Thursday, June 6, 2024

TNA Impact 6/6/2024

TNA Impact 6/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

Kon vs Jake Something

Kon goes for the neck snap early. They trade punches.  Kon clubs on him then chops him. Kon gets sent out and throws his shirt at Jake. Jake is sent into the post.

Kon punches Jake and pulls on his face. Kon hits short lariats then they trade lariats. Jake corner lariats him then hits a regular lariat. Kon misses an elbow drop. Jake hits a big forearm for 2. Kon goes for the neck snap.

Jake snapmares him then hits a black hole slam. Jake then wins.

Thoughts: It was a short but okay heavyweight match. It wasn't what it could have been and didn't have a ton of highlights, but at least they worked like heavies here. I liked the section where they short lariat battled. 

Kon knocks Jake over after. Kon chokeslams him then Eric Young comes out to help. EY hits shots on Kon and lariats him over the top rope.

EY gets on the mic after. He said he was drinking a liter of bourbon and celebrating Impact going to it's 20th anniversary today. He said it's been 20 years of excellence and caring about the fans. He said they are the lifeblood that makes this go and says they are celebrating it together.

Frankie Kazarian is interviewed. The System come in and defend Frankie against Gia Miller. They say Gia has a stupid accent. Brian Myers tells Frankie there's benefits to being friends with The System. Frankie said they have a Nic Nemeth problem and he's willing to help with that. He said he'll do this for them and he gets a shot at Moose's title, right? Moose agrees if he can take care of the Nic Nemeth problem. Moose says he doesn't think Matt Hardy is showing up to the PPV after what he did to him.  

Steph de Lander is interviewed by Gia. She has the black flower and the letter. She says she thinks PCO has a crush on her. She shows us the letter and asks if she likes PCO. Xia Brookside comes in. She said she saw what PCO did to her was so sweet. Steph says it was insane. Xia says to take some time to think about it before she makes the decision. Steph says she will take a week.

I won't be covering the next match with Shazza Mckenzie.

Rosemary does a promo. She talks about love and failure. She says those responsible for their sins will pay. She says we are our sins and are many. I have no idea what this was about.

Mike Santana and Steve Maclin talk. Steve says he comes in peace. He said The Rascalz jumped both of them and they need to do it together. Mike says he's not doing tag team wrestling anymore. Steve says they take care of The Rascalz in a one and done situation.  Mike seems to agree and makes him say one and done.

Mustafa Ali and Champagne Singh vs Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey and Trent Seven)

CS and Trent start us off. Trent wristlocks CS and slaps his shoulder. CS takes a double hiptoss. Mike flips Trent into a twisting standing moonsault on CS.  Mike and CS trade shots. Mike dropkicks CS then Ali spinning heel kicks Mike. Mike's head is banged off the buckles.

Ali flying back elbows Mike. Mike takes a double team. CS stomps on Mike in the corner. Ali dropkicks Trnet off the apron. Mike takes a neckbreaker + backbreaker combo. We go to break and return.

Mike side headlock takovers CS. Mike 2nd rope dropkicks CS. Trent hits chops on CS then ddt's him. Ali runs away from Trent. Trent hits an emerald flowsion variation on CS. Trent goes for Ali then is flatlinered by CS. Ali gets a 2 count on Trent.

Trent hits chops on Ali and is knee'd in the gut. Ali flips over him then kicks him. Trent punches him and both go down. Mike does a flip onto CS outside then Ali double boots Trent from the outside. Ali hits something like a buckshot lariat off the buckles.

Trent hits a big lariat. Mike hits a top rope dropkick then CS spinning back elbows Mike. Mike standing moonsault double knees CS. Mike superkicks CS. Mike forearms Ali outside then he is surrounded by Ali's guards. Ali jumps off a guard's back and tornado ddt's Mike on the floor.

CS rolls up Trent with the tights for 2. Trent hits a rainmaker on CS then Trent hits a burning hammer on CS and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just an okay tag. They didn't overdo it and it made sense but it wasn't great or anything. Trent and Singh didn't really work that great together here.

TNA Knockouts Title - Jordynne Grace vs Allysin Kay

George Iceman comes out and says we can't have a Knockouts Title match without the perfect spectator. He then brings out Ash By Elegance.

JG hits a shot flurry on Kay in the corner. She spinning back elbows her then running lariats her. JG is dropped on the top rope gut first and has a bad landing. Marti Belle, who is with Kay, stomps JG outside.

Kay hits chops on JG then throws her down backwards. JG is thrown out and stomped by Marti. Kay legsweeps her then JG slingshot spears her. Marti trips JG then Kay throws JG backwards again. Kay backdrops her again for 2. JG hits a muscle buster for 2. JG spinebusters Marti in the ring. Kay hits a b-driver for 2.

JG sunset flips Kay for 2. JG hits a nasty jack knife powerbomb on Kay and wins with a juggernaut driver.

Thoughts: They really tried to put over Kay could beat JG but it was hard to buy. It wasn't that great but they tried. The powerbomb near the end was super nasty.

DMTV with Sami Callihan

Sami says it's the show where he can do and say anything he wants. He said he felt like crap after Gresham got him with the ink. He asks if he's an octopus or an octopus pretending to be a man. We have a breaking news update about Gresham. Sami says he is having sushi for dinner at the PPV, implying he wants Gresham.

TNA Digital Media Title - Laredo Kid (c) vs AJ Francis

Kid hits kicks to the leg. Kid dropkicks him in the knee. AJ is hit in the back of the head and misses a corner splash. Kid top rope dropkicks AJ out. Kid is caught on a tope then backdropped on the apron.

AJ chokes him on the middle rope then pulls on his chin between the ropes. AJ throws him into the buckles hard then running knees him in the corner. Kid blocks a chokeslam and hits dropkicks. Kid 2nd rope dropkicks him then corner forearms him.

Kid ddt's AJ and nails Swann on the apron. Kid neckbreakers him while standing on the 2nd rope. Kid then flips off the top onto Swann outside. Kid comes off the top and is caught. AJ hits a big powerbomb and wins it.

Thoughts: It was average and nothing too special. I thought Kid could have done more flying and I thought AJ should have done more big man stuff here. AJ winning wasn't a shock at all as Kid is rarely ever on TV for some reason.

Jordynne Grace does a promo. She says she's wrestled through injuries and cheered her colleagues on when they got spots she wanted. She said all eyes are on her and she wants to flip the wrestling world on fire. She says it will end when she holds the NXT Title and the TNA Title. She says her and Roxanne Perez are two sides of the same coin. She said they both started wrestling at 18 but chose different paths and companies. She says the paths cross at NXT Battleground. She says this is a whole new world and she is leading the charge. She said the WWE Universe and TNA audience will remember her forever when she wins.

Nic Nemeth vs Frankie Kazarian

They lock up and let go. Nic rolls him up and armdrags him. Kaz uses the ropes to flip out of an armlock then punches and chops Nic. Nic hits shots to the gut, slams him and springboard legdrops him for 2. Nic hits a nice dropkick then corner splashes him. Nic is back body dropped to the floor.

Kaz beats him up outside and slingshot legdrops him. Kaz suplexes him then chinlocks him. Kaz russian legsweeps him and we go to break.

We return and Kaz lariats Nic. Kaz goes shoulder first into the post off a missed shoulder charge and is jumping ddt'd. Nic corner splashes him and neckbreakers him. Nic hits elbow drops and Kaz goes for the chicken wing. Kaz goes for pin attempts and they try to bridge up together but can't.

Nic backslides him and superkicks him for 2. Kaz guillotine legdrops the back of his neck over the middle rope. Kaz slingshot cutters Nic for 2. Kaz slingshot sunset flips him for 2. Nich headbutts him and hits a zig zag for the win.

Thoughts: There was nothing bad about it but it wasn't that great or special. Nobody did anything too crazy here and the finishing stretch wasn't that grand either. It was just a match and it didn't do much for me. 

The System come out after and beat up Nic.

Ryan Nemeth comes out to help and the heels get the edge. Moose rolling spears Ryan and Nic. Joe Hendry comes out and beats up the heels. Joe gets hit by an Alisha Edwards kendo stick shot. Moose rolling spears Joe then Brian hits an impaler ddt on Joe. Eddie hits a shining wizard on Joe then Moose hits another rolling spear. The System then pose. Matt Hardy takes over the screen. He says you can't break what was already broken and says pain and trauma make him more focused and driven. He invites Moose to meet him and The System to meet his family at The Hardy Compound next week.

Overall thoughts: Impact is just not an exciting show week to week. It's a heavy wrestling show, but the wrestlers don't go all out or aren't as skilled as other promotions wrestlers, so you don't get great matches out of it. Some of the stories aren't bad but because they have so many PPV's, things get rushed and we don't get the best stories possible either. There was nothing bad about the show, but it wasn't that interesting.

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