Big Japan Pro Wrestling 10/22/2023 New Standard Big "B" ~ The Day When Thank You Explodes - 130 One Thirty
I saw everything but the opener as it was comedy with people having their pants pulled down.
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Credit to @mocco_sjm on twitter |
Ender Kara & Leyton Buzzard vs. Daimonji So & Tempesta
We join this in progress. LB is trying to suplex Temp. Temp shoulders him over then is suplexed. So hits chest shots on LB then LB dropkicks him. So samoan drops both opponents at once then flatliners LB. So crossfaces LB.
Temp hits a lariat on LB then pumping knees him for 2. Kara pushes So into Temp then So takes a double superkick. Temp back elbows Kara then takes a big pumping knee. LB fireman's carries Temp, Kara double stomps Temp then Temp takes a samoan drop. Kara then hits a tope con hilo outside. LB 450's Temp and wins it.
We only saw the 2nd half of this 6:51 second long match. What we saw looked good with Kara and LB moving well. Kara really just has that extra spark in his jumps that others don't have.
Kankuro Hoshino, Ryota Hama & Yasufumi Nakanoue vs. Okami (Daichi Hashimoto & Hideyoshi Kamitani) & Tyson Maddux
Hash = Daichi Hashimoto, YN = Yasufumi Nakanoue, Kami = Hideyoshi Kamitani
We join this in progress. Hash giant swings Hoshino and Hoshino starts dropkicking nothing due to dizziness. Hash then falls off the top rope due to being dizzy. Hash shakes Hoshino's head back and forth then Hoshino STO's him. Hama corner lariats Hash then elbow drops him. Hama misses a splash and Kami gets in.
Kami corner shoulders Hama. Kami tries to slam him but Hama falls on him. YN knees Kami in the gut then vader bombs him for 2. Kami shoulders YN over then deadlift powerbombs him. YN lariats Kami and both go down. Hoshino runs into a lariat from Tyson. Tyson slams him. Hoshino flying lariats him. Tyson takes a backdrop and a Hama rolling senton. Hoshino sentons Tyson then Kami deadlift suplexes Hoshino off of him. Kami shoulderblocks Hama over. Tyson spears Hoshino then jackahmmers him to win it.
We didn't see all of this but what we saw looked good. Hama was moving well. Hoshino was his usual goofy sell and everyone else seemed to work okay around them. It's just a shame as these guys probably could have had a good and long main event style match if given the chance.
Abdullah Kobayashi & Ryuji Ito vs. Kazumasa Yoshida & Noriyuki Yoshida
We join this in progress. Abby calls for timeout and the ref gives him a microphone. Kaz face kicks Abby after he says something, which sadly is the most entertaining thing I've seen him do in his career up to this point. Kaz puts Abby's shirt over his head and chops him. Nori chops Abby then we cut ahead. Abby runs through a double lariat then takes down both opponents with chots. Abby double elbow drops them.
Ito misses a kendo stick shot on Kaz then hits a shot with it. Ito top rope hurricanrana's Kaz then Abby chokes Kaz with a rope outside. Abby then tells fans to help choke Kaz with it. Abby lariats Kaz then pokes Nori in the eye. Abby shining wizards Kaz then misses an elbow drop. Kaz slaps Abby on top of the head then Abby takes a double suplex.
Nori flying enzugiri's Abby then Kaz flying pumping knees Abby for the surprise win.
I don't even know if we saw this half of this, but it looked like a half-serious midcard match with fans getting involved. Kaz had two decent moments here which is 2 more than he has ever had, so this was a success.
Barbed Wire Board Death Match - Kazumi Kikuta & Yankee Two Kenju (Isami Kodaka & Yuko Miyamoto) vs. Crazy Lovers (Masashi Takeda & Takumi Tsukamoto) & Masaya Takahashi
All 4 fight to start. Kikuta chokes Takumi with a knee then puts his head into the barbed wire board. Kikuta hits forearms on Takumi then Takeda scrapes Kikuta's head with scissors. Takumi throws a barbed with board at Kikuta then Kikuta is thrown into the board.
Takeda hits Isami with scissors then scrapes Isami's head with them. Takumi pushes barbed wire into Kikuta's head then chokes him with it. Masaya and Kikuta trade shots then Masaya eye rakes him. Masaya camel clutches Kikuta, puts barbed wire in his mouth and Takeda basement dropkicks it in.
Kikuta takes a double hiptoss then a boot. He has a barbed wire board chaired into him. Takeda slams Takumi onto the boards onto Kikuta. Kikuta has a chair chaired on him. Masaya throws Yuko out then Kikuta and Takeda trade forearms. Takeda spin kicks and knees him then runs into a gamengiri. Yuko belly to belly suplexes Takeda then springboard double back elbows 2 opponents.
Yuko leg kicks Takeda then spinning heel kicks him. Yuko puts barbed wire around Takeda's head then snapmares him with it. Takeda then puts it around his own head and Yuko does the same. They headbutt battle with the barbed wire then Yuko flying clotheslines him.
Yuko sets up a barbed wire board on chairs. They both end up fliyying onto it off the top for some reason. Takumi and Isami get in and trade shots. Isami top rope hurricanrana's him. Takumi gets right back up and is crossbodied. Takumi vader bomb style twisting elbow drops a board into Isami. Isami drops him with a forearm.
Kikuta corner dropkicks Takumi then Takumi suplexes him off the buckles. Takumi running face kicks him. Masaya hits corner spears on Kikutathen cannonballs a barbed wire board into him. Masaya hip throws Kikuta. Kikuta superkicks, lariats and suplexes him. Kikuta hits a buzzsaw kick and wins it.
I thought it was long and slow with some dumb spots. I didn't like the top rope spot where both guys went through the board as it looked like they purposely flipped themselves through it and the barbed wire headbutt battle was dumb.
BJW Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Kaji Tomato (c) vs. Yusuke Kodama
Kaji does his dance as usual. He ducks a lock up and poses then Kodama headlocks him. Kodama la magistral's him for 2 then hides under the ring. Kodama then shows up from behind and pushes him into the post. Kaji is sent into the apron then Kodama slams him. Koadama slingshot swantons him for 2.
Kodama tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him and double stomps him for 2. Kodama bodyscissors him and Kaji ropebreaks. Kaji flying kicks him and plancha's him outside. Kaji flip dives on him up top then Kodama hits knees to the body.
Kaji enzugiri's him then Kodama handspring back elbows him and air raid crashes him. Kodama misses a top rope frogsplash then is superkicked off another top rope dive. Kaji counters a handspring with a tiger suplex for 2. Kodama superkicks him then Kaji superkicks him. Kodama's head is banged off the mat on a sliding flatliner. Kaji then wins it with a quetzalcoatl.
I thought the match should have been longer and I thought both guys could have done better on the heat and comeback sections. It was okay other than that.
Kaji is beat up by PROJECT HAVOC after.
BJW Tag Team Title Match - Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura) (c) vs. Hideki Suzuki & Hikaru Sato
I don't know about this one. They work similar styles so it should work but Sato and Suzuki don't usually have good matches.
Nomura and Sato go down to the mat. Sato leglocks him. Nomura headlocks him then Abe headlocks him. Sato kicks Abe hwile he's down then Abe arm throws him down. Sato hits a mounted slap and Abe bridges to snapmare him. Sato goes out to stall and gets back in. Sato grabs an arm then Suzuki grabs Abe. Nomura then slaps both opponents in the head in the corner. Suzuki slaps Abe in the head and they lock up.Abe and Suzuki straightjacket choke each other then Abe kicks him in the back. Nomura leglocks Suzuki and Suzuki rolls on him while in it to try and pin him. Suzuki headscissors Nomura then Sato leglocks Nomura. Nomura hits forearms on Sato then Sato kicks him in the back. Nomura slaps him and kicks him in the back. Sato kicks him in the back and sits down and does one of Astronauts' poses. Abe kicks Sato in the back for it.
Suzuki gets in and takes chest kicks from Nomura. Suzuki headscissors him over the top rope. Suzuki and Abe goes outside and Suzuki stands on Abe while pulling his arms. Sato knees Nomura outside. Suzuki sends Abe into the seats and Nomura trades with Sato. Nomura kicks Sato in the back then Sato ankle locks him outside. Nomura and Suzuki get in. Nomura crawls over to him and headbutts him then hits kicks to the chest. Abe and Nomura take turns kicking Suzuki's chest. Abe pulls Suzuki's arm then armdrags him but Suzuki reverses it. Suzuki gets on top of him and hits punches.
Abe slaps and punches Sato then takes kicks. Abe goes down from a forearm. Sato waterwheel drops Abe and kimura's him. Sato backdrops him and goes for an armbar. Sato hits kicks to Abe while he's down. Abe headbutts Sato then dragon screws him. Abe spin kicks him in the forearm then boots him in the head. They trade shots and slaps on their knees. They trade slaps. Abe boots, forearms and elbows him. Abe high kicks him. Sato headbutts him then Abe running headbutt rams him. Both go down. Suzuki gets in and Abe backslides him. Abe arm throws him.
Nomura and Suzuki trade shots. Nomura stomps his arm into the mat then Suzuki takes a sandwich PK. Nomura armbars Suzuki then Sato headbutts Nomura to break it. Nomura slaps him and takes an enzugiri. Sato throws abe out, Abe holds on and baseball punches him. Suzuki dropkicks Abe. Suzuki backbreakers Nomura then Suzuki headbutts Nomura in the back while tying his legs up. Suzuki hits downward elbows on Nomura then regal stretches him. Suzuki double underhook suplexes Nomura for 2. Nomura armbars him then dragon suplexes him. The time runs out and they go to a 30 minute draw.
It was a long and boring 30 minute draw. I don't know who thought this was a good idea or why. Very little happened here. I legitimately would rather watch The Great Khali in a 30 minute draw than Suzuki.
BJW World Strong Heavyweight Title Match - Yuya Aoki (c) vs. Daisuke Sekimoto
Yuya grabs the arm and wristlocks him. Sek reverses it then headscissors him on the mat. Sek armlocks him and Yuya hits knees to the body. Sek rolls and keeps the armlock on. Yuya is on Sek's shoulders and armlocks him.
Sek pins both of his arms down. Yuya kips up and double knucklelocks him. Sek suplexes him while in the hold then Yuya machine gun chops him. Yuya flies at him in the corner and is caught and suplexed. Sek puts him between the ropes and rams him with his shoulder. Sek does some double underhook suplex attempt but he doesn't go through with it then crabs him. They go up top. Yuya headbutts him then abdominal stretches him on the 2nd rope.
Sek 2nd rope samoan drops him then bearhugs him. Sek hits machine gun chops. Yuya boots him in the corner then tornado ddt's him. Yuya then exploders him. Yuya face kicks him then pulls Sek over the top. Yuya tope con hilos him then face kicks him outside. Sek drives Yuya's back into the apron then swings his back into the post.
Sek chops him in the ring and spears him on the ropes. Sek splashes him on the 2nd rope then piledrivers him for 2. Sek torture racks him and drops him. Sek goes up top and gets stuck. Yuya top rope spanish flies him. Yuya springboard dropkicks him in the front and back.
They lariat each other at the same time then Sek hits a kamigoye. Sek top rope frogsplashes him then deadlift germans him for 2. Yuya suplexes him and hits a sliding lariat. They trade chops and forearms. Sek mongolinan chops him and headbutts him, then takes a chop for 2. Yuya ridge hand chops him for 2 then spinning heel kicks him. Yuya tiger suplexes him and wins it.
I wasn't a big fan of it. The top rope spanish fly meant nothing here. I thought Yuya's firing up spot could have been better and I thought it should have happened earlier. I popped for Sek busting out the kamigoye.
BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title Iron Cage Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match - Yuki Ishikawa (c) vs. Daiju Wakamatsu
They lock up. Daiju shoulders him over then takes a dropkick. Daiju is sent into the light tube ropes then has a tube broken on his head. Yuki stabs him with the tube and slams him on the floor. Yuki double stomps a chair into him on the floor then Daiju breaks a tube over Yuki's head. Daiju breaks a tube over his own head then stabs Yuki with the tube. Yuki is slammed on the floor.
Yuki is dropped gut first onto a spike board then Daiju headbutts tubes into Yuki's head. Yuki headbutts tubes into Daiju's head then dropkicks him. Yuki dropkicks him then top rope dropkicks him for 2. Daiju is flatlinered on chairs then has tubes double stomped into him. Yuki is whipped into the shark cage with tubes.
Yuki flipping sentons on him and is supposed to break tubes, but they don't crack until the 2nd attempt. Daiju then breaks a stack of tubes on his head. Daiju breaks another stack of tubes on Yuki's head then germans him for 2. They fight up on top of the shark cage and Yuki superplexes him off of it. They then trade flying forearms.
Yuki puts a gusset plate in Daiju's head then puts one in his own head for some reason. They trade forearms and Yuki dropkicks him. Yuki cradle shocks him then Daiju spinning heel kicks him. Yuki rolls him up for 2. They throw tubes at each others heads then slap each other.
Daiju headbutts him then throws a stack of tubes at his head. Daiju pumphandle slams him on tubes then elbows him off the shark cage. Yuki headbutts him then michinoku drivers him on glass pieces for 2. Yuki hits a ranhei for 2 then ranhei's him on tubes to win it.
It wasn't great but for BJW standards, it was okay. They didn't no sell to an obscene degree and they tried to build some drama with pin attempts. The finish didn't look as good as they intended as the tubes don't break as well on the mat and after all they had done in this, anything was going to be a letdown. I didn't like them hitting themselves with tubes or putting gusset plates into their head as it shows this stuff doesn't really hurt, which goes against what they are doing. I did like Daiju's elbow off the shark cage though.
Overall thoughts: They tried here and gave us about the best they could offer. The main and the junior title match were okay for BJW standards. The tag title match was a very boring 30 minute draw and Sekimoto/Aoki just wasn't great. The crowd wasn't good all night long which brought down everything. I don't think I'd recommend it as it was longer, didn't have a lot of heat and just wasn't great.
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