WCW Monday Nitro 9/18/2000
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2022/05/wcw-monday-nitro-9112000.html
Fall Brawl 2000 was the night before. There was an elimination match with the Filthy Animals and Paul Orndorff vs the Natural Born Thrillers where Paul got injured. The match was stopped and it resumes here.
Elimination Match - Rey Mysterio Jr. & Tygress vs. The Natural Born Thrillers (Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak, Mike Sanders, Sean O'Haire & Shawn Stasiak)
Rey slides under Jindrak and upkicks him then bronco busters him. Jindrak does a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker then Rey flips over Jindrak onto O'Haire but gets powerbombed. O'Haire goes up top as Jindrak holds Rey, but swantons his own partner. Rey then pins and eliminates Jindrak.
Rey facebusters Palumbo and wheelbarrows Tygress into a legdrop on O'Haire. Rey gets crotched on the top rope then Tygress is catapulted into Rey's crotch. Rey takes a lepfrog on his back as Stasiak holds him up. Palumbo accidentally nails his own partner then does a high belly to belly on Rey. Kwee-Wee chairs Stasiak and we get double pins on Stasiak and Rey. Tygress then rolls up Palumbo while he argues with the ref and we are down to Sanders vs Tygress.
Sanders takes off his shirt then gorilla presses her. Tygress climbs on his back with a sleeper but is thrown off. Rey springboard dropkicks Sanders from behind then Tygress facebusters Sanders and wins it.
I normally really hate intergender stuff but this was very well done. Everything they had Tygress do made sense and there were never any obviously bogus spots where Tygress got the edge without reason. Rey was so good here. The big problem though is that this buries the Thrillers since they lost 5v2 to a girl.
The rest of the Filthy Animals come down to celebrate after.
We then cut to the back with Kevin Nash complaining about the match.
We go to Goldberg's dressing room but it is closed.
The Thrillers talk to Kevin Nash in the back. Jindrak says something out of line. Nash then writes on his chalkboard and draws out a plan that says "you suck". They all argue over who Kevin Nash is talking about with this. Mark Madden says Nash looks like Bobby Knight.
Booker T won the title last night at Fall Brawl and Scott Steiner beat Goldberg in what we were told was an unbelievable match. Russo posed over top of Goldberg after he was unconscious.
Vince Russo comes out to Goldberg's music, who was in Goldberg's dressing room. Russo does all his mannerisms and shows himself posing over Goldberg. Russo reads a letter supposedly from Goldberg where Goldberg claims to resign from WCW and talks bad about himself. Obviously it is fake. Russo then brings out Scott Steiner with Midajah.
Scott Steiner says there's only one genetic freak in WCW. He said he was going to beat up Goldberg and did. He said size does matter and says he just wanted to beat up Goldberg, not make him resign. The crowd chants "Goldberg sucks" and Steiner said he will be the next world champion and says he will beat both Sting and Booker T.
Russo asks who said Scott was getting a title shot. Jeff Jarrett then comes out. Jeff calls Steiner and Russo slap@sses and says he deserves a title shot. Scott says something that is beeped out and they go head to head. Russo said he decides who gets a title shot then Kevin Nash comes down. Nash then says he should get a title shot as he says he is the ex-champ. Russo said there will be a tag team match and whoever wins the fall gets the title shot. It'll be Jarrett and Steiner vs Kevin Nash and Vince Russo. Vince says he dreamed of being a champ in New York and soon it'll be a reality.Steiner, Nash and Jarrett talk in the back. Steiner says to fix this and Jarrett says to talk to Russo. Nash says he is off tonight

Kwee hits some corner punches on Shane to start then lariats him for 2. Torrie misses her interference spot on the ropes but they go with it anyway. Kwee kisses Torrie and low blows Shane. Paisley takes Torrie off the apron and kicks her. Shane hits a spinning franchiser on Kwee but pulls him up before the pin as Paisley wants Torrie.
Shane gives Kwee's hand to Paisley. He teases tagging Torrie in then grabs Paisley by the hair. He hits a franchiser on her and wins it. He then asks for a 5 count.
The ending was clever but this was extremely short.
Vince Russo is doing push-ups in the back. Kevin Nash comes in and Russo said he has a plan. Russo writes on the chalkboard and wants Nash to help him win the title tonight. Nash tells him to stand on the ring apron and writes out "bite me". Nash then walks out.
Sting and Booker T are interviewed. They face each other in a title match. Booker says he respects Sting so he gets a shot tonight. He said he needs the same respect from him . He said "don't start none, there won't be none". Sting tells him to save the intensity for the match then Booker nails him. They start to fight and it gets broken up.
Disqo comes up to The Cat and Miss Jones with "The Disco Duck", a blow-up duck. Disqo tells Cat that Sting and Booker are fighting. Disqo says he is doing a lousy job and sucks. Disqo says he can do a better job and Cat says if he can beat him, he can be comissioner for a day. Disqo says if he loses, Cat can strip Rey and Juvi of the tag titles.
Sting is shown destroying his locker room in the back then Booker throws a chair in his locker room.
Disqo tells the Filthy Animals not to worry and to do the run-in. Konnan asks why he keeps telling them what to do. The Cat just shakes his head.
Commissioner for the Day vs Filthy Animals are stripped of the tag titles - The Cat vs Disqo
Cat says the Filthy Animals get suspended for 3 months if they come to ringside. Disqo hits him with his duck then gets a quick gut kick. The Cat wins and The Filthy Animals are stripped of their titles. The Animals chase Disqo away.
The Cat dances after.
This was short and there was nothing to it. The Animals losing their tag titles over a singles match they weren't involved in is extremely stupid.
Nash comes up to Steiner and Jarrett. He says he is out of the match tonight. Steiner tells him to set it straight with Russo and he tells them to set it straight.
Disco is being chased in the parking lot and drives away in a car.
Mike Tenay is at David Flair's house to talk. Flair asks if he's alone and lets him and the camera guy in.s.so he's not really alone. Flair's apartment is a mess. Tenay asks what it is like to have his life crumble before his very eyes and asks what it does for his mental stability. Flair zones out. He is asked who the father of Stacy's baby is and he is not replying. Flair thinks his brother Reed (who is 11) and is the father. Flair looks at the window in paranoia and Tenay asks if Ric Flair is the father.
David said he hadn't talked to Ric and Tenay said Ric did not deny the possibility. David goes to the window again and goes up to the mail man. He lariats him over and figure fours him on the lawn. The mailman says David broke his leg and asks for an ambulance. David runs off.
MI Smooth is in the ring. He says he knows David wants to find out the father of Stacy's child and Smooth says he has an answer for him if he has the money. He tells him to come see him and Flair runs out with a crowbar. Smooth says he has a hot video tape. He says Billy Kidman is not the father. Smooth asks him for the money and they trade the video for the money. David then hits him with the crowbar but oddly doesn't take the money.
Russo is in the back. Steiner and Jarrett go up to him and hit him with the magazine he has. They both yell at him. Russo brings up Kronik then says lets see what happens between Booker and Sting next. Russo grabs the magazine again then Jeff hits him with it.
David Flair tells a video guy to play the tape then hits him with the crowbar.
Terry Taylor tells Mike Sanders that Russo wants to see him. Russo tells him to deliver a tape to Kronik and tells him he has no idea where it came from. Russo says he kisses the best @ss in the business.
Booker and Sting head to the ring.
WCW World Title - Booker T (c) vs Sting
They go face to face and push each other. Sting shoulders him over hits a nice clothesline. Booker gets his knees up on a splash then takes a nice harlem sidekick. Booker axe kicks him for 2 and Booker gets the ropes on an armbar attempt.
Sting hits the splash in the corner twice then goes for the scorpion deathlock. Jeff Jarrett runs in and beats up Sting then Booker harlem sidekicks him. Steiner then comes down to help and hits a big suplex on Booker. Jarrett nails Sting with the guitar then Sting and Booker take a Steiner recliner and a figure four at the same time.
Mike Sanders goes up to Wrath backstage. He has a tape and gives it to him. Wrath wants to know what is on it.
David Flair has the video tape and is trying to look at it by taking the film out. Jimmy Hart tells him about a vcr then Flair crowbars him in the back and Jimmy goes down. Madden said Jimmy Hart asked for it.
Kronik goes up to The Cat. Kronik tells him to listen to the tape. Bryan Clark says they have to beat up someone tonight and says they want Jarrett and Steiner. Cat tells Ms. Jones to tell Steiner and Jarrett they have a match tonight. Cat says he runs this show.
Lance Storm comes out with Major Gunns and Elix Skipper. Storm says Fall Brawl was good to Team Canada. He said they had two successful title defenses and still have Major Gunns. Lance then says you can teach an old dog new tricks and brings out Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Duggan is wearing Canadian colors and has a Canadian flag.
The Misfits In Action (Corporal Cajun, General Rection & Lt. Loco) (w/Sgt. A-WOL) vs. Team Canada (Elix Skipper, Jim Duggan & Lance Storm) (w/Major Gunns)
Skipper does a nice bump on a Rection lariat. Rections partners jump off his back to lariat Elix then Elix is on Cajuns's shoulders and gets dropkicked off. Elix I think gets a lariat in on Loco then Duggan slams Loco into the turnbuckle. Loco takes a Duggan knee drop then Elix belly to belly suplexes Loco. Elix dives on A-Wol outside and is slammed through a table. Loco goes around Storm and ddt's him. Rection release german suplexes Storm and Rection calls for Duggan to get in.
Storm superkicks Rection out of nowhere then Duggan hits the Misfits with a 2x4. The ref somehow sees none of this and Duggan wins in a quick one.
As usual, this had interference, blind referees and weapons. It was short and very fast paced in typical Russo fashion. The ref missing everything here was bad and they could have had a good 10-15 minute match, but they had about 5 minutes.
Rection has his knee put in a chair then Duggan hits the chair with a 2v4.
We go to Russo's office. Steiner is going after him and Jarrett tries to stop him. Jarrett is mad at Russo for getting them into the Kronik match, then they say they will take care of Kronik and then him.
Mike Awesome arrives in the 70's bus and he's with Gary Coleman. Gary says Mike set him up and runs off. Vampiro and the ICP sneak onto the bus. Gary apparently was involved in a match with him at Fall Brawl.
Kronik vs Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner
The Natural Born Thrillers and Kevin Nash come out. Nash says Kronik knows they aren't in the same league as Jarrett and Steiner. He says he has a group of young lions in the Natural Born Thrillers. He says he wants 2 volunteers to face Kronik. Mike Sanders is one of them them and Johnny the Bull was tying his shows and not paying attention, then pushed in.
Sanders gets powerbombed early then Johnny takes a full nelson bomb. Reno and Palumbo come down. Palumbo hits a bunch of punches then gets lariated by Clark. Palumbo then takes a double chokeslam.
Jindrak and O'Haire head down then Scott Steiner and Jarrett get in. Steiner hits Wrath with a pipe and Jarrett grabs the win after a stroke.
I don't know how this worked or how Jarrett's team didn't get DQ'd. I also didn't like Kronik losing here.
Russo knocks on someone's dressing room.
Mike Awesome is told something happened to his bus by 3 Count. ICP and Vampiro spray paint it. Mike says he paid top dollar for this and is going to kill somebody.
Sting goes into Russo's dressing room. Sting threatens him. Russo said Sting needs to be his partner. Russo says maybe he doesn't want Jarrett or a shot at the title. Russo says maybe he doesn't have heart anymore. Sting grabs him and says it's showtime, and seems to agree to the match. Sounds like a trap, Sting.Mike Awesome comes out. He said he is tired of people messing with his bus, which he calls, "The Awesome Love Mobile". He challenges Vampiro to a hardcore match and tells him to leave his clowns in the back.
Hardcore Match - Mike Awesome vs Vampiro
They waste no time then Vamp pulls of Mike's clothes. Vamp hits kendo stick shots and punches. Mike catches him with a bearhug then belly to belly suplexes him. Mike then lariats him over the top then tope's him over the top. Mike hits him with a trash can lid and a kendo stick. Vamp is then thrown into the crowd. Vamp climbs up on the seats and dives on Mike.
Vamp them thrust kicks him. Mike is thrown into the rails then hits him with crutches and a cookie sheet. Mike then sets up a table. They go up top. Both nearly fall over as Mike pushes Vamp down then top rope clotheslines him. Vamp hits him with a trash can.
Mike low blows him on a blocked kick then powerbombs him to the outside through a table. Tony calls it the "spot of the night" then Mike wins it.
It was a hardcore match. The finish was cool and Mike's tope to the outside is always good but it wasn't anything super special or anything.
Booker T is in Russo's locker room and Russo backs off as Booker stares.
David Flair exists a limo, seemingly finally seeing the video and then runs in the parking lot yelling, "Stacy".
WCW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Tag Team Match - Sting & Vince Russo vs. Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner (w/Midajah)
Booker T takes Russo's place here for some reason. Everyone fights in the ring to start. Tony Schiavone asks if Booker wins if there is still a title match next week or not? Steiner gets his head banged off a table by Sting then he is slammed on the announcer's table. Jarrett is lariated over the top then Sting does a nice frogsplash on Steiner from the top.
Booker T harlem sidekicks Jarrett and Steiner. Sting hits big splashes on Jarrett and Steiner. Midajah hits Booker with a lead pipe. Sting goes at her then Ms. Jones runs down and pulls out Midajah. Jones then slams Midajah outside and takes her to the back. We switch to normal tag rules and Steiner lariats then elbow drops Booker. Steiner gets in the ref's face and the ref rolls out. Steiner then belly to belly suplexes Booker.
Booker goes out and Sting hits a nice punch on Jarrett. Steiner backbreakers Booker and then spits on Sting. Jarrett puts the sleeper on Booker. Booker comes back with a suplex on Jarrett then Steiner exploder suplexes Booker. Both men clothesline each other and Sting gets the hot tag in. Sting hits lariats on Jarrett then dropkicks both opponents. Booker hits the axe kick on Steiner as Sting punches Jarrett outside.
Booker hits corner punches on Steiner then Kronik comes down and beats up Jarrett. Steiner openly low blows Booker and nothing happens then Steiner puts Booker in the Steiner recliner. Russo comes down with ripped clothing and grabs the ref. Steiner grabs Russo and rolls Booker a baseball bat. Booker hits Steiner in the face with the bat then Booker throws Russo on Steiner. Russo pins Steiner and is declared the winner. Booker says he will see him next Monday Night.
Overall thoughts: Lots run-in's and weapons shots here. We had a bunch of things that didn't make sense, we had a Booker T swerve and the Natural Born Thrillers lost a 5v2 match to a woman. Not a good one.
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