Thursday, January 25, 2024

WWE Main Event 1/17/2024

WWE Main Event 1/17/2024

Last week's show is here:

Dante Chen vs Tavion Heights


Chen's wearing full face paint here which I don't think we've seen him do in NXT. Chen is a heel here and his gear does not mask the face paint. Tav is stoked, jumping all around and really seeming energetic.

Chen hammerlocks him and Tav snapmares him. Chen armdrags him. They criss cross and Tav pounces him. Tav hits a corner spear then does nice armdrags/shoulder throws. Tav flips out of a hiptoss then hits his own off of it. Tav is sent into the post shoulder first.

Chen yanks on the arm and throws him into the buckles shoulder first. Tav's head is banged off the buckle then Chen knees him in the gut. Chen armlocks him then hits la magistral for 2. Chen hits another armdrag.

Chen does another la magistral for 2. Tav hits shots to the gut then Chen is thrown shoulder first into the buckles. Tav hits punches then overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Tav hits something like a slingblade then gutwrench dominators him for 2. Chen pulls him by the hair then codebreakers his arm. Chen pump kicks him from the side and double chops him for the win.

This was actually good. Tav was fiery here and his stuff looked good. This was one of his best performances so far. Chen hasn't fully figured out how this new heel turn works but with him being very technically sound yet without much personality, it does kind of work. His new face paint does make him look quite freaky. Chen's double chop finisher is not a good finisher.

Julius Creed vs Apollo Crews


Creed picks up and slams down Crews. They leapfrog each other then Crews dropkicks him. Crew monkey flips him and Creed lands on his feet. Creed hip throws him then side headlocks him. Creed hits another hip throw then dropkicks him. Creed monkey flips Crews then Crews enzugiri's him. Crews gorilla press slams him then lariats him over the top.

Crew moonsaults off the apron onto him. We go to break and return. Crews side headlocks him then headlock takeovers him. Creed running forearms him then hits a nice exploder. Creed gets on his knees and suplex lifts him. Creed then suplexes him. Creed hits a running ssp for 2.

Crews germans him and hits a pump kick. Crews standing moonsaults him for 2. Crews goes up top, Creed jumps to the top rope and superplexes him for 2. They fight on their knees then stand up and trade forearms. Crews rolls him up for 2 then Creed escapes a deadlift powerbomb. Creed sits on him and wins it.

It was a good little match here. Creed looked like a star as usual and him and Crews matched up well.

They shake hands after.

Overall thoughts: Only 2 matches here as usual with recaps sprinkled in. Both were good. I wouldn't recommend it though.

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