leglocks him before Sanada ropebreaks. Sanada is thrown into the ropes then springboard crossbodies Khan. He then plancha's him. Sanada hits a dropkick to the knee then gets pump kicked. Khan bangs Sanada's head off the buckle and lifts him up to do it. Sanada then dropkicks him and takes a big lariat.

Khan hits mongolian chops and Sanada falls down to one and accidentally low blows him. Sanada then spinning forearms him and hits a TKO for 2. Sanada top rope moonsaults him but Khan gets his knees up. Khan puts him in the sheepkiller chin submission hold. Sanada uses the ropes and flips out of it into a grounded dragon sleeper. Sanada spin kicks him, Khan pushes the ref in the way then hits a straight punch. Khan then 2nd rope moonsaults him for 2.

Sanada pop-up TKO's him then moonsaults him off the top to win.

It was shorter the ending felt a little sudden but it was a decent match with Sanada working as the underdog face here.

G1 Climax 32 Block C Match - Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Zack Sabre Jr.

They trade some holds early and they grab each others wrists. Tana gut punches him then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Tana then twists his neck and Zack rolls out. Zack dragon screws him in-between the ropes then armbars him between the ropes. Zack then armlocks him over the apron. Zack bullies him around with kicks. Tana hits forearms back then Zack fujiwara armbars him.

Zack grabs one arm and hooks the other with his legs and Tana ropebreaks at 10 minutes and they trade forearms and euro's. Tana dragon screws him then slams him. Tana then 2nd rope sentons him for 2. Zack does more arm work then running euros him. Zack twists his arm then pele kicks it.

Zack catches him with a guillotine but Tana twists and shouts of it. Tana falcon arrows him then hits a sling blade for 2. Tana then top rope crossbodies him and Zack rolls through into a pin attempt for 2. Zack goes for an armbar but is rolled up and Tana pins him despite Zack's arm being under the rope. Zack immediately grabs him and they argue about it.

It was decent with Zack working various submissions and Tana slipping the win out by rolling him out. Could have been better and it wasn't exactly super riveting stuff, but I liked the idea.

Overall thoughts: 3 of the 4 G1 matches were decent to good and it was one of the better G1 nights.

Friday, July 29, 2022

AEW Rampage 7/29/2022

AEW Rampage 7/29/2022

Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh vs Best Friends (Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta)

Dutt's in his suit here. Jay and Trent go at it to start then do a face off. OC gets in and points to wanting Singh in. Dutt gets in instead, with his suit pants and shirt on and Oc puts his shades on Knox while Jay gives Knox his suit jacket. OC does his usual stupid leg kicks then Singh gets in. OC dropkicks him and he doesn't move then OC is beat up in the corner. Singh crossbodies Jay and Chuck.

OC is stomped as we go to PiP break. We return and OC gets Chuck in . Chuck hits clotheslines on Jay  then overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Trent half-nelson suplexes Jay.

Singh takes a 2v1 and is dropkciked in the leg off the apron. The best friends hug then Jay hits a lethal injection on both. OC top rope crossbodies Lethal and spinning ddt's him. Dutt comes in and does OC's leg kicks OC breaks his pencil and Dutt takes an orange punch for the win.

This was comedy crap. Why was Dutt allowed to bring in a pencil?

Singh runs over Trent with a shoulder after then OC takes a lethal injection. Jay pounds on OC and Wardlow comes out to make the save. The heels back off. DO NOT PUT WARDLOW WITH BEST FRIENDS.

Ethan Page vs Leon Ruffin

Leon runs at him and is thrown and speared into the corner. Page hits forearms and Leon tkaes a nice bump off the buckles in the corner when he was thrown in. Leon does his rope evasion move and takes a hard forearm. Stokeley Hathaway and Leila Grey are shown watching then Page hits a razor's edge and wins it.

This was a squash. I didn't have any issues with this and I'm glad to see Ruffin get another gig, because he is good.

Cole Karter was interviewed. QT congratulates him on the first win and says he saw potential in Cole. QT then said he disappeared and was hanging with the wrong crowd. QT asked him to join The Factory and told him to sleep on it. QT then told him to sleep on it, in his own bed, not with the fishes (referencing Tony D killing him in NXT).

Matt Sydal vs Lee Moriarty

Lee grabbed a win last week with his body on the ropes and Sydal took offense to it. Lee mocks him with a peace sign Lee headbutts him off the handshake then euro uppercuts him. Lee dances around and single underhook suplexes him. Sydal jumping knees Lee and spin kicks him. We then go to PiP break. Sydal hits a bunch of high spots during it including a running meteora off the apron. Le throws him int othe rails and facekicks him against the rails.

Lee rolls through a hurricanrana and Lee lariats him. Sydal hits a brazilian kick and a lightning spiral for 2. Stokeley Hathaway comes out and pulls on Sydal's leg on the top rope. Sydal gets crotched up there and Lee does some odd elevated flatliner for 2. Lee puts him in the motor city stretch and wins it. Lee then holds onto it after the match.

This was fine but nothing too special. It followed the story though and further pushed the Lee heel turn and his relationship with Stokeley. Stokeley gives him his card after and he accepts it. They then shake hands.

Britt Baker is with Rebel. She says Thunder Rosa's title reign might be coming to an end. She says she keeps Toni close to her side because she might dethrone her. Britt then says Toni should want Rosa's belt.

Tony Schiavone interviews Claudio Castagnoli in the ring. CC says he doubted himself many times and says the fans never let him down. He said it feels amazing and is an honor to be the ROH champ. He then brings Wheeler Yuta out then Jericho comes down the ramp and complains about the fans cheering for Yuta. He didn't like them chanting that Claudio deserves it and says CC deserves his boot up his @ss. Yuta interrupts him. Jericho asks if Yuta thinks he can beat him and Yuta says he can. Regal and Cesaro say he can. Yuta says he can beat him in a stupid voice. Jericho says he will put his title shot up against Yuta and says he can have the title shot if he beats him.

This was supposed to put over Yuta, but he looked like a real dork out there and I'm not sure why Jericho would put his title shot on the line. I'm also not sure why Yuta would want to fight his stablemate in Moxley.

The Acclaimed due a rap video on the Gunn Club.

Anna Jay and Ruby Soho do a split screen promo. Anna said slamming Ruby's arm in the cardoor was a good decision. Ruby says she is an entitled little sh!t. She said she should leave her friends behind and face her 1v1. Anna says she learned a dark side from Brodie Lee and says she is Anna JAS, not Anna Jay. She said she will choke her out.

Ruby Soho vs Anna Jay

Ruby's arm is in still in a cast here and she shoulders her over. Anna takes a knee to the face early and a back elbow. Ruby headstands on the top rope and Anna superkicks her on the injured arm. Anna then rolls into a head kick on her.

We go to PiP break and return to Anna choking Ruby with her own armcast. Anna superkicks her and is backdropped. They slap each other on their knees and Ruby headbutts her as they are in a knuckle lock. Ruby knees her in the gut and high kicks her. Ruby then hits an STO for 2. Anna hits a gori bomb then superkicks her in the face as she is down. Anna grounded chokes her then Ruby hits a pele type of kick for 2. Ruby misses a top rope senton then Anna sleepers her. Ruby tries to block it and takes crossfaces. Anna then sleepers Ruby with her armcast and wins it.

Anna was okay here as a heel. I'm not real sure how the armcast adds to the choke. It could have been better if Anna had worked on the injured arm instead of going for the sleeper. 

Overall thoughts: I really didn't care for the opener and while the Yuta segment wasn't a smash hit, they tried. I thought it was okay overall.

WON 8/1/2022 NXT To Undergo Changes

WON 8/1/2022 NXT To Undergo Changes

Here's what was said in the Observer this week about NXT:

"In NXT, the belief was that the product will revert back somewhat to Levesque’s previous vision of it. The belief was that while they will continue to heavily recruit top tier athletes, a process Levesque has been a key player in over the past year, that they would be more open to use more experienced wrestling talent as well, and that going forward the door would be more open to better wrestlers who weren’t as big or as good looking as McMahon wanted on the roster."

My thoughts:

It's really sad news and a real loss for the wrestling business.

NXT has been extremely successful in developing talent over the last year. It has produced one of the best rookie classes ever and they've produced more people in the last year then HHH did in the last few years. I just cannot fathom why you'd change it unless you are hunting for bigger TV ratings.

NXT has also been such a breath of fresh air in wrestling. There is just no other show like it with the various over the top characters and the really fun non-wrestling segments. It's a lot like the Hogan era of WWF and it's been so much fun to watch.

And as we've already seen, there's no use in pandering to the reddit and Meltzer types. The last version of NXT had good matches every week and had all their favorites on, yet they abandoned it the second AEW came around. Then they had the nerve to bitch about the change even though they never watched it and even though they absolutely refuse to watch NXT UK, which is exactly what their favorite era of NXT was.

I legitimately think HHH is going to send wrestling back a decade if he gets his hands back on this show. After one year, NXT has produced some great rookies like Tony, The Creeds, Bron, Tiffany, Damon Kemp plus they got a ton out of people like Waller, Hayes and Chase, who HHH did nothing with. And that's just after one year and not counting some of the 2nd class of NXT guys like Tatum Paxley, Myles Borne and Soul Roucka who all look like they have significant potential. Just imagine what this show might look like 5 years from now if they can keep producing like this. They'll have enough talent for multiple brands.

The only good thing that can come out of this is if HHH can continue with the NXT expansion plans. I've always enjoyed WWE Developmental and I like having more new content. I would just love to see what NXT Asia, NXT India and NXT Middle East would have looked like. Even if it didn't work, it would have just been something different.


Kross Fire Wrestling 5/27/2022 - Kenzie Paige vs Kylie Alexa

Kross Fire Wrestling 5/27/2022 - Kenzie Paige vs Kylie Alexa

These two are sisters, they look attractive and I heard it was decent, so let's see what they got.

Kenzie kicks Kylie's hand away and chops her. They trade big slaps and hit osme nasty forearms. Kenzie hits another forearm then Kyle hits a thesz press and mounted punches. They go outside and Kenzie hits more chops. Kylie is then sent hard into the rails, and these aren't those pretty rails, they are hard metal. They trade hard forearms and Kenzie clubs her chest. They go into the seats and Kylie takes chops and is hit off the merch table. Kylie gets her head banged off the marble bar top then Kenzie gets her head hit off there. Kylie then jumps off the bar on her and pounds her on the floor.

They sit down in chairs to trade chops and forearms. Kylie kicks her in the chest while she is seated then Kyle takes an F-U on the floor. Kylie then is sent over the rails the hard way and gets her head banged off the apron. Kenzie pulls out thumnbtacks. Kenzie slaps her head around then Kylie satellite ddt's her into the tacks. They trade forearms on their knees then slap each other on their knees. They then lariat each other at the same time. They trade more slaps on their knees and Kylie slap flurries her again. Kylie then hammerfist flurries her.

Kenzie backbreakers her on the knee then hits a stiff uranage on the tacks. Kenzie cuts up Kylie's head with a pizza cutter. Kylie is thrown out and stomped on then Kenzie takes a suplex on the floor.  Kylie puts skewer sticks in Kenzie's head then superkicks her for 2. Kenzie then cutters her and wins it.

It went longer than it needed to and they did overdo it a little, but this was a brutal brawl. They really stiffed each other hard and beat the absolute crap out of each other. The crowd wasn't into this as much as they should have been sadly, but this was absolutely wild. Definitely one worth checking out. I don't know if I can buy sisters beating each other up like this so much, but the match was good enough to let that slide.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total TV 7/28/2022

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total TV 7/28/2022

Last week's show is here:

The IWA has 2 shows a week sometimes and this is one of those weeks.

We see clips of the Savio Vega/Invader vs Manny Ferno/Mr. Big feud. Mr. Big and Manny beat up Invader's kid and Savio's dad then Invader heart punched Mr. Big. They seemed to imply they were bringing El Bronco #1 to deal with him.

IWA Tag Titles - The Faces of Destiny (Dean Rose and Hellblaze) with Imam Ali vs Drunken Express (Excellent Mantel and Pupe Jackson)

The Express are finally back together after Pupe was kidnapped and beaten up. Despite Pupe being stretchered out and stuff, he has no bandages or anything.

Pupe headbutts Blaze then step up enzugiri's him. Blaze hits a big lariat off the ropes and Blaze cranks his neck. Pupe stunners him to get out of it. Mantel gets the tag in but the FoD's manager grabs his leg so he can't get in. Dean then grabs his leg and Blaze takes advantage. Mantel takes a double back elbow then Dean drops elbows on him. Mantel rolls up Dean then Dean lariats him. Mantel takes a double hiptoss then the manager gets some cheapshots in again.

Blaze sideslams Mantel but misses a vader bomb. The crowd goes crazy for Pupe's hot tag and Pupe hits punches with a karate pose. Pupe lariats Dean then hits a rock bottom. Pupe then goes for the people's elbow and hits it. The faces whip the heels into each other and double superkick both opponents. Dean then takes a side slam + top rope elbow and the Express grab the win!

Very good match here. It was extremely simple with the faces getting beaten down then getting the hot tag and the advantage leading up to the win. The crowd went nuts for this and it was just pro wrestling 101.

We see clips of the Drunken Express getting attacked by La Diabla and her tag team. then we see the end of the angle from last week with Pupe Jackson being returned after his kidnapping.

We get a Drunken Express promo. They are celebrating their big win. A lot of the promo wasn't really caught by the youtube subtitles but Pupe was seriously fired up.

We go to a Summer Attitude promo for 7/30/22.

We go to clips of The Wizard interviewing some exotico wrestler. The Wizard gets his mic taken from him and ends up being the one interviewed. The exotico drops the mic, makes him pick it up and then touches him. Wizard then rightfully beats the crap out of him for doing it.

IWA Intercontinental Title - Azazel vs El Fugitivo Niche

They announcers talk about how things haven't gone well for Niche but that he can improve things with a win here. We see clips of the two cutting promos on each other. Niche tells him to get ready to go face to face and Azazel says it will be a night of sin.

Niche chops him early and slaps a side headlock on. Niche shoulders him over and Az flips through a hiptoss and twists his arm. Niche northern lights suplexes him then forward rolls out of a ddt then superkicks him. Az reverse ddt's him on his knee then elbow slices him. Az hits some stomps and presses him with his knee over the 2nd rope.

They trade corner chops and Niche takes a headscissors into a russian legsweep. Az hits some punches then sleepers him. Niche gets up before his arm drops 3 times then hits a sick sleeper suplex. Niche blocks punches and hits some of his own then crossbodies, lariats and back elbows him. Niche then hits a great dropkick in the corner. He then spinning heel kicks him in the corner and flips outside. He gets back in and top rope lariats him for 2. Jordi El Nino (the ref) purposely slow counts him and the announcers lose their mind over it.

Niche has words with the ref and hits some punches up top. Az top rope sunset bombs him for 2 and Jordi tries to fast count his pin. Niche hits an F-5 into a codebreaker and Jordi blocks the path as he runs at Az. They argue and Az loads his mask with something. Az headbutts him then poisonrana's him with a Jordi fast count for the win.

They did a little more than they should have here and I've never been a big fan of the evil ref gimmick as it just doesn't make much sense. It probably would have been okay without the top rope sunset bomb, but the end was exciting.

Mads Krugger does a promo. He says he has come to end Chicano and Lightning. He says EJ Nduka is not worthy of this mission and says he has brought in another partner named Romeo Quevedo.

Lightning and Chicano then do a promo. The subtitles can't really catch any of it but Chicaco was super fired up, yelling and screaming as Lightning slaps himself. Both are long time PR vets.

Niche does a promo. He said he was robbed in his match with Az. Az denies cheating and says he won clean. Niche wants to know what he put in his mask and Az says sin is superior.

Manny Ferno and Tonos talk in the back. They laugh about John Hawking and Manny says he is the true champion. Tonos agrees. Ferno says he has someone who will push John Hawking out and then make him the champ. He then says he has Kwang (Savio Vega's old gimmick) and Tonos doesn't believe it.

John Hawking does a promo. He said he was watching tv and was intrigued by Kwang on TV. He said he got him hooked. He said he found out Kwang was Savio Vega and says he respects Vega and says he respect him. John says Savio is the real Kwang and calls this Kwang an imposter. John says Savio warned him about this Kwang and said he was told he is dangerous. John says this Kwang might put an end to him, but he won't allow it. John tells him to bring it on and tells him to bring anyone he wants. He says he is up for the challenge as he is doing it for the title and the fans. He said he hopes the fans come and cheer him on. He says he will prepare and says Kwang is the real ninja, but he is the real champion. This was a pretty good promo.

IWE Intercontinental Title - Aiden Grimm (c) vs Manu

As you may or may not know, IWA is doing some double promotion angle with IWE. Tonos bought IWA stock and created IWE out of it and this is not for the IWA title, but the IWE title.

The announcers say Grimm is a danger for Manu and say Manu has a long future ahead of him. Manu waistlocks him and takes him down then Grimm side headlocks him. Grimm dropkicks Manu then armdrags him. Grimm goes up and over him in the corner then neckbreakers him over the knee. Fernando Tonos is with Grimm and oddly puts Manu's leg on the ropes. Grimm is confused and angry by this. Manu ducks a lariat and hits a nasty release german for 2. Manu then overhead belly to belly suplexes him.

Manu hits a weak spear for 2 then lariats him after being rolled up. Manu hits chops in the corner then hits back elbows and forearms in the corners. Grimm comes back with a power slam. Grimm blocks punches and hits some of his own then back elbows and lariats him. Grimm hits an atomic drop then slingblades him for 2.

Grimm hits a single leg codebreaker for 2 then Manu flying forearms him. Manu blue thunders him for 2. They fight up top, Manu goes down then top rope belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Manu then camel clutches him an Grimm ropebreaks out. Manu then catches him with a side effect and wins it.

This was a good match though there wasn't a ton of story. Manu looked real good here.

Tonos jumps in the ring after and hits Grimm from behind. He begs off when he doesn't hurt him then Grimm grabs him. We see clips of Tonos saving Manu from getting a move put on him by Mr. Big a while back then Manu saves Tonos this time and germand Grimm. Tonos then gives Manu a kendo stick and yells at him to use it. Manu then destroys it over Grimm's back as Tonos encourages him on and celebrates it. The refs come to stop it then Manu continues with the stick shots. The stick is totaly destroyed by the end of this then Tonos and Manu hug. Tonos celebrates and this was a great angle with brilliant use of prior footage to explain the story.

Manny Ferno is on the phone. Mr. Big has someone by the throat who likely is related or friendly with Savio and they slap him. Ferno says they are tired of legends like him. He said they try to steal the spotlight and stick around too long. Ferno says their match isn't about a title, it's about the honor of giving him his last fight. He says there will be no next fight and says Savio will be finished once and for all. Ferno tells us to come to the show if we want to see him for the last time and calls him and Mr. Big, "The New Inhumanos", which is Savio and Invader's team name. Again, this was another really good promo.

We get a promo for IWA Summer Attitude on 7/30/202. It has Los Inhumans vs Manny Ferno and Mr. Big with Bronco involved somehow. We have Kwang vs John Hawking, Romeo/Krule vs La Artillería Ilegal. Manu vs Aiden Grimm, Niche vs Azazel, Barbie Boy vs El Wizard and The Drunken Express vs La Diabla's crew.

Fernado Tonos and Manu do a promo. Tonos says Manu kept his promise and he kept his. Manu said he did his part and now it is time Tonos guides him to the top of the IWA. Tonos says he complies and they raise their fists for "La Alianza" in a cool promo.

Aiden Grimm does a promo. He says the war has just begun.

We see clips of El Bronco #1, then Manny Ferno/Mr. Big and Savio/Invader talk. El Bronco then does a promo. He said he doesn't know what the deal is with Kwang. He seemed to say that it was okay for him to be friends with Ferno and Mr. Big. He said they contacted him and kind of seemed offended that Savio thinks he can't be with them. It was kind of hard to understand unfortunately and that's about all I got out of it.

Overall thoughts: This was a really good episode with a strong opener, a good main and some good promos in between. IWA PR is territory era wrestling and it's some good stuff. I definitely recommend this one.

WWE NXT UK 7/28/2022

WWE NXT UK 7/28/2022

Last week's show is here:

We've got a big one tonight with Ilja Dragunov vs Wolfgang for the NXT UK Title and a tag title match.

NXT UK Tag Titles - Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen (c) vs Wild Boar and Mark Andrews

Jensen legit is over a foot taller than Boar. Boar slaps on a wristlock and Mark double stomps the arm off the top. Boar dragon screws Jensen then Briggs and Jensen run over Boar with double shoulders. They then baseball slide out and punch him. Mark springboard crossbodies Briggs and is caught. Mark then dropkicks Briggs then Mark is thrown by Briggs into a Jensen powerslam.

Mark chinbreakers Jensen but is put in the corner then takes a Briggs chinlock. Jensen forearms Mark hard in the back then chinlocks him. Briggs throws Mark and he flips into a cutter on Jensen then slides through Briggs legs for the tag. Boar makes a nice hot tag in and hits lariats on Briggs. Briggs then hits a stiff back elbow. Boar hits a nice jumping legdrop and a nice jumping senton. Jensen then takes a dropkick into a german.

Boar top rope frogsplashes Jensen for 2. Boar corner spears him then takes a sick lariat when he charges him again. Briggs kicks Boar in the chest and makes him fly. Briggs goes for a delayed suplex but Mark reverses it into a cutter. Mark jumps off of Briggs' back and dropkicks Jensen then misses an SSP off the top. Briggs and Jensen then hit the high low on Mark and win it.

Putting Boar in this match was a mistake. He was good, but he looked like a toddler against the guys and it really buried the gimmick bad. The match was solid with real stiff stuff but it was tough with both teams being faces and the crowd being unsure of what to do here.

Ilja warms up in the back and we see Tyler Bate. He grabs the cameraman. He says Trent broke his heart and he loved him like a brother. He said he's coming for him forever.

Meiko and Sarray talk in front of a podium ahead of their match. Sarray says she will be the NXT Women's champion.

Meiko says everyone tries to beat her but can't. She says Sarray has the ability to challenge her but Meiko will win. Sarray has a smiley pose for the photo then Meiko gives her a serious pose and Sarray turns around to give her a serious pose.

Amale vs Blair Davenport

The announcers make it seem like this will be an unofficial #1 Contender's match. Blair armdrags her and Amale hits a stiff back elbow. Amale pump kicks her then dropkicks her. Blair gets her out of the ring then is whipped into the rails. Amale gets hung up on the rails after a missed kick and is pulled down. Blair shoulders her.

Amale running lariats her and back elbows her. Blair avoids her bulldog and hurts her ankle off a missed double stomp move. Amale then bulldogs her off of it. Amale facewash kicks her for 2. Blair rolls her up for 2 then knees her in the face. Blair then falcon arrows her to win.

The crowd had zero interest in this one and it was real start and stop. They just couldn't get any momentum going and that's a real concern since they are probably two of the most featured girls on the brand outside of Meiko.

Oliver Carter writes a note to Die Familie and seems to mess up a dinner table that they were supposed to meet at. He turns down their invitation to join. This was a weird segment.

Sha Samuels is outside of the Performance Center and has to pay out on another bet. He says he is tapped out and the guy wants his shoes. Sha then throws his socks at him and screams. Sha tries to sleep and someone gives him another betting slip and he offers up his jacket. He sits on the stairs and someone else wants another jacket and takes his hat for the betting slip. Shai s then interviewed. He is asked how he is doing and he says he lost all his money. He said he lost the cup and everyone is upset with him. Someone then comes to cash in a slip and makes him give up his last jacket. Sha then screams in a fun segment.

We see photos from Chase U in the UK and it says they will be back next week in NXT UK. We will also see Rohan Raja vs Oliver Carter.

WWE NXT UK Title - Ilja Dragunov (c) vs Wolfgang

They lock up early and Ilja headlock takeovers him. Wolf runs him over then Ilja kicks him from the mat. Ilja side throws him. Ilja blocks a hiptoss and does a nice armdrag. Ilja goes to lift him but his back give sout and he drops him. Ilja's elbow is also bleeding and it looks like Wolf is bleeding under the nose too.

They trade forearms then Ilja jumping front kicks him. Ilja is a caught in one corner then thrown into the other. Wolf chinlocks him and Ilja tries to matrix out of a lariat but falls down. Wolf then side sentons him for 2. They trade forearms and Ilja tries to run the ropes but his sore back brings him down. Wolf then throws him into it and Ilja goes down again. Wolf throws him into the buckles hard. Ilj tries to slam him but falls over due to the pain.

Ilj spinning chops him. Wolf hits a hard back elbow and Ilja saves himself from falling over. Ilja hits a back enzugiri then jumping knees him. Ilja top rope knee drops Wolf then elbow flurries him. Ilja sentons him. Ilja hits clotheslines to the front and back and takes a stiff clothesline that flips him.

Wolf reverse fireman's carries him and pops him up with a knee to the back. Ilja rolls him up off a suplex attempt then dives down with a forearm. Ilja goes up top then top rope sentons him and goes wild selling his back. Ilja runs at him and takes a euro then Wolf does a nice suplex into a cutter for 2 for a close nearfall.

They fight up top and Ilja goes down. Wolf goes for a buckshot move and runs into a knee. Ilja northern lights bombs him and follows it with a torpedo headbutt to win it.

This was yet another classic from Ilja Dragunov. There was a lot going on here with Ilja's injured back being the focus of this, Wolf trying to get the big win and Ilja having to fight off the bigger man. The match made sense from start to finish, they sold really well and it was a dramatic, smart man. The crowd was not totally there for whatever reason, but this was a match of the year caliber match and is a must see.

Overall thoughts: The main is a must see and is possibly the MOTY for 2022. Absolute classic. Briggs and Jensen's tag match was good but did expose Wild Boar's height and Blair/Amale wasn't that good. The crowd was very odd all night and did bring some of the stuff down.

Pure-J 7/18/2022

Pure-J 7/18/2022

I skipped the Kazuki/Yoneyama match as it sounded like comedy.
Chie Ozora vs Momo Tani

Chie throws her into the buckles off a handshake then pounds on her chest with forearms. Momo hits a flying knee, bulldogs her then drops double knees on her back. Chie bridges out of the pin and dropkicks her. Chie walks the top rope with Momo's arm then armdrags her down. Momo strangleholds Chie between the ropes then double knees her and kneels on her while she is stuck there. Momo then does her taunt up there.

Momo double knee drops her. Chie rolls up Momo and dropkicks her then is side thrown. Momo crabs her then bulldog headlocks her. Momo stays in control and stomps her down in the corner then sleepers her. She switches over to the body scissors and rolls her over for 2. Chie dropkicks Momo and ties her leg around the middle rope. Chie then dropkicks it. She goes for a legbar but Momo rolls out and kneedrops her then puts her in the octopus stretch. Chie comes back with a flying shoulder.

They trade chest forearms then they trade ddt's without selling them. Momo codebreakers her and meteora's her through the ropes. Momo then top rope knees her and takes a fisherman's suplex for 2. Momo hits an O'Mahoney back roll for 2 and they trade pinfall attempts. Each roll out of the attempts then Momo pins her to win it.

It was fast paced and it was a decent opener.

Kakeru Sekiguchi vs AKARI

Akari armdrags her early then armdrags her from behind the back. Akari shoulder throws her then Kak shoulder throws her. Akari goes up and over her in the corner and dropkicks her. Kak then crossbodies her off the 2nd rope and camel clutches her. Kak ties her up in the ropes and dropkciks her. Akari stranglehold chokes her off the top rope then 2nd rope dropkicks her.

They trade forearms then Kak top rope dropkicks her. They trade a lariat for a dropkick and Kak goes for a fujiwara armbar but Akari ropebreaks. Akari hits a 619 then top rope dropkicks her. Akari then lariats her and Kak STO's her. Akari hits a suplex and they trade forearms on their knees. Akari kick combos her for 2 then Kak comes back with the fujiwara armbar.

Kak has her bodyscissored and is suplexed over top by her, then Kak taps her out with the armbar.

The finish was kind of out of nowhere, but I thought it was decent with Kak working the arm before getting the pin. The two worked well together and Kak really fits well in Pure-J.

Crea and Rydeen Hagane vs Yuu and Cherry

Yuu and Rydeen shoulder battle early then Yuu shoulders her over. Rydeen dropkicks her and both tag out. Cherry wristlocks Crea then Crea kicks her in the chest. Crea ties her up in the ropes and dropkicks her. Cherry back rolls and slams her knee into the mat but does a poor jo of it then Yuu lifts up Cherry for a double boot on Crea. Cherry then climbs Yuu's back and they drop down on Crea then Yuu stands on Crea with Cherry on her back. Yuu splashes Crea in the corner then rolls her into an armbar. Yuu then sentons Crea's arm.

Cherry threw Crea by the hair then Cherry octopus stretches Crea. Cherry guillotine chokes Crea then Crea ropebreaks. Crea northern lights suplexes Cherry. Rydeen gets in and gorilla presses Cherry into Yuu then lariats both at the same time. She then lariats Cherry for 2 and Cherry step up armbars Rydeen. Crea and Rydeen try to double team Cherry. Cherry pulls Crea on top of Rydeen then double stomps them in the pile.

Yuu is called in and Cherry pulls Yuu down on Rydeen then double knee drops her back onto Rydneen, which didn't make any sense. Yuu side slams Rydeen and then Rydeen samoan drops her. Rydeen then vader bombs her for two. Rydeen hits a nice spinning heel kick then Rydee and Yuu trade chops for forearms. Yuu crossbodies a sitting Rydeen. They two bump bodies then Rydeen lariats her for 2.

Crea top rope dropkicks Yuu then Yuu hits chops. Crea goes for a fujiwara armbar. Cherry throws Crea off the top then Yuu sentons Crea for 2. Crea and Rydeen double shoulder Yuu then Yuu corssbodies both at the same time. Rydeen and Crea hit high kicks on Yuu then Crea hits an impressive wrist clutch northern lights suplex for 2. Crea top rope 180 splashes Yuu for 2.

Cherry double backchops both opponents then Yuu backsplashes Crea. Yuu then cannonballs Crea in the corner. Yuu then second rope splashes Crea and wins it.

This was a fun match. The Rydeen and Yuu segments were very good and Cherry brought some interesting offense to the table here. Yuu really came across well here and was really highlighted.

Pure-J Openweight Title - Hanako Nakamori (c) vs Leon

Hanas slaps a side headlock on early and they evade some moves. Hana drops down and Leon blocks her kick then Hana flatliners her and PK's her. Hana ties her up in the ropes and kicks her then Leon slams and double stomps her. Leon sleepers her and Hana ropebreaks then Leon lawn dart spears her in the corner. Leon tries for it again and Hana moves.

They trade forearms for kicks then Hana fishermans suplexes her. Hana then running facekicks her and legdrops her. Hana goes to work on the arm then Leon tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her. Hana ties her up with a grounded octopus. Hana hits kicks on the arm. Leon tries to spear her while she's on the apron and misses, then takes a leg drop over the middle rope. Leon ten spears her on the apron and spears her against the ropes.

Hana fights out of a leg lock then Leon puts it on again. Leon then ankle locks her and wraps her ankle around the middle rope. Hana superplexes her then hits a shining wizard. Hana kneelifts her then hits her with a knee off the top. Leon spinning rack slams her for 2.

Leon hits a knee then takes a headbutt. Leon then rolls her with an unusual ankle lock. Leon dropkicks her in the knee and they go up top. Leon then spears her from the tree of woe position. Leon top rope frogsplashes her. Leon spears Hana then Hana step up enzugiri's her. They trade forearms on their knees then hit forearms at the same time. They then slap each other at the same time and Hana buzzsaw kicked her. Hana then falcon arrows her for 2.

Leon hits a spinning high kick then twisting fisherman's busters her for 2. They roll each other up and Hanas counters Leon's spear with a kick. Hana then hits a shining wizard with the knee to win it.

The first 2/3rd's of this were smart, logical wrestling, then they gave it up to trade moves at the end that had nothing to do with the rest of the match.

Overall thoughts: They were on the right path in the main event but went off road and the semi-main tag match was good. I also liked the the other two matches so it was a good Pure-J show.