Friday, January 26, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 1/26/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 1/26/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Von Wagner vs Keanu Carver


I think this is only Keanu's 2nd televised match. He did a good job in his televised debut IIRC. This could be good, maybe.

They push foreheads and trade forearms. Von leapfrogs him and flying shoulders him. Carver pounces him across the ring then hits knees to the body. Carver hits spears to the lower back. Von hits back elbows then Carver hits a world's strongest slam for 2.

Carver chokes him over the middle rope. Carver gets distracted by Mr. Stone. Von hits a punch then Carver bearhugs him. Von his hedbutts then double underhook twisting neckbreakers him. Von bends over and is kicked. Von face kicks him then hits a top rope club to the head. Von hits an attitude adjustment and wins it.

This was a good match. Carver showed good intensity here and they did a good heavyweight match. There two very minor and nearly unnoticeable moments here where spots were almost messed up. Carver's really got a lot of potential and if he's doing these types of matches already, he's really going to be good someday.

Luca Crusifino is interviewed. He demands to be called Luca Crusifino Esquire. He said if Chase U put him on retainer, he would have been able to help them. He said they looked at him like an ambulance chaser and says now look at them. Luca says he summons Riley Osborne to the stand and said he will stop the elevator that is the Riley Osborne rise. He said tonight will be case closed. This was a really good promo and I think he's going to do well.

Kelani Jordan and Brinley Reece vs Kiana James and Izzi Dame

Kiana and Kelani lock up. Kiana knees her in the gut and side headlocks her. Kelani trips her and side headlocks her. Kelani tiger feints through the ropes to armdrag her. Brin and Izzi go at it. Izzi wristlocks her and Brin rolls then kips up. Izzi is double arm wringered then Izzi escapes it. Izzi is double clipped then Kelani crossbodies her while she is seated.

Kiana knees Kelani from the apron and then stomps on her. Kelani's head is banged off the buckles. Kiana then backflips into a corner spear. Izzi foot slaps Kelani then bangs her head off the mat. Izzi puts Kelani in tree of woe and boots her. Kiana then boots Kelani. Izzi pulls on Kelani as she hangs and Kiana boots her again.

Kiana pulls back both of Kelani's arms. Kiana has Kelani by the leg and Kelani backflips. Brin hits shoulder blocks on Kiana then spinning slams her. Brin 2nd rope double shoulderblocks both opponents. Brin forward cartwheels into a lariat on Kiana. Kiana eye rakes her then Izzi face kicks Kelani off the apron. Kiana then hits a dealbreaker on Brin and wins it.

It needed more time but was a fine tag otherwise. Brin's doing well despite being so new. 

Luca Crusifino vs Riley Osborne


Luca's theme now has him saying "I object" at the start of it. Luca didn't wear the suit period and is now just wearing pin stripe short tights and kneepads. So disappointing as his original costume made him stick out more.

Riley cartwheels and flips out of a wristlock then throws him by the wrist. Riley holds the ankle and rolls. Luca pushes him back with his boot and Riley flips. Luca side headlocks him then Riley handstands and rolls forward out of it. Luca then also does his own handstand and roll. Riley then handstands and walks on his hands out of the headlock.

Riley rolls him up then dropkicks him. Luca twists his foot while it's hanging over the top rope. Riley goes out to the floor holding his leg. Luca bangs Riley's head off the apron. Luca snapmares Riley into the ropes, banging his leg off of it. Luca then does it into the buckles and legdrops him.

Luca twists the foot then hits mounted punches. Luca drops Riley's knee on his knee then legsweeps him. Riley sunset flips him then is shouldered over. Luca hits a high single leg crab. Riley monkey flips Luca. Luca misses a senton then they bridge up together. Luca does a gori special submission. Riley sunset flips him out for 2.

Riley leg lariats him then hits a top rope ssp for the win.

They got a lot of time for this one. It was a decent match with Riley's leg being worked on then Riley overcoming it for the win.

Overall thoughts:
A pretty good show here with all 3 matches being decent. Keanu Carver had a good 2nd match here looking like a guy with a lot of potential. Luca also did a good promo here.

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