Tuesday, January 9, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 1/8/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 1/8/2024 

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/01/wwe-monday-night-raw-112024.html 

Drew McIntyre is in the ring and has something to say. He said his match with Seth last week was all or nothing. He didn't want the title, he needed it and he said he doesn't have the title. He said maybe he is the one holding himself back like Seth and Sami said. He said he needs to get his priorities right and maybe needs to step away from WWE. He then said he remembered Damian Priest trying to cash in during the match. Drew asks why didn't Priest wait until the end of the match when he would be weakened. He said he didn't just screw himself, he screwed Drew too.

He then complains about Cody and Punk. He said maybe he needs to leave for 9 years then he can get a hero's reception when he returns. CM Punk comes out. He says we are in Piper country and said he's disappointed Drew's not wearing the kilt. He said Piper is known for talking and so is he, then he asks if Drew is known for talking. Punk says all Drew has done is talk since he came back and said he can say what he needs to say to Punk's face if he needs to.

Drew congratulates him for still being here over 4 weeks later. He said he has a bet going and said Punk will cost people money if he stays around. Drew said he doesn't care what Punk does outside the company, he cares what he does to him in the ring. He said he knows what Punk is truly like.

He said Punk sees himself as a locker room leader. Drew said he had issues when he was younger and said he could have done with a real leader to help him. He said Punk saw him as a threat and said it would never happen. He said Orton had his own demons and couldn't help him. He said Punk doesn't have demons, he is a demon. Drew said he figured out how to be a leader on his own and said he's Punk's leader now, kid. Drew then lays on the ropes like Punk did.

Punk said he never called himself a leader and said he lead by example. He said if Drew wants his hand held, he can pledge allegiance to the Straight Edge Society and shave his head now. He said Drew watched him leave and Punk watched him leave. Punk said he's following Drew's way back in and said he wants to win the Rumble and main event Mania like Drew did. He said he's not a demon, but is satan himself when pushed. Punk says he's a real nice guy until it's time not to be and said it's getting to be that time. He said he's not here to make friends or be a nice guy, he's hear to win the Royal Rumble and main event Mania.

Drew said Punk never main evented Mania like him. Drew said WWE needed someone to step up and he did, but said when the going gets tough, Punk gets going. Drew said he will eliminate him in the Rumble and do it for himself. Punk said it's getting a little spicy in here and will walk away before he knocks his teeth down his throat. Punk said there's only one person who can stop himself from accomplishing his goals, and it's himself. Punk said neither Seth, Drew or Cody can stop him from winning The Rumble. Punk said he will throw Drew out last.

It ran a little long but it was a decent segment, building up issues between these two.

We see Truth with Judgment Day in an inset. He said he heard DIY talking about the tag titles. He said we need to make an example of them and called in Pearce, setting up this match. He called him a "scaredy cat".

Finn Balor vs Tommaso Ciampa

Finn backs him up in the corner and hits a hot. Finn side headlocks him and is back elbowed. Ciampa sunset flips him, Finn rolls out and basement dropkicks him. Finn elbows Ciampa in the head then Ciampa hits a Thesz press with punches. Ciampa chases Finn outside and Priest blocks him.

Ciampa bangs Finn's head off the buckle then is knocked off the apron into the announcer's table. We go to break and return. Ciampa hits punches and flying lariats him. Ciama corner lariats him then hits a reverse ddt. Finn trips him and double stomps him. Ciampa flying knees him then powerbombs him on his knees for 2.

Ciampa runs at him and takes a slingblade and shotgun dropkick. ciama rolls him up for 2. Priest gets on the apron and TC hits him. Gargano pulls Priest off the apron then Ciampa flying knees Priest off the apron. Ciampa gets in and has the rope kicked in his crotche. Finn goes for a suplex and Gargano holds onto Finn's foot. Ciampa then pins Finn.

I didn't like the faces cheating here to cost Finn the match. I thought it was just an average match and was more even than you would think.

Becky Lynch is interviewed. She said Nia told her to imagine what would happen if she put her full weight behind a punch. Becky said maybe she'd break her nose or orbital socket. Becky said she did get her mouth busted open, fell and lost but Becky got herself up and declared herself for the Rumble. She said she didn't end up in the hospital and she's way ahead of the last time they fought. She said either Nia is getting weaker or she's getting stronger. She said neither one of them ended the other and said maybe it's not the end, just the beginning. 

Ludwig Kaiser vs Kofi Kingston

Kofi injured Kaiser's partner Vinci last week which caused this. Vinci hits a back elbow and a nice lariat. Vinci hits mounted punches then a short arm lariat. Kofi hits some punches then is knee'd in the gut. Kaiser corner chops him then hits corner strikes. Kofi fires back with chops and forearms. Kofi hits corner punches and is pulled down face first on the top rope.  

Kaiser stomps Kofi as he hangs over the 2nd rope then basement dropkicks him. Kofi springboard crossbodies him then hits mounted punches. Kaiser is back body dropped to the floor then Kaiser nails Kofi as he tries to dive on him. Kofi is sent into the rails then takes a PK. Kaiser says that was for Vinci and we go to break.

We return and Kaiser hits stomps. Kaiser comes off the 2nd rope and takes double boots. Kofi top rope back dives him outside. Kofi jumps over the steps then jumps off them with a forearm. Kofi is sent into the post then Kaiser misses a euro on the rails. They both get counted out and Kofi superkicks Kaiser.

They were out there forever, so I'm glad they got counted out. It was an okay match with no dull moments.

Kofi is a sore loser after, hitting a tope on Kaiser then pounding on him on the announcer's table. Kaiser puts his thumb in Kofi's eye and is back body dropped on the announcer's table. The refs try to break it up then Kaiser throws the bottom of a chair at Kofi's head. Kaiser grabs Kofi by the hair then pounds on him. Kaiser teases leaving then dropkicks Kofi's head into the steps. Kofi did a nice sell job of this and Kaiser throwing the chair bottom at Kofi was wild.

Ludwig Kaiser is interviewed. He is asked why he did what he did and he gets mad. Kaiser said it's Kofi's fault and he had it coming. He said he's carrying the whole weight of Imperium because of Kofi. He said Kofi took Vinci's head, so tonight, he took his.

Nia Jax is interviewed in the ring. She said she's a different Nia and is more focused. She said it'd be shocking if she broke Cole's face and said everyone would want to see that. She said she will win the Rumble and said there isn't anyone who can stop her, including Rhea or Iyo. Rhea Ripley comes out.

Rhea said the people know Nia likes to talk a big game. She said Nia is acting like she won the Rumble. Rhea said she threw her out of the Rumble last year. She said Nia beat up Becky, but Becky isn't Rhea. She said to stop walking around like she owns this division until she steps to her. Rhea said if Nia wins The Rumble, it's best to keep her name out of her mouth.

Nia said she put Rhea on her @ss when she came back. She said the only reason she isn't holding the title is because Rhea is too scared to face her. Nia said she is going to choose Rhea when she wins the Rumble, and Rhea will have no choice but to fire her. She says see you soon, unstoppable champ. I liked this. It built up Nia as a possible winner and set up a potential match with Rhea if she does.

Cody Rhodes is interviewed. He said this should be over with Nakamura. Nakamura jumps him, sends him into the wall then Cody sends him into boxes. It is then broken up.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Kayden Carter and Katana Chance (c) vs Piper Niven and Chelsea Green

Green dropkicks Carter. She chases her around the ring then Carter 2nd rope legdrops her coming in. Chance foot presses Green down off the ropes. Carter rolls up Green for 2 and superkicks her. Piper is tripped into the 2nd rope. Green sends Cahcne into the 2nd buckle then Piper cannonballs Chance. We see the women's wrestlers watching in the back.

We go to break and return. Piper misses a cannonball on Chance. Carter is tagged in. She hits both opponents then superkicks Green for 2. Carter face kicks Green on the bottom rope then springboard twisting legdrops her off the bottom rope. Green goes up top and is forearmed by Carter. Green is on Carter's shoulders n the top then Chance super hurricanrana's her off the top for 2.

Chance is flipped onto Green but Green gets her knees up. Green does a jumping legdrop on a standing Carter for 2. Green codebreakers Carter and holds her for a Piper senton. Carter superkicks Piper then is uranage'd in the corner. Piper goes up to the 2nd rope and vader bombs Green on accident. Chance top rope codebreakers Piper. Chance and Carter hit a keg stand on Green and win.

Carter did a few too many superkicks here and I'm not sure how I feel about the vader bomb spot. It was a decent match though. 

We get a video on R-Truth. He said he was born in Charlotte. He said the doctor held him and he told him, one day he would be in Judgment Day. He said that dream came true. He said they been through a lot together and photoshops himself in various photos of them...and a copy of In Your House: Judgment Day. He said they may argue from time to time and said they are a real family now that JD is gone. He talked about "Tom and Nick Mysterio" and said he never met Nick, but he's his brother. He says Judgment Day is already here if you need to talk or need a shoulder to cry on. Truth says "live, laugh and love" like "we always do in The Judgment Day". It was a little over the top, but it had its moments.

The Judgment Day are watching the TV in the back. JD says we don't say that and ask when we are going to stop him. Priest says that was funny and Rhea asks when we stop this. Priest says he will handle this when the time comes. They talk about DIY. Finn says they will need CPR, EMT's and MRI. Priest says he wants to talk about why they aren't handling Drew. Priest said Drew isn't his enemy and is too much of a joke to be. Priest asks if it was smart to make an enemy of Nia. Rhea tells JD that he needs to handle The Miz.

The Miz vs JD McDonaugh

R-Truth comes down and hugs Dom. Dom yells at him and Truth shows his shirt with his name written on it. Miz shoulders JD over and Miz puts at Truth, JD and Priest. Miz hiptosses JD then knees him in the gut. JD rolls out then comes back in, taking a chop.

Miz hits kicks on JD. Miz hits nothing on the 2nd buckle then takes kicks to the chest. Miz neckbreakers JD after banging his neck off of his knee. Miz back body drops JD. Dom nails Miz from the apron and JD chinbreakers Miz. JD poses and Truth gets on the apron to pose.

We go to break and return. JD has Miz in a chinlock and Miz fights out. Miz chinbreakers JD. JD trips him from the apron and hits a slingshot corkscrew splash on him. Truth helps with a Miz chant. Miz takes a step up enzugiri from JD then JD suplexes him. Truth tells JD he's cheering for him. JD hits punches on Miz then Miz fires back.

Miz hits a punch flurry then corner lariats him. Miz slides under him and rolls him up. Miz hits kicks on JD's chest. JD rolls him up for 2 then Miz pushes JD's knee into the mat. Miz hits kicks on JD's leg then puts him in a figure four. JD gets out and pulls Miz's neck down over the top rope. Miz dropkicks JD through the ropes then hits a skull crushing finale to win it.

It went long and I didn't think it was that good. I thought they missed an obvious chance to do something with Truth here. Miz briefly targeted the leg here.

Truth celebrates with Miz.

Finn, Priest and Rhea talk in the back. Rhea said this can't keep happening. Priest says they will talk to Finn and JD about plans for next week and says this has to end.

Seth Rollins comes out to talk. He said Mania is coming up and he never had taken a title into Mania. He asks who he will beat at Mania. Jinder Mahal comes out. He said he's more of a revolutionary than Seth is and said he's only purpose is to push the agenda of degeneracy and entertain the fans. Jinder said he's mad Seth overlooked him for Mania. He said he has his attention for the first time in a while. Seth said he's right. He said they ignored him on purpose though until he showed up last week.

Seth dares him to punch him. Jinder refuses. Seth says it's the same old Jinder. Jinder then nails him from behind and stomps him. They fight and Jinder lariats him. Seth superkicks him and Jinder rolls out.

I have no idea what this was about or what it's leading to. If I read that this happened online, I wouldn't even believe the person who told me.

Otis vs Ivar

We see an inset from earlier. Valhallah asks Tozawa if he really thought he could take on Ivar. Ivar said if he's still standing, he's not finished. Otis then comes in and challenges Ivar.

They lariat each other and Otis spinning back elbows him. Ivar butt drops him in the corner then hits punches. Ivar springboard crossbodies Otis and Otis catches and slams him. Otis goes up and top and gets caught and powerbombed. Otis spinning lariats him then hits the caterpillar elbow.

Otis hits a punch and takes a face kick. Ivar cartwheels then spinning heel kicks him. Ivar top rope moonsaults him and wins it.

They only got about 5 minutes here, but it was done about as well as it could be. It was everything you would want and was a great hoss match. 

Tozawa goes up to Ivar after and is pushed out.

Jey Uso is interviewed. He says "yeet" to everything and said he will get this first singles title in 2024. Bronson Reed walks in and calls him Jimmy's little brother. Reed said he has plans to become champ in 2024 too and tells him not to get in the way.

Street Fight - Cody Rhodes vs Shinsuke Nakamura


Cody hits some shots to start and SN slides out. Cody baseball slides him and they fight in the entrance way. SN is sent into the rails. SN knees him and clubs him. SN goes into the announcer's table then is hit with a water bottle. SN's head is banged off the steps.

SN hits him with a broom then uses a kendo stick on him. We go to break and return. SN knee drops Cody then uses the kendo stick on him. SN hits knees to the body thne single leg crabs him. Cody comes back with a disaster kick. Cody pulls a table out then is hit with nunchuks.

SN lariats him over the rails then hits him with the nunchucks. Cody grabs a chair then SN mists the timekeeper on accident when Cody moves. SN hits Cody with a chair. We go to break and retunr with SN hitting chair shots on Cody. SN is sent face first into a chair. They trade forearms then Cody hits punches. Cody elbows SN in the head and hits a bionic elbow.

SN puts Cody on a table in the ring then double knee drops him through the table off the 2nd rope. SN sliding germans him then 2nd rope knees him for 2. SN runs into a superkick then Cody pedigrees him for 2. Cody hits a cody cutter for 2. SN runs at him and goes into a table. Cody then hits a cross rhodes and wins it.

I thought it was average and not particularly special. It went on a little longer than it needed to and was mostly based around weapons usage.

Overall thoughts: It was okay but not great. I liked the Kaiser/Kofi, Drew/Punk and Otis/Ivar parts of the show. I'm 50/50 on this weeks stuff with Truth. The main was just average

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