Monday, December 21, 2020

All Japan Pro Wrestling 1/3/2006 - Brute Issei vs Kohei Suwama

 All Japan Pro Wrestling 1/3/2006 - Brute Issei vs Kohei Suwama



BRUTEEEEEEEEEEEE. Brute was Suwama's amateur wrestling rival and was a big dude who was going to be a main eventer if he was any bit competent. He wrestled for almost two years, got injured in Puerto Rico and returned for a few matches in 2019 for Taka Michinoku's promotion.

They do a great amateur wrestling exchange to start this and Suwama forces a break with an armbar. Brute takes him down with a headlock and Suwama gives him one back. They trade some nasty forearms. Brute goes down after another hard forearm and gives some back. They exchange more and Brute gets slapped down.  They trade more slaps and Kohei gets the better of it and then punishes Brute. Brute tries for another forearm but he gets hit even harder. Kohei starts to get the edge over Brute but Brute wins on a shoulder block challenge. Brute takes a hard knee to the gut and gets backdropped. There's some clipping here but Brute takes a lariat and is beaten with a high crab.

The first half was really good but Brute started throwing weak shots and it went on a little too long, hurting it. It was still a good effort and had some great shots thrown.

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