Thursday, June 9, 2022

FREEDOMS 5/27/2022 - We Love FREEDOMS! We Are FREEDOMS! 2022

FREEDOMS 5/27/2022 - We Love FREEDOMS! We Are FREEDOMS! 2022

 Sho-ki, Van Vert Jack & Yousei Estrella vs Dragon Libre, Rekka & Takahiro Katori

Jack and Katori start us off. Katori shoulders him over and poses but gets taken down. Jack hurricanrana's Katori then armdrags him. Sho and Dragon armdrag each other then do a stand off. Yousei and Rekka trade forearms. Yousei does a nice twisting springboard crossbody but is caught and rammed into the buckles before being slammed.

Dragon basement dropkicks Yousei then Katori slingshot sentons in on Yousei. Katori holds up a rabbit toy in Yousei's face to stop him then enzugiri's him. Yousei tries forearms on Rekka but can't get anywhere. Rekka hits a bunch of forearms on him in the corner and Yousei comes back with a springboard twisting crossbody. Jack comes in and trades forearms with Rekka.

Kazmui then gets in and basement dropkicks Jack. Jack hits a nice enzugiri on Dragon then Sho 2nd rope dropkicks Dragon. Sho gets stuck on the 2nd rope and dropkicked by Dragon then Dragon neckbreakers him for 2. Sho takes a pumping knee from Katori then a release backdrop. Dragon dragon suplexes Sho for 2.

Dragon then gets held up and slapped down by both opponents and Jack/Yousei do tope con hilos outside. Dragon then takes a TKO + double springboard dropkick and Sho-Ki gets the win.

This wasn't anything too special. The masked guys are lighter weight, but they don't really do anything too special and nobody in this is particularly skilled.

GENTARO & Tatsuhito Takaiwa vs Kamui & Mammoth Sasaki

Takaiwa shoulders Kamui down and misses an elbow. Kamui then basement dropkicks him and Takaiwa comes back with a slam. Mammoth gets in and chops down Gentaro then Kamui goes to work on Gentaro. Gentaro gets put in tree of woe then Sasaki comes in and pulls on his face. Sasaki chops Gentaro in the corner and stands on him. Gentaro neckbreakers him.

Takaiwa gets in and top rope elbows Sasaki for 2. Sasaki comes back with a back body drop and they lariat battle. Sasaki goes for a chokeslam, but Takaiwa blocks it and death valley drivers him. Sasaki then comes back with a sitout chokebomb and they both lariat each other down.

Gentaro back rolls Kamui then trips him into a pin attempt for 2. Kamui then leg lariats Gentaro and running forearms him in the corner. Kamui hits an arabian moonsault on Gentaro then Gentaro takes corner back elbows. Sasaki chokeslams Gentaro then Kamui swantons him for 2.

Kamui hurricanrana's Takaiwa off a powerbomb attempt then enzugiri's Gentaro for 2. Gentaro crucifixes him then turns it into a submission on Kamui and wins it.

A lot of these guys are older and slower and it wasn't a classic, but they tried and it wasn't too bad, but really nothing special.

UWA World Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Kengo (c) vs. Van Vert Negro

Vert dropkicks Kengo out of the ring to start then chairs him in the leg outside. They exchange chops out there then do so inside as well. Vert then running facekicks him then Kengo gives him one back. Kengo then dropkicks Vert while he is down.

Kengo goes up top and gets stopped then Vert hurricanrana's him off the top. Vert running knees him in the corner then Vert spinebusters and figure fours Kengo. Kengo gets out and they butt heads and trade chops. They trade forearms and Kengo backdrops him. Kengo hits a 2nd rope footstomp.

Vert tries to get his second wind and they trade forearms. Kengo top rope frogsplashes him and wins it.

This wasn't bad but the pace was slow and they kept it very simple here.

Gangboard Death Match - Toru Sugiura vs. Kyu Mogami

Kyu goes after Toru during his intro and they start to fight. Kyu challenges him and then throws Toru into a barbed wire board. Kyu wraps barbed wire around Toru's head and pulls. Toru gets in his face so Kyu low blows him.

Kyu goes up top and Toru jumping kicks him to the floor. Toru then does a nice tope con hilo on him. Toru top rope dropkicks Kyu then cannonballs a board with some kind of tacks on it into Kyu's head. Toru punches a gusset plate into Kyu's head which immediately makes the blood spill out. Toru punches it but hurt his hand off of it and Kyu makes a comeback.

Kyu suplexes Toru and the two trade forearms then Toru does an interesting reverse backbreaker into a side slam. Toru gets thrown into the buckles and jumps up and tries for a twisting crossbody but gets stunnered. Kyu then sitout spinebusters him for 2. Toru sleeper suplexes him onto a board but it isn't sold. He then spinning forearms him and does something like a ki krusher for 2. Toru then hits an electric chair driver on the tack board to win it.

Some of the wrestling wasn't bad at all here but I did feel like it went a few minutes too long. They did a nice job with the forearms and Toru is a decent face. I'd be up for another match with these two.

Weapon Bringing Death Match - Jun Kasai & Takashi Sasaki vs. ERE (Dobunezumi Fukki & Violento Jack)

Fukki is Kenji Fukimoto who lost a match where he couldn't wear face paint anymore.

They fight before the bell. Jun has a white jacket on here that you know is getting bloody. Sasaki takes a 1v2 early and gets hit wit ha big of aluminum cans from Fukki. Fukki gets a board with clamps/traps/staplers on them and locks Sasaki's hands down on it. Jack then steps on them to make it worse.

Sasaki takes a oduble team from his opponents and ends up getting senton'd and elbowed. Sasaki suplexes Fukki. Jack top rope crossbodies Jun then Jun headlock and headscissors takeovers both opponents at the same time. Jun hits a sit out tiger driver on Fukki for 2.  Fukki hits Jun with a wooden board a few times and Jun comes back with lariats.

Jack slams Jun on a chair. Jack then pulls out skewer sticks that are standing straight up. He sentons Jun onto them. Jack misses a swanton from the top on Jun then Jun stabs him with skewer sticks. He then ddt's him with the sticks coming out of his head. Sasaki comes in and hits lariats on Jack then superplexes him. Sasaki hits some kicks on him then v-triggers him for 2.

Sasaki has some tubes shaped like swords and puts them on a board. Jack then gets slammed on it for 1. Jack hits a half-nelson suplex but Sasaki no sells it and lariats him. Jun then electric chair drivers Jack for 2.  Jack high kicks him and takes an enzugiri back then Jun punches him in the face. Jun then hits a double underhook sitout driver for 2 on Jack.

Jun tries to splash a razorboard onto Jack but Jack turns it around and Jun gets it. Jack tope con hilos Sasaki on the outside then Fukki package piledrivers Jun. Jack then top rope splashes Jun for 2.  Jack then hits a side ways electric chair driver for the win on Jun.

None of these guys are particularly great wrestlers without the hardcore stuff and there wasn't as much hardcore stuff as usual here. It went longer than it needed to and it wasn't anything real special.

King Of FREEDOM World Title Fluorescent Lighttubes Glass Board Needle Hell Death Match - Daisuke Masaoka (c) vs Toshiyuki Sakuda

Sakuda flips over a tube shot early then throws DM into the tubes. Sakuda bangs tubes over DM's head then throws him into the tubes on the ropes again. Sakuda then gets thrown into a piece of glass in the corner and DM stabs him with a tube piece.

DM bangs more tubes over his head then jumps off the buckles vader bomb style for an elbow drop on Sakuda. Sakuda comes back with headbutts then does an interesting springboard into a tornado ddt. Sakuda throws a heavy and large American style chair at DM then sentons some tubes into DM. Sakuda goes for something on the apron but DM just schwein's him instead.

DM breaks tubes over Sakuda's head. Sakuda rolls out and gets chairs piled on top of him then DM flips on him off the apron. DM then 2nd rope dropkicks Sakuda with tubes. Sakuda then grabs a needle and sticks it into DM's cheek. Sakuda then 619's DM and delay germans him for 2.

They fight over a slam and Sakuda ends up getting slammed onto a safety pin board. DM then sticks a needle in Sakuda's cheek. Sakuda gets put under a piece of glass bridged over chairs and gets out. Sakuda and DM fight up top. Sakuda takes out the needles and put one into DM's head. He then canadian destroyers him off the top through the glass, but his butt takes most of the glass.

They chair each other with the heavy American chairs unprotected then DM throws one at his head which had to hurt. Sakuda then crucifix drivers him for 2 then half-nelson pumphandle drivers him. Sakuda top rope swantons a tube on his back onto DM. Sakuda goes up top and has a chair thrown at his head. DM top rope spanish flies Sakuda then fire thunders him for the win.

The match did have some structure to it but they overdid it here. The steel chair shots were really vicious and they bled a ton. The top rope canadian destroyer through the glass should have been the finish and they did take a little too long at times between spots.

Overall thoughts: They really only had one crazy deathmatch here and this promotion doesn't bring a lot to the table but deathmatches. It has a lot of wrestlers on the roster who are either past their primes or really aren't that good and it wasn't a super exciting show. Toru/Kyu was probably the best thing on this but even that had room for improvement.

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