Big Japan Pro Wrestling 11/15/2023
Kankuro Hoshino & Yuko Miyamoto vs. Kota Sekifuda & Tatsuhiko Yoshino
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Yoshino's trunks are thrown into the stands |
Yoko and Hoshino rush in, beat up their opponents and double flapjack Kota. Yoshino takes a double shoulder then has his shirt ripped off. Yoshino covers up and Hoshino thinks its hilarious. Hoshino punches him in the gut then Yuko grabs Yoshino's belly fat. We cut ahead and Hoshino hits shots to Yoshino's gut. Yoshino back body drops Hoshino then Yuko dragon screws Yoshino from behind.
Hoshino slaps Yoshino in the head and Yoshino cries. Kota gets in and top rope dropkicks Hoshino. Kota suplexes Yuko then splashes him for 2. Yuko belly to belly suplexes Kota then Kota springboard twisting crossbodies him. Yuko pulls down Yoshino's trunks twice.
Yoshino flying headscissors Yuko and loses his trunks. Yuko then throws his trunks into the stands. Why don't they ever do this spot with the women? Hoshino spears Yoshino and slams him. Yuko hits his own partner Hoshino in the butt with a bat for some reason and Hoshino misses a top rope senton. Yoshino puts Hoshino in a paradise lock then Yuko puts Yoshino in a paradise lock. Kota jumps off Yoshino's back to hit Yuko and then the ref is knocked out of the ring. Yoshino is hit in the butt with the baseball bat and Hoshino picks up the win here.
This was all comedy. Yoshino getting his trunks thrown into the stands was kind of funny, but I wasn't dying to see him naked.
Ryota Hama, Yasufumi Nakanoue & Yuya Aoki vs. Daichi Hashimoto, Daisuke Sekimoto & Kazuki Hashimoto
YN = Yasufumi Nakanoue
Aoki and Daichi start us off. They leglock each other. Yuya front facelocks him. Yuya tags YN in. We cut ahead and Daichi step up knees him in the corner. YN flapjacks Daichi then corner lariats him. YN 2nd rope double stomps him for 2.
Aoki gets in and hits a chop flurry on Daichi. Aoki springboard dropkicks him then face kicks him. Daichi low blows him then face kicks him. Aoki takes corner attacks then Sek jackhammers him. Kazuki PK's him for 2. Sek tries to slam Hama but can't and Hama falls on him.
Aoki and Kazuki trade shots. Kazuki headbutts him in the chest and takes a face kick and exploder. Aoki lariats him for 2. Aoki hits another lariat that wasn't so great and wins it.
This went 8:53 and we barely saw anything from any of these guys. It was a waste of time and talent.
Deadly Weapons Death Match - Abdullah Kobayashi, Daiju Wakamatsu & Ryuji Ito vs. Crazy Lovers (Masashi Takeda & Takumi Tsukamoto) & Masaya Takahashi
Takeda nails Abby before intros are done. Masaya and Daiju go head to head and stare down. They trade forearms and Masaya nails him in the gut. Daiju nearly misses a running forearm. We cut ahead and Takumi hits Abby in the head with a frying pan. Abby takes a silly bump for a frying pan shot.
Masaya sticks a fork in Abby's head then hits shots to the gut. Abby boots him in the corner then lariats him. Daiju gets in and barbed wire bat shots Masaya in the gut. Daiju flipping sentons the bat into Daiju's gut. Daiju gets stuck up top and then is thrown down onto a chair. Takeda breaks a chair over Daiju's head then shotgun dropkicks him.
Takeda spears Daiju then exploders him. Takeda chairs a chair into Daiju's face. Takeda has a chair with a fork board on the seat. Takeda flips onto it when Daiju moves and Daiju spinning heel kicks him. Ito corner splashes Takeda then northern lights suplexes him. Ito chairs a pile of chairs on Takeda.
Takeda side slams Ito on chairs. Ito slams Takumi on chairs then throws a chair on his head, which gets stuck. Takumi hip throws Ito then suplexes him. Takeda running knees Ito. Masaya hip throws Takeda then trades slaps with Takumi. They both then choke each other. Daiju top rope dropkicks Takumi then Abby does a bad slingblade on Takumi. Ito shining wizards Takumi and wins it.
The finish was weak here and Abby tries, but he just can't really go anymore. Takumi, Takeda and Masaya brought some life to this and Daiju had to do the bulk of the selling as usual.
Barbed Wire Board Death Match - Hideyoshi Kamitani vs. Casanova Valentine
Kami = Hideyoshi Kamitani
They lock up and CV is nearly pushed into the barbed wire board. They trade forearms and Kami flurries him. CV belly to belly suplexes him. Kami no sells it and lariats him. CV goes out and puts Kami's head into barbed wire. They trade headbutts outside and CV pulls Kami's nose and mouth. CV's head is sent into the post.
CV is shoulderblocked into a barbed wire board then Kami puts barbed wire into his head. Kami bites his head then shoulderblocks a board into him. CV hits a nice lariat then slingshot swantons a board into him. CV stabs him with barbed wire.
CV swinging side slams him onto a board then they both lariat each other. They trade forearms on the apron and Kami russian leg sweeps him off the apron through a board on chairs. The flip each other off and trade shots on their knees. CV low blows him and ddt's him.
CV puts a barbed wire dilo in Kami's mouth then Kami does it to him. Kami stunners him and hits a nice brainbuster. Kami top rope frogsplashes a board into him for 2. CV belly to belly suplexes him on the boards then hits a uranage on the boards to win it.
Outside of the apron spot, I liked this one. It was a nice mix of heavyweight and hardcore wrestling. CV getting brainbustered was impressive and some nice lariats were thrown here. I didn't like the dildo spot.

Abby and CV do a promo after. CV said Pondo brought him in. He said his mother passed away on New Years and he said he visited her grave to tell her he's going to BJW. He said he's not here to fill a spot, he's here to be the best deathmatch wrestler in the world. He said him and Abby would be tag team deathmatch tournament winners.
Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura) & Kazumasa Yoshida vs. PROJECT HAVOC (Daimonji So, Ender Kara & Tempesta)
Temp and Yoshida start us off. Temp shoulders him then Yoshida slams him. Yoshida's team forms a line to kick Temp in the back. Yoshida then does a bad basement dropkick on Temp. Kara headlock takeovers Abe then headscissors him. They trade kicks then Kara step up enzugiri's him.
Kara runs the ropes into a Nomura kick. Nomura kicks him in the back. Yoshida gets in and slams Kara. Yoshida legdrops him for 2. Yoshida crabs Kara. Nomura and Kara trade forearms then Nomura slaps him. Kara hits a nice dropkick. So does a lariat + bulldog combo on his opponents then fallaway slams Nomura.
Nomura slams So then Abe dropkicks So in the knee. Abe spin kicks So then kicks him in the back. So punches Abe then Kara hits a nice legsweep into a double stomp on Abe. Kara springboard dropkicks Abe. Kara blocks Abe's PK and they trade forearms and slaps. Abe blocks a handspring with an ankle lock then germans him. Kara rebound germans him then kicks him hard in the chest.
Yoshida corner back elbows Temp then Temp germans and lariats him. Temp pump kicks him then takes an air raid crash from Yoshida. Temp takes a sandwich kick to the front and back and Yoshida running knees him. Yoshida takes attacks from his opponents and So spears him for 2.
Temp double lariats Abe and Nomura then Kara tope con hilos Abe and Nomura. So sliding lariats Yoshida in the back of the head to win it.
I didn't expect much out of this but Kara was pretty good here and really matched up well with Abe. He's pretty fast and his stuff looks good. Yoshida's another story here as while everything he does is safe, none of it looks good. Tempesta didn't show a lot here and doesn't move that well. I did like this though.
BJW Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Kaji Tomato (c) vs. Leyton Buzzard
LB backs up Kaji and clean breaks him. LB dropkicks him out. LB goes to dive but Kaji moves. Kaji slingshots in and is caught with an attitude adjustment. LB bangs Kaji's head off the mat then backbreakers him. They trade forearms then slaps. LB standing moonsaults him then sends him hard into the corner.
LB hits corner chops then is springboard dropkicked on the apron. Kaji plancha's him outside then top rope flip dives him. Kaji flying kicks him then takes forearms. They trade forearms and LB slaps him. Kaji uppercuts him and they trade forearms. LB slaps him and hits a nice dropkick. LP top rope dropkicks him for 2.
They fight up top then on the apron. Kaji superkicks him then takes a death valley driver on the apron. LB throws him in for a 2 count. LB misses a top rope 450. Kaji sliding flatliners him then jumps off the top with a diving ddt for 2. LB pop-up sit down powerbombs him. Kaji is up top then LB top rope superplexes him for 2. LB piledrivers him for 2 then 450's him for 2. LB hits another 450 and Kaji cradles him. LB superkicks him and Kaj cradles him to win it.
I didn't like the finish at all with Kaji no selling 450's and superkicks. Leyton was okay here. I didn't have too many issues with this up until the end where Kaji ruined the match. I thought it would have been a little better if it were shorter.
BJW Junior Heavyweight Title Next Challenger Decision Match - Tatsuhiko Yoshino vs. Ender Kara
They have this one at the fallout of the last match and I think it's more an impromptu match. They trade forearms and Yoshino lariats him. Yoshino hits a falcon arrow for 2. Yoshino pumping knees him then blue thunders him for 2. Kara hits kicks then a very high double underhook to win it.
It was just 1:12 long but Yoshino's offense looked good.
BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title Fluorescent Lighttubes & Scaffold Death Match - Yuki Ishikawa (c) vs. Kazumi Kikuta
Kikuta throws tubes at his head during intros then hits him with tubes outside. Kikuta stabs Yuki with a tube then kicks Yuki in the back with tubes. Kikuta breaks tubes on Yuki's chest for 2.
They go up top the scaffold and Kikuta is hit with tubes. Yuki neckbreakers him on the scaffold and Kikuta drops down. Yuki top rope crossbodies Kikuta off the scaffold. Kikuta is sent into the light tube ropes then Yuki stabs him with a tube. Yuki ddt's him.
They trade forearms and Kikuta's head is banged off the scaffold bottom. Yuki neckbreakers him then running knees him. Kikuta gamengiri's him then dropkicks him in the corner. Kikuta knee drops him off the buckles for 2. Kikuta's head is banged off the scaffold bottom again.
Yuki flying forearms Kikuta then top rope dropkicks him. Yuki has a chair thrown at his head and they trade forearms. Yuki enzugiri's him then Kikuta dropkicks him. Kikuta fisherman busters him then superkicks him in the face for 2. Yuki forearms tubes into Kikua's chest. Yuki top rope double stomps tubes into Kikuta's chest.
Yuki gets on the scaffold and Kikuta shakes it. They trade forearms on the scaffold and Kikuta fisherman suplexes him on the scaffold. Yuki rolls off of it. Kikuta top rope double stomps him off the scaffold. Kikuta puts a tube near his head to buzzsaw kicks it but kicks the part above his head only. Yuki blue thunders him on a stack of tubes for 2. Yuki falcon arrows Kikuta on tubes for 2. Yuki ranhei's him and wins it.
Maybe it was me, but I thought it was boring. Yuki rolled off the scaffold twice and it didn't mean anything. The selling wasn't there and it just didn't feel like anyone was in danger. They just did their moves and moved onto the next thing without much of a fuss. I don't think it helped that neither of these guys have much personality. The crowd wasn't super hot for this either which hurt it.
Overall thoughts: It was just an average Big Japan show. They had a scaffold match but they didn't make it feel like a big deal. The card had some ups and downs and the big matches didn't really deliver. I liked Valentine/Kamitani and the juniors 6-man tag the most here.
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