AEW Dynamite 12/9/2020
Last week's show is here:
The Young Bucks vs The Hybrid 2
The Bucks were attacked by TH2 last week. Are they mad? No, they are out there posing. They said TH2 is getting a superkick party. TH2 gets no real entrance. They do a whole lot of flippin' for a grudge match. A Buck had Angelico on his shoulders and Evans flipped off him onto another buck on the outside. Evans did his usual assisted 450 and after the 2nd try, which fails everyone goes down due to kicks. Balding Buck hit the bulldog/lariat combo. A buck ran up the ropes with the assist on one of their opponents and did a hurricanrana off the top. A buck did an over the top rope sunset bomb to Evans who landed on one of the Acclaimed. Then the Bucks did a splash/moonsault combo for 2.
Jack then did a 450 springboard onto a Buck, only for 2 of course. They botched a hurricanrana into a kick spot and then did a doomsday device on the ramp after one of the Bucks walked up the ropes. They still got a 2 though on double superkicks on Angelico. A Buck gets his ankle injured on a moonsault flip, Jack poisonrana's him then does a 450 on the other buck on the floor. Angelico then does his inverted figure four. Jack did a flying space tiger and got caught into a spike tombstone to the outside, no flip though on it. The Buck then won with double knees after a double superkick.
As usual, they did way too much and disregarded any hatred between the two teams for flips. And the problem is that now everyone else on the show has to follow a first match with tons of big moves and false finishes. The Acclaimed then tried to interfere but SCU stopped it. Almost every match had this week last week.
MJF said he's gonna hurt OC and upset smart marks. Yay, insider terms.
Darby Allyn is with a psychologist or someone and is telling him what he thinks of various splotches of ink. Darby sees a guy with a muscle pose and says it reminds him of Cage. Allyn talks about wanting him in a TNT title match. Darby, he eats your weight for breakfast everyday. Darby is shown one that looks like Sting's paint and just laughs.
Cody and Arn come out to talk with Tony, who looks awful with the ear piercing. He is asked about Sting and then Sting's music hits. Arn said he wanted to make sure Sting was real and then left. Tony then left too. Sting wants a hug though...and puts over Tony. Well, this kills a lot of of the Sting intrigue. Sting makes Tony say "It's Stingggggg".Cody said he wanted to share a ring with Sting for a while and Sting said he's not here for Cody. He then points to Darby and says there is something familiar about this place. Sting said he is signed to AEW and that nothing is for sure with Sting. He said he will be here a long time and said "See ya around, kid" to Cody and said he won't say why he is here. OK.
Team Taz is in the back and not impressed. Taz's kid looks nothing like him. Taz's kid Hook has now joined Team Taz and Taz said his team is always ready to beat someone up.
The Varsity Blondes vs FTR
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The finish |
Pillman's not a blonde and I don't know what the Varsity thing is about. I'm pretty sure FTR is juicing as they look a lot bigger than usual. I really hope they don't debut a tag team here with a loss, but they almost have to in this situation. They go back and forth with the faces doing some flying stuff before FTR take over on the picture in picture to go to break. I do not like picture in and picture at all for wrestling. It's too hard to watch either or both and I end up not paying attention to either.
Coming back from the break and Tully takes a shot at Pillman. Garrison comes in for the hot tag and does nice big splashes on both and a double spear for 2. FTR wins soon after though with their double team flapjack into a codebreaker and The VB's lose in their debut.
The Jurassic Express is at ringside and one of the FTR pushes Stunt after Luchasauras gets in their faces.
The interviewer asks Page about a partner for next week and the Dork Order volunteers. He says no. He agrees to letting them team with him.
10 vs Dustin Rhodes
The Dork Order has like 10 members and not one of them is any good. Rhodes is with Lee Johnson. What a natural pairing that is...10 sends Dustin down hard with a spinebuster and Dustin gets kicked to the rail. One of the Dark crew touches 10 and he step kicks him. That stupid female ref is officiating this and Rhodes wins with a bulldog because, well who knows.
Pizza Uno comes out and says Dustin is the 3rd most important Rhodes. It's true. Pizza offers to make him "7" of the Dork Order. Dustin slaps him and Pizza tells the Dork Order not to attack him.
Tony meets with Shaq and Brandi. You know Brandi had to find another way to be on this show. They argued about Jade injuring Brandi weeks ago.
Shaq and Brandi talk trash with each other and Brandi throws a drink at Shaq and walks off. Of course, she gets to do that.
Jericho and the Inner Circle of People Who Would Never Hang Out Together arrive. Jericho said he told them that they would have a week to get on the same page and see if they break up or not. Santana didn't come, so I guess that's your answer. MJF and Sammy argue. Ortiz said MJF is growing on him like a fungus and told Sammy to shake his hand. Sammy says if one more thing happens he is quitting. I'm still not sure why exactly these guys all need each other or what they get out of it.
Jericho says everything seems cool and Hager asks why Wardlow keeps staring at him. They argue. Jericho asked them to agree to stop staring at each other. MJF takes over to talk about how he will beat Cassidy and he makes them all give middle fingers together. That was clever at least. Still no word on Santana.
FTR said their goal is to be tag team champions and be the best tag team in AEW.
Eddie Kingston, The Butcher and The Blade vs The Lucha Bros and Lance Archer
They all brawl and Pemta gets put through a table. You would think that would invalidate the match or something but the ref starts it right after it happens. If that's the rule, why doesn't everyone just incapacitate their opponent before the bell rings and then get the cheap win? The announcers brought up that this is now essentially a handicap match..and then they immediately move onto talking about The Bunny.
We come back from commercial and Jake grabs Blade, then Archer suplexes Blade. Archer being a face now is weird. Fenix does a flip tope and essentially powerbombs himself on the mat outside in a nasty spill. Fenix then takes a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo and loses.
Archer then hits the heels and does a chokeslam suplex to Blade.
We go into the back and Brandi Rhodes gets beaten up by the tranny and Red Velvet. Red Velvet is probably taller than 90% of the AEW roster.
Abadon vs Tesha Price
Tesha looks scared. I think Abadon should get some different ring gear to match her odd character. Tesha takes a Gory Special neckbreaker and loses quick and Abadon beats her more after. Abadon should not be out here week after week because it's not needed once this main program is done with. Shida has a kendo stick and I think she misses trying to hit Abadon with it but they sell it anyway. Abadon then gets back up.
Jericho gets interviewed and says the IC is all on the same page. They said they will be out there with MJF and make sure he beats OC.
Kenny won the AEW title in a screwjob finish last week. You wouldn't know it because they didn't replay any of it this week. Kenny arrived in a helicopter with Don Callis.
Kenny had the stupid girls with the broom again. Let's be honest, he'd prefer boys with brooms out there. Don said they were responsible for creating AEW. Omega said he didn't beg Tony to hire his friends, uh the Nakazawa and Riho signings say otherwise. Whatever he was out there saying, it wasn't very effective.
Dynamite Diamond Ring - MJF vs Orange Cassidy
MJF has the whole Inner Circle out there. They should definitely beat up OC before the match like with what happened with Pentagon to ensure victory.
Miro beat up a bunch of people after, dropping someone on their face from the ramp and looks like such a goof in his clothing.
Overall thoughts: The Penta match booking was really bad and debuting a team to lose was pretty bad too. The Bucks/TH2 match didn't make sense since the Bucks should hate TH2 and just treated it as any other match. And where was Moxley who got screwed last week? I thought the main was fine and the rest was fine though.
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