Sunday, December 13, 2020

AAA Triplemania XXVIII 12/12/2020

 AAA Triplemania XXVIII 12/12/2020

Máximo, Mr. Iguana, Dinastia vs Carta Brava Jr., Mocho Cota Jr., Tito Santana

Nino Hamburguesa was supposed to be here instead of Dinastia. Dinastia's a mini or atleast was a mini. Techs do a double dive early and Dinastia does his handstand into a hurricanrana move. He then does a backwards handstand into a headscissors. Iguana climbs to the top rope and does a nice tope from it. He gets his iguana toy thrown in and hits one of the heels with it then gets held up on the apron outside and dropkicked. Dinastia got hit with a metal tray right in front of the ref and no DQ, as did Maximo. Brava does a dropkick right to Maximo's crotch as his partners hold him in the air so this has to be a No-DQ match. The heels are going to look like complete idiots if they lose this. Iguana dives on his opponents with the stuffed animal in his mouth and does a tornillo from the top to the floor. 

 Maximo walks the top rope and does a tope con giro and Dinastia also does a tornillo.  All the faces have the heels up for pins and even though two people are pinned, the ref waits for the third to try and pin too. Maybe they are the captains or the legal man, but I doubt it. Carta does like a guillotine driver on the apron on Dinastia and Cota does a flying move where his partners hold up Maximo and he spears them through a table outside. Only problem is he mostly went through the table. Iguana and Tito play around with the toy again and the heels triple team Iggy.  Cota then wins it with a splash off the top. Not really a fan of it due to the silliness with the stuffed animal and the open breaking of the rules. 

They do a dance with people dressed up as dia de los muertos costumes, which is the Mexican version of Halloween. This is a Hall of Fame ceremony for La Parka AAA who passed away a few months ago. La Parka's kid is there. What makes this more strange is that L.A. Park and his kids are on the show too and L.A. Park is the original and more famous La Parka.

AAA World Tag Team Titles - Fénix & Pentagón Jr. © versus Myzteziz Jr. & Octagón Jr. versus Rey Escorpión & Texano Jr.

Double tornillo's to start from Myz and Octagon. Then they get double tope'd by Tex and Scorp. Fenix takes a Tex and Scorp double team. Myz armdrags Octa into Scorp and then they 450 and split-legged moonsault him. Octagon gets put in the tree of woe and Penta belly to belly's Fenix into him. Then they do a splash from the wheelbarrow position together. Octagon does a double jump springboard tornillo and Texano does a flip in the air onto people while Myzteziz does an SSP.

Octagon does a springboard cutter onto Fenix and Fenix does this move where he walks the ropes then pulls Octagon into it. Myz does a tornillo into the ring on Escorpion/Scorp. Myz stands on the middle rope not on on the turnbuckles and Escorpion hurricanrana's him off of it.

Penta got taken to the back by the doctors and Octagon got his mask tied to the ropes. Texano rips Fenix's mask and he's bald surprisingly. Fenix has his mask fully taken off and Octagon and Myz get a nearfall on Escorp and Texano. Fenix runs up the ropes, kicks Myz in the head and then flips onto his opponents, then him and Octagon double flip on Escorp and Tex. Myz hits his second SSP of the match on Fenix but the ref is pulled out and the count stops. Penta comes back out from injury with his foot wrapped up. Penta and Rey then did a footstomp + piledriver combo on Myz and won.

This was all spots and nothing else.

Texano and Escorpion beat up on Myzteziz after and Vikingo came in and cleared them out.

 Copa TripleMania Femenil

This is a battle royale where someone comes in each minute. Matches like these are a mess and really tough for the people involved. They even had two exoticos in here. Shani won this and everyone came out to beat her and Maravilla up after.  It was very long and not so good.

Psycho Circus vs L.A. Park, Hijo de L.A. Park and Blue Demon Jr.


They all start brawling and go outside the ring. Hijo uses a large cone on a clown and no DQ. I'd like to actually see a traditional lucha match here. A clown gets suplexed on the cone and Park Sr. hits another clown with a trashcan. Murder Clown then gets suplexed on the trashcan. A clown holds up Hijo above his head and the two other clowns try to dropkick him while he is in the air, but I'm pretty sure they missed. The clowns climb on top of Monsther and they all splash Park Sr. Hijo dives on Monsther and gets caught and swinging side slammed. Demon got a hammer and tried nailing someone with it but missed and Monsther Clown plancha'd Demon. Murder Clown tope'd Park Sr and totally landed on his head with one of the worst dives ever. Psycho clown did a singlet spanish fly to Hijo and pinned him for the win.

Parka Sr. and Demon went at it after the loss.

Like a lot of matches tonight, this was just a hardcore spotfest without any real thought or story put into it.

Aracno & Leyenda Americana vs. Terror Purpura & Venenoide


Marvel wants to get into wrestling and these are 4 characters by them who will be used for various things. Leyenda, Aracno and Venenoide are ripoffs of Captain America, Spiderman and Venom which is pretty funny as Marvel is ripping off their own stuff.

Aracno and Ven do some basic stuff early. Aracno climbs up the ropes and comes down with a hurrcanrana then does spinning headscissors. Terror for sure is Brian Cage. He delay suplexes Americana for 2. The faces do a double leg sweep and double face kick combo on Terror. Terror gorilla presses not Spidey into a slam. Venenoide hits a nice spinning rack into a backbreaker. Terror throws Aracno hard into the buckles and he gets caught up in them. He then release german's him for 2. Aracno does a cool capoiera style spin kick and Americana comes in and hurricanrana's everyone. Aracno gets thrown into the ropes but bounces off the bottom rope and catches Terror with a stunner. Leyeneda does a DVD to Terror and Aracno splashes him for 2. Leyenda catches Terror off a dive and then overhead throws him. Terror fouls Leyenda to no DQ and Aracno single spanish fly's Vene. Terror hits like a Steiner screwdriver and wins it. The lights go out and a female superhero says something.

I liked this match. Not sure about the foul not mattering but there were a lot of cool moves. I thought they did too much but they played the face and heel roles well.

AAA Mega Championship - Kenny Omega vs. Laredo Kid


Pretty fast paced to begin with here. You look away for a second and you miss something.  Kid gets his lower back rammed into the apron and then dropped on the apron and on the rail. Omega actually follows up on the backwork which shocks me. But then he starts talking to...Nakazawa? Someone else?  Not the ref and not the camera. They run the ropes and Kid starts kicking him in the leg. He gets Kenny sitting on the ropes then does a springboard cutter to him. Kid then gets dvd'd on the apron. They go over to the announcers stand Kid gets smacked off the stand then off tires. Vikingo is outside and gets thrown on another stand. Kid climbs a stack of tires with Vikingo and they dive on Omega and Nakazawa.

Nazakawa holds onto Laredo coming in, the ref sees it and does nothing then Kenny does a tope con giro which Nakazawa totally doesn't catch and Omega basically powerbombs himself onto the ground. Laredo then does a dangerous looking moonsault where he was probably close to dying from.

Back in the ring, Kid takes a jumping knee from Omega and Omega starts making goofy faces. He snap dragon suplexes him and Omega starts talking to nobody again. Kid almost takes the OWA but then poisonrana's Kenny, then 450's him . Kid tries some springboard move and meets a knee then kicks out of a double underhook piledriver/pedigree. Kid comes off the top with a hurricanrana or something and gets powerbombed, then grabs the rope after a v-trigger pin attempt.

Kid then does a single spanish fly from the top and Omega gets his foot on the ropes, of course. Kid then goes after the leg again, for the first time in 20 minutes and 450's it, then does a reverse figure four on it. Kid tries a tornillo on the leg but Omega moves. Omega starts limping and buckle bombs him. Kenny tries for a OWA which Kid reverses into a reverse figure four. Kenny gets to the ropes. Kid goes up top and gets caught and Omega hits him with a super OWA for the win.

As expected, this wasn't very good. It went on forever, they did way too much and there was no story or selling.

Hair vs Hair - Pagano vs Chessman



They start off fast, dodging moves, punching each other and then they both german suplex each other. Pagano topes Chess. He tries again and Chess has a cookie sheet up which hits Pagano. Chess then topes Pagano into a ladder. They run the ropes and collide in air. Pagano does a bicycle kick and then headscissors him from the top, sending him outside. Pagano dives on him from the top to the outside. Back in the ring and Pagano takes a belly to belly on a ladder. Pagano is up less than a minute later though doing a flipping blockbuster. Pagano goes for a cookie tray shot but Chess dropkicks his leg and hits him with the tray. Pagano comes back and codebreakers Chess with the tray in his face.

Pagano tries to tope con giro Chess on the outside and Chess moves, making Pagano land on a ladder. Chess then hits him with the cookie tray. Pagano does not sell the bump long at all and seconds later Chess is hitting him in the head with the cookie tray again. He bleeds and Chess punches his wound. Chess hiptosses him over the top rope and Chess dives into a stack of chairs, going headfirst into the chair and ground. Ugly stuff.

Escorpion and Texano then run in and start stomping Pagano. They also beat up Shani, who had been attending to Pagano all match. Where the heck have these guys been all match? Why weren't they helping out their boy? Chess powerbombs Shani from the top rope. Octagon and Myzteziz come in to help, about 3 minutes too late and they clear out Escorpion and Texano. Shani gets stretchered out and Pagano starts pounding on Chess.

Chess and Pagano climb the top rope and both go through a table on the outside with Chess taking another bad looking bump. They then go through ANOTHER table with Chess being the landing cushion for this bump. They go back in and Pagano hits Chess with the ladder. Pagano tries to do a ladder moonsault but Chess moves and he lands on it. He's back up though in seconds. They do some kind of sloppy slam or suplex on the ladder then they are both back up trading punches while on their knees. They start punching and slapping each other into the announcer's area and Chess...hits the announcer with a guitar for some reason. Well, there goes the English feed. Hugo(the announcer) gets blood off of it and screams. They then climb on a wall/backdrop. Pagano does a guillotine driver onto a crash pad with a table in the back of a truck for the win.

Chess gets stretchered out and then gets a haircut. He throws the hair at Pagano lol

I appreciate these guys going out of their way for the big match but the match had really poor selling and they did a lot more than they had to. I have no idea why the announcer got hit with the guitar.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show with most of the matches going too long and everyone doing too much. Every match seemed to be a hardcore match without rules too. I wasn't a fan of this one.

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