ICW No Holds Barred Volume 26 6/25/2022
AKIRA vs Joker
They do some chain wrestling to start. Jokr avoids a buzzsaw kick. They butt heads and then headbutt each other. They each hit forearms and Akira is basically pop-up lariated and exploder suplexed. They fight in the crowd and Akira gets sat on a chair as Joker Kawada kicks him. Akira then topes him.
Akira hits some chest kicks then shotgun dropkicks him. Akira hits a high northern lights suplex for 2. Akira drops him over the chain ropes then germans him. Akira then stomps his back for 2. Joker then hits a head and arm suplex through a table with tin cans on it. He then knees him in the face for 2.
Joker hits more Kawada kicks then punts him in the head. Akira then hits Kawada kicks and rolling koppo kicks him as Joker has his leg. Joker hits more Kawads kicks then hits a rubik's cube to win it.
Kirk hits Tommy with a tube to the back of the head then they trade tube shots. Kirk then hits a sick dragon suplex with a tube behind the head. Tommy then is thrown over the ropes through a door outside. Kirk then smashes a stack of tubes over Tommy's head then sandwiches his head symbol style with trash lids. Tommy then comes back with trash lids. Tommy then gets a firecracker bat to the head then one to the shoulder.
Tommy hits him with a cookie sheet multiple times then throws him into the chairs. Tommy then cannonballs him on them. Kirk comes back with records to the head then grabs salt. Tommy gets a gusset plate in his head and has salt poured all over his head. Kirk then throws a chair at him.
Tommy superkicks him in the head and grabs a crutch with tubes tied to it. Tommy nails him with it then rock bottoms him on tubes for 2. Legos are poured out and Tommy is death valley drivered and piledrivered onto the legos. Tommy pops right up and chokeslams him on the legos. Kirk throws a tube stack at Tommy. Casey Kirk tries to help her bf but ends up throwing tubes at him when Tommy moves. Darren Mccarty (former NHL player) then comes in and accidentally spears his buddy Tommy through a table. Tommy then takes a stiff pumphandle driver on chairs and Brandon wins it.
They didn't sell a lot here and this was pretty much all weapons without much wrestling, so that hurt it. Tommy took an awful looking fireworks shot to the area around the eye and I'm pretty sure he took another one to the ear.
Bobby Beverly vs Casanova Valentine
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I love how you can't tell whether he is spitting beer or blood. Bloodweiser, the king of beers! |
They nail each other with tubes and BB wins that battle. CV gets a gusset plate put in his head then he hits BB with tubes. CV pushes a gusset into BB's head then BB comes back with tubes. CV then takes a uranage through the tubes.
They fight outside and BB gets tubes put over his head. They go into the crowd and BB is thrown into chairs. CV headbutts him as he is in a chair and BB headbutts him back. CV then is thrown into the chairs. CV is thrown into the post and has tubes thrown at his head. CV then hits him with tubes and BB throws a chair at him.
BB then puts tubes in CV's back and chairs them then BB punches him in the face. BB throws a stack of tubes at CV's head then CV hammerfists a stack of tubes into BB's head. They both sit down in chairs and a fan gives CV a beer. They trade forearms while seated.
BB is thrown into a gusset plate board then BB crossbodies tubes into CV. CV breaks tubes over BB's head and tries to claw him. BB kicks him in the nuts then backdrops him on the tin can table for 2. BB then superkicks tubes into the side of CV's head and wins it.
I didn't hate it, but there was very little selling here. There were some positives to it and they did kind of match well together, but some selling really would have helped this. I popped for CV drinking the beer while spitting out blood.
Joel Bateman vs Kasey Kirk
Joel goes through a door early and Kasey throws a stack of tubes at him. They fight over a cheese grater then Joel gets it on the head. Kasey then puts a gusset plate in his arm then breaks a record over his head. They go back in and Kasey takes a belly to belly through a door.
The baked stream went down for a bit and we return to Kasey getting slammed. Joel single leg crabs her and loses his gusset plate. Someone then throws it back and he puts the plate into her knee. Kasey gets a roll-up in then crossbodies tubes into him. Kasey gets stuck up top and is in tree of woe. Joel punches a gusset plate into her leg. Joel goes up top and ends up taking a spider belly to belly through a door for 2.
They fight over tubes then Joel hits her with a tube stack. Joel tries to fire thunder her on a bat but ends up landing on it mostly himself. They trade forearms and Kasey hits a punch flurry. Kasey then backdrops him and Joel lariats her for 2.
They pull out a bunch of tubes and hit each other with them in slow motion. They pick things up and Joel takes a flurry of them. Kasey then hits a nice right hand and does a top rope chair drop with tubes and wins it.
Look, intergender wrestling isn't that believable, but Kasey is a good face and they made it work. Kasey's comeback near the end was really good and made this one.
Colby Corino vs Homicide
Homicide is thrown into a door early then gets hit with a speed limit sign. Colby hits a trash can into his head with a kendo stick then throws a chair at his head. He hits him a bunch of times with a piece of a door then Homicide hulks up. Colby gets a gusset plate put in his head and starts to bleed. Homicide then hits him with a crutch. Homicide then puts a fork in his head. Colby then backdrops him on a chair.
Colby then is backdropped onto a barbed wire board. Colby gets suplexed then Homicide is whipped onto a barbed wire board. Colby puts a trash can over Homicide's head and hammerfists it. Colby then pulls on some barbed wire that is wrapped around Homicide's leg.
Homicide exploders him and throws tacks at his face. Colby hits him with a chair then stomps a board on his back with bared wire. Homicide comes back and throws a stop sign at his head and Colby tells him to do it again. Homicide beats him with a coat hander and sticks it in his crotch. Homicide then chokes him with it and the gets a piledriver on tacks. Colby sticks a coat hanger in Homicide and then kicks tacks into Homicide's face. They blow some spot where Colby is supposed to dive over a table onto him and Colby kind of goes through it.
Brandon Kirk gets involved and short piledrivers Colby and it's worth a 2 count. Homicide and Colby stand on top of a barbed wire table then Colby is ddt'd through it for 2. Homicide cutters him on barbed wire and gets the win.
This wasn't too good with very little selling and a barbed wire table that wasn't working for anyone.
John Wayne Murdoch vs Masha Slamovich
MS face kicks him and forearm flurries him. MS then hits a flurry of shots and axe kicks him. Masha then chairs him and takes tubes to the head. She bleeds and gets chaired. JWM goes up top and has a bundle of tubes thrown at him, then he falls off onto a table outside in a cool bump. MS then hits him with a tube and sticks it in his head. JWM then is slammed on chairs then breaks tubes over her back.
MS hits JWM with a water jug on a stick then does a bad takedown outside. MS puts a sickle in JWM's mouth then JWM hits her with the jug on a stick. JWM sticks knives in Masha's head then puts it in her mouth. JWM then russian leg sweeps her on tubes for 2.
MS hits some facekicks then kicks a tube into him. MS then slams him onto tubes for 2. Tubes are bridged on chairs then MS is suplexed onto them and JWM picks up the win.
I hate intergender stuff but it wasn't bad. MS was fiery and kind of the natural underdog here and JWM was just there to shut her down. It's still totally unbelievable as JWM would drop her with a single punch though.
ICW American Deathmatch Title Match - Eric Ryan (c) vs Bobby Beverly
Eric swings wildly with a tube then BB just does a weak poke and pins him to win it in a loss on purpose. Matt Tremont then comes out.
ICW American Deathmatch Title Match - Eric Ryan (c) vs Matt Tremont
Beverly gets nailed with a tube and is pushed out by MT's friends. MT takes a tube to the head then Eric hits him with more. Eric uses a carpet strip on MT's head then throws a pile of tubes at his head. Eric sleepers him then they trade tube shots. Eric then kicks a bunch of tubes that are under MT's shirt. MT then gets neckbreakered on tubes.
Eric hits MT with tubes then is uranage'd and splashed. Eric is then thrown hard into the tubes on the ropes. MT bangs another tube over his head and hits some punches. Eric then gets samoan dropped on tubes. Eric calls for a timeout but MT hits him with a tube. MT gets a big bundle of tubes on a stick and hits Eric with it.
Eric comes back by kneeing tubes into MT's chest then MT death valley drivers him for 2. Eric sticks a kenzan into MT's head and puts a tazzmission on him for the win.
It was a simple match with Eric getting the crap beaten out of him then getting some offense in and choking him to win. This was decent and there wasn't anything wrong with it.
Eric then throws a stack of tubes at MT's head after.
Overall thoughts: 3 of the matches were decent but there were a lot of selling issues on this show and the intergender wrestling stuff is not a draw for me.
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