AEW Dynamite 5/4/2022
Last week's show is here:
Owen Hart Tournament Qualifier - Bobby Fish vs Jeff Hardy
Jeff blocks a hiptoss then hiptosses him early. Fish hits some corner spears and sliding lariats him. Fish misses a slingshot senton then dragon screws him into the rails. Fish says something to Matt Hardy outside and we go to PiP break.
We return and both guys are getting up. Jeff gets a knee to the face then jawbreakers him. Fish high kicks him and does the legdrop onto the gut. Jeff hits a twist of fate and gets crotched up top. Fish top rope falcon arrows him for 2 then Hardy does his wind of the wisp. Jeff then hits a top rope swanton and wins it.
This wasn't anything special. Jeff was having some trouble moving around here and the crowd even gave up on it some.
The Young Bucks came out after and stare down the Hardy's before checking on Fish.
Regal does a vignette. We see him hitting shots on Yuta and talking about stabbing people and having scars.
The Blackpool Combat Club vs The Butcher, the Blade and Angelico
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Throwing sodas is cool |
Mox threw chairs and drinks on his walk to the ring then fought with Butcher outside. Angelico did a nice lucha submission on Bryan then took chest kicks. Yuta back body drops Blade then armdrags him and we go to PiP break after a Butcher suplex on Yuta.
We return and Yuta german's Butcher. Mox gets the hot tag in and Blade is clotheslined over the top. Blade is then thrown over a table and into the steps. Mox bites Butcher then Angelico hits a nice kick from the mat. Mox then lariats him and Bryan top rope dropkicks Angelico.
The BCC does elbow and stomp flurries on their opponents then Bryan wins with a triangle on Angelico.
It was fine but nothing too special either way with the BCC winning as expected.
Hobbs and Starks are interviewed. Jurassic Express walks in and JB says he accepts their tag title challenge. JB says he wants a shot at the FTW Title first though. Christian says Starks never defends his title and Starks accepts the challenge.
Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland did an interview. Swerve said they had unfinished business with Starks and Hobbs. They said they have to get payback on them. Lee said they would "swerve in our glory".
Wardlow vs Mystery Opponent
MJF came out ripped Maryland. The mystery opponent was William Morrissey aka W. Morrissey from Impact aka Big Cass from WWE.
Wardlow picked him up and drove him into the corner then posed. Morrissey then corner splashed him and hit him with a big boot after a leapfrog. Wardlow was then lariated over the top. They went outside and got "We want Enzo" chants then Wardlow was thrown into the post. Morrissey banged Wardlow's head off the mat and Wardlow hit some nice punches. Morrissey then hit a black hole slam for 2.
MJF's security tried to handcuff Wardlow after but he beat them up and did a nice job of it. He then told MJF he's not gonna stop until he gets his hands on MJF and is released from his contract. MJF agreed but said he had a few conditions and said they would have a contract signing in Long Island.
Ruby Soho, Toni Storm, Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter were interviewed. They mocked their opponents. Ruby said they can't wait to get their hands on them and said they had a receipt coming. They said they aren't going anywhere and they argued over who should leave first.
Adam Page was interviewed. He said he would destroy CM Punk. He said fans would go to get a refund after he beat him so bad. He said Punk isn't here tonight and bets he is filming a tv show. He said he would embarrass him and give him the fight of his life.
They hyped Konosuke Takeshita for Rampage.
Lethal, Dutt and Satnam Singh did a promo. They wanted to know where they red carpet was and challenged Takeshita for Rampage.
Chris Jericho vs Santana
Jericho's nickname for this week is "The Wizard". Jericho took a tope on his entrance and they fought on the floor. Jericho was thrown into the rails. Jericho grabbed a TV camera and Jericho filmed Santana flipping him the bird.
Jericho did a springboard dropkick onto Santana on the apron. We went to PiP break and returned to Jericho coming off the top and getting dropkicked. Santana hit three amigos. They fought up top and Jericho was headbutted down, then Santana splashed him from the top.
They traded chops then Santana did a roll into a cutter. We had some of the seconds fighting and getting involved then Santana hit a spinning lariat for 2. Santana corner cannonballed him and Matt Menard got on the apron. Jericho lowblowed Santana. He then hit a judas effect for the win. Everyone fought after with the JAS standing tall.
I didn't think it was bad with Santana not looking out of place at all with Jericho.
Samoa Joe did a promo. He asked if Jay Lethal was a brave man and said he is coming for him.
The Gunn Club went up to The Acclaimed. They gave them gifts, which were scissors which symbolized them agreeing to do the scissors handshake.
The Varsity Blonds did an in-ring promo. Brian Pillman Jr. said he is humbled and said the House of Black poisoned Julia Hart. He said everything he worked for is being torn apart. He mentioned John Harbaugh, who is an NFL football coach and was friends with his dad. Brian said he was enthusiastic and said lets fight, signalling for the HoB.
The lights went out and HoB showed up. They attacked the Blonds and Brian was lawn darted into Griff. Brody then cannonballed Griff. Buddy grabbed Julia Hart's shoulders and walked her over. Brody gave Julia a chair and Black ripped off Julia's eye patch. Pac and Death Triangle made the save.
The Baddies did a promo. They said Jade was still TBS champ and still undefeated. Red Velvet said she would win the Owen Hart Cup and said they would keep the celebration going.
Owen Hart Tournament Qualifier - Rey Fenix vs Dante Martin
Dante flipped over Fenix then Fenix stiffed him with a dropkick. Fenix then walked the top rope and dove on him outside. We went to PiP break and they did a weird spot where both tried to leapfrog at the same time then Dante canadian destroyer'd him. Dante then tope'd him and took a springboard spin kick. Rey then did a 2nd rope flipping russian legsweep.
Dante did a reverse slam then top rope crossbodied him. Rey did a roll-up into a hurricanrana. Rey had Dante up for a powerbomb and then popped him up into a cutter instead. They went up top and held onto each other then both moonsaulted onto their feet. Dante hit a poisonrana then Rey hit a dangerous looking sitout tombstone to win.
This was not good at all. They did some wild moves, but they didn't sell much at all and the moves meant nothing.
Sting and Darby did a promo. Darby said his match with Jeff Hardy writes itself and it would be a special night. Sting said they would pull out all stops. The match is happening on Dynamite next week and I don't like them giving away that dream match free.
Thunder Rosa came out and talked. She said she was able to elevate the women's division and mentioned people criticizing the women. She said she is one of the best and wants to wrestle with the most experienced wrestlers. She said she followed someone up and down the wrestling circuit and it seemed to be Serena Deeb, as she came out. Deeb said they can make the women's division the best in the world but says the best women's wrestler needs to be champion. They agreed to a title match at Double of Nothing.
John Silver did a promo on CM Punk. He said they are wrestling in his hometown and he called himself "The Meatman".
ROH Women's Title vs ROH Women's Interim Title - Deonna Purrazzo vs Mercedes Martinez
Deonna put on some serious weight since I last saw her. We went to PiP break early with Deonna working the arm. We returned and they traded forearms. MM backdropped her and dropkicked her in the corner. Deonna hit a russian legsweep then MM knee'd her in the face. MM then hit a fisherman's buster. They clotheslined each other and Mercedes did an F-U. She then curb stomped her and Mercedes won with a grounded dragon sleeper.
This wasn't good and should not have been the main event. There was little build to this and Deonna hadn't even wrestled in AEW before. A terrible idea.
Overall thoughts: I thought it was mostly fine but the main was a terrible idea and both Deonna and Morrissey losing in their debuts sucked.
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