Dramatic Dream Team 5/29/2022 What Are You Doing? 2022 Tour in Kumamoto
I saw 6 of the 7 matches.
MAO vs Toi Kojima
Toi shoulders him over then Mao counters his hiptoss with an armdrag. They try to dropkick each other at the same time then kip up at the same time. Toi hits chops and yells for him to come on. Mao distracts him then hits a nice punch then fistdrops him. Mao octopus stretches him then Toi hits a dropkick. Top hits another nice dropkick then PK's him for 2.
Mao shimmies and does a fantastic escape out of a bear hug then Toi brainbusters him. They trade forearms then Mao tries another distraction, but Toi distracts him and punches him. The two trade shots then kicks with Toi hitting an inverted enzugiri then Mao dropkicks him. Toi triangle enzugiri's Mao. Toi comes off the top and meets a Mao dropkick. Mao high kicks him and standing moonsault double kneedrops him. Mao then michinoku drivers him and wins it.
This was a good one. Mao used his cleverness here. His distraction punches were cool, he hit a clean moonsault double knee and I loved his bearhug escape. Toi did his part and didn't look out of place at all and it ended up being good.
Akito & Hideki Okatani vs. Shinya Aoki & Shunma Katsumata
Akito and Aoki start us off. They go holds for holds on the mat. Oka and Shunma go at it and Shunma hits some armdrags. Oka hits a dangerous looking back body drop on him. Shunma hits a nice dropkick on Oka and Aoki tries pins on Oka. Akito and Shunma trade forearms then Shunma top rope dropkicks him. Akito criss-crosses Shunma then slides under and takes a double stomp.Akito iconoslams Shunma and Oka bulldogs Shunma. Oka flpajacks Shunma then larias him for 2. Shunma superkicks Oka then Oka northern lights suplexes Aoki. Shunma accidentally superkicks his own partner then Oka running forearms Aoki for 2. Oka then butterfly suplexes him and Aoki tries some pin attempts before putting him down to win it.
This had some fast paced action and wasn't bad, but it was shorter and not that noteworthy.
Saki Akai vs Maya Yukihi
Maya pulls her on the handshake and they trade fast forearms. Maya dropkicks her then does a cool neck pulling move while Saki is in the ropes. Maya then knees her as she is in the ropes and Saki back kicks her. Maya then rolls her into a grounded arm hold. Maya gets stuck near the ropes and is kicked out. Saki then PK's her from the apron.
Saki stpe kicks Maya then Maya kick combos her. They trade facekicks then Saki downs her with another. Maya hits a nice top rope dropkick for 2. Saki top rope suplexes her. They trade pinfall attempts then Saki high kicks her and buzzsaw kicks her. Saki takes a knee then a bad exploder. Maya then flying knees her for 2. Maya then puts her in an interesting head and arm choke and wins it.
This was short but good. The girls matched up well against each other.
Eruption (Kazusada Higuchi & Yukio Sakaguchi) & Yuya Koroku vs. DAMNATION T.A (Daisuke Sasaki, KANON & MJ Paul)
Damnation attacks after intros and everyone brawls. Higuchi shoulders over Sasaki early. Yuya tries for a 2nd rope lariat but Sasaki turns it into a crossface. Everyone goes outside and Yuya gets choked with a chari by Sasaki. Paul footchokes Yuya then Sasaki suplexes and single leg crabs Yuya. Yuya tries to fight back with forearms on Kanon then running forearms him.
Yukio gets in and kick flurries Kanon then PK's him for 2. Kanon and Yukio trade forearms and Kanon hits some nice ones to the gut. Paul gets in, catches Yukio's kick and suplexes him. Yukio then hits him with a nice flying kick. Higuchi russian legsweeps Paul then Paul hits some bolo punches. Paul then hits a stiff Thesz press on him.
Higuchi makes a comeback and hits snake eyes on Sasaki. Yuya gets in running forearms Sasaki then hits a hammerlock STO. Yuya slams Sasaki then takes a double team ddt into a german. Sasaki pedigree's Yuya then superkicks him for 2. Sasaki then hits a top rope elbow and goes into a crossface for the win on Yuya.
This was short and fine but really nothing special. They just had too many people and not enough time. This could have easily gone another 10-15 minutes.
DISASTER BOX (HARASHIMA & Naomi Yoshimura) & Yuki Ishida vs. Burning (Jun Akiyama, Tetsuya Endo & Yusuke Okada)
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Ishida hits a rare izori sumo throw |
Ishida does a dirty break on Okada and forearms him. Ishida headlock takeovers him then shoulders him out. Harashima and Endo then get in and mat wrestle some. Naomi and Jun then go at it and Naomi chops him hard. The two shoulder battle and Jun tags in Okada. Okada tries his luck with shoulders and gets nowhere then face kicks him, but is chopped down. Harashima gets in and tries some chops on him but Okada asks for more. Ishida then tries chops on Okada but can't get anywhere and is back elbowed. Okada and Ishida then go to the floor and Ishida is slammed there. Jun then purposely slams Ishida on the hard floor.
Jun then takes Ishida inside and slams him. Endo gets in and camel clutches Ishida. Endo chinbreakers him then Jun gets in and short piledrivers him. Jun continues the beat down then Ishida flying shoulders him and tags out. Harash gets in and rider kicks Jun then facekicks him. Jun hits a dragon screw then Okada forearms him. Harash shotgun dropkicks him then Okada gets held up and bulldogged for 2. Noami corner splashes him then hits a bearhug belly to belly. Okada comes back with a suplex. Endo and Naomi go at it and Endo standing moonsaults him.
Endo goes for a handspring but gets caught and takes a nasty lariat to the back of the neck. Ishida gets in and hits some offense on Endo. Ishida hits a rare sumo izori throw and belly to belly suplexes him. Ishida hits some forearms then palm thrust flurries him. Endo takes corner moves then takes a springboard splash and a diving battering ram to the face. Ishida then suplexes Endo for 2 and Endo comes back with a dropkick. Ishida takes a running knee and a running ssp for 2. Endo pele kicks him then handspring enzugiri's him. Endo then spinning rack bombs him for 2 and top rope ssp's him for the win.
This was good but they did beat up Ishida too much instead of having more of a fair match. It could have been better and longer for a more epic feel but I still liked it. Ishida was good as usual hitting a nice izori throw and a sick battering ram to the face and Endo cleaned up as usual to end it.
Yuji Hino vs Yukio Naya
They shoulder battle to start then Hino flying shoulders him. Hino runs right into a facekick then gets stomped. They trade shots outside then Naya hiptosses him inside. Naya then drops an elbow and hits some knees to the chest. Naya then ddt's him. Hino hits a big suplex and then a nice big slam. Hino then frogsplashes Naya for 2.
They trade forearms for a while then trade chops. Hino asks the ref to help him take off his shirt and they trade more chops. Naya hits a knee ot the gut flurry then Hino exploders him. Naya hits a boot to the face then takes a big lariat. Naya then drops him with a headbutt and running knees him in the back of the head then the chest. Naya then hits a nice superplex for 2.
Naya goes for a backdrop but Hino rolls over on it then Hino swings at him with lariats. Hino then drops him with a lariat for 2. Hino then hits a stiff jacknife powerbomb and wins it.
The pace was a little slow but this was a very good heavyweight hoss match. They beat the crap out of each other with stiff shots and hard hitting moves and it was everything you would hope it would be. I really liked this one and recommend checking it out. It was one of my favorite hoss matches this year.
Overall thoughts: Another good house show from DDT. These guys often deliver on house shows when other promotions don't. Naya/Hino was a real good one and the trios main (I accidentally reviewed it out of order) was good too.
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