Wednesday, December 23, 2020

AEW Dark #67 12/22/2020

AEW Dark #67 12/22/2020

I did an 11 minute podcast on the show here:

Bear Country vs. Jurassic Express

JB evades Bronson early and then triple dropkicks him. Boulder and Saurus go at it. Saurus hits a brazilian kick and then assists JB into a codebreaker. Tazz says he has heat with the Bernstein Bears and JB gets side suplexed. JB takes a huge backdrop.

Jb makes the tag and Saurus hits a big german on Bronson. He then lariats Boulder and chokeslams Bronson, then moonsaults him. JB gets shoved into the corner hard. Then he runs into Bronson, who rydeen bombs him and drops on Saurus. Boulder does a moonsault onto JB, which JB should not have kicked out of...not which should have been done on a dark match.

Boulder put Bronson on his shoulders and Saurus clotheslined him. Bronson landed badly, right on his head. Boulder was supposed to get clotheslined over the top but couldnt make it and The Express double kicked Bronson for the win. This was quite the match for a dark match and one of Saurus' better showings. 

The Waiting Room with Britt Baker

They thanked Tony Khan for fixing their wall that Shawn Spears went through last week.

Britt ran down tomorrow's Dynamite card, making fun of Pac's accent and saying Top Flight's 15 minutes is fame is over. She also said Top Flight is only 15 years old.

SCU came out and Kazarian said he wasn't in the mood to giggle. He blamed Daniels for losing to The Acclaimed last week and said Daniels has caused a lot of their losses. He said he apologizes for letting professional frustrations affect their personal relationship. Daniels said he lost his passion for wrestling and said 2020 was a wasteland of failure. Daniels said it might be a sign that it is time to walk away. He tried to leave and Kazarian said no.

Kaz said SCU is at the bottom of the rankings and said they will work their way back to being champions. Kaz said the next time they lose, they will break-up as a tag team. Daniels said OK to it.

TH2 were at ringside and they said they invited them for an SCU beating.

That was an odd angle that kind of came out of nowhere. Britt said to never book them again because she didn't get to say a word on her own show.

Thunder Rosa vs. Jazmin Allure

Allure hits a dropkick to a downed Rosa early. Rosa slips in a knee to the gut. Rosa puts Allure on the ropes and throws some knees at her back. Rosa slams Allure into the corner and then sit down slams her. Allure hits some forearms then rolls her and kicks her in the back, then rolls her up for 2. Rosa wins it with a michinoku driver in a squash that wasn't anything special.

Lee Johnson vs. Stu Grayson

Johnson gets rushed at the bell and gets hit in the corner, then comes back with shots of his own. Stu leapfrogs him and dropkicks him. Lee tries to springboard or something and Stu boots him in the face, then sentons him on the apron. Stu hits something like a spinning chokeslam which Lee sells well. Lee gets beat on for a while and makes a comeback.

Lee gets whipped into the corner and flips out of it, then blue thunder bomb's Stu. Stu does a dragon suplex and a pele kick on Lee. Then he 450's Lee, who kicks out. Stu got confused an in a sequence ended up doing a backflip to nothing. Then Lee bucklebomb'd him.

Lee went up top and did either a 540 or a 720 corkscrew and of course this wasn't the finish either. Stu racked Lee and threw him into the post.  He then hit a bicycle knee, then dropped him on his knee from the torture rack position to win.

This is as indy as it gets right here. People doing dragon suplexes and 450's that only lead to 2 counts on dark matches. And against Lee Johnson, who hasn't won jack. No reason for any of this either as they aren't feuding and it's certainly not a big show.

KiLynn King vs. Alex Gracia

I went off on King's name last week.  Gracia needs to change her name. Everyone's going to see that name as Garcia. Alex did a bad 619. They traded some chops. Alex botches a corner counter and comes back with a headscissors. King does a nasty release german on Alex. Alex wins this out of nowhere by grabbing King's hair and pulling King down. Not a good one. 

Peter Avalon vs Mike Verna

Verna calls himself The Man of Steel. Verna hits him with a spinning full-nelson. Verna slingshots Avalon off of all 4 sides and suplexes him for 2. Avalon armbars him but Verna gets out. Verna hits Avalon with a running punch to the face and does a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker into a fisherman's suplex. Tazz critiques Verna for doing too many moves.

Verna goes for a swanton and gets nothing then Avalon jumps from behind him and drops knees on his upper shoulders to win. Tazz talks about boogers in Avalon's nose. Avalon then puts an autographed picture of himself on Verna.

Verna had some shine spots here but Taz kind of buried both guys.

Vertvixen vs. Red Velvet

Why is this girl named Vertvixen? What does that even mean? Velvet armdrags Vert early and chokes her with her foot. Vert slides into the bottom turnbuckle then kicks her from below. Red ducks some shots and moonsaults onto Vert. Vert goes onto the top and gets iconoslammed down. Red does a flying yakuza kick and wins in a not so good squash.

Colt Cabana, 5 and 10 vs Fuego Del Sol, Aaron Solow and Ray Jaz

Fuego backflips out of an armbar and dropkicks Colt. Colt get sunset flipped but just dances. Colt sends Fuego into the ropes and makes an arm pose, but just trips him with the other leg. Solow hits a nice looking dropkick onto 5. 5 hits a very hard spinning forearm.

10 hits a big spinebuster on Jaz. Colt stomps down Jaz. Why is this guy named Jaz without the extra "z"? Who thought of that? Jaz flips over 10 for a hot tag which was cool. Fuego headscissors 10 into 5 then ran up 10 to dropkick Colt. The Dork Order throws around Fuego and wheelbarrow suplexes him. 10 spears Jaz through the middle rope and Fuego takes a combo shot from 10 and Colt for the Dork Order win.

There's a kid at ringside during all of this wearing a Dark Order mask. The announcers called him "Negative One" and said he was on a collision course with Marko Stunt which I thought was funny. Taz said it's gonna happen and "Stunt's in great danger".

Madi Wrenkowski vs. ‘Legit’ Leyla Hirsch

Ah Miss Hirsch, who represents Russia via New Jersey lol Madi like everyone else has a name that people are going to struggle to spell. Madi tries to roll and kip-up out of an armbar but Hirsch just flings her back. Madi comes back with a dropkick.

Hirsch does a nice over the back into a german. Madi tries to backslide Hirsch but its so much harder when you are the bigger girl and it looks bad. Madi does a giant split on a sitting facebuster. Hirsch does something like an olympic slam and really gets under the taller Hirsch before winning.

This was not pretty and may be the first time I've seen a taller person struggle with a smaller person.

Terrence and Terrell Hughes vs The Gunn Club

Colton gets hiptossed and one of the Hughes' does a shooting gun pose to him. Terrell rolls Austin into a pin attempt. Austin gets belly to belly'd. One of the Hughes' puts the other in a fireman's carry and then they roll on top of Austin. Colton hits a nice dropkick then does a double underhook into a twisting neckbreaker. This was fine.

Rey Fenix vs. Danny Limelight

DL goes for the dropkick by Rey holds on and he ends up just moonsaulting. DL and Rey trade pin attempts. Rey wins a quick chop battle and hits a nice dropkick.  DL does a spinkick and Rey bounces off the ropes and returns with a kick.

They trade shots and DL hits a double stomp. Rey kind of cartwheels on the ropes for no reason and enzugiri's DL. Rey then ties his leg up in the ropes. DL comes back though quickly and stands on Rey's back then double stomps it. Rey is up top and DL hits a high knee on him. DL mocks Penta and they both tightrope walk the 2nd rope which I've never seen before. They fight up there and DL walks it further, springboards onto the other rope and gets caught with a kick. Rey does a springboard spin kick and does a spinning muscle buster which you could not pay me to take for the win. There were a couple of really cool spots there.

Matt Sydal vs Serpentico

Serp rushes Sydal but can't get him. Sydal cartwheels out of a cravate then armdrags Serp. Serp gets put into a moss covered 3 handed family gradunza. Sydal chases Serp under the ropes and gets stuck and Luther slams/throws Serp into Sydal. Serp goes outside to inside with a double stomp. Sydal does a nice spinning heel kick that Serp sells well then he spinkicks him to the head. Sydal fisherman buster's him for 2. Sydal did a twisting moonsault onto Serp. They botch a side slam and Sydal does a russian leg sweep into a cobra clutch. Serp runs his head into the top turnbuckle and does a sliced bread #2 for 2. Sydal does a Lightning Spiral and wins it.

Overall thoughts:
Felt like a long episode of Dark... and I skipped two matches. I would check out Fenix/Limelight and the Bears/Jurassic Express as they were interesting.

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