MLW Fusion #113
Contra Unit's hypeman talked about how they took over the promotion and are going to take down the Von Erich's tonight.
Zenshi vs Calvin Tankman
Zenshi tried to legsweep Tankman and he didn't budge, scaring off Zenshi. Tankman had a nice leapfrog and hit him with a dropkick or a kick. Tankman spinebusters Zenshi down hard. As he should, Zenshi gets wrecked for the first few minutes. Tankman launches Zenshi and Zenshi tries some handspring into the ropes with a pele kick that doesn't work. Zenshi does a 450 into a backfist and takes a falcon arrow for the Tankman win. A rough showing for Zenshi but Tankman looked fine.
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"I'm here now. I'm here. Come see what you got. Come test yourself against one of the best and I promise you, you won't like the outcome by any means." - Calvin Tankman |
I don't follow MLW much admittedly, but Salina de la Renta was at the Aztec ruins and talked about how a person came back to life and came out for revenge and then licked a knife.
Dan Lambert was not happy about Low-Ki getting through the Opera Cup while Mo wasn't. They said they were calling King Mo on Ki.
Tom Lawlor talked about how they got the top pitfighter in Kevin Ku.
Ku said MLW was missing violence and they were here to provide it.Violence is Forever vs Jason Dugan and Robert Martyr
Dominic Garrini hiptosses and throws his opponent. He then takes him down. Garrini needs to wear a shirt badly. Ku chops up his opponent and does a nasty release backdrop on Robert Martyr. Garrini does a Karelin Lift to Martyr and Ku kicks him. They kick/brainbuster Dugan and win it in a quick squash.
Low-Ki did a promo and he went from looking borderline White at times to now looking Black:
Ki said he's going to knock the earbuds off of Holiday's head clean and said he has a variety of ways to put him down.
Holliday said something about his lawyer and how he didn't think Ki's lungs could breathe the same air as him.
Lio Rush did a promo sitting in his "$100,000 car". He said he was headed to the studio to make a hit. Lio said Myron Reed doesn't call the shots or tell him when to show up. Rush said he's not showing up December 23rd. He said Reed isn't getting any gifts as he's been naughty this year. Rush said their match is going to be in January. He said Reed needs to get his off-brand cereal, cry and train hard for him. I liked this.
Alicia interviewed Alexander Hammerstone. I had a hard time hearing what Hammerstone was saying. Hammerstone said he would be back soon though and challenged Cougar for next week.
Low-Ki vs Richard Holliday
Holliday beats the crap out of Ki in the corner. They trade some shots and Hollidays stomps on Ki. Ki gets whipped into the ropes and does a nice reversal into a double stomp. Ki kicks the leg a bunch of times. Holliday does a big pop-up powerbomb on Ki for 2 and a spinebuster for 2. Ki does the John Woo kick but Holliday doesn't sell it right and Ki then wins with a double footstomp from the top. Ki grabs Holliday's IWA title and throws it at him. Ki needs to shave bad. This wasn't the greatest as Holliday didn't quite look comfortable against Ki.
They formally announce Reed vs Rush.
Reed promised Rush wouldn't take the title from him.
The Von Erich's vs CONTRA Unit
The VE's put the belts on the floor which isn't a good look and the VE's get jumped as they enter. They brawl outside with a VE taking a water to the head. Fatu and Gotch both beat up on Ross Von Erich for a while. Fatu really is very good. Fatu takes a spill over the top as Ross tries to make the hot tag and he does. Marshall cleans house and does a discus clothesline. Marshall claws Gotch and puts him through a board then a bunch of people came out and started brawling to end the match and show.
Overall thoughts: Not a bad showing for MLW. They threw some promos in there and clearly have some storylines going on though the matches did feel a bit rushed.
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