AEW Dynamite 12/23/2020
Last week's show is here:
Top Flight vs MJF and Chris Jericho
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Check out MJF's sell here |
Jericho pounds on one of TF early. Both tag out and Dante gets foot choked in the corner. The mic is screwed up here as the crowd is super loud and the announcers are not. They all fight in the ring and TF does the double 10 corner punches, then dropkicks both. Dante runs into a Jericho punch on the outside and MJF chokes him with his foot. The heels take control for a bit.
Dante gets catapulted from the apron into the bottom rope and Hager takes a free shot while he's there. Jericho goes for a superplex and gets knocked down then Dante does a big splash from the top for 2. Darius gets the hot tag and does a single spanish fly and then a tope. Darius uses Jericho to set up a tornado ddt for 2.
TF hands MJF over the top rope and Dante jumps over Darius to land on MJF's back while MJF is bridged. Dante does a standing hurricanrana but MJF powerbombs him down and Jericho gets a lionsault for 2.
They do a crazy spot here where Jericho has Dante in a catapult position and Darius sunset flips him. Dante then gets shot over the top onto MJF. Jericho gets clotheslined over the top and then into the time keeper's table. Hager interferes and MJF piledrives Darius while he hangs over the middle rope for the win.
They kept it moving here. I thought TF did maybe a little too much but both teams did what they were supposed to.
Hager said two weeks after the IC's meeting, Wardlow isn't doing his job and isn't here when he should be. Hager said Wardlow was an asset but an a-hole and Hager asked for a match between him and Wardlow next week. It has some build to it, but I think this feud had more build able to be done for it before the match.
The Acclaimed did a rap called Buck Hunt. They teased putting the Bucks' book in the toilet and were playing around in the snowy woods. They said the Bucks quit Twitter because the fans hated them and said they sucked up to Dave Meltzer for the star ratings(true!).
We get the wrestlers re-creating a portion from the Christmas Story. Of course Brandi was involved in this.
Tony Schiavone interviewed Sting. Tired of Sting talking segments yet? This is his 3rd. Darby was hanging out in the rafters again looking emo. He put over Dusty Rhodes and talked about Dusty giving him his color patterns and saying he would go against Flair. Sting said seeing Cody made him want to be part of AEW. I'm sure the million dollar contract had nothing to do with it.
Team Tazz came out. Tazz mocked Tony saying "It's Sting!". Ricky Starks said he didn't care about Sting and his business, but he wanted Sting out of their business. Team Tazz walked to ringside and the lights went out. As they came back in, Darby was there. Tazz said they would fight in 2 weeks when Darby fights Brian Cage. Cage said he didn't want to wait, which atleast saved face for him some. Sting and Darby stared each other down to end the segment. Darby apparently teleported down there as he was way up in peanut heaven second earlier.
MJF was going into a dining area with a cameraman. He interrupted an Ex-Lax card game. Santana had a relative who died and MJF said he knows how he feels and he's here for him. They shook hands and Santana said keep your head up. Ortiz then shook his hand too after teasing like he wouldn't. Ok....
Colt Cabana, 5 and 10 vs Jurassic Express
Stunted Growth gets a bunch of offense in because this promotion is full of morons. JB dropkicked 5. Stunt gets in more offense. Colt tries to hit him in the corner but can't because he is too small. Saurus threw around Stunt onto 5 then JB did a flip onto 5. Cabana interferes and 10 does a wheelbarrow suplex onto JB.
Back from the break and 10 fallaway slams JB with a dropkick from 5. JB hits a lariat and Saurus comes in. He wheelbarrow suplexes 5. 10 step kicks him and Saurus high kicks him. Saurus then chokeslam's and moonsaults 5. Stunt climbs on Saurus' shoulders and dives on Colt then gets hit on a tope attempt. Saurus goes into the post and 5 hits a frogsplash for 2 when JB breaks the count. JB dropkicks two Order members off the apron and Saurus throws Stunt onto 10 and Colt. Then the Express does the alley oop into the powerbomb combo and wins it. I wouldn't have had any real issues with this if Marko wasn't involved. He's just not believable.
The Express got interviewed but FTR interrupted in a video. Tully said FTR would take them on in 2 weeks and said they were on a quest for the tag titles. Tully threatened to beat marko up if he got involved.
Marvez the announcer tracked down Callis and Kenny at a hotel. Callis said the wrestlers run amock in AEW and Kenny does what he wants. Kenny accused Fenix of choking in various matches.
The Butcher vs Pac
Butcher has some awful gear on. It looks like a garbage bag karate gi. He throws Pac over the top. Pac kicks Butcher a bunch of times then Butcher comes back and runs him over. Eddie Kingston was on commentary and said him and Butcher watch Stan Hansen tapes.
Butcher bullied around Pac throwing him hard into the various buckles. Butcher did a big kick on Pac on the outside. They went to break where Butcher kept control. When we come back, Pac starts making a comeback with kicks. Pach it a big missile dropkick sending Butcher to the other corner. Pac went for the Black Arrow but got distracted and took a flip bump off of a Butcher clothesline. Butcher threw him down hard and powerbombed him for 2. Butcher was playing around and Kingston started yelling at him to finish from the ramp. Archer then came out as Kingston went back to the booth. Pac then took the win with the Black Arrow twisting SSP. This wasn't anything special.
Jade said she was glad Brandi was going to be gone for a while(me too) and said she is only having a baby to evade her. She said she's tired of this crap and wants some good competition.
Tony was with Penelope, Kip and Miro. Kip said he knows how excited we are for the wedding. Kip was going to announce their wedding date when Best Friends' tron hit. They acted scared but revealed it was just a prank. Then they showed Trent being taken away in an ambulance. They said the wedding would be on Beach Break February 3rd and it would be a beach wedding.
Dustin Rhodes vs Evil Uno
Uno slaps Dustin to start then Dustin started pounding on him. They explained the significance of Uno trying to make him "7". Dustin swung Uno's hand into the post.
Uno hit a kick in the face and then did a swanton onto Dustin, because everyone must flip in AEW. Dustin apparently hit a flying crossbody from the top and a code red during the break. We come back and Uno gets a nearfall.
Dustin makes a comeback and wins it with a bulldog. It's always hard to rate matches where the commercial takes up most of it.
Uno tries to shake Dustin's hand and bring him into the Dark Order after. Dustin gives him the finger and kicks him. Stu Grayson then nails Lee Johnson and does a backbreaker on his knee to Dustin. QT Marshall then came out to make the save but got clocked too.
Tony Schiavone interviewed Shawn Spears. Spears said he left the glass ceiling in New York and says everyone is trying to make him feel like he's incompetent. He said Khan and Cody are trying to ruin his career and thinks the same thing that happened in the WWE is going to happen here. Well, it was revealed on TV that Cody has power and he hated him, so it's possible. Schiavone asked what if the problem was Spears, and Spears didn't like that. He said he will come back if he feels like it. By the way, Spears got thrown through a wall last week on Dark by Scorpio Sky. This wasn't mentioned here or even on Dark this week aside from Britt using it as a joke line.
Shida was interviewed. She got nailed by Abadon and Nakazawa came in to stop it for some reason.
Hikaru Shida vs Alex Gracia
Shida kicks Gracia and hits her head off the turnbuckle. Shida did a running forearm to Gracia. Gracia got a running boot in but Shida suplexed her and then kneed her as she was hanging off the apron.
Abadon showed up at ringside and Shida threw her over the barricade which shouldn't have happened. Abadon is a monster heel and should be hard to stop. Gracia recovers during all this and tries to pin Shida, but gets beaten with a falcon arrow. This buried both Gracia and Abadon.
Shida poked Abadon with a kendo stick, then she woke up and started pounding on Shida. Abadon then bit her on the neck. I don't think this helped Abadon at all.
The Acclaimed vs The Young Bucks
The Bucks got the edge early. One Buck tossed up another Buck into a dropkick on the Acclaimed. They went outside and Bowens went into the rail while Caster was speared outside. The Bucks did a splash from the guard rail and a moonsault on the outside onto Caster.
Back in and The Bucks worked on Bowens. Caster tripped a Buck. A Buck hit a springboard crossbody onto Bowens then they did the combo where they moonsault off the apron. Nick was trying to swanton Bowens but he got Bowens' knee. We went to picture-in-picture during the main which is not a good look as it undermines the match.
We come back and The Acclaimed work on one of the Bucks in the corner. Matt Jackson fights back on both and DDT's them. Matt does his multiple northern lights suplexes which I don't like since he isn't a power guy and it doesn't fit. Caster punches Matt while he has Bowens in the sharpshooter but Matt doesn't sell it, which didn't help Caster.
The Bucks do a run up the buckles doomsday device, which of course is only worth a 2 count lol Caster superplexes a Buck, hangs on, and Bowens crossbodies the same Buck from the suplex position.
The Bucks start doing superkicks and superkick the ref, which should probably be a DQ. Caster hits a pop-up low blow and Bowens hits a Buck in the face with a boombox. A ref comes out and they count 2. The ref obviously saw what happened yet couldn't make the DQ for either move?
Matt Jackson does a sunset bomb over the top through a table on Bowens which should be another DQ. Then the Buck do a bad BTE trigger to win.
Not a good one with multiple logic loopholes and as usual, The Bucks doing too much. This did absolutely nothing for The Acclaimed. Where does The Acclaimed even go from here now unless they do a rematch?
Overall thoughts: Not a good episode of Dynamite. Abadon, Gracia and the Acclaimed all got buried here and Stunt being out there didn't help anyone. They didn't mention Scorpio Sky putting Shawn Spears through a wall last week and they didn't mention the Daniels/Kazarian angle.
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